Smith not being extradited to Kenya

Atlanta attorney Loren Collins, who had offered to represent Lucas Smith in what Smith claimed was an imminent extradition from the Dominican Republic (where Smith is residing at present) to Kenya, has good news for Smith.

I had previously contacted the US Embassy in the Dominican Republic who checked with Dominican  authorities to learn that there was no pending extradition and published that response in my article “Smith safe!” Now Collins has contacted the DR Supreme Court (who handles extradition cases) to confirm that there is no extradition proceeding.

Collins gave Smith the good news at Smith’s, “Was Obama Born in Kenya” blog. Collins sums it up:

Regardless, no extradition is definitely good news. It means you don’t have to worry about getting sent to Kenya, it means there’s never been any need for my legal help, and it means that Bruce gets his $5,800 back. It was good that he was willing to help out a friend, but luckily we found out that that wasn’t necessary after all. It would’ve been a real shame if someone had abused his generosity. I’m glad I could help out.

Smith benefits from the paucity of birther material to publish, and gets an article here for something that’s just an unimportant novelty.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to Smith not being extradited to Kenya

  1. Suranis says:

    In before something something.

  2. Bob says:

    I’m sure the honest and honorable Mr. Smith will give Bruce’s money back with a big “thank you” and interest.

  3. Majority Will says:

    I suppose the world should be thankful that Little Lucky Lucas is an incompetent grifter.

  4. Lupin says:

    Minor correction: you meant “imminent extradition”, not “eminent” although “eminent” is funnier.

    Smith should be reported to the FBI and indeed extradited… to the US of A. I hope Brice *** will file a complaint.

  5. Benji Franklin says:

    Loren, Your phrasing is an hilarious work of art!

    “Regardless, no extradition is definitely good news. It means you don’t have to worry about getting sent to Kenya, it means there’s never been any need for my legal help, and it means that Bruce gets his $5,800 back. It was good that he was willing to help out a friend, but luckily we found out that that wasn’t necessary after all. It would’ve been a real shame if someone had abused his generosity. I’m glad I could help out.”

    Obots are all glad you could help out!

    Most sane attorneys would have avoided getting involved in this situation because since it involves Birthers, there will usually be a conflict of disinterest.

    Thanks, Loren!

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Smith is dumb as a sack of hammers, but so are his supporters. One guy on his blog said that I view myself as Doc’s “protégé”. I asked him to present any post where I made such a claim. He of course couldn’t as such a post doesn’t exist. Its driving him nuts, that no matter what school yard taunts he uses, I calmly request proof of his “protégé” claim. That’s the best way to get under a birther’s skin. Hound them relentlessly to back up their claims.

  7. Upgradedd says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I view myself as Doc’s “protégé”.

    Uh oh… that could turn into “you didn’t build that” and a “what does it matter” …

  8. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Smith is dumb as a sack of hammers, but so are his supporters. One guy on his blog said that I view myself as Doc’s “protégé”. I asked him to present any post where I made such a claim. He of course couldn’t as such a post doesn’t exist. Its driving him nuts, that no matter what school yard taunts he uses, I calmly request proof of his “protégé” claim. That’s the best way to get under a birther’s skin. Hound them relentlessly to back up their claims.

    Now he’s calling you a racist when asked for proof of you being a racist he’s now shifted to calling you a racist sympathizer and I’m sure now that he’s asked for proof of that he’ll shift the goal post again.

  9. Sef says:

    Benji Franklin: Bruce gets his $5,800 back

    A quick check of Google indicates that this is ~ 25000 Dominican pesos. This is about 7.5 months of per capita Dominican GDP. LDS better come home soon, or find another grift.

  10. bgansel9 says:

    I think the chances that LDS has that kind of cash laying around are quite low.

  11. Rickey says:

    I think the chances that LDS has that kind of cash laying around are quite low.

    In Steadman LDS has found the perfect mark – elderly, gullible, and an Obama hater. And as is the case with many marks, Steadman now throws good money after bad because he can’t bring himself to accept the evidence that LDS has been deceiving him.

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