Birther pornography

I wrote this reply to a commenter at WorldNetDaily who said:

Why bother watching [tomorrow’s press conference  in Maricopa County]. Nothing will be done. Nobody seems to care. This has been going on for too long

The problem with pornography (and I’m talking about birther pornography here — the talk dirty about Obama fetish and sadistic fantasies of a violent end to his term of office1) is that porn gets old. One has to keep upping the intensity to get the same rush as before. I think WND and Sheriff Joe understand this, and they will try their utmost to come up with something for the press conference tomorrow that will perhaps fall short of "doing something" but still make it seem that they are on the verge of doing something, that they are closing in on the culprits, the President’s Waterloo is at hand, and very soon birthers will burst in to the spotlight triumphant to receive the adulation of a grateful nation.

Of course like all pornography, it’s fantasy. Obama is eligible to be President and anyone with an ounce of sense knows it. There is no forgery and no fraud in his documents and that fact is why nothing will be done, and most people don’t seem to care.

1You can probably think of the kinds of pornographic images birthers would find exciting: a video tape of Obama admitting that hates America, Obama impeached and convicted (and far nastier things that I’d rather not put in writing). I can’t help but recall YouTuber Rudy’s orgasmic shouting of “this is death penalty stuff!”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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10 Responses to Birther pornography

  1. The Magic M says:

    > One has to keep upping the intensity to get the same rush as before.

    I think that applies to a drug addiction much more than it does to porn.

    OTOH I’ve always been fascinated with the fecal fetish that many birthers have (I won’t repeat any of it here, but the references to fecal matter in their postings happen too often to ignore).

  2. I don’t claim to be an authority. I thought I read it somewhere.

    The Magic M: I think that applies to a drug addiction much more than it does to porn.

  3. Paul says:

    The Magic M:
    > One has to keep upping the intensity to get the same rush as before.

    Ithink that applies to a drug addiction much more than it does to porn.

    It definitely applies to porn as well. One is physical, the other is psychological, but both require larger and larger “doses” to create the same effect.

  4. JPotter says:

    Darn that desensitization. I feel so numb.

  5. BillTheCat says:

    That’s why I hardly bother to pay attention to Orly anymore. Frankly I’m burnt out. Her shtick is beyond old, and in fact, it’s boring. Mispellings, malapropisms, inability to file things correctly, her ALL CAPS SCREAMING HEADLINES that signify nothing – YAWN. It’s just old and tired. The other actors in this play are far more interesting.

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That’s why I hardly bother to pay attention to Orly anymore. Frankly I’m burnt out. Her shtick is beyond old, and in fact, it’s boring. Mispellings, malapropisms, inability to file things correctly, her ALL CAPS SCREAMING HEADLINES that signify nothing – YAWN. It’s just old and tired. The other actors in this play are far more interesting.

    Yeah, she’s like a poop joke. Funny, but wears thin after a while.

  7. US Citizen says:

    “The problem with pornography (and I’m talking about birther pornography here — the talk dirty about Obama fetish and sadistic fantasies of a violent end to his term of office1) is that porn gets old. One has to keep upping the intensity to get the same rush as before.”

    Like drugs and real p*rn, it isn’t so much upping the intensity as much as one’s tolerance affecting the subject.

    That is, old p*rn viewed again later can be just as exciting and things like opiate rotation are common in the drug world.
    One’s brain and/or body can’t get used to them or it loses strength.
    It just doesn’t work as well any longer.

    With this said, the same occurs in the birther world.
    It isn’t so much something more and more intense as it is something new and fresh.
    If Obama was accused of snorting ground up corn flakes, he’d rise to the top of a birther’s hatred quite quickly.

  8. I have the same reaction, although it extends to pretty much the whole birther crew.

    BillTheCat: That’s why I hardly bother to pay attention to Orly anymore.

  9. I suppose that might apply to old birther rumors getting recycled every year or two.

    US Citizen: That is, old p*rn viewed again later can be just as exciting and things like opiate rotation are common in the drug world.

  10. G says:

    Heck, they don’t even wait every year or two on many of these dead-horses. Often they only wait a matter of months before trotting them back out again, as if “new”…

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I suppose that might apply to old birther rumors getting recycled every year or two.

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