Orly Taitz featured in new MSNBC Documentary

Chris Matthews, of the MSNBC Hardball show hosted a documentary titled, “The rise of the new right,” featuring Taitz to Tea Party. The program aired June 16.

“Their common cause, a raging hostility towards the American government

View the video:

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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15 Responses to Orly Taitz featured in new MSNBC Documentary

  1. Bovril says:

    On a tangential but related not……8-)

    Remember, Da Birfers are not the only insane government hating, delusional fuckwits.

    One of my favourites are the “Sovereign-ers” the ones who not only believe income tax is ilegal etc but that birth certificates and driving licenes are marks of the beast and documents of enslavement…..

    You regularly see them on WND and AGJ usually under the guise of the “Restore America Plan.”

    Latest fun….they faxed a disjointed scribe to the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK saying they personaly have a lien of “10 Quad Trillion dollars” (sic) on England and the Queen.

    Apparently it’s because the Queen is a Lizard Person and runs the Universe which includes BP and therefore the Gulf oil leak is an act of war….or something. Oh and it’s all under maritime law and they have salvage rights to the USA……you really can’t make this cack up.

    Enjoy a little insanity for the weekend


  2. richCares says:

    one aspect they did not cover, that’s the Bible Birthers, those that believe Obama is the anti-Christ and this is the end of times. I recently encountered one of these and it blew me away, really crazy people. Bible Bithers are a birther X 10 (10 times over).

  3. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    richCares: one aspect they did not cover, that’s the Bible Birthers, those that believe Obama is the anti-Christ and this is the end of times.I recently encountered one of these and it blew me away, really crazy people.Bible Bithers are a birther X 10 (10 times over).

    Yeah i had an argument end with a birther who couldn’t make their arguments by them telling me to enjoy my mark of the beast. It was sheer lunacy

  4. G says:

    richCares: one aspect they did not cover, that’s the Bible Birthers, those that believe Obama is the anti-Christ and this is the end of times. I recently encountered one of these and it blew me away, really crazy people. Bible Bithers are a birther X 10 (10 times over).

    richCares – Great term – “Bible Birthers”. You deserve credit for it, as well as for pointing out this particular group of “Obama = Anti-Christ” nuts, which have been part of the birther fabric the entire time.

    I guess that they are so, so far off the deep end, that we’ve often left them out, just as we tend to leave out the already incarcerated criminally insane and their rambling delusional lawsuits from the mix.

    So, I say we use your term from now on to refer to that specific cult group. I have actually mentioned them before, but it has been awhile. I really think we’ll start hearing more and more from them once the focus on the right gets past the 2010 elections and they start thinking of 2012.

    The armageddonists amongst them have already been buying into the hype propaganda of 12/21/12 being their next big date, so I fully expect the silly Anti-Christ talk and claims to increase significantly as a result.

  5. G says:

    Oh – and some excellent, must see updates over at Patrick’s badfiction site on the lastest updates & madness in birtherland.

    Of particular *breaking news* interest – he reports on Orly’s Quo Warranto motions for reconsideration, which have *finally* received response by the judge and the smackdown they deserve:



    There are some great updates in that post of more Taitz behaviors, including her latest on still flogging her efforts against Dunn in the CA SOS race and an interesting combining of forces between Orly & the PUMAs over at The New Agenda – all as a result of this very Matthews MSNBC documentary – so yes, there is a direct connection to this blog posting 😉

    There are also some interesting updates into the charges against Walt Fitzpatrick and his latest reactions to them.

    Plus, for bonus reading, Dr. C’s site & recent blog post on Berg is the first featured topic of Patrick’s previous post:


  6. richCares says:

    A Bible Birther poster writes at RSOL:
    “It’s that a divine, heavenly sign has rammed the Antichrist which reveals him by his Mark of the Beast of 666 which Obama forces upon each and every one of us. Yes, it’s revealed in the Illinois Lottery 24 hours post election.”
    By Lottery this poster means on 11/05/2008 the evening pick #3 winner was “666”, a prize of $500.00. Guess that’s a cheap anti-Christ, or my guess is he probably thought this won the big Lottery, poor guy.
    I just think it’s weird that a person professing to be a Christian is so full of hate, guess he missed the message.

  7. G says:

    richCares: By Lottery this poster means on 11/05/2008 the evening pick #3 winner was “666”, a prize of $500.00. Guess that’s a cheap anti-Christ, or my guess is he probably thought this won the big Lottery, poor guy.
    I just think it’s weird that a person professing to be a Christian is so full of hate, guess he missed the message.

    LMAO! Agreed.

  8. misha says:

    I have one of these around the corner – literally:


  9. G: Oh – and some excellent, must see updates over at Patrick’s badfiction site on the lastest updates & madness in birtherland.

    Thanks for the info. It’s good to have links to the other quality web sites that deal with Obama Conspiracy Theories, like BadFiction. I don’t get much opportunity to visit these sites myself because I’m busy, and I would rather not be a copycat (something pervasive on the birther sites).

  10. Majority Will says:

    The birther’s phrase for amen is:


  11. G says:

    misha: I have one of these around the corner – literally:http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubereye/3611738524/

    WOW…just WOW! That was totally warped! LOL! Thanks for sharing, misha. Unfortunately, I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing a lot more of that stuff over the next several years.

  12. Ellid says:

    Misha – I used to live near a flock of people who seemed to belong to a very strange little cult. They all drove enormous Cadillac sedans painted with Bible verses and the legend “CARS ARE A SIGN OF THE SOON COMING OF CHRIST,” plus tiny shields with Lion of Judah. I have no idea who or what they were, but man oh man those cars were impossible ignore!

  13. brygenon says:

    richCares: one aspect they did not cover, that’s the Bible Birthers, those that believe Obama is the anti-Christ and this is the end of times.I recently encountered one of these and it blew me away, really crazy people.Bible Bithers are a birther X 10 (10 times over).

    Hold on — let me check the Constitution — natural born citizen… over 35… 14 years a resident… O.K. there’s no actual rule against the President being the Antichrist.

  14. Slartibartfast says:

    Hold on — let me check the Constitution — natural born citizen… over 35… 14 years a resident… O.K. there’s no actual rule against the President being the Antichrist.

    Clearly the anti-christ wouldn’t be okay with the birthers since he would necessarily owe allegiance to Satan and thus couldn’t be a natural born citizen by their rules.

  15. ellid says:

    The “sovereign citizen” loons are particularly dangerous, since they believe in their right to blow away cops whenever they wish. Not nice people.

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