Cropped by Doc

Mario ApuzzoI am sincerely bemused by this story. It started in November of 2009 when I wrote one of a series of quick birther bios on Mario Apuzzo. I wanted to illustrate those articles with photos of the subjects. I don’t know whether I found it myself, or someone sent it to me, but I ended up with a group photo including Apuzzo that  I cropped for my article. Ridiculing someone with a bad photo is not my usual style, and I thought the photo (right) looked rather distinguished. Apuzzo apparently thought so too because he started using the photo on his own web site. Hey, that’s fine with me.

Today, though, I was writing about the Orly Taitz campaign web site, and noticed the nice header graphic. Here’s some of it:

Photo of Orly Taitz, US Flag background

Does that photo look familiar? It’s cropped from a group photo of Taitz with National Republican Chairman Reince Prebius and co-chair of the Romney Campaign, Governor Tim Pawlenty taken during her 2012 Senate race. How do I know that? I cropped it myself. 1

Several anti-Taitz videos have appeared of late on YouTube. This character, DavidJamesManning has been uploading videos for 5 years now according to YouTube. I checked out one of them titled “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”  just now and it has a series of images, including:

imageAnd where have we seen that image before? (And no, I had nothing to do with the videos.)

1OK, the image above is cropped a little tighter than mine, but I still think she got it from me.  The original Taitz image apparently came from a printed photograph that was scanned a bit crooked. I did some resizing and rotating for my version. When I overlay the image from the campaign site onto my own adjusted version of the original, it fits perfectly. It doesn’t quite fit as well to the original photo on the Taitz site. Readers here know about the reliability of amateur forensic photo analysts.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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7 Responses to Cropped by Doc

  1. RanTalbott says:

    When I overlay the image from the campaign site onto my own adjusted version of the original, it fits perfectly.

    But does it have layers?

  2. Sam the Centipede says:

    Let’s apply BirtherLogic here:
    • birthers are using Doc. C.’s photos;
    • birthers are patriotic, principled, law-abiding people;
    • so these photos were obtained legitimately;
    • so Doc. C. supplied these photos;
    • so Doc. C. is a BIRTHER!!!!

    This website is obviously a false flag operation designed to trick obots into revealing information which is passed onto Commander Zullo of the Arizona International Posse to support the universe-shattering evidence that will be revealed by him and Archbishop Gallups on Whogivesashit Radio this month!

    That’s the only possible explanation. Well, I suppose the birthers could have pilfered Doc. C.’s good work … hmmmm…

  3. Curious George says:

    Sam the C
    How about the Arizona Intergalactic Posse Space Cadets and their contrived UNIVERSE SHATTERING evydunce brought to you by the Acme Evydunce Company. “If you can’t find the birther evydunce, we’ll create it!”

  4. American Mzungu says:

    You could send each a bill for services rendered and see how they respond.

  5. Part of my bemusement is that I’m part of the story at all. This enterprise started out to be a small repository of debunking articles. The only reason “Dr. Conspiracy” was created was because “admin” looked amateurish. Funny how our personal stories evolve.

  6. Majority Will says:

    That group photo has a few smiley faces that must have been faked.

  7. Dave B. says:

    Mario could never get his hair to behave that well in court. To this day, all opposing counsel has to do is whisper “Alexandra…Alexandra…Alexandra…H-i-i-i-i-i-llllll…” and that cowlick springs up like a wild beast desperate to escape.

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