Changing Subject to Citizen

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote “our fellow subjects” (apparently using language from the newly-written Virginia constitution) but then erased it and wrote “citizens” according to a recent issue of Science News. Fascinating.

Ron Polarik, eat your heart out.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
This entry was posted in Citizenship, Evidence. Bookmark the permalink.

29 Responses to Changing Subject to Citizen

  1. bob says:

    That’s only proof the founders knew the difference between “citizens” and “subject.”

    (And, yes, I’ve seen that argument made unironically.)

  2. Zixi of Ix says:

    “Erased?” Pffffffft. I don’t even think so.

    A poor attempt at Photoshopping is exactly what this is. And I should know. I run the Xerox machine (exclusively, I might add) for my church when its time to put the monthly bulletins out. I can collate and duplex and everything. Plus, I have a flatbed scanner in my own home and have used it to scan in almost all of the snapshots from last year’s trip to Sea World.

    I have a PhD, too. It’s in Late-13th Century Hip Hop Dance Technique. That alone gives me an authority that all of the so-called “expert” fancy forensic degree holders can never have. Call me Doctor. I earned it, baby.

    Besides, is there any evidence that Jefferson even owned the type of pen that the was purported to have been used? What of the ink? Whoever heard of erasable ink in the 18th century? Has anyone even met Thomas Jefferson?

    Sure, everyone says they know of him, but why doesn’t anyone come forward and say they knew him then? If he’s so famous, where are the interviews in People Magazine with the doctor who delivered him? Surely, if he really was the author of the Declaration as claimed, people would be jumping out of the woodwork to association with him.

    And what are we to make of this Jefferson guy’s strange connections with Barack Obama?

    1). They were both elected President. There have only been like maybe 50 or 60 guys max who’ve been President, and you want me to believe that this is just a strange coincidence? Who are you trying to fool?

    2). Jefferson had a Koran and Obama is a Secret Muslim. Coincidence? I think not!

    3). Both Jefferson and Obama’s mothers are dead, as are their fathers and grandparents. No one around to mess up the narratives they’ve concocted for themselves. How convenient.

    4. Has anyone seen this Jefferson guy’s birth certificate? He can’t produce it! Proof? He helped write a special exemption for himself so that people like himself who weren’t even born in the USA could run for the presidency!!!!

    Do “they” really expect us to swallow this tripe?

    It’ll take some time and some money (my PayPal button is here somewhere), but I’m committed to bravely and patriotically spending a year or two making poorly produced videos on Youtube; writing phonebook-length tomes; and typing out badly punctuated, insult-laden screeds on various message board to expose this “Jefferson” character as the fraud he most assuredly is.

    /Zixi, who thinks all of the above makes at least as much sense as birtherism/

  3. Sean says:

    bob: That’s only proof the founders knew the difference between “citizens” and “subject.”(And, yes, I’ve seen that argument made unironically.)

    It’s less of a difference and more of using the correct term for a group of people in the process of being free from the rule of a monarch.

  4. misha says:

    Zixi of Ix: what about all those children Jefferson had with slaves? And this guy was president?!

    You know what’s suspicious? We never found out who was the physician who delivered Shrub. I say he was born in Saudi Arabia, when his father was undercover with the CIA. Those who disagree: prove that I’m wrong.

    And Palin is a closet socialist. She admitted going to Canada for healthcare. I’ll bet she was born there, too. Palin has endorsed communism, too:

    “And Alaska we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.”

    Mighty suspicious.

  5. Majority Will says:

    Zixi of Ix: “Erased?” Pffffffft. I don’t even think so.
    A poor attempt at Photoshopping is exactly what this is. And I should know. I run the Xerox machine (exclusively, I might add) for my church when its time to put the monthly bulletins out. I can collate and duplex and everything. Plus, I have a flatbed scanner in my own home and have used it to scan in almost all of the snapshots from last year’s trip to Sea World.
    I have a PhD, too. It’s in Late-13th Century Hip Hop Dance Technique. That alone gives me an authority that all of the so-called “expert” fancy forensic degree holders can never have. Call me Doctor. I earned it, baby.
    Besides, is there any evidence that Jefferson even owned the type of pen that the was purported to have been used? What of the ink? Whoever heard of erasable ink in the 18th century? Has anyone even met Thomas Jefferson?
    Sure, everyone says they know of him, but why doesn’t anyone come forward and say they knew him then? If he’s so famous, where are the interviews in People Magazine with the doctor who delivered him? Surely, if he really was the author of the Declaration as claimed, people would be jumping out of the woodwork to association with him.
    And what are we to make of this Jefferson guy’s strange connections with Barack Obama?
    1). They were both elected President. There have only been like maybe 50 or 60 guys max who’ve been President, and you want me to believe that this is just a strange coincidence? Who are you trying to fool?
    2). Jefferson had a Koran and Obama is a Secret Muslim. Coincidence? I think not!3). Both Jefferson and Obama’s mothers are dead, as are their fathers and grandparents. No one around to mess up the narratives they’ve concocted for themselves. How convenient.
    4. Has anyone seen this Jefferson guy’s birth certificate? He can’t produce it! Proof? He helped write a special exemption for himself so that people like himself who weren’t even born in the USA could run for the presidency!!!!Do “they” really expect us to swallow this tripe?
    It’ll take some time and some money (my PayPal button is here somewhere), but I’m committed to bravely and patriotically spending a year or two making poorly produced videos on Youtube; writing phonebook-length tomes; and typing out badly punctuated, insult-laden screeds on various message board to expose this “Jefferson” character as the fraud he most assuredly is.
    /Zixi, who thinks all of the above makes at least as much sense as birtherism/

    I appreciate your commitment and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

  6. Zixi of Ix: And what are we to make of this Jefferson guy’s strange connections with Barack Obama?

    Not to mention:

    5. Both were British subjects at some point in their lives (and Jefferson was also a citizen of France).

  7. katahdin says:

    Zixi of Ix: “Erased?” Pffffffft. I don’t even think so. A poor attempt at Photoshopping is exactly what this is. And I should know. I run the Xerox machine (exclusively, I might add) for my church when its time to put the monthly bulletins out. I can collate and duplex and everything. Plus, I have a flatbed scanner in my own home and have used it to scan in almost all of the snapshots from last year’s trip to Sea World. I have a PhD, too. It’s in Late-13th Century Hip Hop Dance Technique. That alone gives me an authority that all of the so-called “expert” fancy forensic degree holders can never have. Call me Doctor. I earned it, baby. Besides, is there any evidence that Jefferson even owned the type of pen that the was purported to have been used? What of the ink? Whoever heard of erasable ink in the 18th century? Has anyone even met Thomas Jefferson? Sure, everyone says they know of him, but why doesn’t anyone come forward and say they knew him then? If he’s so famous, where are the interviews in People Magazine with the doctor who delivered him? Surely, if he really was the author of the Declaration as claimed, people would be jumping out of the woodwork to association with him. And what are we to make of this Jefferson guy’s strange connections with Barack Obama? 1). They were both elected President. There have only been like maybe 50 or 60 guys max who’ve been President, and you want me to believe that this is just a strange coincidence? Who are you trying to fool? 2). Jefferson had a Koran and Obama is a Secret Muslim. Coincidence? I think not!3). Both Jefferson and Obama’s mothers are dead, as are their fathers and grandparents. No one around to mess up the narratives they’ve concocted for themselves. How convenient. 4. Has anyone seen this Jefferson guy’s birth certificate? He can’t produce it! Proof? He helped write a special exemption for himself so that people like himself who weren’t even born in the USA could run for the presidency!!!!Do “they” really expect us to swallow this tripe? It’ll take some time and some money (my PayPal button is here somewhere), but I’m committed to bravely and patriotically spending a year or two making poorly produced videos on Youtube; writing phonebook-length tomes; and typing out badly punctuated, insult-laden screeds on various message board to expose this “Jefferson” character as the fraud he most assuredly is. /Zixi, who thinks all of the above makes at least as much sense as birtherism/

    This is a snarky masterpiece. I bow to your snarky genius.

  8. misha says:

    James: New Bombshell!!!Tanzanian Newspaper declares Obama born in Kenya

    James: you are boring me to tears. In fact, after reading any of your comments, I have a overwhelming desire to take a nap.

    Go hang out at Stormfront; it’s more your crowd.

    Run along, and go play in heavy traffic.

  9. bob says:

    James: New Bombshell!!!
    Tanzanian Newspaper declares Obama born in Kenya

    James, I think you’ll find this article of particular interest.

  10. sarina says:

    James: your “reliable source is Post and Efail?


  11. James says:

    bob: James, I think you’ll find this article of particular interest.

    Yes, I did see that one. But I also saw the following story:

    I anyone going to swallow that one?

    I heard somewhere that “Abdallah” might have been a prayer name given to Obama at the time of his birth in Kenya but wasn’t officially part of his name. There was story on African Press of a prayer minister who apparently had blessed Obama at the time of his birth and fled to England with Obama’s Kenyan BC. While I’m suspect to believe anything African Press has to say, it is possible that Obama could have received a blessing at the time of his birth and was given some type of prayer name.

  12. bob says:

    James: While I’m suspect to believe anything African Press has to say, it is possible that Obama could have received a blessing at the time of his birth and was given some type of prayer name.

    And it is possible that your mom had gender- and race-reassignment surgery, and is Obama.

    The Citizen says it made a mistake, and they think Obama was born in the United States.

  13. Greg says:

    Has no birther ever heard of Confirmation Bias?

    Please compare the number of articles which refer to Obama as Kenyan-born to those which refer to him as Hawaiian-born. Anyone want to wager about how many of the former compared to the latter? 1 to 1,000? 1 to 100,000? 1 to 10,000,000?

  14. HORUS says:

    Zixi of Ix 15. Jul, 2010 at 5:31 pm Zixi of Ix(Quote) #

    “Erased?” Pffffffft. I don’t even think so”

    Benjamin Franklin advertised pencils for sale in his Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729, and George Washington used a three-inch pencil when he surveyed the Ohio Territory in 1762.
    Rubber erasers were in use, but the eraser was not attached to the top of a pencil until 1858 by Hymen Lipman.

  15. Majority Will says:

    Rubber erasers were in use, but the eraser was not attached to the top of a pencil until 1858 by Hymen Lipman.

    Which was the greatest thing ever until Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Davenport, Iowa invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine in 1912, which was destroyed in a fire, but finally ready for commercial use in 1928.

    We’re still waiting for the greatest thing since.

  16. AnotherBird says:

    Zixi of Ix: “Erased?” Pffffffft. I don’t even think so…
    /Zixi, who thinks all of the above makes at least as much sense as birtherism/

    Many words to say birtherism is nonsense. Isn’t the way it always is more arguments to disprove nonsense and even sarcasm is successful.

  17. “Sharon,
    Take it from me. That’s rubbish, really. A lot must have been lost in that Tanzania Daima newspaper report’s translation. I don’t believe the paper had any evidence or was trying to imply that President Obama was born in Kenya. Believe me, there was a lot of excitement in Kenya about Obama simply because of his father, who was a brilliant economist famously known for his self-destruction and acute arrogance that didn’t go down very well with the government of founding Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta. You will perhaps be amused to learn that at the time, there were attempts to link the Obama family to Tanzania, with talk that his great grandmother was Tanzanian. There was also talk of a Ugandan connection. it’s this euphoria that many in the West have misread. The attempt to identify with Obama was, to me, not any different from, say, the Irish claiming JFK, when he became President. I wouldn’t give even an inkling of a thought to that Tanzania Daima story. This is a tiny newspaper, which can’t even afford to send a reporter to investigate anything out of the City of Dar es Salaam.
    Good day!

    Why do you have a hard time swallowing that, James? it sounds legit to me.

    Given what you DO swallow

  18. Arthur says:

    Majority Will:

    You wrote, “Which was the greatest thing ever until Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Davenport, Iowa invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine in 1912, which was destroyed in a fire, but finally ready for commercial use in 1928.” As a side note, I believe that during WWII, there was a move to ban sliced bread because, so it was claimed, sliced bread spoiled more easily than unsliced bread, resulting in too much bread being thrown away.

  19. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Majority Will:You wrote, “Which was the greatest thing ever until Otto Frederick Rohwedder of Davenport, Iowa invented the first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine in 1912, which was destroyed in a fire, but finally ready for commercial use in 1928.” As a side note, I believe that during WWII, there was a move to ban sliced bread because, so it was claimed, sliced bread spoiled more easily than unsliced bread, resulting in too much bread being thrown away.

    Maybe. But who are we really blaming here? War always make waste.

    Perhaps Nicolas Appert, Peter Durand and Louis Pasteur had the better ideas.

  20. Ellid says:

    Zixi of Ix: “Erased?” Pffffffft. I don’t even think so.

    I have a PhD, too. It’s in Late-13th Century Hip Hop Dance Technique. That alone gives me an authority that all of the so-called “expert” fancy forensic degree holders can never have. Call me Doctor. I earned it, baby.

    Have I seen you at the Pseudo Society in Kalamazoo?

  21. Ellid says:

    James: New Bombshell!!!
    Tanzanian Newspaper declares Obama born in Kenya
    Here is the article:

    And if you’d read the whole thing, you’d have realized that when the Pest & Efail wrote to the paper in question, they were basically told that they were a bunch of idiots who couldn’t read.

    Fair cop, to my mind, *since the original article never once says that Obama was born in Africa*.

  22. Majority Will says:

    I see Ellid is feeling better?

  23. Ellid says:

    Yes, I did see that one.But I also saw the following story: anyone going to swallow that one?I heard somewhere that “Abdallah” might have been a prayer name given to Obama at the time of his birth in Kenya but wasn’t officially part of his name. There was story on African Press of a prayer minister who apparently had blessed Obama at the time of his birth and fled to England with Obama’s Kenyan BC. While I’m suspect to believe anything African Press has to say, it is possible that Obama could have received a blessing at the time of his birth and was given some type of prayer name.

    Sorry, but Muslims don’t have secret “prayer names.” You’re thinking of Jews, who often (but not always) have a Hebrew name used for religious purposes and a secular name in the vernacular of whatever country they were born in.

  24. Ellid says:

    Majority Will: I see Ellid is feeling better?

    Yep. Healing is going well. Still not 100% by any means, but doing much better than I was a couple of days ago.

  25. Majority Will says:

    Yep. Healing is going well. Still not 100% by any means, but doing much better than I was a couple of days ago.

    Great! Welcome back.

  26. misha says:

    Ellid: Sorry, but Muslims don’t have secret “prayer names.” You’re thinking of Jews, who often (but not always) have a Hebrew name used for religious purposes and a secular name in the vernacular of whatever country they were born in.

    That’s correct. My father’s name was Louis, but at the shul he was called Ari.

    When I’m called for an aliyah, the rabbi says in Hebrew, “Mich-ah-ale ben Ari.” (rough transliteration)

    My wife from China asked me how I knew to go up. I explained he called me in Hebrew.

    An orthodox woman is unmarried, and still living at home. Her mother tells her to put an ad in the paper. So she places an ad that says, “Orthodox woman, 30, never married wishes to meet like minded man for matrimony.”

    Every day she rushes home to the mailbox. Finally, she sees a letter forwarded from the paper. She rushes upstairs, and bursts into their apartment. She tears open the letter, and bursts into tears. Her mother says, “darling, what’s wrong?”

    She looks up and says, “it’s from daddy.”

  27. HORUS says:

    It’s always “Bombshell News” until someone proves you wrong, and even after you are proven wrong you never accept the fact that you were in fact wrong.
    Your own links prove you wrong and you still refuse to accept that you are wrong!?
    The paper says they never meant he was born there, yet now that they say that they have become part of the conspiracy and anything they say cannot be trusted, yet you just used them as a source.

    I think you have been off your meds long enough.

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