Birther Tim Adams announces support for Obama

The lesser of two evils

Tim AdamsTim Adams (right) made a big splash in 2010 when he appeared on a white supremacist radio show, Political Cesspool, telling a story about Barack Obama’s birth certificate, or lack thereof. Adams was a contractor and “chief clerk” for the Honolulu Elections Division and he claimed that Barack Obama had no Hawaiian birth certificate. In various follow-up statements and interviews, including one on Reality Check Radio in which I participated, Adams backed down on some of what he said after it was found that his office had no access to Hawaiian birth records, but he still maintained that Obama had no Hawaiian birth certificate although he says he thinks Obama was born in the US, somewhere else than Hawaii.

Adams is cited in birther lawsuits and remains a star in the birther sky, but now he’s come out with a YouTube video in support of Barack Obama for President in 2012.

It’s hard to tell just what Tim Adams is really about, particularly after his Master’s Thesis appeared putting himself in the role of a gonzo journalist.

Adams’ rationale for supporting Obama can be summed up in two words, “Romney / Ryan.” Romney, he believes, is part of the David Rockefeller legacy of corporate internationalists. We don’t actually see the “one world government Bilderberger Illuminati” conspiracy theories here, but I think that’s where he’s pointing.

Here’s his video:


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Birther Tim Adams announces support for Obama

  1. Northland10 says:

    Timothy Adams New video up now: I’ve Changed My Vote 2012: FOR BARACK OBAMA

    This might get him kicked off of the Birther Christmas Card list. The video (actually, there is a second one that is a continuation of the first) is mainly a collection of what he sees wrong with Romney.

  2. Slartibartfast says:

    This should result in an amusing amount of birther cranial rupture… I believe that they are physically incapable of even thinking that someone could be worse than President Obama.

    Timothy Adams New video up now: I’ve Changed My Vote 2012: FOR BARACK OBAMA

    This might get him kicked off of the Birther Christmas Card list.The video (actually, there is a second one that is a continuation of the first) is mainly a collection of what he sees wrong with Romney.

  3. Scientist says:

    Northland10: Timothy Adams New video up now: I’ve Changed My Vote 2012: FOR BARACK OBAMA

    Many of you may know that I have been searching diligently for the “pro-Obama birther”. Have we, at last, spotted this elusive critter? Their characteristics are that they would vote for Obama if only they believed he was eligible. But, if I recall correctly, Adams’ position was that Obama was not born in Hawaii, but was, neverthless, eligible, either because he was born elsewhere in the US or because his mother was a citizen. So, technically, Adams is not a birther (merely a liar and/or fool) and therefore, not a pro-Obama birther.

    I also recall that Lucas Smith hates Romney and has said he would vote for Obama if he could vote, though he can’t, as a convicted felon. Moreover, his vote for Obama would be despite his supposed ineligibility, so he so fails the test for pro-Obama birther.

    So, the search continues…

  4. donna says:

    you all remember timothy adams, dontcha?

    a bizarre video on why he NOW supports obama

    Birther Hero Endorses Obama

  5. donna says:

    birther comments roling in:

    That dude is one liberal loon nutcase isn’t he?

    It doesn’t even bother him that Obama doesn’t have a birth certificate which he himself pointed out to the American people.

    Now he is blaming drone attacks and the ME crisis on Romney which Obama himself is doing..

    He says Romney wants a One World Government which is Obama’s primary aim.

    He says Romney was not nominated by the people yet he never mentions Hillary won the popular vote in the Obama/Clinton primaries and yet the nomination was given to Obama.

    Just another typical ignorant selfish Obama lemming.

  6. Thanks for the tip.

    Northland10: imothy Adams New video up now: I’ve Changed My Vote 2012: FOR BARACK OBAMA

  7. G says:


    I do consider this to be a significant development in the broader picture here.

    Obama’s election was simply a “visceral shock” for some folks. In more ways than one, he was “different” than what they were used to. I can sympathize that for some, he symbolized more “change” than they could deal with all at once.

    Instead of going through the stages of grieving properly, some of these folks held onto their denial and anxiety about his election and allowed the cancer of fear and irrational dislike to consume them. Hence, we got the Birthers and the Tea Party and types like that.

    But in terms of what the GOP has really devolved into as a party, the Romney / Ryan ticket too is a “bridge too far” for many. This time, those are aspects of failed and dangerous policies, instead of merely coming from a different background.

    Mr. Adams is not the first anti-Obama GOP voter I have heard about since summer, who has decided that a Romney / Ryan administration would be much worse for America than their own intense dislike of Obama.

    So kudos to Mr. Adams for being able to come out and explain his personal reasonings and to put a face on the very real reconsiderations that this election cycle is bringing about. I see it as a hopeful sign that more people are waking up to the bigger picture of the true problem with the “establishment” plutocracy and the erosion their selfish interests have caused and continue to threaten the rest of America with.

    The 2012 devolved GOP, represented by the Romney/Ryan has to be the worst major ticket and campaign I’ve seen in my lifetime. I’m encouraged to see that more folks are starting to wake up and realize that and let go of some of their previous entrenched gut-level positions.

  8. G says:

    Some of the folks over at ORYR are, unsurprisingly, in deep denial. Several of them keep trying to argue that this isn’t the “real” Timothy Adams in the video and is merely an imposter… Others have pointed out that yes, it is the SAME Timothy Adams…but it hasn’t stopped some of the entrenched denialsts in insisting that this is an imposter…

    Here is just one example post from over there on this:

    Not sure if this is really Tim Adams. This guy has a fatter head and what appears to be brown eyes. Tim Adams has Blue eyes ?!?!? Send Timothy Adams an Email to verify ….


  9. John Potter says:

    [Apparently] supporting Obama by default (is Mr. Adams unaware of 3rd party candidates?) definitely doesn’t qualify as the elusive double-positive, as he is not truly pro-Obama, but anti-Romney. I haven’t wached this video, but I suspect that Admas is ultimately and always pro-TimAdamsgettingattention and pro-TimAdamsextendinghis’net”celebrity”.

    Some day, we will find the true-blue Obama supporter who was overwhelmined by the airtight logic, consistency, coherence, and documentation of the truths revealed by birferism ( 😉 ), and forced to reluctantly withdraw support. Until that day, the search continues …

  10. Northland10 says:

    I was looking for something else, which led me to his Facebook page. I found the video from his post there. Though, the ORYR bunch would call that fake also.

    Some of the folks over at ORYR are, unsurprisingly, in deep denial.Several of them keep trying to argue that this isn’t the “real” Timothy Adams in the video and is merely an imposter… Others have pointed out that yes, it is the SAME Timothy Adams…but it hasn’t stopped some of the entrenched denialsts in insisting that this is an imposter…

    Here is just one example post from over there on this:


  11. Paper says:

    Two points: 1) Eyebrows don’t match earlier recordings. 2) No raised seal is visible on his forehead.

    Some of the folks over at ORYR are, unsurprisingly, in deep denial.Several of them keep trying to argue that this isn’t the “real” Timothy Adams in the video and is merely an imposter… Others have pointed out that yes, it is the SAME Timothy Adams…but it hasn’t stopped some of the entrenched denialsts in insisting that this is an imposter…

  12. DP says:

    Come on people? Where’s that idiot John to point out the obvious truth readily apparent to any insane, frothing-at-the-mouth birther?


    Probably threatened his family. Or kicked his dog. Or promised he’d never again be able to appear on neo-Nazi radio.

    There is simply no end to the unfathomable powers Obama wields. Our only hope is a nitrous-addled dentist who got her law degree off a match box and doesn’t know how to properly file anything. Surely that will work against the all powerful evil of Obama, whose powers fail only when it comes to making poorly forged documents.

  13. John Potter says:

    DP: the all powerful evil of Obama, whose powers fail only when it comes to making poorly forged documents.

    No, no, no, DP, ObamAlmighty excels at making poorly forged documents. Undetectable forgeries are what remain beyond his abilities.

    This unconscious failing betray a deep desire to let the truth fly free … not that a birfer would assign honesty on any level to the blasphemous ObamAlmighty.

  14. Having spoken with Adams, I can confirm a voice match.

  15. Paper says:

    Except in this video he speaks so slowly. Clearly this is just reconstructed from edited snippets taken from unrelated recordings. It’s obviously the only non-squalid answer.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Having spoken with Adams, I can confirm a voice match.

  16. ZixiOfIx says:

    Some of the folks over at ORYR are, unsurprisingly, in deep denial.Several of them keep trying to argue that this isn’t the “real” Timothy Adams in the video and is merely an imposter…

    Some people believe in conspiracies because they see tenuous connections others don’t see. They’re wrong, but they are otherwise reasonable people. Others believe in conspiracies because their hatred blinds them to the truth. These are the trash pickers of the conspiracy nut world. This is what much of the birther world seems to be made from these days.

    So… Tim Adams… was cloned? …he’s a ‘bot? …he’s been brainwashed? …he’s being blackmailed? ..he’s been Photoshopped? … he’s being threatened? All of the above?

    I am perpetually amazed with the speed at which birthers collect shiny bits and pieces of information like magpies, and slap them onto the festering wads of conspiracy they have squirreled away in their mental attics.

    No discernment. No debate. No thinking it over. Just ::splat:: right into the conspiracy heap if it doesn’t advance their prejudices and biases.

    They’d better be careful, though. Someday, that smelly, gooey wad of conspiracy is going to get too big for the attic and come crashing down into their mental living rooms. Then they’ll be unfit for much of anything.

  17. John Potter says:

    ZixiOfIx: Someday, that smelly, gooey wad of conspiracy is going to get too big for the attic and come crashing down into their mental living rooms. Then they’ll be unfit for much of anything.

    Thanks for that LOL

    Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout …. would not keep …. the birfer out!

  18. Zixi of Ix says:

    John Potter: Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout …. would not keep …. the birfer out!


    I miss Shel Silverstein.

    If he were here, he could have re-written A Boy Named Sue for President Obama. Not that BHO is a bad name, but it must be really hard to quietly carry out a nefarious plot to overtake the free world with such a foreign sounding moniker.

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