Totally out of character, I know, but since ★FALCON★ doesn’t use his real name, I can’t add him to my prayer list.
So I was minding my own business making nice at Birther Report when all of the sudden, and completely off topic, I get this:
Dr. Conspiracy,
On November 4, 2013, you published an article titled “New revelation: Obama finds his birth certificate.” The article references a story found in Double Down: Game change 2012, by Mark Halperin and John Heilmann (sic). Yet you knew this title was a lie. A line from the book (and excerpted in your article) says as much: “White House Counsel Bob Bauer took one look at the booklet in Obama’s hand and knew it wasn’t the birth certificate.”Halperin and Heilmann’s (sic) version of events reads in part:
“[Obama] started rummaging through the boxes, digging, digging, until suddenly he found it: a small, four-paneled paper [Kapiolani ] booklet the world had never seen before . . . On one inside page were his name, his mother’s name, and his date of birth; on the other were his infant footprints.”
In your article you write, “The book tells us that Obama, after finding the hospital souvenir booklet, was motivated to release some documentation, and showed the booklet to his chief legal advisor, Robert Bauer.”
So let me see if I have this right: Obama, so the story goes, is preoccupied with crackpot birther theories, and lo and behold he finds a monumental souvenir complete with newborn footprints. Obama can scarcely conceal his giddiness as he shows it to Bauer. Importantly, it carries the potential to silence all the persistent “carnival barkers.”
And it motivates him — motivates him to release, as you put it, ‘some documentation.’ Yup, he’s motivated now by golly. Public opinion surveys which revealed damn near half the country still had doubts about his biographical narrative hadn’t motivated him. Neither had all those pesky eligibility court cases. Not even the implications of a foreign parliament declaring him a native son. Nope. It took finding a keepsake. Something ‘the world had never seen before.’
Nor would it ever see. Was a scan of this ever so salient booklet posted at White alongside the long-form pdf marvel? Did Carney speak of it? Was a copy of it included in the much-touted packet reporters received nine days later? Did Savannah Guthrie, Rachel Maddow, or Melissa Harris Perry squeal over how cute were his itty bitty footprints? Did an edict go forth from Eric Boehlert to bury birtherism with it? Did Valerie demand, throw this in their faces? Did Obama himself ever pull it out of his pocket? Were the footprints slapped on a coffee mug? (We know how he likes to peddle those coffee mugs.) But no.
Now, why do you suppose that is? Just maybe because it never existed? Gee, I dunno. I’m just a dumb birther. You tell me. Tell me why we’ve never seen what ‘the world had never seen before.’
I stand by my story, and replied:
In response to your spurious complaint:
My story title is true. The account from the book (very excellent book, by the way) talks about Obama finding his birth certificate. What is described is a birth certificate, a hospital issued certificate. It’s not an official government document, but it is nonetheless a birth certificate. Such a document can be used as evidence (but not the sole evidence) to get a passport (along with affidavits, family Bible entries, etc.)
What Obama found was A birth certificate, even if not THE birth certificate. But then, I never called it that, did I? My article is not misleading in any way.
I presume the reason that this hospital certificate was not released is that it is essentially a souvenir, and not an official government document. What was released was an official document, signed by the director of vital statistics and repeatedly verified by the State of Hawaii. It is the legal birth certificate.
Apparently, I had stepped into one of ★FALCON★’s little pet research projects, and he saw the exchange up to this point in a totally different light:
Spurious”? HA, you just got your ass handed to you. Ole flabby Dr. Crunt eviscerated using his own logic in a jiujitsu mental pretzel. I only wish I could give Sojourner one hundred thumbs-up for that public whipping you just took.
And let me guess, that was one of the SEVEN sterling articles you posted over the weekend in reference and in combination to the thrashing Zullo laid out on Friday night.
Yeah, you’re week, emasculated, and now, exposed once again as a flaming flip-flopper using your own pathetic dia-drivel.
Totally clueless as to what ★FALCON★ meant, I replied simply:
If you don’t know what spurious means, look it up.
What transpired after that was an assertion by somebody else that I would be soon arrested by “MccCcp” (sic) and then ★FALCON★ got back in with something I have noticed him referring to before, but I hadn’t followed up on:
Roughly three weeks ago I posted the entire itinerary for November 4, 2013 and there was no time for any rummaging in old boxes. Between the flight and fundraising there was no more time left in the day.
Additionally, this is what is called priming the pump for a future release to counter verified evidence released by Zullo and the CCP. Dr. Crunt, even in his advanced state of decay, should be able to recognize when someone is jumping a criminal case with the hopes of avoiding a trip to the gallows.
And make no mistake – Obama knows the stakes, and so does Jarrett, but they went for it all, none the less. Joining them will be a host of parasitic Democrats and flaccid Republicans.
Of course his date was nonsense, but I think he meant something else and eventually he reposted the President’s itinerary for April 14, 2011, the date of Obama’s trip to Chicago when the book says he found his birth certificate. Here’s what ★FALCON★ posted:
So, how does your comment refute my post? This is the date Obama claims he found the box of crap.
Even if you allow this latest lie any credence – it looks like the day is entirely bottled up and allows little to no time for digging in old boxes.Today’s Obama Schedule || April 14, 2011
by Keith Koffler on April 13, 2011, 10:45 pm…
4:05 pm || Departs White House
6:10 pm || Arrives in Chicago
6:25 pm Central Time|| Delivers remarks at DNC fundraiser #1; N9NE Restaurant, Chicago
7:35 pm CT|| Delivers remarks at DNC fundraiser #2; MK Restaurant, Chicago
9:30 pm CT|| Delivers remarks at DNC fundraiser #3; Navy Pier, Chicago
All Times Eastern unless otherwise noted
…Perhaps the White House looked for a date to collaborate the Chicago birth findings. Interestingly, Obama leaves late in the afternoon and has a fund raiser later that night. When was the scavenger hunt for the birth certificate?
OK, this is serious, ★FALCON★ is trying to use facts, and facts deserve to be taken seriously and to be researched and fact checked (all those things we criticize birthers for not doing). But of course ★FALCON★ hadn’t actually read the book he so vehemently denounced, and had left himself wide open, and I replied:
So that’s what is supposed to pass for birther research?
Your itinerary ends:
9:30 pm CT|| Delivers remarks at DNC fundraiser #3; Navy Pier, Chicago
And the book says:
“Obama was looking forward to spending the night at his house in Kenwood, on the city’s South Side—the redbrick Georgian Revival pile that he and Michelle and their daughters left behind when they took up residence in the White House. He arrived fairly late, after 10: 00 p.m., but then stayed up even later, intrigued by some old boxes that had belonged to his late mother, Ann Dunham.
Halperin, Mark; Heilemann, John (2013-11-05). Double Down: Game Change 2012 (Kindle Locations 180-182). Penguin Group US. Kindle Edition.
So, Mr. Falcon, whose ass has been handed to whom?
By the way, Double Down is a fairly long book, and I am still reading it. It follows not just Obama, but also the bevy of Republican contenders in the primaries. I am now at the point following the two nominating conventions on the day of the first presidential debate, which we all know went badly for Obama, as his advisors knew it would.
You wrote, “Of course his date was nonsense, but I think he meant something else and eventually he reposted the President’s itinerary for April 14, 2012, the date of Obama’s trip to Chicago when the book says he found his birth certificate.”
Shouldn’t that be 2011?
You are pretty much shooting fish in a barrel,
So glad to know you weren’t stuck with FALCON ass on your hands, Doc. Ain’t nobody catchin’ that potato!
I understand that shooting fish in a barrel is difficult. Refuting birthers is easy.
Desperation is evident in Birtherville. They are coming unglued and their rhetoric is verging on extreme delusion. This is one angry bunch and their desperation exposes their feigned confidence in Zullo. The facts are their downfall.
Nice job!!
I have a vision of *FALCON* frothing at his keyboard…..pounding away, message after message….growing more and more distraught. Soon….he’ll whip out his two .45’s and shoot his monitors and that will take care of you!
Heh! Nice burnage, Doc.
Chicken Hawk lost face in front of his own. Priceless.
You should go over to the current article at B.R. Doctor C. is dropping comments like a boss, cutting through birther b.s. with his flame-thrower of truth. I’m amazed he hasn’t been banned and deleted.
On another note, Doc, if you ever need a mezzo soprano for a performance of “The Messiah” I would be honored. I do a half-decent job at not butchering “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion”. (Seriously, though, I’ve performed the work three times in public.) Perhaps at a future meetup we can form the Obot Classical Vocal Ensemble.
Surely I’m not the only person who, when he reads Blue Falcon’s drivel, see him as Yosemite Sam….?
I mean, even Sam’s trade mark sentences are all Blue Falcon
“I’m givin’ ya one last chance ta surrenda!”
“Shaaaad up!”
“Say yer prayers, varmint!”
“I’m a gonna blow ya ta smithereens (smithereenies)!”
“…or I’ll blow ya ta Kingdom Come.”
“I’m the roughest, toughest, root’nest, toot’nest, fastest gun-slinger west of the Pecos!”
In response to Bugs’ “Dem’s fight’n words, “Yeah, dem’s fight’n words.”
“Start walkin’, varmint.”
“Clear out, ya lily-livers.”
“Ah hates Obots (rabbits).”
Egotistical, intolerant, weapons fetish, loud mouthed, vacuous, ineffective, perpetual loser…..
Even his cameo in “Who framed Roger Rabbit” with the line “Ma britches are on fire” is pure Blue Falcon…… 😎
Speak of the devil, bird-brain continues to pleasure himself with his three gun rig.
“God, Guns and Gold, twitwit. I’m a bitter clinger and an enemy of your Statist. You’ll do enough bowing for all of us. And it’s TWO 45’s and one strapped to the passenger seat of my car to ward off Obama’s feral sons.”
And apt comparison; I’ve also imagined him as Dale Gribble from “King of the Hill.”
I saw it. The man is a joke….a pathetic joke…..but a joke nonetheless.
His adolescent posturing always brings me a smile–he’s such a stupid little b*tch.
If I remember correctly, Trump released his Hospital souvenir birth certificate claiming that it was his real birth certificate in the latter part of March of 2011. News agencies were quick to jump on the fact that it was not an official birth certificate and he ended up with some pretty significant egg on his face as a result of it, and then he released an official birth certificate.
I think it would be safe to say that Obama or someone close to him had seen the results of what happened to Trump and encouraged him to obtain the official long form as his own Hospital Souvenir certificate would have been quickly dismissed by the press as well. Considering that no one would ever accept the souvenir certificate as anything valid, there would be no reason to release it.
I love the phoney bravado. The two-gun rig crap is the capper. If he ever found himself in a situation that was really dangerous I can guarantee you he would wet his pants before he ever got one of those .45’s out of its holster.
Trump, Obama and a lot of the early adherents to the birther cult believed that the (souvenir) hospital issued birth certificates with the newborn footprints was/is the genuine article of what a “real” birth certificate should be.
My theory on that is that my appearance at BR gets the faithful riled up and motivated to visit the site more and that drives up ad revenue. What really should drive them up the wall is the song I left.
We might do that at a meetup. Do you remember my Birther opera?
The recording I left at BR, by the way, was from 1975, and my voice today is quite a bit lower than it was back then and somewhat gone to seed.
Falcon is not too smart but he does love expensive words. Light on facts though. Poor soul, in a few weeks Zullo and his fellow clowns will again disappoint him.
I’ve always thought it more likely he’d shoot himself in the foot.
I guess BLUE FALCON is the even “badder” half of Cd. Kerchner, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, only with a Dr.Jekyll who is already a madman…..
Has any birther EVER changed his/her tunes?
Despite the pile of virtually incontrovertible evidence on Vattel that I have spouted here and (more rarely) elsewhere, despite the fact that they have never produced one single French source contradicting what I’ve said, they still go on with their purposeful misinterpretation.
And it’s the same for every other issue they’ve raised. They’re impervious to facts, to truths that conflict with their deeply prejudiced worldview.
As someone here said a day or so ago, I’d rather have a honest racist who just fesses up to the fact that he can’t stand having a n*** in the WH, than the endless, faux intellectual posturing of these clowns rewriting history.
Never! As Falcongorn says in “Lord of the Wingnuts”
“Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of delusion, of bigotry, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when birther delusions fail, when we forsake Mike Zullo and break all bonds of paranoia, but it is not this day! This day we believe the hype! By all that you fear on this good Earth, I bid you believe the hype!”
So, did they or did they not present a PAPER birth certificate? I forged the PAPER documents and you can watch my video confession here on youtube. I had nothing to do with the PDF file although it does come from the orginal PAPER FORGERY. [] [/]
You’re insane, bye-bye
If you mean, anyone who has ever birf’d, then yes, many of them changed their tune. Some of them even did so publicly, confirming their education, and thanking those who provided them correction.
Many more just jumped off the bandwagon and disappearred.
But if you’re asking about the hardcore dead-enders we’re left with … then, no, none of these birfers will ever admit squat.
And that’s a good thing. Who’s more fun to ridicule and demonize than hard core adherents of the birther cult? They’re the “Moonies” of the 21st Century.
Go home, Nancy. You’re drunk!
You’re either hopelessly insane or a desperate attention whore who will do or say anything to get noticed. The picture of Barack Obama and his sister, Maya, that you repeatedly claim is you and your alleged half-brother, shows two people with at least 8 to 10 years difference in age. You’ve already admitted you’re the same age as President Obama. You’ve proven yourself to be a liar. Take your delusions elsewhere. Of course, you won’t even attempt to answer this, you ignore the posts where you’re called out as a proven liar.
Under which article? I can’t find the charred remains. Don’t tell me BR deleted Doc’s posts!!! A fine patriot like BR would never do something so cowardly, would he??
Assuming you’re taking credit for ‘forging’ the COLB and the LFBC, and you have elsewhere stated you created these forgeries in 1985 … hats off for managing to forge documents whose format had not even been invented yet!
What model time machine did you employ?
This is the article:
Most of Doc’s comments are nested under the second comment, one written by “tracies (sic) dad” that begins, “The Obots know something is breaking soon.”
It’s still there. It was posted yesterday and it’s called: “Boyles: Obama Has Social Security Number That Ain’t His……………..
I tried to post the link but it went to moderation. Doc may not want it on his site until they clean it up. I still get a Malware alert when I go to the site.
Doc’s comments are nested under Tracies Dad first comment, which is the second comment in the thread.
I think he was in there somewhere else as well but there all still there and it doesn’t look like the mighty *FALCON* has returned to the field.
I know Falcon, sort of. He is a very conflicted self hating homosexual. (Not that I have anything against homosexuals, but the self loathing closet queen is another matter.)
Here is the foundation for a drinking game: What percentage of Falcon’s posts DO NOT contain some sort of homo-erotic remark? I guess which way you play it is dependent on how fast you want to drink.
I am glad someone else mentioned this- I wasn’t sure how to broach the subject- but I certainly noticed all his references to ‘dildoes’, ‘flacid’ etc, and noticed that his posts were bizarrely sexually oriented.
one thing for sure, he’ll never come here and spout as he knows he’d get reamed a new one.
much safer sticking with his sychophants were the majority of opposing views are censored.
they still don’t seem to have picked up on why i’ve been using the name `e.p.lovejoy’, and why i’m up to `7th e.p.lovejoy’
No, but bird-boy visits to read the articles and comments, so he knows how much laughter he brings us.
Which upsets him even more.
Which makes him post even more outrageous posts that show his sexual insecurities.
Which brings us more laughter.
Which upsets him even more.
Which makes him post even more outrageous posts that show his sexual insecurities.
Which brings us even more laughter.
5 years running and all he’s done is shown how infatuated he is with gay men, he really needs to go out to a gay bar and pick one up and finally face his true self.
Wow. I don’t think you get this. I forged the PAPER documents. I had nothing to do with the PDF file. However, that IS MY SIGNATURE which I most certainly do recognize. These conspirators think of everything as you can see. It’s been four years Senate and six years King and most Americans like you can’t seem to grasp the most basic, “I, Nancy Ruth Owens, forged the PAPER documents.” Perhaps, you should watch some of my videos. I know it’s complex. But, they work very hard to keep their cocaine cash and their murder-for-hire business a huge secret from the public. I FORGED THE PAPER. I had nothing to do with the creation of the PDF file. You must be able to grasp this simple detail before you can move on.
There’s nothing to get. Your claims are idiotic.
I understand. How tell me….just how did you forge the “documents”? Didn’t you use some sort of machine to compose the material you put on the “documents” or did you do it all free hand with pen and ink?
Doc jumps up and down. I know, I know!
Nancy says that they provided her (since the drug cartel can do anything) with the blank forms and the information to put on it.
Doc was insufferable as a little kid.
Okay Mr. Smartypants…….how did she get the “information” on the blank forms? (Would that be the blank form that wasn’t used for years? Wow! They are good!)
Personally I like the pen and ink scenario. I saw them do that in the Nazi prison escape movies. You know, the ones where they made Nazi uniforms out of old blankets.
She says that Escobar was powerful and his tendrils everywhere. He could get any information he wanted. It’s the basic omnipotent conspirator gambit used to counter implausibility.
He was everywhere doc but in her stories confined himself to a town of 4.7 square miles with a population of 7000 people
Who’s talking about the PDF file? I’m asking how you created the paper documents, particularly the COLB, in 1985.
I’ve watched you long enough that you’re no where near stupid. So, this is for your clueless readers more so than it is for you. Two cases closed and one MASSIVE Bill Clinton lie exposed. Case #1: Adam Walsh, 2008 Case #2 Tiffany Sessions closed just this week as they search my old backyard for a few strands of blonde hair which they may just find. Boy, I was really looking forward to sharing that one with the public, darn it! #3 Bill Clinton’s “My seal team killed Pablo Escobar, 1993” lie. Google Pablo Escobar, navy seal to research the articles. Was this the reason for murdering the Seal Team 6? Maybe. We’ll get to Jimmy Hoffa hopefully sometime this year. Poor hubby of 23 years is having a very hard time accepting that he’s married to a serial killer. That’s the Number One Serial Killer, thank you very much. Now, what would you like for dinner?. Money talks and Pablo certainly had enough of it. Not to mention the fact that he and his followers were experts at psychological warfare as Daddy Sessions is certainly aware. No matter, I killed Pablo Escobar October 2, 1990 with a butcher knife in Melbourne Beach, Florida. Lock and load, folks.
If you look carefully, there’s a decent chance that you will find your meds. Give it a try.
I believe you, Nancy. It was just after Elvis Presley, the Pope and I performed a hysterectomy on Queen Elizabeth. Did you know she’s the twin sister of Fidel Castro? Anyway, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt were bunking over at T. Boone Pickens’ penthouse and they talked Elvis into providing cover for the operation. Because no one could know about it, see, and if there’s anyone who can keep a secret, it was Elvis and old John Paul. Obviously the Illuminati were on the verge of triumph in becoming the New World Order, and the royal English bloodline needed containment.
But I don’t have to tell YOU that, do I? I mean, that was nice work making Princess Diana’s crash look accidental. Bra-vah!
Anyway, the CIA were about to spill the beans to keep Gorby on his toes when the Medellin Cartel got GHW on the phone and told him if he did they’d tell the UN what really happened at the Bay of Pigs, and that was that.
And now only I know the whole story. But I can’t tell you more until I know you better.
You are correct inasfar as that goes, but If I remember correctly, it was even more of an embarrassment for Trump than you describe.
I could be wrong but as I recall it, after the souvenir certificate posting ‘error’ was discovered and laughed at, he then posted what was clearly a certified “short form” copy that he’d received when applying at some stage for a copy bc. It being a short form was then pointed out to him amidst even more finger pointing and laughter (given that he had been bloviating about Obama supplying only a short form and that everyone knows that a short form “isn’t a birth certificate”).
So it then too had to be supplemented by the long form copy which was eventually then posted by whichever one of his surviving publicity dept aides hadn’t by that stage yet been sacked due to the first two certificate posting debacles.
It was even worst than merely a short form for Old Trump. It was a bone fide “CERTIFICATION OF BIRTH” He had been repeating the lie that certifications were invalid, and then he got landed in it.
Be posted his “long form” later on that day I believe and then birthers forgot that the certification ever existed.
This was the hospital Certificate–resized.jpg.aspx
Heres his “Certification of Birth” that Birthers completely forget existed
And Finally heres his long form
So yes. The Donald released three birth certs.