Where’s the birth certificate?

I’m not talking about Barack Obama’s “long form” from Hawaii. We all know that Hawaiian law prevents us mere mortals from putting our paws on that document. No, I’m asking where is his Kenyan birth certificate.

Unlike Hawaii, Kenyan law says that birth information is open to anyone!

Cap 149 Births and Deaths Registration:

26.(1) Any register, return or index in the custody of the Principal Registrar subject to the rules, shall be open to inspection on payment of the prescribed fee.(2) The Principal Registrar shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, furnish a certified copy of any entry in any register or in any return in his custody.

(3) The Principal Registrar shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, furnish a certificate in the prescribed form of the birth of any person compiled in the prescribed manner from the records and registers in his custody.

(4) A certified copy of any entry in any register or return sealed or stamped with the seal of the Principal Registrar shall be received as evidence of the dates and facts therein contained without any or other proof of such entry.

Oh, I forgot… Odinga, blah, blah, blah, top secret, blah, blah, blah. Nevermind.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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118 Responses to Where’s the birth certificate?

  1. Saint James says:

    ha ha ha ha ha Lucas Smith already has a copy of President Obama’s Birth Certificate. Lucas made the request through the government of the Dominican Republic. The only problem was that the name on the official rubber stamp that Lucas custom made through the sidewalk of Santo Domingo was made with a wrong spelling.

    Dr.Heltan Maganga became Dr.Helton Manganga on Lucas’ kenyan bc.

  2. nbC says:

    Hahaha. What a disappointment that must be as the spin is causing me to almost puke…

  3. Whatever4 says:

    So if I understand this correctly… Obama’s name does not appear on a printout of names that you wouldn’t expect his name to appear on anyway. This proves something. And people are applauding Charlatan’s efforts in doing so.

    I suspect birthers will now proclaim the “fact” that Obama’s name isn’t in the Hawaiian birth file, thus “proving” he wasn’t born in Hawaii at all.

    “The Certificate of Hawaiian Birth program was established in 1911, during the territorial era, to register a person born in Hawaii who was one year old or older and whose birth had not been previously registered in Hawaii.” Obviously, Obama doesn’t qualify for this program as his birth was registered in Hawaii in the usual way — being born there and registered within a week of birth. We do know he’s in the Birth Index.

    Not to mention that Charlatan’s knickers are twisted that he didn’t get a microfiche copy, instead he got a copy of a microfiche. Hey dingbat — if the microfiche is pictures of printouts by name of child, of COURSE you can’t get it sorted any oher way. It’s not an electronic database, it’s pictures of pieces of paper.

  4. Hawaiiborn says:

    OMG… this is freaking hiarious! the Post and Fail do NOT understand what they are talking about!

    My grandfather would appear on that list, because he was born in Hawaii, but in 1910, before the registry became available.

    However, my grandmother, born in 1918 would not, because HER birth is registered NORMALLY.

    I love how Charlatans do not know what they are talking about, and post on the web, their idiocy for us to mock

  5. SluggoJD says:

    Yes, but don’t forget that Dr. HeltAn Maganga wasn’t even the Chief Administrator when Lucas supposedly went to Kenya – Dr. Jennifer Othigo was.

  6. Saint James says:

    Yes, but Lucas claims that there must have been 2 chief administrators ha ha ha ha

  7. Black Lion says:

    Charlatan at the Post and Fail doesn’t understand that he is showing how dumb he is…He requested information for a COHB and not a COLB so Obama would not appear on the list…But look at Charlton’s response below…It shows his ignorance of HI statutes…

    Mr. Charlton: There are a lot of ifs, all of which must be true:

    If he was not born at a hospital between 1911 and 1971, and
    if his parent(s) did not file for a certificate of birth before he was 1 year old, and
    if his name was not amended on the original vital record, via a name change or adoption,

    then if the Hawaii Birth index does not show him,
    he would not be born in Hawaii,

    unless of course, he was born in Hawaii, but no one ever filed for a Certificate of Hawaii Birth; in which case they could have filed for a late or amended Certification of Live Birth some time after 1971.

    That’s a lot of ifs…read it a couple times slowly….and if I made a mistake, I’ll let the experts correct me, here by replying to this comment.

  8. John says:

    Still the aspect of the higher Certification # on Obama’s COLB than that of twins who born after Obama does raise many red flags about the validity of COLB. Obots have tried to advance theories on this apparent mismatch but to date no affirmative explanation has been given to explain why this was so.

  9. John says:

    According to Phil Berg, Dr. Fukino’s Public statement about Obama being born in Hawaii was actually illegal since Dr. Fukino has no authority to disclose private information in Hawaii vital records. Phil Berg may actually be right. Dr. Fukino referred to “Original Vital Records” which could only mean the Birthing Index that is Public information. This would indicate that Fukino’s statement is not based Obama’s Orginal Birth Certificate. If this not true then Fukino did in fact break the law by revealing private information Hawaii Vital Records. It remains to be seen on what FACT or DATA Fukino used to create her PUBLIC statement. Using Obama’s Birth Certificate for that fact or data would be in sense illegal disclosure of private information contained in a Hawaiin Vital Record.

  10. Jez says:

    Dang. Got whiplash with all those twists and turns.
    Here is an idea: The index information has an entry for the President. She said “Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii”. This is not the type of private information the law talks about. That is actually public information via the birth index information.

  11. nbC says:

    According to Phil Berg, Dr. Fukino’s Public statement about Obama being born in Hawaii was actually illegal since Dr. Fukino has no authority to disclose private information in Hawaii vital records.

    She only disclosed that Obama was born in Hawaii as the publicly available data shows.


  12. chufho says:

    your worried

  13. chufho says:


  14. chufho says:


  15. chufho says:

    she did this as a favor to barry

  16. SFJeff says:

    Even if by some stretch of the imagination she had broken the law- that wouldn’t change her clear statement- that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

    I suggest that you vigorously encourage the Governer of Hawaii to prosecute her.

  17. G says:

    Need some cheese with your whine there chufho?

    From all your lame little posts here, it is obvious you are just upset and bitter as every moronic attempt by you pathetic bithers goes nowhere or completely in flames and the rest of the reality-based world mocks you endlessly.

    So, keep on crying your bitter little tears, slinging your pathetic little elementary school level barbs and keep on failing.

  18. Saint James says:

    chufho, worried that Lucas will eventually decide to sell his drug ravaged kidney to an innocent victim. The kidney transplant might hasten the recipient’s death! lol!

  19. Lupin says:

    What we see here is a remarkable example of American entrepreneurial spirit.

    Like P.T. Barnum, a number of clever grifters have identified a potential market of naive and bigoted rubes who are ready to pay good money to validate their deeply held inner conviction that a ni**** can’t be a legitimate president.

    A cottage industry has sprung up to cater to this market, just like shopkeepers in Lourdes sell any kind of souvenirs with pictures of the Virgin Mary on it, or medals blessed by the Pope (of dubious authenticity) in the Vatican.

    On the one hand, the number of idiots willing to be hoodwinked is frightening; on the other hand, you have to admire the carny spirit of the grifters.

  20. Hawaiiborn says:

    This has been explained numerous times. Please search this blog, as its been dealt with

  21. John says:

    If Dr. Fukino did use the public birthing index to make her public statement that Obama was born in Hawaii, it means her statement was based on that and was not based Obama’s birth records. However, if Fukino made the statement based on Obama’s birth records then she indeed broke the law as content of birth records are private. It remains to be seen on what fact or data contained in Obama’s vital records (not the public birthing index) she used to make her public statement. Any fact or data or contained in Obama’s vital records is deemed private. If Fukino can state he was born in Hawaii then she can also state if he was born in Kapoloni Hospital.

  22. NBC says:

    If Fukino can state he was born in Hawaii then she can also state if he was born in Kapoloni Hospital.

    That does not follow logically. Sorry John

  23. The index is an index of birth records. Duh.

  24. chufho: your [sic] worried

    If I can’t teach you some common sense, at least I might help you with your grammar and spelling. That should have been “you’re.”

  25. Mike says:

    A wild snorlax appears! Wait, I mean “Dr” Kate.

    She has a private fantasy post up about how Obama’s going to be treated following his arrest and removal here: http://drkatesview.wordpress.com/2010/02/27/prosecuting-obama/

    I think she was too busy searching for a towel to dry her seat to realise what a ridiculous proposition it is…

  26. DCH says:

    “According to Phil Berg, Dr. Fukino’s Public statement about Obama being born in Hawaii was actually illegal since Dr. Fukino has no authority to disclose private information in Hawaii vital records.”

    Uh, she merely confirmed what the Dept of Health provided to the newspapers in 1961, and what is continues to provide. Birthers live is a world of crank lawyers filing bogus lawsuits for the purpose of collecting donations from deluded fools who think these are real cases with a chance. Thet just repeat the same scam over and over again, its perfectly legal. Phil does not even file cases anymore he just talks about doing it (he was threatened by a Fed Judge in 2009 with sanctions if he filed again in a new venue using another lawyer as a front – taht is a fcat.)

    Kepp contributing, Phil Berg is banking on it. I may start my own birther case mill.

  27. BlackLion says:

    Yes you are correct…Charlton is wrong and on top of that shows his ignorance…Thanks for agreeing with us…The most amazing part is how Charlton misreads the statute and even one of his followers tries to point that out to him and his ignores them…Obama is not a native hawaiian so he would not have a COHB….He has a COLB because he was born in HI during the STATEHOOD era, when the regulations were different…anyone with reading reading comprehension skills could see that…

  28. BlackLion says:

    Mike, she is not only delusional but just ignorant of the law also…For instance look at the following section….

    “Obama’s behavior, as well as that of Congress, is characterized by attacks on sovereignty of the Several States and provision of aid and comfort to our enemies…aka, treason’.

    Obama could be charged right now for treason, usurping the Presidency, and a host of other actions were it not for the conspiracy of silence from the democrats, republicans, military, intelligence, and justice system. I believe the current government is so corrupt that everyone has something on everyone else, such that no one can say anything for fear of exposing their own nasty, unconstitutional, selfish, power-mongering illegal behavior and ill-gotten gains.”

    So let us go to the standard “great conspiracy” theory….

    “Given Obama’s foreign policy mentor Brzeznski and his likely muslim brotherhood benefactors, Obama likely knows the CIA game being played out on the world stage in creating wars and events for the larger purpose of paying back benefactors and keeping the drugs, oil, and weapons flowing toward manufactured chaos. Does Obama know something about the causes, sponsors, set-up, and goals of the September 11, 2001 attack on America? Does Obama know who set up the economic terror attack of September 14, 2008?”

    Economic terror attack? You mean when the economy tanked under Bush? That was an attack? Are you kidding me? Are these people so desperate to defend Bush that they want to blame the collapse on outside forces?

    “The incredible shrinking Obama, nothing but a string of lies held together by silly putty, faces a certain future of legal battles and significant jail time. This is no proud legacy to hand off to his children, imho, and it strikes me as child abuse.

    What kind of man, creature, dissociated troubled soul would lie to Americans and America like Obama has? What kind of father would do this to his children?

    I think Alcatraz looks like a ’shovel ready’ project worthy of stimulus monopoly money. Sure would be convenient to also house Pelosi there, she could feel more at home.

    So there you have it: Leavenworth, Guantanamo, or Alcatraz. What is your preference for the anti-constitutionalists?”

    The birthers are all so crazy that they actually think that something like this will happen…Amazing…

  29. NBC says:


  30. bob says:

    1. Alphabetical resorting over the weekend.
    2. First In, Last Out.

    There. Two possible affirmative explanations. Happy?

  31. Texlaw says:

    How to save time and precious moments of your life: when you come across any posting that starts with the words “according to Phil Berg”, immediately cease reading. Only idiocy will follow. Ditto for any post beginning with “According to Mario Apuzzo”, “According to Orly Taitz”, “According to Sharon Meroni”, ad nauseum.

  32. thisoldhippie says:

    Not only do they believe it, they get on their knees and pray to Jesus, (you know, the blond haired, blue eyed one whose picture used to hang in my Sunday school classroom), that it will happen as soon as possible! Actually, their prayers have been revealed to be worse than that, but I can’t even begin to imagine the depths of blackness in someone’s soul such as Wiley Drake’s.

  33. kimba says:

    I don’t think he’s dumb. I think he deliberately requested the Certificate of Hawaii birth information, but is presenting it as if it is the birth index data. He knew from Leo’s request where Leo requested “Barack Obama” data and got not only birth data for Barack Obama II but the marriage data for Barack Obama Sr. Charlatan knew Hawaii would send exactly what he asked for. Now he is perpetrating yet another misrepresentation by trying to make people think the index data doesn’t show Obama or the Dunham he found on ancestry.com. I didn’t think he was this smart, but I think this was a very cunning ploy on his part. And so this one will never go away “Someone who was known to have been born in Hawaii doesn’t show up on the data, so Okubo is a liar.”

  34. LMK says:

    Upon returning from her vacation in Israel in Aug, Orly was interviewed on the Andrea Shea King radio show (I think that is the correct show).

    Andrea Shay King said, at the openning of the show, that there was very exciting news! Orly told ASK, before the show began to air, that Yosi Taitz had made a side trip to Kenya while on the family’s Israeli vacation. When Andrea asked Orly about that, Orly said she couldn’t say any more about the issue! She said she couldn’t give more info about Yosi’s trip.

    I believe that Yosi did go to Kenya. And came home empty handed.

    Now, when Orly had Lucas Smith fly in to testify before Judge Carer, she asked him to testify that he obtained both FKBCs in Kenya. Smith said no, that he had only obtained the 2nd one in Kenya, and refused to say that he had obtained both FKBCs (Orly claims that one FKBC is the hospital version and the other is the Kenyan DOH version).

    Orly told Smith that she had obtained the first one from Mossad!!!!!!

    I guess, even with all the resources the Israeli government has, Mossad could only trust Orly Taitz to take down Obama!

  35. misha says:

    This a disjointed comment, and I’m having trouble following all the tangents.

    I have said in previous comments, Orly and Berg are making common cause with anti-semites, because of their mutual, pathological hatred of Obama.

    Orly and Berg believe Obama is bad for Israel, and they believe they can drive him from office by circulating scurrilous rumors.

    We do not have a Parliament, and cannot call early elections, or a do-over like Ukraine. Better get used to it.

  36. Saint James says:

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Our court of law does not entertain “If’s”

  37. Rickey says:

    John says:

    If Fukino can state he was born in Hawaii then she can also state if he was born in Kapoloni Hospital.

    No, she can’t. Stating that he was born in Hawaii does not constitute the release of medical information. Identifying the hospital where he was born is revealing medical information.

    One reason why birth certificates issued by states such as Hawaii no longer include the name of the hospital or the doctor is that privacy laws have changed since 1961. Information which used to be readily available is now protected by privacy statutes.

  38. Black Lion says:

    Amen…Any sentence that begins with any of those, including according to Leo,you know that reading the next few sentences will mean wasting minutes of your life that you will never get back….

  39. milspec says:

    Reading anything begining with “according to Orly Taitz” might cause brain damage.

  40. ballantine says:

    I am amazed each time I read some idiot praising some member of the birther bar as an amazing consitutional lawyer as it is clear not one could pass a remedial exam on the constitution. It seems to me as a matter of the rules of professional responsibility and malpractice law, people who have little or no understanding of constitutional law or the rules of federal courts have no business representing themselves to any clients as compentant to represent them on these issues. If the birther bar actually had real clients that were not trying to pull a political stunt, these clowns should all be sued for malpractice and be subject to ethical sanctions as they have no business representing clients on these issues.

  41. Rickey says:

    The comments are even worse than the original post. The birthers want to imprison everyone from the Chief Justice to the press.

    There also is a comment from our old friend jtx, who now claims that Senate Resolution 511 (the one which declared McCain to be a NBC) says that a natural born citizen must have two citizen parents. Of course, it doesn’t say that.


  42. SFJeff says:

    John- regardless of what records Dr. Fukino based her statement- she states clearly that President Obama was born in Hawaii. Trying to parse her words or decide whether she broke the law are really pretty pathetic when the real point is that she flat out states President Obama is born in Hawaii.

    The Birthers are then left with “Fukino is on the take from Obama”, which is the stock answer everytime someone points out they are wrong.

  43. Chris says:

    People are now using Orly Taitz as the paradigm of crazy lawyers. See this article referring to “the Orly Taitz of internet lawyers.”


  44. Black Lion says:

    He and the other birthers have been pushing that lie for a long time. No matter how many times you point out to them that it does not say that, the birthers continue to perpetuate the lie and attempt to use it as proof that “Congress agrees with the De Vattel 2 parents definition”…As for JTX I guess he wanted to be among his own kind…

  45. Black Lion says:

    I went back and read the comments….You are right…Especually out buddy jtx and his fasicination with “flying monkeys”…Some of the more “entertaining” are below…

    March 1, 2010 at 11:21 am

    Robert’s biffing the oath may indicate he was very nervous.
    That “meeting” Obama had with him, while there was a case pending on the docket (which magically disappeared afterwards) was totally criminal as defendants cannot meet with judges without the plaintiffs being present while cases are pending. Obama was glowing with that weird psycho “I’m above it all and certainly above all of you” cheshire cat grin, and even Biden was looking sideways while smiling slightly because he has some remnants of a conscience. Ginsberg even looked down at her feet, I always sensed a looming “uh oh” feeling to the room full of justices that day, with a pained smile. Roberts trying to lead the pack seemed to have the most pushed smile. In short, something bad was up, they’d all been cornered into violating the Constitution, and for whatever reason they turned on the American people instead of doing their jobs with honor. http://www.jackandjillpolitics.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/obamawithsupremecourtjustices.jpg

    February 28, 2010 at 11:47 am

    Yes, the man undoubtedly KNEW he was ineligible since he voted (with all the other Senators, unanamously) for passing SR511 which states that a natural born Citizen is the child of 2 U. S. parents and Barry surely knew that his Pop was a Kenyan since he said so in his book as well as on his political websites.
    Despite that he LIED (signed, and in writing) in the AZ declaration of candidacy by stating he was both a natural born Citizen AND eligible under the U. S. Constitution.
    A minimum of 40+ years in Leavenworth sounds great so long as it’s in solitary confinement – or maybe Gitmo amoung the current general populace since they have plenty of Islamic culture for him to enjoy.
    To see how comlplicit some Federal judges are in the eligibility matter, and to understand just what is being appealed in the Kerchner et al case, it would be helpful to read this legal analysis:
    A Federal Judge takes 4 strikes!!!
    and, following that, if you go to the Mario Apuzzo website and actually read the Initial Appeals Brief of Jan 19, 2010, you’re in for a real eye-opener (as are the DOJ attorneys “defending” Obama using our tax money).
    That’s doubly ironic since these attorneys – and their bosses – took an oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign AND domestic but they are now in the position of actually attacking that very document rather than defending it and are trying to get an obviously ineligible man to remain in an office he has never shown himself to be eligible to hold.
    The wonderful Apuzzo Brief is a primer on both Constitutional law, the meaning of it, the Founders’ intent vis-a-vis Article II of the Constitution and a forceful put-down of the lies and misinformation put forth by the Obama Flying Monkeys such as “smrstrauss” and others.
    I’d urge everyone to read the Initial Appeals Brief from Attorney Apuzzo’s website along with the many essays by both Mario Apuzzo AND his Lead Plaintiff, Charles F. Kerchner. While there, it would really help to donate even a small amount to the publicity/education fund presently used only for full-page newspaper ads in the Washington Times National Weekly Edition.
    The Brief gives a very good overview of the original action AND it puts the lie to the many false arguments by the Obot Flying Monkeys about why BHO is either (their words) eligible to hold the office he now occupies OR that it (their words) doesn’t matter that he is not eligible.
    Your understanding of the relation of the U. S. Constitution to We The People will be forever enlightened.
    Actually, Obama’s whole life seems to be nothing but a work of fiction. The man has never shown himself to be Constitutionally eligible to hold the office he now occupies.
    If you’d like to see something from a different point of view, watch the two short videos below which, even though they start slowly and have a bit of fun, contain a wealth of factual data – more than we’ve seen from Obama.
    In fact in the second video a famous senator is quoted speaking about someone that sounds for all the world like “Our Boy” and really strikes a chord.
    Only thing is the senator was the Roman named Cicero speaking in 42 BC – but the message is still very directed and pertinent for all of us:
    Three Little Words
    Merry Christmas OmeriKa!!

    Quantum Leap
    February 28, 2010 at 10:12 am

    I think Alcatraz is the best place for these criminals. Have you seen how nervous nancy pelouseski is lately? She knows she violated the law
    a few hints from HRC but in the end even she was and has been silenced.
    Yeah right. October 28, 2008 HRC filed a lawsuit against what’s his name for Vote Fraud. Days after that she was picked or forced to be SOS. At the same time her husband BC was writing a book about the vote fraud and was going to disclose what’s his name’s ineligibility. Forcing HRC to be SOS killed all that.
    I just learned that Kalid Mousaa (spelling unknown) who bought offsponsored what’s his name to Harvard Law review as an intern and is direct to the shiek who what’s his name bowed to…did it so what’s his name could study for the loopholes in the constitution in order to rush in sharia law.
    A whole article could be written about Kalid as his real name is a generic American name like donald duck. He is sooooo currupt it boggles the mind and he comes straight out of the Black Panthers. He believes in Black Supremecy and white slavery.
    Mac is on meet the press bitchin about what’s his name.

  46. Black Lion says:

    Ballantine, agreed. But we all know it is not about representing clients, it is about embarassing the President and finding a way to make money off doing it. We all know the birther lawyers are ass clowns and the people that actually believe them or think they know what they are doing are sheeple. The main issue is that these people are allowing their hate for the President to cloud whatever rational thought they might have had. This causes them to believe in anything, no matter how farfetched as long as it is anti-Obama.

  47. Saint James says:

    LOL, the word Orly will be in the webster’s dictionary! At last, Orly’s claim to fame will eventually materialize.

    Orly =
    1 a person who is batshit crazy
    2. A frivolous lawsuit
    3. A person with prefers the dental chair over a bed to copulate.
    4. A bloody placenta.

  48. sarina says:

    John you can’t even spell the name of the hospital: it’s Kapi’olani, you should know that by know.

  49. yolomann says:

    >>We all know that Hawaiian law prevents us mere mortals from putting our paws on that document.<<

    but us mere mortals got to get our paws on McCain's original. it's just a theory on when/where he was born (somewhere in HI we'd assume), or how many citizenships he's had, or when/where/if his mother was married. no conspiracies, just theories.

  50. Saint James says:

    yolomann…we all know that I can’t put my fingers on your own documents and that is the law. Obama has shown his own document attested to for by Hawaiian officials themselves. You can formulate all those different theories. They will remain theories up until you prove them!

  51. SFJeff says:

    Yoloman- “but us mere mortals got to get our paws on McCain’s original.”

    You did? Really? When? Where? Show me the picture of McCains original BC then.

    Because I have seen a digital copy of President Obama’s, but never seen McCain’s, or Bush’s or Clinton’s.

    Why are they all hiding their birth certificates- that is the real question.

  52. reverend wright says:

    just what is obama hiding? all this “transparency” is enough to keep me guessing whether or not he is a man of good character or not….

  53. Saint James says:

    reverend wright…who cares about what he is hiding as long as he had shown proof that he is a natural born citizen. You should questioned his character that moment he filed his candidacy. 69 million of we the people trusted that he can clean-up the mess left by Bush.

  54. SFJeff says:

    What was Bush hiding? What was Clinton hiding? What was Reagan hiding?

    We know more about President Obama than we do about any of them. So I guess the question is- why were all those Presidents hiding so much? And why doesn’t anyone talk about all of their coverup?

  55. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Obama’s Presidenting While Black, its only natural for the birthers to want to pull him over and search the car.

  56. G says:

    Saint James: yolomann…we all know that I can’t put my fingers on your own documents and that is the law.Obama has shown his own document attested to for by Hawaiian officials themselves.You can formulate all those different theories. They will remain theories up until you prove them!

    I would argue that nothing the birthers have even qualifies as a theory in any real sense of the term.

    Wild ass speculation based on nothing but rumor and irrational bias is more like it.

  57. reverent wright: just what is obama hiding? all this “transparency” is enough to keep me guessing whether or not he is a man of good character or no

    The Eighth Commandment.

    Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

    What does this mean?–Answer

    We should fear and love God that we may not deceitfully belie, betray, slander, or defame our neighbor, but defend him, [think and] speak well of him, and put the best construction on everything.

    Martin Luther- The Small Catechism

  58. The McCain “birth certificate” filed by the plaintiffs in Hollander v. McCain is a fake (should anyone link to that). A McCain staffer is reported to have shown a birth certificate to one reporter (Dobbs).

  59. yolomann: us mere mortals got to get our paws on McCain’s original.

    Actually no. http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/2009/02/the-birth-certificate-is-a-forgery/

  60. reverend wright says:

    you’re quoting the bible to reverend wright? don’t you know, the reverend, and his followers don’t follow the Holy Bible.

  61. Saint James says:

    So does Manning from Hell!

  62. richCares says:

    so anyone can request a birth certificate from Kenya. Why would a birther do that, they don’t want to hear anything that contradicts their fantasy. If they requested one it would come back “no record of Obama” born in Kenya. See, to a dipshit this is proof that it’s a cover up

  63. SFJeff says:

    While Sven Reverend Wright might not follow the Holy Bible, as far as I can tell the real Reverend Wright does.

    Here is what Trinity Church says about itself:
    “We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian”
    Trinity Church offers Bible study and quotes the King James version of the Bible.

    Like all things Birther- if President Obama is associated with it, it must be demonized.

    Not that any of this matters of course- I could care less whether Rev Wright studied the bible, just so long they aren’t advocating an unconstitutional judicial coupe against the U.S. President.

  64. Rickey says:

    yolomann says:

    it’s just a theory on when/where he was born (somewhere in HI we’d assume)

    If you assume he was born in Hawaii, it doesn’t matter when or where in Hawaii (unless you believe he isn’t old enough to be president).

    how many citizenships he’s had

    Obama’s COLB establishes that he was born in Hawaii, so he’s a U.S. citizen. His original birth certificate isn’t going to tell you any more than that.

    when/where/if his mother was married

    What does his mother’s marital status have to do with his eligibility to be president?

  65. SvenMagnussen says:

    What does the Bible say about funding abortion?

  66. Saint James says:

    SvenMagnussen, you really play Orly so well. Keep up the stupidity!

  67. Saint James says:

    Orly seems to bask with her new found fame. LOL. Here’s her reaction to the new coined WSJ paradigm.

    “Well, it’s nice to be mentioned in WSJ and even have a term coined after me by WSJ, when they write: “he went Orly on them…” , “he went Orly Taitz on them””

  68. JoZeppy says:

    I find her other rant on the subject amusing:

    “I don’t have time to write to them again. I neeed a couple of volunteers to write to them and to FCC and alert FCC that Wall Street Journal is engaged in defrauding the public, engaged in yellow Journalism, in Journalistic malpractice, particularly as it relates to such important issue as illegitimacy to US Presidency”

    You’d think a lawyer, particularly one who claims to be a “constitutional lawyer” would remember a pesky little thing known as the 1st Amendment…that, and anyone with two brain cells firing, would realize that the FCC doesn’t regulate newspapers…

  69. G says:

    SvenMagnussen: What does the Bible say about funding abortion?

    Gee Sven, why don’t you try actually picking up the book yourself, reading it and tell us.

    Of course, the correct answer is nothing at all.

  70. Saint James says:

    Don’t you notice that Orly relies on her “supporters” to do the dirty job for her? She asked them to write the courts, the members of congress, attorney generals, etc. She even asked them to write amicus brief to vouch for her appeal regarding her sanction.

    She now shamelessly ask her supporters for money so that she can file her candidacy for secretary of state in California. What a woman with a thick face!

  71. Izzy says:

    Is it not also possible that Obama approved her statement and gave his permission for her to say exactly what she said?

  72. SvenMagnussen says:

    Saint James: Don’t you notice that Orly relies on her “supporters” to do the dirty job for her? She asked them to write the courts, the members of congress, attorney generals, etc. She even asked them to write amicus brief to vouch for her appeal regarding her sanction.She now shamelessly ask her supporters for money so that she can file her candidacy for secretary of state in California.What a woman with a thick face!

    Apparently, the DoJ is working for Orly as well.

    The DoJ admitted Plaintiff is under threat of prosecution and the DoJ should be recused. Plaintiffs have standing when they claim they are under threat of prosecution, prosecution is likely, or prosecution is remotely possible. Cf. Younger v. Harris, 401 U.S. 37, 42 (1971).

    The idiots slam the barn door shut with a corrected memorandum on 03/01/2010.

  73. Saint James says:

    What? Isn’t is also a fact that Birthers keep pulling shit out of their ass just to prove that Obama in not legit?

  74. Rickey says:

    SvenMagnussen says:

    The DoJ admitted Plaintiff is under threat of prosecution and the DoJ should be recused.

    The DOJ has made no such admission.

    In its original motion, the DOJ erroneously stated that Orly claimed that she was under threat of prosecution, and the DOJ characterized this claim as “pure speculation.”

    But what Orly actually claimed was that Obama is under threat of prosecution, which DOJ also characterizes as “pure speculation.” DOJ got this straightened out with its corrected memorandum.

    Either way, it does not give Orly standing, and DOJ has admitted nothing. Better luck next time.

  75. Greg says:

    The DoJ admitted Plaintiff is under threat of prosecution and the DoJ should be recused.

    You just LOVE proving how stupid you are, don’t you?

    The DoJ actually said that Orly’s theory was pure birther wet-dream – sort of like your wet dream about Indonesian refugees. From the brief:

    As for recusal of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, her theory is pure specualtion that the Office may bring a criminal prosecution against her and that if that happened, it would suffer a conflict of interest in defending this suit.

    Pure speculation = birther wet-dream.

  76. SFJeff says:

    Red Herring- but as noted before- Bible is silent on the issue.

  77. G says:

    Izzy: Is it not also possible that Obama approved her statement and gave his permission for her to say exactly what she said?

    Highly unlikely. The HI DOH is not his purview and he seems rather busy with many other real issues on his plate.

    Sounds like nothing but mere conspiracy-based fantasy speculation based on no evidence to me.

    As usual, more meaningless fantasy by those who can’t distinguish between possible and probable.

    Heck, it is always possible that I could make a 3-point basketball buzzer shot blindfolded from the half-court line, but the actual likelihood of that happening is not very probable at all.

  78. SvenMagnussen says:

    Request for Preliminary Injunction

    Facts and Allegations

    #3 Taitz alleges that she has unique standing to bring this case as she suffered unique damages and she was harmed by the acitons of the defendant.

    Yes, the DoJ realizes their mistake and has issued a Corrected Memorandum to try and cover it over with a phoney controversy. Why would Orly allege Obama was under threat of prosecution?

    Orly’s entire case is about sending demand letters to Holder and the D.C. U.S. Attorney appointed by Bush to prosecute a Quo Warranto action against Obama. Obama is not under threat of prosecution, his election fraud is being covered up.

    In both her initial complaint and her request for a preliminary injunction, Orly alleges she has suffered undue harm to intimidate and harass. The FACT that she makes these allegations gives her standing and the DoJ knows it so they issue a Corrected Memorandum.

    We’re going trial! All Obama has to do is prove he’s eligible and this issue will be put to rest forever. I know Rickey and Greg are ready for this to come to a conclusion. I join them and call for Obama to cooperate fully with the USDC DC.

  79. Scientist says:

    SvenMagnussen: We’re going trial!

    Sven: I told you to take a cab after all those drinks. This is your 3rd offense so you’re going to jail. Since Mario is your attorney, you’re looking at life.

  80. SvenMagnussen says:

    SFJeff: Red Herring- but as noted before- Bible is silent on the issue.

    “Begat sons and daughters” Gen 5:3,4,28-30

    I don’t see any exceptions in the Bible for this command.

  81. SvenMagnussen says:

    Sven:I told you to take a cab after all those drinks.This is your 3rd offense so you’re going to jail.Since Mario is your attorney, you’re looking at life.

    Obama’s finest hour is near. Pray for strength and endurance.

  82. Against my better judgment:

    SvenMagnussen: What does the Bible say about funding abortion?

    (Psa 137:9 NASB) How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

  83. Scientist says:

    SvenMagnussen: Obama’s finest hour is near. Pray for strength and endurance.

    Yes, HCR is moving ahead tomorrow.

  84. The Sheriff's A Ni- says:

    Barry and the Pirates, Chapter 51: We’ll Get That Pikachu This Time!

  85. SFJeff says:

    As usual Sven, you seem to come up empty:

    “And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters”

    I don’t see a command at all here.

    “I don’t see any exceptions in the Bible for this command.”

    I can’t even find a verse that has command and begat in the same verse. But lets just assume that there is such a command- does that mean anyone who doesn’t begat children is committing a sin? What about someone who only begats sons?

    Really pretty silly argument.

  86. nbc says:

    It seems obvious that you have not read her complaint or failed to understand it. And yes she insists on the recusal of the DOJ because they would also have to prosecute Obama under the Quo Warranto.

    What’s the color of the sky in your world?

  87. Greg says:

    . But lets just assume that there is such a command

    It means don’t have children that are neither sons, nor daughters.

  88. Greg says:

    The FACT that she makes these allegations gives her standing and the DoJ knows it so they issue a Corrected Memorandum.

    Making an allegation gives one standing?

    You don’t even have to be a lawyer to figure out that this doesn’t make sense.

    We’re going trial!

    Personally, I don’t like being wrong. I like being right. So, I try to be right as much as possible.

    I guess there’s a place in this world for all kinds, even those who try to be wrong as much as possible.

    It’s just not for me.

    But, you let me know when Satan starts recruiting for a winter olympics team – then, maybe, just maybe, we’ll be going to trial.

  89. SvenMagnussen says:

    SFJeff: As usual Sven, you seem to come up empty:“And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters”I don’t see a command at all here.
    “I don’t see any exceptions in the Bible for this command.”I can’t even find a verse that has command and begat in the same verse. But lets just assume that there is such a command- does that mean anyone who doesn’t begat children is committing a sin? What about someone who only begats sons?
    Really pretty silly argument.

    You quoted one verse and I referenced five verses. Did you read all five verses or just one?

    (Gen 5:29 KJV) And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.

    Children will comfort us as we encounter the challenges of live.

  90. SvenMagnussen says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Against my better judgment:SvenMagnussen: What does the Bible say about funding abortion?(Psa 137:9 NASB)How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

    You’re referencing an act of revenge on the born of those who wage war. In other words, blessed are those who achieve revenge against warriors in the most hurtful way, the taking of their children.

  91. Scientist says:

    Perhaps God chose Obama to be President (Barack means “blessed” just like Baruch in Hebrew). Perhaps God is really pissed at the birthers for disrespecting His choice. The birthers total lack of success thus far certainly suggests little in the way of heavenly support for their cause. Perhaps Orly’s car trouble has nothing to do with the President, but is, rather, a warning shot from on high. I’m just sayin’…

  92. G says:

    You’re referencing an act of revenge on the born of those who wage war. In other words, blessed are those who achieve revenge against warriors in the most hurtful way, the taking of their children.

    So Sven, since you are trying to wage war against the legitimate government of our country, are you asking us to kill your children, because that would somehow be a holy act in God’s eyes?

  93. SFJeff says:

    Sven- being your usual disingenious self-

    Sven: “Begat sons and daughters” Gen 5:3,4,28-30 I don’t see any exceptions in the Bible for this command.

    I pointed out that there is no such command in those versus- and yes I read them all.

    “(Gen 5:29 KJV) And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.”

    I have no clue what you think this verse is supposed to support.

    So again- what does the bible say about funding abortion?

  94. nbc says:

    Is the US not involved in War? Is that what you propose, that it is ok to kill the children of soldiers?

  95. G says:

    Excellent point. Killing innocent children or families is reprehensible and harkens back to a much more primitive and savage society and anybody who points to a book to defend that practice today is totally sick!

  96. SFJeff says:

    “You’re referencing an act of revenge on the born of those who wage war. In other words, blessed are those who achieve revenge against warriors in the most hurtful way, the taking of their children”

    So at the end of the Second World War, the United States should have killed all the children of Japan and Germany?

    Or perhaps the Bible is only commanding us to kill the children of terrorists. Is the Bible commanding us to go find the children of Osama Bin Ladin and drag them out of their beds and bash in their skulls?

    Or perhaps we shouldn’t look to the histories of the Old Testament for guidance on how we should conduct ourselves, and instead look to the Bible for broader moral guidance. I would suggest we stay away from Leviticus though…

  97. misha says:

    @Scientist: barak in Hebrew means lightning. John, of course, is another name for toilet. As Sarah Silverman said, who would you rather have as president: someone named lightning, or someone named toilet?

  98. Jez says:

    I’m try to figure out why he is using the Genealogies.

    [3] And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
    [4] And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
    [28] And Lamech lived an hundred eighty and two years, and begat a son:
    [29] And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.
    [30] And Lamech lived after he begat Noah five hundred ninety and five years, and begat sons and daughters:

    I do not see that as a command to become breeders. He would have been better off using Gen 9:1 –

    [1] And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

  99. Scientist says:

    misha- Obama’s name is derived from the Swahili word “baraka’ which was borrowed from Arabic and means “blessed”. Arabic and Hebrew are related, but not identical languages.

  100. Mario Apuzzo says:


    Since you are one, may the fleas of a thousand camels invade yours, good sir.

  101. misha says:

    Mario: how do you treat a coyote for fleas?

  102. Mario Apuzzo says:


    You don’t.

  103. misha says:

    Mario: getting any Toyota suits?

  104. Mike says:

    There you have it, folks. Mario is remoulding himself in the image of Orly by taking up an extra career – he’s become a veterinarian as well as a shyster. What’s next, Mario? Will you start wearing a blonde wig and practice dentistry?

  105. misha says:

    “What’s next, Mario? Will you start wearing a blonde wig and practice dentistry?”

    Dahling, puleeze. Going drag is sooo RuPaul.

  106. nbc says:

    I personally can imagine Mario in drags… Interesting image…
    Now where is the brain bleach


  107. Mario Apuzzo says:

    misha and nbc,

    Does a drag queen become sexually aroused at the thought of a massive, central government controlling the means of production in a given society.

  108. misha says:

    Every time I see a drag queen, I…wait, is this the Penthouse Forum?

  109. Greg says:

    You become aroused by Marx? How odd.

    That isn’t a result of your transvestism, however.

    An economic paraphilia like the one you describe in yourself is probably unique in the psychological literature. While the followers of Ayn Rand seem to approach sexual arousal in their rantings, I don’t think it’s been described in the literature.

    You would make a good case study, Mario. I can probably find a researcher or two willing to study your condition, if you want to volunteer.

  110. misha says:

    “the thought of a massive, central government controlling the means of production in a given society.”

    I’ve lived on a kibbutz, so no. Obama will be re-elected, and Cory Booker will follow. Better get used to it.

  111. Mario Apuzzo says:


    I see you are still working out of your profession. You must be picking up some extra cash to pay off your Christmas shopping debt.

    As far as those extra drinks and needing a lawyer, I think you better look a little closer.

  112. Mario Apuzzo says:


    With all due respect to Cory Booker, I fail to see what he has to do with any of this.

  113. misha says:

    It has everything to do with it. I, along with the other communists who are die hard Obama supporters, contend that the root of opposition to Obama is that he is a son of Kenya and that his wife and children are the descendants of America’s only unwilling immigrants.

    So I will be watching the opposition to Cory Booker, when he announces for ’16. I will be watching what is said.

  114. sarina says:

    I don’t know if you guys have seen this other billboard (sign) “Where is the birth certificate” delusional people!


  115. sarina says:

    sorry I think this link is not working, but the sign is located in Georgia.

  116. yolomann says:

    sorry, i really didn’t know mccain’s bc was a forgery…did tech dude confirm this?

    Obama Won’t or Can’t show his long form. Are these facts or theories?

  117. G says:

    sorry, i really didn’t know mccain’s bc was a forgery…did tech dude confirm this?Obama Won’t or Can’t show his long form.Are these facts or theories?

    Yolomann, if you are being serious and trying ask serious questions here, then I’ll give you some serious answers.

    1. RE: McCAIN’s BC:

    As far as we know and have been able to find out, John McCain’s real BC has never been released to the public (but then again, nor was any recent prior President’s either – have you seen either Bush’s or Clinton’s? No.

    A reporter who was investigating McCain’s eligibility claims in an article that McCain showed him his birth certificate privately, but there is no independent verification of that other than this story, and nothing further was actually released to the public.

    Here is that article:


    A fake BC for McCain did seem to make the rounds on the internet for awhile. That was discussed on this blog site a number of times. Here is just one article & forum on it for your reference:


    2. RE: “TECH DUDE”

    Um, you do realize that “tech dude” is not a real “document expert” at all and was exposed as a phony and fraud who tried to pose as such using someone else’s credentials, didn’t you?

    His own people outed him as a fraud with an ax to grind. Here is just one good source that provides the emails that reveal he is a fake:


    3. The whole “long form” BC thing is what is known as a “red herring”.

    Simple answer, NO – it is not a fact, it is just a misleading line of questioning started by Phil Berg that led to what became the “birther movement”.

    Is there something called a “long form” – yes, at one time there was in HI. I’m sure some states still have one. But for well over a decade since HI computerized their records, ALL they provide for birth certificates is the EXACT SAME “short form” document that Obama publically released in the spring of 2008 during the campaign. The officials in HI have repeatedly backed it up. The document was looked at and handled in person by a few news organizations when it came out. Factcheck.org wrote a detailed report on that, complete with photos & showing the official seal & state signatures.

    Bottom line, the “birther” movement is trying to mislead people into thinking there is some other document that should be used and that there is some problem with the documents that Obama has provided.

    When anyone seriously looks into the issue, they quickly find that all the birther’s claims are simply not true and without any merit or basis to them. There are lots of other speculative rumors and innuendo and claims that the birthers make, but not a single one to date has any credible evidence to back it up, after almost 2 years of various conspiracy conjecture.

    Bottom line, Obama provided a copy of the ONLY BC document that can be ordered at this time from HI and there is no legitimate reason or evidence to question its authenticity. There is nothing more for him to provide.

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