The Cold Case shuffle

The patience of birthers with the Cold Case Posse amazes me still.

Essentially the Cold Case Posse says:

  1. Look at all this evidence, but it’s not convincing.
  2. We’re keeping private all the evidence that is convincing.

Take the Reed Hayes report: Finally the Cold Case Posse has a real person who has some expertise in something, who has testified in court on multiple occasions about something. What does the his report say? I don’t know; they haven’t released it. I can guarantee you that if it was really damning, they would have called a press conference and released a slick YouTube video narrated by Mark Gillar. But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would not stand up to criticism.

Nothing they have released to date has stood up to criticism, the faked vital statistics manual, the whole business of “African, their signature “layers” argument of forgery. So, they just say that the “real proof” ™  is there, only it is kept secret because it is an ongoing law enforcement investigation. Investigation of what by whom? Zullo and his non-profit charity volunteers are not law enforcement; they represent no jurisdiction; they haven’t even stated a charge they think they are investigating. It’s just another bunch of birthers playing grownup.

This is both laughable and pathetic, and like a dog, birthers lap this vomit up.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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77 Responses to The Cold Case shuffle

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “Laughable and pathetic”
    Sums up all birthers rather nicely, especially the Keyboard commandos like Falcon and friends.

  2. alg says:

    Birtherism is effectively dead. What is most amusing is that it was the actions of the carnival barkers themselves that has converted the meme to mere septage leaking from a failing septic system.

    The so-called Cold Case Posse played out it’s last hand when it concluded that criminal charges would not be forthcoming, and instead folks needed to pester their Congressman with this nonsense.

    There will always be a faint, but shrill buzz, like an errant mosquito, among the true believers. But after the evaporation of BenghaziirsapnsaGate from the Sunday morning talk shows, BirtherGate seems a pale distant fog.

  3. Julius B Censor says:

    “But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would stand up to criticism.:

    Well, well, well. By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Check, mate.

  4. Majority Will says:

    Julius B Censor:
    “But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would stand up to criticism.:

    Well, well, well.By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Check, mate.

    You’re still not making a lick of sense. Why do you keep babbling incoherently?

  5. bovril says:

    Apart from that pesky law thing. You know where NO state releases originals,they release and certify copies that have the identical probative value in law.

    You. really epitomize stupid.

  6. gorefan says:

    Julius B Censor: Well, well, well. By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    I doubt that the CCP will mail copies of Mr. Hayes report to every person in the U.S., when and if they release, I’m betting they will do exactly what President Obama did and post it on the internet as a PDF.

    Slam Dunk

  7. Julius B Censor: By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    I hope this keeps you up at night.

  8. Julius B Censor: By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    As an officer in the International Jewish Conspiracy™ and on Soros’ payroll, I am authorized to say everything is going as planned.

  9. Crustacean says:

    gorefan: I doubt that the CCP will mail copies of Mr. Hayes report to every person in the U.S., when and if they release, I’m betting they will do exactly what President Obama did and post it on the internet as a PDF.
    Slam Dunk

    Beat me to it, gorefan! The best part is, Julius doesn’t know the difference between “checkmate” (I win!!) and “check, mate” (an Australian trying to pay his bar tab).

  10. Bob says:

    Birthers will always have tomorrow to look forward to.

  11. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Julius B Censor:
    “But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would stand up to criticism.:

    Well, well, well.By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Check, mate.

    And by that logic there’s absolutely no reason to release anything since this thing is dead and you don’t just get to skirt around the law just because you really really really want to see it.

  12. JoZeppy says:

    Julius B Censor:
    “But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would stand up to criticism.:

    Well, well, well.By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Check, mate.

    Are you truly this remarkably stupid? Let’s compare the two.

    First of all what you ask for his prohibited by Hawaii law. Not so the case with this super secret report the CCCP refuses to release. Secondly, had the CCCP the balls to release this report, they would probably do so by posting a pdf on the internet. And unlike the CCCP, that has not released the super secret expert report or its contents, during his first campaign, the President released a copy of his COLB, and allowed the media to examine and photograph it. Then while President, he requested the State of Hawaii make an exception to its rule about only releasing computer generated copies of birth certificates, and release a certified copy of the long form of his birth certificate. Then, as well as posting it on the internet, held a press conference where the darn thing was again, handed out to the press, and yes photographed.

    So in sum, we have on the one hand, a super secret expert report that the CCCP refuses to even divulege the contents of, much less actually release a copy of, and on the other, the President has released multiple copies of his birth certificate and allowed the media to handle, examine and photograph.

    So sorry, no check mate for you. Not even a check….in fact, you didn’t even manage to take a pawn. Your false equivalency would only fly with the most simple minded birther folk.

  13. Julius B Censor says:

    JoZeppy: First of all what you ask for his prohibited by Hawaii law

    Thanks for clearing that up. I had thought the prohibition on releasing hawaii birth records was inscribed on the tablets Moses brought back from God.

  14. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Julius B Censor: Thanks for clearing that up. I had thought the prohibition on releasing hawaii birth records was inscribed on the tablets Moses brought back from God.

    How about showing us your original birth certificate first?

  15. Keith says:

    Julius B Censor: Thanks for clearing that up. I had thought the prohibition on releasing hawaii birth records was inscribed on the tablets Moses brought back from God.

    Well you certainly think that it is something that is under President Obama’s control and that it is different from every other Hawai’ian (and actually from every other American born in a ‘closed records’ state) and is therefore something you think you can use as a justification for hiding in your own private Idaho.

  16. Arthur says:

    Since Obama has released a copy of his birth certificate, I’d be satisfied by a copy of Reed Hayes’ report. And even though I’ve never seen the original, as long as Mr. Reed vouches for this copy, I won’t claim that it’s a forgery.

  17. Rickey says:

    Julius B Censor:

    Well, well, well.By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Please cite even one example of any state in the United States ever allowing an outside agency to have access to its original vital records.

  18. Julius B Censor: I had thought the prohibition on releasing hawaii birth records was inscribed on the tablets Moses brought back from God.

    It is. Can’t you read Hebrew? It’s right here: משוגע

  19. CarlOrcas says:

    Julius B Censor: Thanks for clearing that up. I had thought the prohibition on releasing hawaii birth records was inscribed on the tablets Moses brought back from God.

    So…….for the sake of discussion let’s say you were allowed to view the original Obama birth document. Exactly what would you be looking for?

  20. Soduko says:

    @Julius B Censor

    Did you demand to see original paper documents or original vault versions of any other president’s birth certificate?

  21. jayHG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy,

    I’ve said this before, but you’ve got to get some like buttons and some numbers on here. So many of these posts are fantastic and I can’t say it cause there is no easy way to do so!! Plus, I can’t read everything on the ones where there are hundreds of posts cause I can’t find out where I left off cause the posts are not numbered…..darn…..

    Kidding….this is your blog….do it your way.

  22. Majority Will says:

    Julius B Censor: Thanks for clearing that up. I had thought the prohibition on releasing hawaii (sic) birth records was inscribed on the tablets Moses brought back from God.

    Now it makes sense. You’re just a jackass.

  23. justlw says:

    I’ve said this before, but you’ve got to get some like buttons and some numbers on here.

    Till then, I’ll say that Misha’s “I hope this keeps you up at night” was a keeper.

  24. “like a dog, birthers lap this vomit up”

    Please. How can you put Angel in the same class as birthers?

  25. The Magic M says:

    > or they know it would stand up to criticism

    Doc, I think there’s a “not” missing in there.

  26. roadburner says:

    Julius B Censor: “But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would stand up to criticism.:Well, well, well. By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.Check, mate.

    au contrare.

    fools mate is far more apt.

  27. Soduko: Did you demand to see original paper documents or original vault versions of any other president’s birth certificate?

    Of course not. Their fathers were not born in Kenya. [insert dog whistle here]

  28. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Julius B Censor:
    Check, mate.

    Except we’re playing Yahtzee, dumbass!

  29. I find it curious that a birther would use Barack Obama as a standard of conduct by which to excuse the Cold Case Posse. Knowing how birthers feel about the President, that puts the CCP in a pretty bad light.

    Julius B Censor: Well, well, well. By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Check, mate

  30. dunstvangeet says:

    Julius B Censor:
    Well, well, well.By that reasoning there’s no reason to withhold the original paper documents from Hawaii, or to deny access to the original vault versions.

    Check, mate.

    How exactly do you propose that he do that? Would you agree to a press conference where he stands in front of the entire White House Press Corps with the document in hand, and allow the entire White House Press Corps to touch the document and feel the seal? He’s already done that. Checkmate, buddy.

  31. Mitch says:

    Plus, I can’t read everything on the ones where there are hundreds of posts cause I can’t find out where I left off cause the posts are not numbered…..darn…..

    Hover over the # sign next to the “(Quote)” by the poster’s name. This is a post number, and you can even save it as a bookmark if you want.

  32. Kiwiwriter says:

    The “Cold Case Posse” is not about bringing down Obama, advancing a political cause, or even finding out the truth.

    It’s a confidence game being run by its bosses, designed solely to provide them with money from suckers.

    It’s another version of TV psychics, who can talk to the dead.

  33. Julius B Censor says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I find it curious that a birther would use Barack Obama as a standard of conduct by which to excuse the Cold Case Posse.

    I think the pressure of the posse is getting to you.
    Instead of analysis, you turn to insults. Instead of objective reporting, you whine.
    I think the steady professionalism and tenacity of the cold case posse is remarkably frustrating to obama’s fan-boys, and they are not happy about it at all.

    The president is regarded as untrustworthy by most respondents of a recent poll, and a part of that is due to the relentless professionalism of the cold case posse.

  34. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Julius B Censor: I think the pressure of the posse is getting to you.
    Instead of analysis, you turn to insults. Instead of objective reporting, you whine.
    I think the steady professionalism and tenacity of the cold case posse is remarkably frustrating to obama’s fan-boys, and they are not happy about it at all.

    The president is regarded as untrustworthy by most respondents of a recent poll, and a part of that is due to the relentless professionalism of the cold case posse.

    Youre obviously a parody. Nowhere has the cold case been professional from the beginning they started their mock investigation stealing from other birthers. No actual investigation took place. They lied about coding manuals, faked their claims and have been caught repeatedly lying about simple concepts.

  35. Daniel says:

    Julius B Censor: I think the pressure of the posse is getting to you.
    Instead of analysis, you turn to insults. Instead of objective reporting, you whine.
    I think the steady professionalism and tenacity of the cold case posse is remarkably frustrating to obama’s fan-boys, and they are not happy about it at all.

    The president is regarded as untrustworthy by most respondents of a recent poll, and a part of that is due to the relentless professionalism of the cold case posse.

    If you don’t wish to be ridiculed, stop being ridiculous.

    How can ZERO success reasonably be described as “steady professionalism”. Even if you take the entire birthersphere as a whole, your total success to date is zero, or actually negative if you count the court cases. The CCCP by itself has done nothing, other than get some money from peopl who were already birthers to begin with.

    Why would you think your complete and utter failure would in any way make us, or the President, at all nervous?

    Why would you think your irrelevance to the majority of the public has any effect at all on the President’s approval rating? Nobody beyond a handful of conspiracy nutbags is paying any attention to the CCCP, other than those of us who find you so entertaining.

  36. Majority Will says:

    Never underestimate a cowardly birther bigot’s ability to keep posting increasingly more asinine and delusional drivel as a guest on a private blog.

    The goal of a jackass . . .

  37. Julius B Censor says:

    I guess majority will is seeking recognition as a top-notch whiner too.

    Zullo and Arpaio made a case. Some agree. Some disagree.
    If the president has nothing to hide he won’t hide anything.
    He can easily waive the right to privacy of his original records.
    Until he does and he’s vindicated, he invites skeptics to believe he’s hiding fraud.

  38. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Julius B Censor:
    I guess majority will is seeking recognition as a top-notch whiner too.

    Zullo and Arpaio made a case. Some agree. Some disagree.
    If the president has nothing to hide he won’t hide anything.
    He can easily waive the right to privacy of his original records.
    Until he does and he’s vindicated, he invites skeptics to believe he’s hiding fraud.

    They made no case. The president showed his records even though he was under no obligation to. So lets see, other presidents show none of the documents you ask for, obviously legit. Obama shows his documents and you claim fraud. Interesting how that works. Once again he doesnt own the originals, the state does. He has no authority to order the department of health to release documents he doesnt own.

  39. Kiwiwriter says:

    Julius B Censor: I think the pressure of the posse is getting to you.
    Instead of analysis, you turn to insults. Instead of objective reporting, you whine.
    I think the steady professionalism and tenacity of the cold case posse is remarkably frustrating to obama’s fan-boys, and they are not happy about it at all.

    The president is regarded as untrustworthy by most respondents of a recent poll, and a part of that is due to the relentless professionalism of the cold case posse.

    The cold case posse has yet to do anything but make a few media appearances, make vague promises, irritate fellow birthers, and beg for money.

    Meanwhile, Obama is still president, was handily re-elected, and nobody outside of fellow cranks take birthers seriously…your number of court cases have crossed the “Mendoza Line,” and every single one of them has failed.

    Are we learning anything from this repetition of failure yet? You do know the definition of repeating the same failed operation, expecting different results?

  40. Majority Will says:

    Julius B Censor:

    Zullo and Arpaio made a case.

    What’s the case number?

    I think you’re lying. Whine on that.

  41. Majority Will says:

    Julius B Censor:

    The president is regarded as untrustworthy by most respondents of a recent poll, and a part of that is due to the relentless professionalism of the cold case posse.

    A poll taken in your mom’s basement?

    How is that relevant to eligibility since the state of Hawaii is the relevant, legal authority?

    How many jars of pennies have you sent to Zullo the grifter to support his Hawaiian vacations?

  42. Kiwiwriter says:

    I would also remind Julius that the courts are not interested in the polls…they are interested in two things.

    1. The facts
    2. The law

    Neither are on the birthers’ side, and that is what matters. You don’t sacrifice your good judgment to the peoples’ opinion…it only betrays them.

  43. donna says:

    Julius B Censor: Zullo and Arpaio made a case.

    holding my breath is life-threatening

  44. Kiwiwriter: You don’t sacrifice your good judgment to the peoples’ opinion

    Unless you are a Republican.

  45. Julius B Censor: I think the steady professionalism and tenacity of the cold case posse is remarkably frustrating

    How is the gossip, innuendo, slander and libel from a used car salesman, frustrating to anyone who is sane?

    Corsi is a third-rate drunk.

  46. Keith says:

    Julius B Censor: Zullo and Arpaio made a case. Some agree. Some disagree.


    Agreeing and Disagreeing have to do with opinions.

    There is nothing that requires an opinion in anything to do with the Zullo/Arpaio ‘case’. There is only fact or not fact, and in this ‘case’ the facts are 100% against the Zullo/Arpaio ‘case’. There is no room for opinion.

    As the cliche goes: you are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

  47. Birthers can’t see objective reporting (bias, you know) so all you see is insults. The objective analysis is there (over 1000 such articles on this site alone), but birthers either can’t or won’t see it.

    But there is nothing I can think of that even remotely approaches “professionalism” from the cold case posse. They hold press conferences rather than seek indictments. They enlist cranks rather than qualified experts, and when they finally get someone approaching an expert, they refuse to release the report. They have been caught in bald-faced lies and fabricating evidence.

    Julius B Censor: I think the pressure of the posse is getting to you.
    Instead of analysis, you turn to insults. Instead of objective reporting, you whine.
    I think the steady professionalism and tenacity of the cold case posse is remarkably frustrating to obama’s fan-boys, and they are not happy about it at all.

  48. Soduko says:

    @Julius B Censor

    You haven’t answered my question. Did you demand the ‘vault original’ birth certificate for any other president?

    Here is an easier question. Have you seen a birth certificate for any other president?

    FYI: Obama waiving his right to privacy has nothing to do with original birth certificate. That is owned/under the control of the state. Obama got certified copies, showed them to reporters and posted a copy on the internet.

    Accept reality.

  49. The Magic M says:

    Julius B Censor: The president is regarded as untrustworthy by most respondents of a recent poll, and a part of that is due to the relentless professionalism of the cold case posse.

    In the same sense that a part of Earth’s gravitational pull on the moon is due to the weight of the hair in Zullo’s moustache? Likely.

    Birthers have kept trying to bolster their pipe dreams with poll results, especially before the 2012 elections. As if “50% job disapproval” somehow meant “50% are birthers” or “50% will vote for Romney” (the latter was a mistake shared by many conservatives who cannot understand how polls work – one can disapprove of Obama’s performance and yet would not vote for a Republican if hell froze over, if only for the “lesser evil” reasoning).

    If so many people consider the President untrustworthy, why do birther rallies get less than 10 people and even the Tea Party anti-IRS demo in Washington only got 50 people?

    I understand that you feel more comfortable in a world where the “silent majority” is on your side, but hate to break it to ya, dude, you’re living in a fantasy world.

    Also, gotta love your right-wing polls, the latest one allegedly says that blacks consider blacks more racist than whites… *facepalm*

  50. scott e says:

    what’s yer guyzes spin on the idea that commander zullo has “one shot” to file the charges. one of you lawyer types answer please., about the legal ramifications of this ??

    question two: why is this still going on ? what’s compelling all of you antis to keep sitting around this campfire ??

  51. scott e says:

    I think there’s something to the “African thing”. it’s not even a race. like he’s “American”… that could mean he’s from Venezuela… I want to see more hawiian certs. some with both descriptions.

    I want to see ten draft registrations with just “80” on them.

  52. No.

    scott e: I think there’s something to the “African thing”. it’s not even a race. like he’s “American”… that could mean he’s from Venezuela… I want to see more hawiian certs. some with both descriptions.

    I want to see ten draft registrations with just “80″ on them.

  53. According to well-established precedent, a sitting US President cannot be indicted or arrested. Only the House of Representatives can impeach a President. So until January 20, 2017, Zullo has no shots. And precisely what us Zullo “commander” of?

    scott e: what’s yer guyzes spin on the idea that commander zullo has “one shot” to file the charges. one of you lawyer types answer please., about the legal ramifications of this ??

  54. CarlOrcas says:

    scott e: what’s yer guyzes spin on the idea that commander zullo has “one shot” to file the charges. one of you lawyer types answer please., about the legal ramifications of this ??

    “Commander” Zullo has no authority to file any charges against anyone. He is not an Arizona peace office and Arpaio has no authority to confer that power on him….no matter how many times they spout their nonsense.

    On top of that….in Arizona charges are not “filed” by police officers (real police officers) they are filed by the county attorney (prosecutor in Arizona) after reviewing the officers’ (real officers) evidence.

    Hence….no “legal ramifications”.

  55. Curious George says:

    Take the Reed Hayes report: Finally the Cold Case Posse has a real person who has some expertise in something, who has testified in court on multiple occasions about something. What does the his report say? I don’t know; they haven’t released it. I can guarantee you that if it was really damning, they would have called a press conference and released a slick YouTube video narrated by Mark Gillar. But they haven’t released it, and the only reason for that is that it either doesn’t say what they claimed, or they know it would not stand up to criticism.

    One other possibility that wasn’t mentioned, it may be released in another book.

  56. American Mzungu says:

    scott e: I think there’s something to the “African thing”. it’s not even a race.

    You haven’t been paying attention. In addition to “African”, racial categories in 1961 included “European”, “Asian” and “Arab”.

  57. JPotter says:

    scott e: I want … I want … I want … I want … I want ….. WAAAAAAAA!

    Who’s been giving the mice cookies again?

  58. Majority Will says:

    JPotter: Who’s been giving the mice cookies again?

    It’s truly bizarre and a little sad that a handful of hardcore birther bigots can’t understand why no one will take their witless whimpering for attention seriously.

  59. Daniel says:

    scott e:

    question two: why is this still going on ? what’s compelling all of you antis to keep sitting around this campfire ??

    Birthers are a never ending source of entertainment.

  60. Daniel says:

    scott e:
    I think there’s something to the “African thing”. it’s not even a race. like he’s “American”… that could mean he’s from Venezuela… I want to see more hawiian certs. some with both descriptions.

    I want to see ten draft registrations with just “80″ on them.

    What makes you, and birthers in general, think they have any rights, whatsoever, to see the POTUS BC, or school records, or Bar certification, or any kind of documentation about private life, whatsoever?

  61. ellen says:

    Re: “I think there’s something to the “African thing”. it’s not even a race….”

    The long answer is that you were allowed to use any word that you wanted to describe your race in Hawaii, and African exchange students in the 1960s commonly described themselves as “African.”

  62. richCares says:

    “…African exchange students in the 1960s commonly described themselves “as “African.”
    as a student at UW in the 60’s, I knew African students and they all described their race as “African”, only Americans used the term Negro

  63. Whatever4 says:

    Julius B Censor:

    Instead of analysis, you turn to insults.

    We’ve run out of things to analyze. It’s a simple matter. Birthers try to make it overly complicated.

  64. Dave B. says:

    Would just any old ten copies do, of indeterminate quality and provenance?

    scott e: I want to see ten draft registrations with just “80″ on them.

  65. Benji Franklin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: According to well-established precedent, a sitting US President cannot be indicted or arrested. … And precisely what is Zullo “commander” of?

    To Birthers, that just means he must be indicted AND arrested while standing. And since there is no Birther army, we can assume Zullo is “commander” of the Birther leggy.

  66. The Magic M says:

    scott e: I think there’s something to the “African thing”. it’s not even a race. like he’s “American”… that could mean he’s from Venezuela

    Much as “Hispanic” isn’t one (are Spaniard and Brazilians and Mexicans the same “race”?) or “Asian” (are Japanese and Koreans and Chinese and Thai and Indonesians the same “race”?), yet we all use them as if they were. I don’t see you complaining about that. Besides, it’s likely a white African would’ve described his race as “white” but that doesn’t mean a black African would describe his race as “black”, let alone “Negro”. (Another example, the term “Caucasian” is totally unknown in Europe; I would never call myself that.)

    Again, the obsession over racial details (like “is he really half-black?” or the dog-whistle “they were called negroes back then, dontcha know?”) is typical for your ilk.

    And it’s Catch-22 once more. Had the BC said “Race: Negro”, you’d have claimed no African would’ve used that loaded US term to describe himself, or that it was exclusively reserved to black Americans.

    Find a true anachronism on the BC (from what I read on Twitter, at least every third birther believes the BC actually says “African-American”…) or STFU.

  67. Dave B. says:

    And a lot of them think it refers to the President himself.

    The Magic M: Find a true anachronism on the BC (from what I read on Twitter, at least every third birther believes the BC actually says “African-American”…) or STFU.

  68. Jim says:

    scott e:
    what’s yer guyzes spin on the idea that commander zullo has “one shot” to file the charges. one of you lawyer types answer please., about the legal ramifications of this ??

    question two: why is this still going on ? what’s compelling all of you antis to keep sitting around this campfire ??

    It’s an interesting study of bigotry and hatred in America. Add to that the entertainment value of people who so hate a black man being President that they would destroy the constitution to try and save it, it’s like watching an accident waiting to happen.

  69. Bonsall Obot says:

    Remember the rule, folks: any unlimited number of bigots who can’t stand having an uppity negro as president, willing to lie about “evidence,” the law and history, are ALL “patriots.” But two or more rational adults who dare to discuss the matter reasonably and in a reality-based manner are a conspiracy.

  70. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    scott e:
    what’s yer guyzes spin on the idea that commander zullo has “one shot” to file the charges. one of you lawyer types answer please., about the legal ramifications of this ??

    question two: why is this still going on ? what’s compelling all of you antis to keep sitting around this campfire ??

    1. No spin. As a member of the State Bar of Arizona I can speak with authority to this question. Under Arizona law, only the County Attorney is authorized to “file charges”, as you put it. A sheriff does not have such authority, much less a civil volunteer.

    A glance through the Arizona Revised Statutes would have given you the answer.

    2. I enjoy debunking BirtherLaw (TM).

  71. Curious George says:

    Butterfly. I copied this post from a Birther website. What do you think?

    “A criminal complaint won’t be filed because the CCP has found no conclusive evidence of fraud.

    The CCP report is mostly a rehash of half baked theories and questionable assumptions already touted for years by Jerome Corsi.

    The Maricopa County attorney, Bill Montgomery, has called it “speculative”.

    “To date, there has been evidence presented leading to speculation that documents have been forged and other documents do not exist. That alone, though, is not sufficient evidence to present to a grand jury and actually have a reasonable likelihood of conviction. I cannot speak for other prosecutors at the state level around the rest of the country or for prosecutors at the federal level but Arizona?s ethics rules do not permit prosecutors to file a charge they can only hope to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt at a later stage.”

    The CCP needs to come up with ACTUAL evidence of fraud, which they have yet to do.”

  72. Kupuna says:

    To scott e, as to why I follow the Birthers,

    I’m a nurse who worked for both Kapiolani Medical Center & the Hawaii Dept of Health so I found this lunacy fascinating from the start. I also feel sorry that my former colleagues are stuck wasting time & money on Birthers. I’m a Hawaii taxpayer too & resent that both our DOH & our AG’s office have had to waste precious time on this when we have real & pressing issues to handle here. I really appreciate Doc & the others who took up this hobby & regularly show how Birthers are lying, delusional fools.

    Also, being a nurse, I find the psychology of conspiracy theorists fascinating, ever since the early 90’s when I started listening to Art Bell on talk radio.

    Lastly, I have a demanding job so laughing at Birthers makes for a little stress relief.

  73. jtmunkus says:

    Yo! Scott E.!

    Please show me:

    1) The regulation or constitutional requirement that to qualify for President, one must have registered with Selective Service,
    2) the Selective Service regulation providing that a registrant’s application is invalidated if the USPostal Service uses a two-digit date stamp when it is mailed,
    3) for that matter, the requirement or regulation which requires a president to show you his papers, and
    4) why you hate Americans with African relatives.


  74. Bonsall Obot: But two or more rational adults

    One Russian is a revolution.
    Two Russians is the Kremlin.
    Three Russians is the Red Army.
    Four Russians is the Budapest String Quartet.

  75. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: The CCP report is mostly a rehash of half baked theories and questionable assumptions…….

    That’s pretty much it in a nutshell……so to speak.

  76. CarlOrcas: That’s pretty much it in a nutshell……so to speak.

    They are nuts.

  77. The Magic M says:

    scott e: like he’s “American”… that could mean he’s from Venezuela…

    Take that issue up with WND and its writers who claim “there are no African-Americans, we’re all Americans”. So you don’t consider yourself American but rather Unitedstatesofamerican?

    scott e: I want to see ten draft registrations with just “80″ on them.

    Birthers have seen at least 6 other Hawaiian BC’s that thoroughly debunked their claim that Obama’s BC number is “out of sequence”. Did that cause them to stop claiming that? No, instead they’ve started claiming all other Hawaiian BC’s are forgeries, too.

    So seeing one or 6 or 10 other draft registrations with a partial stamp would only prove to birthers that there are more cases of draft registration forgery than they initially thought, or that they all were produced to exonerate Obama’s document (as in “why didn’t they show them earlier?”).

    And don’t forget that you are also still asking for another PDF scan with exactly the same random white dot scattering as the LFBC PDF has before you would even remotely consider revisiting your “forgery” opinion.

    scott e: what’s yer guyzes spin on the idea that commander zullo has “one shot” to file the charges.

    That’s another excuse made up by Zullo or his entourage to explain away why they are sitting on their “100% evidence that would convince even the greatest skeptic” (but obviously not a Grand Jury).
    Anyone who has evidence of a crime can turn that over, and if he finds additional stuff later, can turn that over, too.
    The DA can also file charges multiple times, the only thing that Zullo is maybe thinking of is double jeopardy. I.e. if charges are filed and the person is acquitted, you can’t prosecute again. But even that is not as strict it’s often understood.

    But who knows, maybe Zullo will turn his stuff over once he’s found that 300% evidence that will convince even the dog of the former neighbour of the great-great-grandfather of the greatest skeptic. To dream… the impossible dream…

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