Purpura’s views on the birther question

Nicholas Purpura was one of the plaintiffs in the recently dismissed ballot challenge in New Jersey. Mario Apuzzo was losing counsel. In the case Purpura alleged that US presidents must have US citizen parents, and Apuzzo argued that natural law, as codified by writers such as Emerich de Vattel in his book The Law of Nations (short English title), is the common law of the United States.

In a recent article, “Eligibility and American Common Law, Part 2” published at Conservative News and Views, Purpura reveals his thinking on the topic, and perhaps his underlying motivation. As always, I hope readers will take the time to examine the article that I reference here.

The American financial crisis of 2008-2009 was the worst financial disaster since The Great Depression, nevertheless, American society has proved remarkably resilient and there was not rioting in the streets. We are muddling through. Contrary to that picture of a mature and stable society, Purpura believes otherwise and explains Obama’s continuing in office this way:

My sources in Washington, DC told me flatly why none dare adjudicate this issue. If the Court found Obama ineligible to hold the Office of President, the “blacks” will burn down the inner cities, and we will have chaos. Better to wait for him to leave office.

Purpura goes to portray the Obama administration as anti-white. Finally, in an attempt to invoke xenophobic fears, Purpura spins a scenario of a massive influx of Chinese visiting the United States for the sole purpose of giving birth to American citizens, and polluting the pool of future presidential candidates.

We could clean up providing a pay service complete with certification of live birth that says the child has the right to be President of the US by birth, per jus soli. We could advertise this all over the Internet. Maybe then the people will wake up to what the courts are doing.

Nicholas Purpura, I think, would have been one of the supporters of the Chinese Exclusion Act if he had lived in the 19th century. While he longs for the Supreme Court to fix things, he ignores the fact that the Supreme Court one hundred years ago already fixed things in the case of US v. Wong, and folks like Purpura lost.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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29 Responses to Purpura’s views on the birther question

  1. Lupin says:

    Was that a surprise? I keep telling you what their agenda is.

  2. Lupin says:

    Also the notion that your administration is “Marxist” is so ignorant and idiotic than the entire article reads as if written by a drunk standing on a subway platform.

  3. BillTheCat says:

    He’s a liar and completely ignorant of the Constitution and US laws.

  4. Joe Acerbic says:

    Also the notion that your administration is “Marxist” is so ignorant and idiotic than the entire article reads as if written by a drunk standing on a subway platform.

    In American political language, words “marxist”, “socialist” and “communist” have the exactly same information content as “poopyhead”.

  5. Tarrant says:

    Purpura, like many birthers, seems to equate mere eligibility to the office with the office itself, as of simply being eligible to run for President is some kind of incredible exclusive honor rather than something a great majority of people in this nation are eligible to do. He should take a walk through state and federal prisons, filled with people eligible under the Constitution (even under Purpura’s ridiculous NBC definition) to run, but that would not win.

    Even if his nightmare scenario were true, what would this sudden influx of new, “bring down America” Presidential candidates do? Run and lose the nomination and/or election?

    Any candidate still has to actually receive votes, the flaw in his nightmare scenario. I realize he believes that President Obama is “proof” that someone ineligible can be elected, but he’s wrong there given the President is perfectly eligible.

  6. Scientist says:

    Ironically, the black community did not overwhelmingly support Obama in the primaries; Bill Clinton is loved in the black community and that translated to a lot of support for Hillary. And in the general election Obama did about the same among blacks as Gore and Kerry.

    Besides,The Blacks would never riot, because The Donald has a great relationship with them.

  7. Tarrant says:

    That aside, if Purpura wants to help fund this organization he wants, I’ll be happy to accept his investment. People can send me certified birth certificates and $50, and I’ll send them back their BC along with a small certificate, suitable for framing (framing extra), that says they are eligible to run for President, assuming said birth certificate lists a US birth.

  8. JoZeppy says:

    I find birther claims that somehow the issue is being evaded almost as silly as their pointing to mysterious, unnamed, “sources in DC.” First off, nothing is being evaded. The courts have been very clear on the issue. Minor does not say what they claim it to say, and WKA says exactly what we claim it says. There is an ever growing body of case law that says, quite clearly, the bither 2 parent argument has no support in law. They can no longer claim the courts are hiding behind the issue of standing. The courts are very clearly stating birther arguments are frivolous. And there is no need for the Supreme Court to say anything more. They made the definitive statement a century ago with WKA. The Circuit courts are all in agreement, the issue is not controversial, and the odds of the court changing course are nil. So quite simply, there is no reason the Supreme Court would grant cert for a birther case.

    As for the claim that he has some DC inside source telling him they’re afraid of riots is abject sillyness (and nothing but race baitting at its worst). The courts have taken on far more controversial matters in the past with little fear. Is it so hard for birthers to accept that perhaps the real reason is exactly the reason every court has given them thus far? That their arguments have no support in the law, and are frivolous?

    Birthers are just becoming more and more redicuolous as the smack downs are piling up, and becoming more explicity in how meritless both their legal and facutal claims are.

  9. Scientist says:

    Listen, if China wanted influence over the US, they could achieve that much quicker and easier than sending pregnant women over and waiting until those babies reached 35.

    Here’s what they could do:
    Convince the US to make massive tax cuts while engaging in 2 wars in Asia. Then the US would be forced to issue a bunch of Treasury Bonds, which the Bank of China would buy. They could also send a lot of cheap goods over to be sold at Walmart and Target, thus resulting in the closing of many American factories.

    Now, please, don’t tell anyone in Beijing about this brilliant top-secret plan,

  10. john says:


    If Obama is ineligible, then we have a constitutional crisis of monumental proportions. I remember during the Lakin case, someone suggested it was idiotic and absurd to think that if Obama is an ineligible CIC, then all military orders are invalid because military authority derives its origin from the CIC. I said it was idiotic because we would be to the point that no soldier would able to follow any military order and the military would essentially stop. I said this would be in fact true as we would be in a Constitutional Crisis of idiotic and absurd proportions. I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

  11. DP says:

    Well, I read it, and have showered off. Purpura obviously has significant issues associated with race. But what kills me is the sheer couch potato idiocy of it all: “Make no mistake about it. This Administration wants to divide us as a people to stay in power. They will start race riots if they have to, to declare martial law and suspend our inalienable rights. (Does anyone remember an old ABC-TV pilot program titled Shadow on the Land? A blow-up in the ghetto one month, and the next thing you know, we have the Internal Security Forces—that’s English for Schutzstaffel—on every street corner!) And that’s exactly what our legislators and judges fear.”

    Remember some crappy, sensationalistic cartoon of a TV pilot that never went anywhere? THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING, PEOPLE!


  12. How would they “know” that given that it is nonsense.

    john: I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences (sic) of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

  13. Majority Will says:

    Well, I read it, and have showered off. Purpura obviously has significant issues associated with race. But what kills me is the sheer couch potato idiocy of it all: “Make no mistake about it. This Administration wants to divide us as a people to stay in power. They will start race riots if they have to, to declare martial law and suspend our inalienable rights. (Does anyone remember an old ABC-TV pilot program titled Shadow on the Land? A blow-up in the ghetto one month, and the next thing you know, we have the Internal Security Forces—that’s English for Schutzstaffel—on every street corner!) And that’s exactly what our legislators and judges fear.”

    Remember some crappy, sensationalistic cartoon of a TV pilot that never went anywhere? THAT’S WHAT’S HAPPENING, PEOPLE!


    Aren’t Apuzzo and Purpura like-minded on this issue?

  14. sfjeff says:

    john: JoZeppy,If Obama is ineligible, then we have a constitutional crisis of monumental proportions. I remember during the Lakin case, someone suggested it was idiotic and absurd to think that if Obama is an ineligible CIC, then all military orders are invalid because military authority derives its origin from the CIC.blockquote>

    My how Birthers have so little faith in the U.S. Constitution and America.

    If in some other dimension, a sitting U.S. President was accused by Congress of being ineligible, impeached by the House, and convicted by the Senate, that President would be removed from office and the Vice President would succeed him or her.

    My grade school child could tell you this.

    However, until that President was impeached and convicted, that President would be our legal President, and our armed forces would continue to do their duties- no matter how much Birthers drool at the prospect of the U.S. turning into a banana republic with the military stepping in.

  15. Scientist says:

    john: Take a break from the birther sites, and do yourself a favor-find a ball game on TV and sit down and watch it. You will learn something. They have these guys in black-they’re called umpires. They make calls-ball, strike, safe, out. Mostly they get them right, but every so often they get one wrong. But wrong or right it’s their call and what they say is the final word.

    In matters of presidential eligibility, the Electoral College and Congress are the umpires. If they say someone is qualified to be President, then he is. Ballgame over. No crisis. Life and the baseball game go on.

  16. BillTheCat says:

    john: I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

    “Never give up, never surrender!” – Galaxy Quest

    This is why they will never quit. No matter how much reality hits them in the face, they will still grasp at the tiniest of straws. And John, what you “think” has no effect or relevance to any court or authority in the land.

  17. Sef says:

    john: I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

    As in the “judge” finding himself ruling on jaywalking offences?

  18. Keith says:

    john: If Obama is ineligible,

    But he isn’t

    then we have a constitutional crisis of monumental proportions.

    so we aren’t.

  19. nbc says:

    john: I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

    Read up on de-facto officer doctrine my foolish friend. But of course, there is a much better explanation: the courts all understand that President Obama is eligible because of his native birth.


  20. Keith says:

    BillTheCat: “Never give up, never surrender!” – Galaxy Quest

    Hey there Mouthpiece…
    Ya say you represent a man for jaywalking… and they hang him?
    And you have to read a will where the client leaves everything… to a mynah bird?
    And you take a good look at the judge, and you realize he’s your wife’s first husband …and he’s still madly in love with her?.
    And after you make an eloquent plea, swearing on your record that your client is innocent… he confesses everything?
    And you try making an impression in court by putting on a white wig and a cape… and they put you away… for good?

    Is that what’s marring your day, Darrow?

    Lift your head up high!
    And take a walk in the sun with dignity and stick-to-it-ivness!
    And you show the world, show it where to get off!
    And never give up, never give up, never give up… that ship!

    Hi ya Legal…
    You say your key witness refuses to take the oath…and the whole jury just fell asleep on ya?
    And the Judge bangs his gavel for lunch and he breaks all the knuckles on your right hand?… ow!
    And you tell the defendant to flirt with the jury and the bailiff starts screaming “Let her alone, She’s mine! All mine! I swore her in!”?
    And you’re pulling strings to get your client, a million dollar embezzler, into the small claims court?
    And you tell your wife you’re working late on a habeus corpus case… and she tells you to keep the habeus away from the corpus?

    Is that what’s flippin your wig this morning Legal?

    Lift your head up high!
    And take a walk in the sun with dignity and stick-to-it-ivness!
    And you show the world, show it where to get off!
    And never give up, never give up, never give up… that ship!

    Hey there Defender…
    You say you lose the case and the guy refuses to pay you?
    And you just notice the foreman of the jury is the guy you told to shut up or you’d break his neck in the movies last night?
    And your oldest son comes out against the entire legislative system on “Youth Wants to Know”? … you’ll teach him later.
    And a secret witness is brought in a murder trial… and accuses you?
    And the Judge, a great TV fan, seems interested?
    And your wife just set fire to all your briefs?… and I’m not talking about Jockey Shorts.

    Is that what’s gonna shorten “Williams, Williams, and Williams” to just “Williams and Williams”, bubbie?

    Lift your head up high!
    And take a walk in the sun with dignity and stick-to-it-ivness!
    And you show the world, show it where to get off!
    And never give up, never give up, never give up… that ship!

    (Don’t send my mom to jail… She didn’t bake that cheesecake, she just stole it)

    The Lawyer Philosopher (Eddie Lawrence)

    It loses something with out the music and the cymbol crashes, but oh well.

  21. JoZeppy says:

    john: If Obama is ineligible, then we have a constitutional crisis of monumental proportions.

    The only people who think so are those who are painfully ignorant of the workings of our Constitution. Would it be pleasant? No, impeachment never is. But it wouldn’t be the first time we went through the process. The Country is well equipmed to handle it.

    john: I remember during the Lakin case, someone suggested it was idiotic and absurd to think that if Obama is an ineligible CIC, then all military orders are invalid because military authority derives its origin from the CIC.

    Actually, the only people that were “suggesting” that was Lakin…..and that got him a trip to Leavenworth, and a loss of all his retirement benefits.

    john: I said it was idiotic because we would be to the point that no soldier would able to follow any military order and the military would essentially stop.

    And it is idiotic, because the defacto officer doctrine says otherwise.

    john: I said this would be in fact true as we would be in a Constitutional Crisis of idiotic and absurd proportions.

    The only think that are idiotic and absurd are your statements. No big crisis. The military still follows their orders, everything that was passed under his administration stays, as do his appointments. All that happens in either a resignation or an impeachment. Nothing more.

    john: I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

    And what you think would be wrong, because unlike you, the judges know the law, they know the defacto officer doctrine, and they know that neither the law nor facts support the birthers.

  22. Thrifty says:

    That is hilarious! Thanks. I needed a good laugh.


    If Obama is ineligible, then we have a constitutional crisis of monumental proportions.I remember during the Lakin case, someone suggested it was idiotic and absurd to think that if Obama is anineligible CIC, then all military orders are invalid because military authority derives its origin from the CIC.I said it was idiotic because we would be to the point that no soldier would able to follow any military order and the military would essentially stop.I said this would be in fact true as we wouldbe in a Constitutional Crisis of idiotic and absurd proportions.I think the courts know Obama is ineligible but can never rule him such because the consquences of such a decision would unbelievably tremendous.

  23. Northland10 says:

    BillTheCat: “Never give up, never surrender!” – Galaxy Quest

    “I’ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the horn, and round the norway maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.”

  24. Lupin says:

    Scientist: Here’s what they could do:
    Convince the US to make massive tax cuts while engaging in 2 wars in Asia. Then the US would be forced to issue a bunch of Treasury Bonds, which the Bank of China would buy. They could also send a lot of cheap goods over to be sold at Walmart and Target, thus resulting in the closing of many American factories.

    Now, please, don’t tell anyone in Beijing about this brilliant top-secret plan,

    Plan 9 from Asian Space?

  25. JPotter says:

    Scientist: Convince the US to make massive tax cuts while engaging in 2 wars in Asia.

    Anyone who’s ever played RISK knows that a bipolar penetration of Asia is an endgame, mopping up exercise only. Attempting such before securing Europe, Africa, and North America, is potential suicide. I mean, really, who would do such a thing?

    Even Australia need help to make a second front on Asia, and Australia has nowhere else to go!

    Does Purpura have any insights? Perhaps believe certain territories are inherently superior to others?

  26. BillTheCat says:

    Northland10: “I’ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the horn, and round the norway maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.”


  27. G says:

    Excellent…another fan of RISK. JPotter, I am constantly amazed by how many hobby interests we seem to have in common! 😉

    JPotter: Anyone who’s ever played RISK knows that a bipolar penetration of Asia is an endgame, mopping up exercise only. Attempting such before securing Europe, Africa, and North America, is potential suicide. I mean, really, who would do such a thing?Even Australia need help to make a second front on Asia, and Australia has nowhere else to go!Does Purpura have any insights? Perhaps believe certain territories are inherently superior to others?

  28. JPotter says:

    G: Excellent…another fan of RISK. JPotter, I am constantly amazed by how many hobby interests we seem to have in common!

    Obviously, we are all groupthinkers thinkers here …. perhaps merely extensions of one central intelligence …. 😉

  29. ScottRS says:

    Props to Keith for the Eddie Lawrence Shout-out. Alas, the youngsters among us won’t recognize.

    You’ll never give up! never give up! (whap! WHAP!) that case!

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