A birther by the name of Lawrence Sellin wrote an editorial at Birther Report titled, “Managing Expectations About the Cold Case Posse.” Sellin wrote:
I was, like many, disappointed in the interview with Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Cold Case Posse (CCP) conducted by Carl Gallups on his May 23, 2014 Freedom Friday program.
Falcon, a frequent BR commenter, responded: “Add Sellin to the whining crybaby list.”
I thought Sellin’s remarks were pretty mild, talking about what needs to happen for the Posse’s investigation to have the greatest impact on Obama. Mild as it was, it is widely believed (including by the management at Birther Report) that this editorial, along with commenter remarks at Birther Report is what got Carl Gallups upset and led him to say some nasty things about the birthers in a YouTube audio that casts aspersions on them generally, and attacks certain unnamed birther web sites. “Jealous” and “whiners” he called them. The Birther Report then published its own editorial saying that Carl Gallups was out of line:
Yesterday Carl Gallups published an audio update for his Freedom Friday show basically vilifying the whole so-called birther movement and lashing out at prominent (unnamed) birther sites. I’m guessing he is specifically referring to Birther Report, and assume (was also told by multiple sources) it was related to an op-ed that was published here yesterday by distinguished writer Colonel Lawrence Sellin, P.H.D. (sic).
From that, a firestorm of commentary erupted.
Could the birther movement implode in a mass of infighting?
If one were to describe the result in a way negative towards the birthers, one might say that they just covered it up and pretended it didn’t happen. If one were speculating in a more positive way, they might say that cooler heads agreed to retract what was said. However it is positioned, the Sellin editorial, the Gallups YouTube and the Birther Report response with all the discussions attached have been scrubbed.
I personally felt that the Gallups YouTube was totally out of line, and that it would likely be scrubbed and I said so at the time and saved a copy. Also my written transcript remains available. You can recover individual remarks from BR commenters through their Intense Debate profile, for example mine or Falcon’s. The Wayback Machine doesn’t have the page, but as of this writing, the Google Cache has the Sellin article and the BR response editorial.
And the big Gallups thread has apparently been scrubbed!!
Now that is interesting. My guess is that BR got a spanking from the big dog.
Maybe BR finally talked to a lawyer who explained that all those deleted posts could be used to establish his personal liability in any future libel suits…
There was plenty of time to get screen shots beforehand.
Amazing. And not a word of explanation or acknowledgment. What is it that birthers always say? Oh yeah: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
After birtherism getting such a huge black eye, of course they’re going to do anything can to save face.
It’s still on google cache view.
Project Stalinist Un-Purge commence! Gotta screencap that hilarious thread!
I grabbed a copy of the BR article from the Google cache.
Gotta love Birthers. (Not!)
Just make sure you merge all the style sheets, scripts, images, etc. into a single file: can’t have the birfers going nuts about “links” and “layers” again…
Wait a minute…the birthers are involved in a COVER-UP?!?!?! Get Taitz on the line…time for REEEEEEEKO!!!!
The first stage of grief: Denial
KARL Gall Oops!:”Well, Hello again, Listeners, and today is ‘Birther Truce Day’ so we say ‘All is forgiven!’ and ‘Welcome back!’ to all of you impatient, whiney-assed little cry-baby Birthers!
First, to business. Bottom line – Mike Zoo Low and I and The Violinster from Barfer Report are in this to make money and this little spat has stopped contributions cold. So I’m going to swallow my pride and make peace with our core constituency, which is you impatient, miserable, whiney-assed little cry-baby Birthers!
Accordingly, I must address the matter of an apology for calling all of you slow-witted Birther-bananas, ‘impatient, whiney-assed little cry-baby Birthers! The Birther half of my listeners are demanding an apology and the other 8 are insisting I not apologize. So, to please everybody, let me just say, ‘I’m sorry – I’m not going to apologize.’
And just so reality doesn’t leave a bad taste in our mouth, we’re going to take down every reference and comment about this little falling-out, and do exactly what we do with the 270 plus court rulings that have gone against us concerning Obama’s eligibility and legality; we’re going to just pretend they NEVER HAPPENED!
That’s brilliant!
Too funny!
Link to the BR page Google Cache.
I have saved a copy of the page, but I don’t plan to post it in its entirety because of the BR copyright.
Did they also scrub the Col Sellin article that got Gallups started in the first place? I didn’t see it. It was about managing expectations of the cold case posse.
And cached version:
And denial is NOT a river in Egypt!
It looks to me like Gallups and BR reached an understanding. BR took down his response to the Gallups video and the Sellin article that started the whole thing, And Gallups took down his video but left up the PPSimmons article about the Youtube video. Maybe BR got exclusive rights to livestream the big announcement.
In that case they’re the new supermen.
I’ve seen some amazingly stupid and inept moves but this one takes the cake.
This may be some sort of a trap. I hope the thousands of people in on The Greatest Conspiracy Of All Time don’t let their guard down.
We have always been at war with East Asia. 😀
This article has been updated and renamed to include the fact that the Lawrence Sellin article that created the mess has been scrubbed too.
You know how, sometimes, when you’ve had a really crappy day at work, you get home and your spouse makes a perfectly innocent comment like, “Did you buy laundry detergent when you went to the grocery store yesterday? I see we’re all out.” And then you go off on a tirade about how he can get his own damn laundry detergent and you have more important things to think about than laundry detergent. And the tirade isn’t really about laundry detergent. It’s really about all the crappy things that happened at work. The laundry detergent comment was just the spark that lit the fuse. I think that Gallups’ commentary was more of a reaction to Frank Arduini’s “God’s Birther” series than a reaction to anything Sellin wrote or Birther Report published. Sellin and Birther Report lit the fuse with their commentaries, but the incendiary device was planted by Frank Arduini a couple weeks ago.
This isn’t surprising given that they couldn’t even handle a “thumbs down” button on their comments.
The collective professionalism inherent in birferism continues to shine through.
Any day now, every day a new day, all their yesterdays scrubbed.
My initial reaction to Gallups going off was that this was Gallups’ “out”, his chosen way of declaring himself too cool for birfin’ and ditchin’ them. But since it’s all scrubbed, now I suspect it was what comes naturally to him … an attempt at tough love / emotional bullying. Feel sorry for that man’s family.
Col. Sellin has a certain standing in the Birther community which maybe why Gallups’ feelings were hurt.
Here is the editorial the Colonel wrote that got him fired. Pretty damn funny.
Certainly the God’s Birther series helps to understand the situation. I’ve added an article to highlight it.
I remember when the “Thumbs down” disappeared. It was quite literally a “We can’t handle the truth that our opinion, is a VERY unpopular one!” moment. Down votes were very damaging to birdboy’s ego. He’d say something stupid in response to one of Foggy’s excellent smack down posts, and would get nothing but down votes for it, while Foggy got mostly up votes.
The fact that the “thumbs down” feature vanished after Falcon made such a huge fuss about it, is one of the reasons I think he is either a sock puppet for BR’s admin, or the teacher’s pet.
I liked the comment about the Nigerian scammers in Arduini’s article. I had never thought of the Birthers Fearless Leaders in that way, but it does make sense.
It makes painful sense. Years ago when the letters first started arriving the old fashioned way by U.S. Mail I was amused enough to ask a friend who was a U.S. Postal Inspector about them. He laughed when I asked if anyone really fell for them: “You would be amazed”, he said.
I think that is very likely, Doc. In the never-ending psueudointellectual food-fight in a madhouse that is Birtherism, this falling out won’t have the staying power of a lightning strike.
Still it was interesting to see the spectacle of their craziness’ resilience bending momentarily this way and that to give them an opportunity to publicly pout and ‘gwipe about them wittle hurt feelweens’.from intra-Birther betrayal!
To see those brief moments when they inadvertently displayed an almost charming vulnerability to each other’s harsh words, doesn’t exactly rescue the image of the looney Birthers given their PROFOUND disregard for the Constitution, but it garnishes their robotic dependence on conspiracy with a not-quite-redeeming touch of humanity.
Sort of like the story I was told as child by a no-count relative, a rural Baptist native of Southern Illinois, claiming that on a bright and sunny 4th of July in the 1950’s, he used dynamite stolen from a coal mine where he worked, to blow up a disbeliever neighbor’s outhouse, and in the resulting momentary cloud of misty human filth geysered into the air, God ‘favored him’ to see a rainbow. The Birther connection to that story, is not the arguably Gallupsian phrasing implying God’s favor – and that He was at least okay with high explosive retribution. No, the connection was I’m pretty sure he lied about seeing the rainbow!
Sounds like a case for… MYTHBUSTERS!
With a special guest appearance by Mike Rowe, working the clean-up crew.
I can see Jamie doing the intro now: “As our fans all know, one of our favorite things to do is blow sh*t up. Well, this week …”
😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎