Is Barack Obama using some dead guy’s social-security number?

Social Security Card

The Social Security Administration publishes a data file called the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) containing the social-security numbers of all deceased Social Security registrants. A number of web sites provide copies of the SSDI that you can search for free, such as the one at

Now I am not going to assert what the President’s social-security number is, but the number that is being batted around as belonging to the “person born 119 years ago” is reported on some web sites as xxx-xx-4425 and others as 042-68-xxxx. If you type any of the suggested  numbers into the SSDI search page, you find no records–meaning that either this is not an issued social-security number or that the registrant is still living. I looked up the record of my late father who died in November 2009 and it was there.

While on the social-security number topic, WorldNetDaily seems to be trying to revive this old myth in an article on the subject from May 11: Investigators: Obama uses Connecticut Soc. Sec. Number. When WND wants to lie, they quote someone else that lies for them. In this case it is Orly Taitz’s investigator Susan Daniels who does the dirty deed:

Daniels said. “It’s against the law for a person to have a re-issued or second Social Security number issued.”

There is nothing unlawful about having a second social-security number issued. The Social Security Web site even tells you what form you need to fill out.

…under the following circumstances will we assign a different number:

  • Sequential numbers assigned to members of the same family are causing problems;
  • More than one person has been assigned, or is using, the same number;
  • An individual has religious or cultural objections to certain numbers or digits in the original number; (See Can I request a new SSN because I object to digits used?)
  • A victim of identity theft continues to be disadvantaged by using the original number; (See Identity Theft And Your Social Security Number, Publication No. 05-10064.) or
  • Situations of harassment, abuse or life endangerment (including domestic violence). (See New Numbers For Domestic Violence Victims, Publication No. 05-10093.)

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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38 Responses to Is Barack Obama using some dead guy’s social-security number?

  1. misha says:

    How did this crowd get Obama’s SSN anyway?

    Is it a crime to publicize his purported number?

  2. misha: How did this crowd get Obama’s SSN anyway?
    Is it a crime to publicize his purported number?

    Certain “public” records, like real estate transactions may expose a Social Security Number. That’s where Orly Taitz got the alleged Obama SSN. You can find the number in her various court documents. As far as I know, it is not a federal crime to publish social security numbers, maybe in some states.

    Some sites try to obscure the number by leaving out parts. For example some say xxx-xx-4425 and others say 042-68-xxxx. I say “duh!”

  3. MOI says:

    I attempted to post the following scenario on “The Betrayal” earlier, but it has not shown up.

    If we assume that Obama was living in Honolulu when he got his SSN a possible reason he has a CT number could be that the person in Baltimore simply mistyped the first digit of Honolulu’s ZIP code “9” & instead entered a “0”. This simple typo would generate a city in CT. Try it for yourself.

  4. MOI, that’s an interesting scenario. The Zone Improvement Program (ZIP) was initiated in 1963.

  5. HolyRoller says:

    9 seperate folks were charged this week…for accessing Lil’ Barry’s Student Loan Info…I hope they are careful…the Fed’s key witness in the Passport case got whacked before the investigation was finished….hmmm

    Y’all also like to say it is no big deal…Oh, but it is. At best it shows he is lying about his life story…at worst that he is a criminal.

    This is from a Nationally known expert on identity fraud.
    …Robert Siciliano, president and CEO of and a nationally recognized expert on identity theft, agrees the Social Security number should be questioned.

    “I know Social Security numbers have been issued to people in states where they don’t live, but there’s usually a good reason the person applied for a Social Security number in a different state,” Siciliano told WND.

    WND asked Siciliano whether he thought the question was one the White House should answer.

    “Yes,” he replied. “In the case of President Obama, I really don’t know what the good reason would be that he has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut when we know he was a resident of Hawaii.”

    Siciliano is a frequent expert guest on identify theft on cable television networks, including CNN, CNBC and the Fox News Channel.”

    Not going to go away…America has elected a FRAUD>

  6. Are you predicting a death, or just casting innuendo? The ONLY thing Siciliano said that might be considered “expert” was: “I know Social Security numbers have been issued to people in states where they don’t live.” The rest is commentary.

  7. HolyRoller: 9 seperate folks were charged this week

    In addition to trying to stamp out Internet myths. I also want to stamp out misspelling of the word “separate.”

  8. Slartibartfast says:


    How do you know President Obama was a resident of Hawaii when he got his social security number? Also, what is the procedure for assigning a SS# to an applicant who lives outside of the country? (Like, say, Indonesia…)

  9. richCares says:

    “Not going to go away…America has elected a FRAUD>”


  10. Black Lion says:

    This may help, explain any so called SS# discrepancies…Obama supposedly being issued a SS# from CT, if true is meaningless…

    “Prior to 1972, cards were issued in local Social Security offices around the country and the Area Number represented the State in which the card was issued. This did not necessarily have to be the State where the applicant lived, since a person could apply for their card in any Social Security office. Since 1972, when SSA began assigning SSNs and issuing cards centrally from Baltimore, the area number assigned has been based on the ZIP code in the mailing address provided on the application for the original Social Security card. The applicant’s mailing address does not have to be the same as their place of residence. Thus, the Area Number does not necessarily represent the State of residence of the applicant, either prior to 1972 or since.”

  11. Mary Brown says:

    Roller, read the article. The number never belonged to anyone else. My number was issued in NY where I attended college for a couple of years even though my family home was a three thousand miles away. We did not get the number at birth then. You applied wherever you were. It was a matter of convenience and personal need. My husband applied in another state while his family home was elsewhere. It is not a great mystery. But then the Alice in Wonderland mentality demands a new fantasy of the week especially when the old one doesn’t work anymore.

  12. Mary Brown says:

    Again, if they had found the “evidence” they were looking for-that the President was a foreign exchange student we would know and they would be hailed as hereo whistleblowers.

  13. Scott Brown says:

    Nice spin BL. Made me smile. 🙂
    I like the typo scenario better than your spin. It’s actually plausible.

    I was born a month after Obama and requested mine about the time he did and my SS# reflects my state. Yeah, I know that means nothing, but it is worth mentioning that at least on one occasion, the SS Admin, got it right, which goes against what I believe is your theory, BL.

    I really don’t think there is anything to this, and definitely don’t think it is a ‘conspiracy theory’ (what a joke); however it would seem Obama sure has some really bad luck when it comes to his personal records.


    Rather than having to read this info on democracy threating blogs, such as this one, it would be really nice to have some real media coverage so as to debunk this crap rather than the spin presented here. Makes one wonder though when no media outlet will cover it – news is news, even if to prove the issue false.

  14. SFJeff says:

    “news is news, even if to prove the issue false”

    There is a guy in San Francisco who wanders around with a sign accusing Clinton and Bush and others of crimes against humanity and several galaxies.

    The media never reports him either. I guess the media uses their judgement as to what is ‘news’ and what isn’t ‘news’

  15. Dave says:

    Should we repeat for the millionth time that you can’t actually tell from the number what state it was issued in? There is a rule that is often followed, but the SSA has clearly stated that it is not always followed.
    How many times do we have to go over this? What is it with birthers that they can’t even get the irrelevant side issues right?

  16. Scientist says:

    Scott Brown: Makes one wonder though when no media outlet will cover it – news is news, even if to prove the issue false.

    The President’s SSN is NOT a news story. I’m sure Social Security has a tip line as do most government agencies. Anyone can call and report suspected fraud and they will investigate. I’m sure hundreds of birthers have called and you are welcome to as well. If the Social Security Adminsitration decides that the President knowingly obtained or used a fraudulent SSN, then of course that would be news. Until then, there is nothing there.

    There is no evidence that Obama has ever been involved in some type of scam. When he was a poor student and community organizer, he lived in simple apartments and drove an old car. After he graduated law school and got a real job, he moved up. He only bought his house after his book became a decent success. At no point in his life has he lived as though there was some secret, illicit source of income.

  17. Black Lion says:

    Scott Brown [personal attack deleted. Doc] , accusing someone else of spin? Amazing. [personal attack deleted. Doc]

    Secondly did you notice that unlike you I provided a source for my statement. Which was amazingly enough the Social Security Administration. Somehow I think they would know a bit more about how they issued numbers than you do.

    Thirdly you don’t know when Obama requested his SS#. He has never claimed when he did it nor has the SSA. So you are speculating, which in your case means nothing. I didn’t post a conspiracy theory. The so called CT number is not his real SS#. Orly’s incompetent researcher has attributed that number to him. No one knows his actual number or where it was issued.

    Finally Scott, [personal attack deleted. Doc] We are supposed to believe that you “requested mine about the time he did and my SS# reflects my state.” Really? Was this the same time when you tried to use your COLB, that looked just like Obama’s to get a passport, and was turned down? And what state is that exactly? [personal attack deleted. Doc]

  18. Black Lion says:

    Just as an aside, if you had read the link you would have seen this disclaimer…

    “Note: One should not make too much of the “geographical code.” It is not meant to be any kind of useable geographical information. The numbering scheme was designed in 1936 (before computers) to make it easier for SSA to store the applications in our files in Baltimore since the files were organized by regions as well as alphabetically. It was really just a bookkeeping device for our own internal use and was never intended to be anything more than that.”

    Amazing, Scott comments without reading where the explanation comes from. [Personal attack deleted. Doc.] she thinks everyone does as shoddy research as she does…

  19. “Rather than having to read this info on democracy threating blogs, such as this one”

    Now that is, without a doubt, the most dumb thing I have heard you say.

    If asking questions about our President isn’t a threat to Democracy, then neither is asking questions about the questions, or the people doing the asking.

    And the search for truth on either side of any issue is hardly a threat to democracy – a government works best when its people are aware of the facts and able to act on them.

    It’s bad enough that you’ve been caught in a lie and refuse to admit it, or really explain how it’s the truth after all. But that one just lost you whatever credibility you have left.

  20. Dave says:

    Actually, Orly had her flying monkeys calling Social Security to report Obama. They started leaving comments on her blog that if they didn’t stop calling, they were going to get in trouble. One of the people that posted a response to her request said that the SSA ‘had the nerve to call them a vexatious requester’. You just have to laugh at the birthers and their inability to understand anything.

  21. Mary Brown says:

    How does this blog threaten democracy? How do you define that term? There are discussions here. How does that threaten democracy? It seems to me that implicit in your statement is the nexus of something very evil. Define some entity as threatening democracy and then you can limit it or shut it down.

  22. Dave says:

    There is a certain art to trolling, which is to provoke without appearing desperate for a reaction. The comment about this blog threatening democracy fails on this point.

    BTW, I was happy to see Sen. Brown making quite supportive statements about Kagan’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.

  23. Dave says:

    Here’s another quote from the same page.

    One should not make too much of the “geographical code.” It is not meant to be any kind of useable geographical information. The numbering scheme was designed in 1936 (before computers) to make it easier for SSA to store the applications in our files in Baltimore since the files were organized by regions as well as alphabetically. It was really just a bookkeeping device for our own internal use and was never intended to be anything more than that.

    This, on top of the fact that birthers can’t quite articulate what their point is about the President’s SSN anyhow.

  24. Mary Brown: How does this blog threaten democracy? How do you define that term?

    I believe the definition of democracy that you are asking for is “mob rule” and by that definition this web site is guilty as charged.

  25. PaulG says:

    Why are you mentioning 1963?

    The number was issued in the late 70’s (about the same time I got mine) by which time they were being issued from a central office, issued based on the ZIP code of the filer. That’s why the mis-cue of a 9 being read as a 0 is relevant.

  26. PaulG: Why are you mentioning 1963?

    This web site is meant to be educational.

  27. Lupin says:

    Not even that, since the “pro-Obama mob” is a lot larger than the “anti-Obama mob”.

    I think there’s a form of Tourette’s at work here, just spouting and stringing words along.

  28. Scientist says:

    Let’s see if we can examine a few facts and draw a few logical conclusions:

    1. Barack Obama files tax returns every year, just like everybody else. Unlike most of us, his are posted on line. Here is 2009.

    You can find those for previous years (at least as far back as when he became a US Senator) on line.

    2. If you don’t put a valid SSN on your return, the IRS will reject it. If you don’t believe this, try it yourself.

    3. Therefore he has a valid SSN.

    4. Is that the SSN shown by Orly? Doc says that the SSN appears on real estate transactions, which is how it got into the databases. Obama claims mortgage interest and real estate taxes on his return. Therefore, the SSN used to buy his house must be the same one he puts on his tax return, or else these deductions would be disallowed.

    5. Therefore, we can conclude that this is his SSN and it is absolutely valid.

    Could he have other #s that he uses to run scams? The guy earned $ 5.5 million last year from completely legitimate sources (mostly book royalties). Oh, and he also happens to be President. So the idea that he is running some penny-ante scam on the side is ludicrous. And, as I noted above, his lifestyle throughout the years has never shown evidence of large sums of unaccounted-for income.

    This “issue” as as bogus as every other one Orly has ever raised.

  29. Scientist, that was made of total win.

  30. nemocapn says:

    Scientist: Could he have other #s that he uses to run scams? The guy earned $ 5.5 million last year from completely legitimate sources (mostly book royalties). Oh, and he also happens to be President. So the idea that he is running some penny-ante scam on the side is ludicrous.

    I don’t know about that. I saw some guy who looks just like him running three card monte in Time Square, except he was white and short, but still, he said his name was Barack Obama when I asked him who he thought he was. He was ancient and had a Connecticut accent.

    Just kidding. 🙂

  31. HolyRoller says:

    watch…see…learn…it is not going away.

  32. HolyRoller says:

    I am not predicting anything…just saying there is a patern…btw…being an expert
    …what is the story behind the “passport hacking” Fed. witness’s murder?

  33. Black Lion says:

    From the article regarding the mother of the Nordyke twins…

    “Hawaii officials have repeatedly confirmed Obama’s citizenship, saying they have seen his birth certificate.

    Hawaii law prevents the release of full “long form” birth information to anyone but family members, Nordyke said, “so for the birthers to keep clamoring for it is ridiculous.” She said the leaders of the birther movement are using the false claims to reap financial gain.

    Nordyke said Obama’s birth notices appeared in the Aug. 13, 1961, Honolulu Advertiser and Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

    She recalls that Obama’s birth notice was published several days before her daughters’ notice, even though Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was admitted to Kapiolani Hospital after Nordyke entered the hospital. Obama was born on a Friday, and the Nordyke twins were born on a Saturday, she said.

    Nordyke’s late husband, Dr. Robert Nordyke, was an internal medicine specialist at Honolulu’s Straub Clinic.

    “My daughters’ birth certificates were 10637 and 10638, and Obama’s was 10641, so his mother must have come in after I did,” Nordyke said, though she never met Obama’s mother.

    Nordkye said she doesn’t know who Obama’s mother’s doctor was, but only five obstetricians were at the hospital at the time, she said. Birthers have complained that the name of the attending physician is being hidden.”

    So according to Ms. Nordyke, she attributes the number differential to the fact that she was probably admitted to the hospital before the President’s mother. That makes so much sense we can see the birthers are going to find some way to make it seem that she was part of the conspiracy or I guess Obama “got to her”….

    More from the article…

    “For about six years, Nordyke’s daughters attended school with Obama at the Punahou School, a school of about 4,000 geared for the college-bound, which Nordyke called “the best school in Hawaii.”

    She said that while race now appears to be important to the birthers, it was a “non-issue at Punahou school.”

    There, she said, Obama was known as “Barry” to her daughters, whose photos appear with Obama on the same page of the school’s 1979 yearbook.

    Daughter Susan Bell had fond memories of “hanging out” in the school library with Obama and several other classmates.”

    Wow…The Nordyke twins actually remember going to school with Obama. I guess they must be part of the conspiracy also. The entire COLB issue is a non starter. No matter how many “mission impossible” scenarios Sven and the others come up with, they can never get past the fact that all of the admissible evidence supports the fact that Obama was born in HI and is a NBC.

    So the crap about the SS# being from CT or not matching is ridiculous.

  34. aarrgghh says:

    birthers, yesterday:

    “obama’s a fraud! how come nobody’s stepped up and said they can remember him or his family or any part of his phony story?”

    birthers, today:

    “they’re senile! or lying! how could anyone remember anything that far back?”

  35. Mary Brown says:

    You don’t know. You are running on specualtion. Biblically brother, that is called gossip. Oh, by the way do you pray for the President every day? You know according to scripture. I can get the reference for you if you need it.

  36. Mary Brown says:

    This is very funny and the first time I have been considered part of a mob.

  37. Mary Brown says:

    Yes and he would be stupid enough to run scams using the names given us by the good dentist.

  38. The Orange County Weekly reports on the revival of this old story by birther blogs:

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