(CCCP is what USSR looks like in the Russian language and Cyrillic alphabet).
It was a telling moment when Birther movement leader Orly Taitz told a Federal District Court in Santa Ana, California on October 5, 2009 (as reported in OC Weekly): “Have you ever heard of a lawyer being able to challenge Stalin?” She described the repressive Soviet regime from personal experience. This explains a great deal of Orly Taitz’s bizarre-seeming view of the Obama administration and the American justice system, her belief in pervasive corruption at all levels of government, and her confidence that the only truth to be had is in private rumors.
What Orly Taitz is trying to do through her lawsuits, public appearances and most of all on her web site is nothing less than the Sovietization of her followers. She wants Americans to believe that their government is essentially corrupt and the newspapers are all in on the conspiracy–basically imposing the milleu of the former Soviet Union on her fans’ perception of the 21st century United States.
Judge Carter said in response to Taitz: “That’s not the America I grew up in.” (Transcript Page 95). It’s not the America I grew up in either. While our government goes awry from time to time, the people are empowered to say “we’re fed up” and vote in the other guys. Corruption is not always dealt with quickly, but it is dealt with. We have term limits on our president.
This is not the Soviet Union, Ms Taitz.
In this country, elections mean something. Our Constitution doesn’t allow for “new elections” every time some lunatic fringe hatches a conspiracy theory. It doesn’t allow the courts to toss out presidents. In this country, unlike the former Soviet Union, there is a commitment to the rule of law at all levels of our society. When something happens we don’t agree with, we don’t “storm the White House” and lynch the President. (If there were ever needed proof of that, consider the Bush v. Gore lawsuit.) The Birthers think that the law is nothing more them “having it their way” and the Constitution is nothing more than a rallying point for mob rule.
That’s not the America I grew up in.
The “Big Elephant” is the room is that I have yet to see a single birther show us that they cared about the Constitution when it was Bush that was trampling it.
They only care when a black man is elected.
Dear Doc,
What an elegant and excellent reply to Ms. Taitz, Good Doctor! The sanity of your statement alone must horribly confuse the Birthers and make Mario cringe at the spectacle of being followed by even the slightest number of his hapless torch bearers.
Benji Franklin
Now I have the Beatles song stuck in my head.
Very nicely written Dr. C and Amen to Lupin.
Bravo Doc! Well said. I think that’s letter-to-the-editor all across the country material!
Judge Land and now judge Carter, smack down the crazies (case dismissed), poor little Birthers.
Not even “Fake News” Bill O’Reilly believes the crazies, how funny.
To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true (TOUGH WHEN YOU KEEP LOSING CASES), if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess they were in on it.
In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”.
I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).
Some of the racism is getting more blatent. Orly is posting letters that include reference to the civil war and white men dying. The other referred to Obama not being a true African American. Another even said this whole issue is about people being scared of black power.
That’s what I have been saying from the beginning. I personally know someone, of Arabic descent, who was railroaded when Gonzalez felt the Constitution was a nuisance.
Thanks for enforcing it.
No, she doesn’t encourage her followers to call the judge. Also – isn’t Ms Taitz in CA? I guess I’ll have to agree with the whack job comment then.
I just spoke with you on the phone from Florida. I just wanted to say thank you so much for the work you are doing to save the US Constitution. Many of us have a great apperciation for what you are doing. Please don’t quit. I wish someone would go after Nancy Pelosi for the modified Cert of Nomination letter. Obama’s corrupt machine has done a great job stopping us. I will help you organize any protests and I will help raise money for our cause. The US Constitution is at stake. I am so glad you are going after O’reilly at Fox News. I have already sent him many e-mails and made calls in protest of his ignorance.
Fox is afraid to look like a fringe media group and they have no balls. For the most part they are great. Like Glenn Beck. Again, keep up the good work & I will help you spread the word of the protest.
Michael Fuller – 813-394-3603
PS: I called Judge Carter & told him he was a coward and he left his military friends in the dark. We should have known. California is known for its whack jobs.
Any questions or need any help at all organizing, I can help. I was elected as a delegate to the convention in Mass & I have done some fund raising for candidates for congress in Mass
JUDGE CARTER IN A NUTSHELL: Expanded Orly Taitz default judgment case against CANDIDATE Obama for fraud into a Presidential Removal case against PRESIDENT Obama (promising a trial), but then ruled the Court lacks said Presidential Removal authority, not only dismissing the Judge-expanded Presidential Removal case (reneging on the trial), but throwing out Orly’s Candidate fraud case as well — all this on a red herring that Orly’s case was filed 1/20/09 after Obama was sworn in on 1/20/09 despite Obama was sworn in on 1/21/09 and despite the Orly-alleged fraud was committed by Candidate Obama prior to becoming President and for which there is no Presidential immunity in any case. Thus Judge Carter set up and knocked down his own straw man, and misstated fact and law to bury Orly’s actual case. Pretty nifty!!!
False statement: “Expanded Orly Taitz default judgment case”
Truth: Orly never properly served Obama, therefore she never had a proper case for default. Even if she did, a “default” can not confer jurisdiction on a court that does not already have it.
False statement: “against CANDIDATE Obama for fraud”
Truth: Orly did not file her case until after Obama became President by operation of law (under the Constitution) — therefore she could not have brought an action against the “candidate” — as he was no longer a “candidate” at the time she actually filed her suit.
False assertion: “into a Presidential Removal case against PRESIDENT Obama”
Truth: Orly filed a first amended complaint after the July hearing and is solely responsible for its contents
(promising a trial), but then ruled the Court lacks said Presidential Removal authority, not only dismissing the Judge-expanded Presidential Removal case (reneging on the trial), but throwing out Orly’s Candidate fraud case as well — all this on a red herring that Orly’s case was filed 1/20/09 after Obama was sworn in on 1/20/09 despite Obama was sworn in on 1/21/09 and despite the Orly-alleged fraud was committed by Candidate Obama prior to becoming President and for which there is no Presidential immunity in any case. Thus Judge Carter set up and knocked down his own straw man, and misstated fact and law to bury Orly’s actual case. Pretty nifty!!!
False assertion: “(promising a trial)”
Truth: He promised no such thing. He said he would reach the merits rather than dismissing on the technicality of Orly’s failure of services, which is why Orly was in court in the first place. (She had been served with an Order to Show Cause why the case should not be dismissed). “Merits” begins with an analysis of jurisdiction. Failure of service is NOT a determination on the merits, just a reflection of the incompetence of the lawyer who brought the lawsuit.
False assertion: “all this on a red herring that Orly’s case was filed 1/20/09 after Obama was sworn in on 1/20/09 despite Obama was sworn in on 1/21/09‘
Truth: Obama became President under the Constitution as of noon on January 20th. The oath of office is not when the person becomes President — it is just the action that must be taken by the new President before taking any other official actions. The Constitution is explicit in that respect.
kind of missed that little aside from Carter about the Constitution, huh?
No Jack. It was only wishful fantasy that Carter promised a trial. The birthers heard what they wanted to hear.
Exactly, what Carter said was “the case will be dealt with on its merits”, since it lacked jurisdiction and standing, there were no merits.
Here’s the real CCCP:
Belgian Freeze Winter Ale? Bring it on!