Sheriff Joe: a real doctor comments

As you know, I am not a real doctor, but I have been in the company of real doctor trying to cure this nasty respiratory infection that starts its second week tomorrow. However, there is a real doctor (PhD, not MD) who comments on the birthers, and particularly their pseudoscientific image analysis, Neal Krawetz.

Krawetz is the author of three important papers on Obama’s birth certificates:

The Hacker Factor blog has some neat articles, but I don’t get by there very often, and I totally missed a March article on Sheriff Joe and his Cold Case Posse, “Keystone Kops.”

You might give it a looksee as well as these two Internet videos on making a PDF with layers that he links to.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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13 Responses to Sheriff Joe: a real doctor comments

  1. richCares says:

    Gellar is challenging Krawetz. to appear on his show, remember how that went for Woodman? It was a complete sham, Gellar has too much invested in Birtherism. My advice to Krawetz is to stay away LSS Gellar.

  2. JPotter says:

    Gellar is challenging Krawetz. to appear on his show, remember how that went for Woodman? It was a complete sham, Gellar has too much invested in Birtherism.My advice to Krawetz is to stay away LSS Gellar.

    A real, honest-to-the-gods image analyst and/or document specialist would have no common ground on which to ‘debate’ birthexspurts. Like an astrologer and an astronomer being asked to agree on the implications of the relative positions of various ‘heavenly bodies’.

  3. DP says:

    JPotter: A real, honest-to-the-gods image analyst and/or document specialist would have no common ground on which to ‘debate’ birthexspurts. Like an astrologer and an astronomer being asked to agree on the implications of the relative positions of various ‘heavenly bodies’.

    Exactly right.

  4. AnotherBird says:

    Now, it seems that everyone things that they are a computer expert. The second video is better as the author got lost very early in the video with what they were actually doing.

  5. clestes says:

    Agreed JPotter. Couldn’t have put it better.

  6. Thanks for finding the article Doc. I left a comment there.

  7. justlw says:

    AnotherBird: The second video is better

    I haven’t watched the second video yet, but I thought the first video was pretty strong. It illustrates a couple of key points:

    1. At :22, he does something the CCP videos never do — he shows the main image all by itself. (It would have been better if he’d actually stopped “blinking” it for a few seconds, though.)

    This is what the “forger” birthers usually call the “safety paper layer,” utterly ignoring that it is not even close to a pristine image of safety paper. In fact, it’s the entire birth certificate.

    There is no way you could use this image as the foundation to create a forgery, and I think the fact that the CCP videos never show that image on its own (nor does Tom Harrison in his “white dots” article) indicates that they know this and are trying to sweep it under the rug.

    You can’t, for example, “remove” the date stamp from it, although this is what the CCP videos claim you can do. If you actually watch their videos rather than listen to what they say is happening, you can see this is true: when they “move” the date stamp, the non-black portion of the stamp stays right where it always has to be.

    2. At 1:00, he illustrates an underlying absurdity of the entire forgery premise, by pointing out that the individual “layers” (actually bitmasks) are also useless for forgery purposes. What point is there in separating out “ame o ospit or nstitution” ?

    I don’t think he’s saying he’s a computer expert; really, it’s more that he showing where Zebest and the CCP, despite claiming to be experts, are completely off base.

  8. Line in the Sand says:

    How ’bout this headline…Obama’s own NJ lawyer, Alexandra Hill, comments that his public b.c. is a forgery, but that’s still OK!!??

    That’s a great headline but you obamabots don’t want to touch that one, do ya??

  9. Why would you think such a thing ever happened? Even Apuzzo denies it, and he was there.

    Line in the Sand: How ’bout this headline…Obama’s own NJ lawyer, Alexandra Hill, comments that his public b.c. is a forgery, but that’s still OK!!??

  10. richCares says:

    why does Line in the Sand keep quoting something that never happened, has he been duped or is he the duper?

  11. Stanislaw says:

    Line in the Sand:
    How ’bout this headline…Obama’s own NJ lawyer, Alexandra Hill, comments that his public b.c. is a forgery, but that’s still OK!!??

    That’s a great headline but you obamabots don’t want to touch that one, do ya??

    Do you birthers ever get tired of being wrong?

  12. Nathanael says:

    Line in the Sand:
    Obama’s own NJ lawyer, Alexandra Hill, comments that his public b.c. is a forgery, but that’s still OK!!??

    Prove it. The video of the hearing is all over Youtube. Give us a link and the timestamp where it occurs in the video. As Doc said, it never happened.

  13. Thomas Brown says:

    Line in the Sand:
    How ’bout this headline…Obama’s own NJ lawyer, Alexandra Hill, comments that his public b.c. is a forgery, but that’s still OK!!??

    That’s a great headline but you obamabots don’t want to touch that one, do ya??

    Well, sure. Here goes:

    That’s a lie, and when you repeat it, that makes you a liar as well.

    Obama is utterly legit, and no “bombshell” revelation will ever come out that he isn’t. The Birther liars are just stringing you along, knowing that Birthers are so dumb they will follow the “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” fallacy anywhere.

    Know when else there’s smoke? WHEN THERE’S A SMOKE MACHINE.

    And that’s all Birfistan is: one big smoke machine. But there is no fire.

    Want me to touch it again?

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