Monthly Archives: January 2017


Barack Obama and I have 8 years to look back on—he looking at the important issues of our time—I looking back on the Birthers. Somehow I think I got the short end of the stick! Some people have the gift … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 32 Comments

Cold Case Posse disbanded

Following a statement of his strong commitment to the posse system, the new sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, Paul Penzone, said in a news conference that he will identify those that do not meet the mission of the organization, and … Continue reading

Posted in Mike Zullo | Tagged | 27 Comments

OCT in photos

I wish I could share the warm feeling I get scrolling through the articles and comments on this blog. Birthers can be tedious, but I had some really good times, and I tried to make it worthwhile for my visitors … Continue reading

Posted in Lounge | Tagged | 4 Comments

The mathematics of date stamp angle similarities–Part 2

The experiment is described here. Results will be presented later. Any suggestions about the experimental design are welcome. This part presents an experiment in which I attempt to answer the question of how consistent date stamp angles are when a … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate | Tagged | 31 Comments

The mathematics of date stamp angle similarities–Part 1

Mike Zullo’s investigation into the authenticity of President Obama’s birth certificate has been plagued by inexpert testimony. First Zullo presented image analysis by people who didn’t know what they were talking about. Next he presented contextual criticism of the document … Continue reading

Posted in Birth Certificate, Featured Articles, Mike Zullo, Research Notes | Tagged , , , | 50 Comments

Reince Priebus on challenges to Obama’s legitimacy

So Reince Priebus (pictured below) said: But hang on a second, George, we’re not questioning the legitimacy of the outcome of the election. You didn’t have Republicans questioning whether or not Obama legitimately beat John McCain in 2008. I rest … Continue reading

Posted in alternative facts, Orly Taitz | Tagged | 16 Comments