The following is a reader comment left at The Pilot news site from Southern Pines, North Carolina.
Don’t know if you are aware of this or not, but Obama’s citizenship case has just (quietly) reached the supreme court [sic].
Transcripts (which were subpoened [sic]) from Occidental College indicate that Obama received finaicial [sic] aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate. The transcript shows that Obama applied for and was awarded a fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program. To qualify, the student must claim foreign citizenship.
Under growing pressure from several groups, including the Americans for Freedom of Information, Justice Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agree to hear arguments concerning Obama’s legal eligibility to serve as President. Gary Kreep of the US Justice Foundation has released the results of their investigation of Obama’s campaign spending. The study estimates that Obama has spent $950,000 with 11 law firms in 12 states in an attempt to block disclosure of any of his personal records.
That low key opening sentence introduces, as if were news, a superficial rewrite of an April fool joke that ran the Internet in 2009. I reported on it here when it resurfaced in June of last year. Birther myths never die.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
Unless someone planted this story as a joke, I don’t understand what a birther would hope to gain by this – do they expect that something like this will scare someone into confessing before it’s discovered to be a fake?
Sad but true. This old, bogus story still makes an appearance every couple of months on the FAUX News forum I go to and is usually posted by someone who thinks it’s true. Fortunately, it’s very easy to show that the person who posts it is just an old fool who fell for an old April Fool’s joke
No, they just hope to reach someone who’s mentally unstable enough to think that he or she is justified in taking the law into his or her own hands.
Records on Obama’s father concerning immigration released?
AP Report: When the department released immigration records in September about President Barack Obama’s father, Kroloff wrote: “We haven’t released this yet have we? … I’m hoping this was done in coordination with Sean (Smith), the WH and other relevant and interested parties.”
The general counsel’s chief of staff, John Sandweg, replied: “WH was made aware early and said treat it as normal.”
over the years concerned friends have sent me enough emails exposing this or that government shenanigan being “quietly” implemented out of the public eye that it’s become one of the keywords that sets off my bullpoop alarm.
Apparently they were released to somebody. So what? Who cares about the immigration records of Obama’s father?
The suckers always believe that an event of this importance will only be found through emails or on FAUX News sites. The give away is “Don’t know if you are aware of this or not.” There are other obvious error or clues that it is fake.
Please explain what relevance this has to President Obama’s birth in Honolulu.
It is merely part of their ongoing intentional disinformation campaign of false propaganda for the gullible. They live by the old adage of believing that if you repeat a lie long enough, people will start to think it is true.
Sadly, I think you are totally correct that this is also one of the goals.
The recent Byron Williams incident this past weekend immediately comes to mind. Thankfully, the police stopped this guy before he was able to carry out whatever crazed agenda he was really intending.
There is no one who can convince me after more than 800 days of making this silly claim and having every case tossed out of court in that they are so stupid that they still think that any of these cases have a snowball’s chance in hell of succeeding. From my empirical observations, they just use the time between when a case is filed and the time it is dismissed to pass around the most vile and hateful propaganda about the president, and there can only be one reason for that.
From WebMD:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which there is an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with one’s self.
A person with narcissistic personality disorder:
Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation
Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals
Has feelings of self-importance
Exaggerates achievements and talents
Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love
Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment
Requires constant attention and admiration
Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy
Has obsessive self-interest
Pursues mainly selfish goals
And they rarely admit fault, fallibility or wrongdoing.
Resembles more than one birther attorney, IMO.
Reminds me of a few folks that used to comment here.
It also reinforces their natural bigotry. They all believe that n***s are lazy, shifty and stupid and that the only possible explanation for Obama being president is because of fraud.
This is OT, but I assume you’ve seen Orly’s latest–an application to allow her own forensic and computer security experts to visit the Supreme Court to verify the authenticity of Justice Thomas’s denial of her emergency application for a stay of Judge Land’s sanctions, and to verify the authenticity of the other Justices’ signatures on the order denying her emergency application in an earlier case?
those diabolical fiends !!!!!
Taitz should quit her other 3 jobs and become a conspiracy theorist full time. This is one example that it seems that Orly Taitz is an April fool joke gone on to long.
Heh Doc, I think this story might explain what happened to your FOIA request.
“For at least a year, the Homeland Security Department detoured hundreds of requests for federal records to senior political advisers for highly unusual scrutiny, probing for information about the requesters and delaying disclosures deemed too politically sensitive, according to nearly 1,000 pages of internal e-mails obtained by the Associated Press.”
Ron interviews with Sharon’s Post and Email. It a very long and expansive interview but very very good. Obama’s COLB is no doubt a forgery.
James, I am in full agreement with you on one point about the Polland interview. It is long.
Somewhere Loren is laughing at you James. I would say that you are gullible, but we both know that you are not a mere poster. You are just a Lucas Smith troll, forwarding debunked info and posting on anti-birther sites for no reason other than to initiate arguments. See your comment below…
James says:
Thursday, July 22, 2010 at 8:13 AM
Don’t Miss out Tonight! Tim Adams will interviewed by hardcore Obots about his claims.
Be sure to tune in at 9:00pm and listen. We need some birthers to listen to call in if Tim Adams starts getting attacked by these Obots.
And Polland is a joke. Below are his so called credentials….
“In 1970, I received a BA in Psychology. Back then, there were no jobs for psychologists with only a Bachelor’s degree, so I decided to return to college in the fall quarter and get a Master’s Degree in Psychology. The problem was that a lot of people had already applied to the program and I would have to put my name on a waiting list. I did not want to wait, and after doing some searching, I learned about a new, joint program between the Department of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Educational Research, Design, and Testing in the College of Education. This was a straight-through program in which I could earn a PhD in Educational Psychology. They had just started the program in the fall quarter. I applied and was admitted for the winter quarter, January 1971, marking only the second person to ever be enrolled in this program.
I spent the next four quarters taking the Psychology core curriculum, as all Psychology majors program were required to do, along with courses in Educational Research. Upon completing my coursework in Psychology, I was sort-of abandoned by my program adviser. I had no guidance as to where to go from there. I decided that I wanted to get out of the program with a Master’s Degree and start working in the real world.
Officially, I was awarded a Master’s Degree in Educational Research with a focus area in Statistics. Unofficially, I also had the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Psychology with a focus area in School and Counseling Psychology.”
“I chose Instructional Media and Instructional Systems Design as my focus areas. The program in Instructional Systems was like being at home for me because of their strong emphasis on psychology and learning theory. ”
So first of all he basically admits he does not have the requesite qualifications to make any sort of determination on the COLB. He claims that his so called expertiese comes from the fact that “I became proficient in over 100 computer programs specifically because my daily work tasks required their use at an expert level.” What a joke.
He then tries to explain why anyone with more that a 75 IQ should believe him….
“To those who defend Obama’s birth certificate as being real, I remain an enigma. They do not believe that I am an expert qualified to analyze images because they define an expert according to the titles of one’s graduate degrees and their correspondence to his stated or imputed area of expertise. In other words, in the minds of the opposition, a person’s demonstrated knowledge, skills, and abilities has less to do with his expertise than the title of his degree program. Additionally, they may also insist that an expert must be “certified” by a professional accreditation agency for the same area of expertise, assuming that one even exists. In this case, there is no accreditation for image forgery experts.
Here is where Obama’s apologists go astray: they believe that a person’s paper credentials imply both credibility and capability. The broader the title of the expert’s graduate degree, the broader are the expectations for that expert to meet. For example, the Obama defenders declared that Dr. Neal Krawetz is a “real” expert in image analysis based primarily (or solely) on the title of his PhD, which is “Computer Science.” They never visited his website and examined his credentials and any professional work products available, whereas I had. Basically, they have no idea where his expertise lies, but they automatically assume that having a PhD in Computer Science gives someone the ability to do anything involving computers.
Conversely, when they encounter an unfamiliar degree title, they will arrive at all sorts of conclusions about the degree program, except for the right one. I am a person who does not fit their profile of an expert because I have excelled in several fields of study over a 40-year professional work history, earning Masters’ and Doctoral degrees covering several focus areas, and two certifications in separate fields of practice as well. However, because the pro-Obama defenders are convinced that the research problem only requires document analysis or image analysis, and that since they did not find the phrase “image analysis,” or “document analysis” in my resume or affidavit, then they concluded that I am not qualified to assess the authenticity of the COLB images.”
Then he delves into the following explanation….
“MRS. RONDEAU: Didn’t you help Orly Taitz, Esq. early on by doing some analysis?
DR. POLLAND: Yes, I was helping out all of the eligibility lawyers. I had sent affidavits to her, to Apuzzo, to Thomas Smith, to Alan Keyes, so everyone had my affidavit.
MRS. RONDEAU: Did your affidavit go in with their lawsuits?
DR. POLLAND: Yes, it did. However, there was only one that actually had my real name on it, and unfortunately, I regret sending that one out, because that was how it became revealed.
MRS. RONDEAU: Could you have signed the affidavit with a pseudonym? Is that acceptable to a court?
DR. POLLAND: What people did not know is that there were two sets of affidavits produced: one for the courts and one for the internet and public consumption. The agreements that I had with the lawyers were to submit, under court seal, my genuine credentials along with my notarized signature. I stated on the first line of the affidavit that I was using the name “Ron Polarik” because of security concerns. I signed my full legal name on the last page and had it notarized on all affidavits submitted to the courts. The others posted on the Internet were unsigned, and in one case, the attorney asked me to place “X’s” on the signature line – one X per letter in my name. I knew that I would catch some flak over it.
When the first affidavit was posted on Phil Berg’s site, the Obots were going over it, line by line, like vultures stripping a carcass, trying to literally interpret every jot and tittle on there. They were trying to discredit me and put me in the same little box as they had Techdude. So, I decided to have a little fun with them. With each successive online affidavit, I made little changes to my degree titles to jerk them around. I also did this to prove how they were basing all of their assumptions and conclusions on a literal reading of my actual degree titles as I described above.”
And then he tries to attack people….
“These libelous liberals acted as if it was mandatory that I post my full legal name, my personal data, my work history, and everything that I’ve written that was peer-reviewed! Now, if I really wanted to hide my identity, I would have chosen a really cool username, like, say, Dr. Conspiracy, Sluggo, Curiosity, or Koyaan, for example, but they were already taken, and coincidentally, by the same people cracking on me for using my name. The bottom line is that my Obot critics were trying to dig up any dirt on me to discredit me. They could care less about my expertise, assuming they could find it using their mental models.”
“All of them, however, pale, by comparison, to the most clueless, irresponsible, deceitful, egotistical, and flat-out fraudulent person in the history of the Internet. He’s the one who made himself out to be a folk hero by claiming that he “outed” me. Had I never written my legal name on that one affidavit, my identity would still be unknown. Once my legal name was made public, a monkey could have Googled it and found out all that I have done in my 45 years of adulthood.”
And of course the payoff….His tries to attack Loren….
MRS. RONDEAU: I remember seeing his name on some of the blogs…I believe The Right Side of Life?
DR. POLLAND: If you saw the name “Loren,” then you did. Loren is Loren Collins, aka Mosaic Man. He claimed I was a liar and a fraud on the basis of what someone else told him, but passed it off as being his own discovery. A person whose sole motive is to discredit someone else is a person who will lie, cheat, and steal to accomplish it – especially when that someone thinks he is way smarter than I am. Those on the Left who wish I were a fraud have resorted to fabricating images and claiming I made them, to misinterpreting my research, to pulling my words out of context and attaching their own spin on them, to attributing words and deeds to me that were never said or done. Mr. Collins, here, has done all of those things and also crossed the line into hate speech, character assassination, and outright fraud. He had someone else write all of the posts attacking me. He made readers think that he wrote them all, when in reality, he had a ghost writer do them.
Loren has no graphics skills whatsoever and his knowledge of the birth certificate issue comes directly from Factcheck, Politifact, Snopes, and others. You might think that Loren would pick someone with credentials and capabilities to critique my research, but you’d be wrong.
Loren’s choice to be his ghost writer was my Internet psychostalker, Steve Eddy. From late in July 2008 onwards, Eddy had been tracking me, seeing which blogs and forums I joined, and then getting on them just to trash me. On some which I did not join, he was already there telling people “to watch out for him” because I’m “dangerous.” The nine nasty and libelous posts that he created for Loren – which Loren portrayed as being his own – were just like the dozen or so nasty and libelous posts Eddy made between July and December 2008. Loren, who has no knowledge or skills of any kind in graphics or photography, turned his blog over to someone who has no credentials of any kind – no college degrees, no formal training in graphics, no formal training in photography – and who launched a personal vendetta against me that has been going on for the last two years. Besides the lack of any credentials, Eddy has never made a single, original digital image that he can claim as his own. He used my images with abandon, but he never created a digital scan or a digital photograph, let alone scan and photograph a real COLB of his own. He makes custom cables for a living, so if anyone needs to get wired, he’d be the one to see.
And finally the payoff…We see he is out to do what all other birthers are doing…Con the sheep that follow them…Hence his “book” and his ridiculous claim regarding Janice Okubo….
“MRS. RONDEAU: One of the things that fascinated me about your research was the recent statement on your video that Janice Okubo’s Certification of Live Birth was used to create Obama’s. What made you come to that conclusion?
DR. POLLAND: (Laughs) That’s something I reveal in my book, but I can tell you that it came to me after re-discovering that the COLB image was the product of at least two COLBs. I say “re-discovering” because in the process of reverse-engineering the COLB, I confirmed that the border was made separately from the rest of the COLB. Not only was the border separate from the background, but the background was also separate from the text, and vice-versa. I also hypothesized that none of the COLBs used belonged to Obama because Hawaii refused to confirm that they produced one, and my analyses of Factcheck’s photos confirmed that Obama’s COLB only exists as a fabrication. I decided to reverse-engineer the COLB to determine the steps taken to produce it and then to follow those steps in recreating the actual forgery. None of this was easy at all. People who think it’s a horrible forgery have no idea how hard it was, although they would get a sense of it by watching the videos I made. It took six intensive months to figure out how to reproduce this thing.”
I couldn’t get through any more of the ridiculous stories and lies from Polland….If anyone else actually feels like damaging some brain cells and reading the rest of it, then good luck….Those are 20 minutes of my life that I will be unable to get back….
Politifact, June 27, 2008:
When the birth certificate arrived from the Obama campaign it confirmed his name as the other documents already showed it. Still, we took an extra step: We e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real.
“It’s a valid Hawaii state birth certificate,” spokesman Janice Okubo told us.
The Hawaii Department of Health receives about a dozen e-mail inquiries a day about Obama’s birth certificate, spokesman Okubo said.
“I guess the big issue that’s being raised is the lack of an embossed seal and a signature,” Okubo said, pointing out that in Hawaii, both those things are on the back of the document. “Because they scanned the front … you wouldn’t see those things.”
Okubo says she got a copy of her own birth certificate last year and it is identical to the Obama one we received.
And about the copy we e-mailed her for verification? “When we looked at that image you guys sent us, our registrar, he thought he could see pieces of the embossed image through it.”
Still, she acknowledges: “I don’t know that it’s possible for us to even say beyond a doubt what the image on the site represents.”
However about nine months AFTER the statement quoted by James above, Ms Okubo was interviewed by the Washington Independent and made the following statement:
“It’s crazy,” said Janice Okubo, director of communications for the Hawaii Department of Health. “I don’t think anything is ever going to satisfy them.”
Okubo, who said that she gets weekly questions from Obama Birthers’ that are “more like threats,” explained that the certificate of live birth reproduced by Obama’s campaign should have debunked the conspiracy theories. “If you were born in Bali, for example,” Okubo explained, “you could get a certificate from the state of Hawaii saying you were born in Bali. You could not get a certificate saying you were born in Honolulu. The state has to verify a fact like that for it to appear on the certificate. But it’s become very clear that it doesn’t matter what I say. The people who are questioning this bring up all these implausible scenarios. What if the physician lied? What if the state lied? It’s just become an urban legend at this point.”
And then there’s the even more definitive statement of Hawaii’s Republican Governor Linda Lingle: “You know, during the campaign of 2008, I was actually in the mainland campaigning for Sen. McCain. This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country. And so I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact. And yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue. And I think it’s, again, a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this. … It’s been established. He was born here.”—Governor of Hawaii Linda Lingle (R)
The statements quoted above have little impact on died-in-the-wool birther conspiracy theorists but they are very compelling to judges and justices who read them when they are submitted as a component of legal briefs written on behalf of defendants in Obama eligibility lawsuits.
That’s why even conservative Republican US District Court judges appointed by George W. Bush have been moved to say: “A spurious claim questioning the President’s constitutional legitimacy may be protected by the First Amendment, but a Court’s placement of its imprimatur upon a claim that is so lacking in factual support that it is frivolous would undoubtedly disserve the public interest.
For the reasons previously stated, Plaintiff’s motion for a temporary restraining order is denied and Plaintiff’s complaint is dismissed in its entirety. Defendants shall recover their costs from Plaintiff. “–US Federal District Court Judge for the Middle District of Georgia Clay Land in dismissing “Rhodes v MacDonald” September 16, 2009
And a conservative federal judge appointed by Ronald Reagan has said: “This is one of several such suits filed by Ms. Taitz in her quixotic attempt to prove that President Obama is not a natural born citizen as required by Constitution. See U.S. CONST. art. II, § 1. This Court is not willing to go tilting at windmills with her.”—Chief US District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth in dismissing the Quo Warranto claim in “Taitz v Obama”—April 14, 2010
If Obama’s COLB is a forgery, why has there been no Grand Jury investigation in any jurisdiction, local, state or federal for forgery? There are no issues of legal standing to overcome in a grand jury investigation and documents can be subpoenaed and witnesses can be compelled to testify under oath by a Grand Jury. Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18(b)(9) allow for a birth certificate to be released without Obama’s permission to a person with a valid court order from a court of competent jurisdiction. That means a subpoena can force the release of Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth. No one has done that.
That is because even the least intelligent birthers are smart enough to know that if the COLB was declared not a forgery, then they would lose the ability for people like Polland and James’ buddy convicted forger Lucas Smith to make money off their followers through paypal and “books”….If you read Polland’s interview he doesn’t even begin to make any sense….And once the freepers over at FR started to doubt him, he is attempting to do damage control and save what is left of his reputation in birtherland….
“Treat it as normal” means delay, delay and then delay.
Obama has nothing to hide, so it will not be exposed during his lifetime.
I get it now! I’m an Obot!
OT, but I thought Obama Conspiracists might be interested in a newspaper withdrawing its endorsement of a polical candidate because that candidate was a “birther”:–1
First of all “Almost Famous” I am actually pleased you posted the article you posted.
Here is the reason why- it was from a legitimate news source, not just a smear peace from WND or the other Anti-Obama blogs, and it details a real issue with the administation.
Do I take this from reading the article that there is something tremendously nefarious from what happened? No- sounds like the administration was trying to keep tab on requests so they could be prepared to respond to whatever was released.
But- the Administration handled it really clumsily, and did delay release of documents because of this. Very poorly handled, and perhaps more will come out to show us whether there is more to this story or not.
The Obama administration does make mistakes, no doubt about it. I think we should all acknowledge those mistakes- and disagreements in policy when we have them. If there are too many, I might choose to vote for someone else next time around.
But as we have seen in the last few days, we should not act imprudently, say be firing someone because of video hit piece released, but should see how the story unfolds and be willing to be critical where warrented, but not when unwarrented.
Here’s a surefire plan. When Breitbart acts or speaks, do or think the opposite.
No exceptions.
SFJeff & Majority Will –
Well said, both of you!
And butterdezillion (or what ever the handle is) even got in a dig in the comments.
Freep has removed the thread due to “too much personal information disclosed.”
Damn, Loren got the red carpet treatment from PooPooPolarik, and all I got was two cents worth of fibbing.
Ronnie, since we all know you read this site – ummm, my name is John Dean, it’s no secret online that I, SluggoJD, am John Dean, I am the only SluggoJD online and my identity has been known for over 15 years.
You really should stick to fiction, because you most certainly can’t write non-fiction.
Ah yes, good old BZ as we call her for short (much easier to type). I just went back there and seen that she’s on another tear of her crazy posting over and over and over again. How totally sad and typically nutso-obsessive for her.
Unlike some of the other nuts, I’ve always felt a bit sorry for BZ and her conspiracy delusions. Although she displays the same characteristic of making declarative claims and pointing to her mounds of evidence as “proof” (which happen to never actually say what she claims they say), I truly believe she is so comprehension and logic impaired that she is sincere in her nonsense fictional claims. She sadly just believes something and then “sees” what she wants, regardless of how different reality actually is from her delusions. So, at least she is slightly better (IMHO) than the intentional con-artists out there, such as WND, etc.
Well, since I just took a trip back there to peer through the latest comments, I thought I’d share my favorite two, which were excellently put (so kudos to these commentators over there):
My vote for best comment there goes to Jennifer:
And my runner-up award goes to Ian:
Honorable Mention to our own Dr. C. for posting there as well. Kudos.
Thanks for that. Jennifer’s post was spot on and insightful.
What exactly would convince you that you were wrong about the President’s nbc status?
I’m betting nothing.
Really? I’m surprised.
You have provide more that enough of that interview. I have no problem reading the transcript of a person giving their person opinion, but misinformation is a distraction from the issue being discussed. It is understandable if a person makes a mistake which is inevitably bound to happen.
Anyways, arguments like Polland are base on a deep desire their beliefs to be true. Just reading the last few words prove this … “It took six intensive months to figure out how to reproduce this thing.” He is definitely in the gray area on where or not he broke the law. Additionally, he seems to not understand that the features he noticed was due to security features to make it hard to forge the document. The average person could have figured this out if they really wanted to.
There are no vulture just people who want those damaged brain cells back.
In looking through the comments I found the following to be extremely interesting…Especially when our buddy BZ is called out as the loon she actually is….
Butterdezillion : 7/22/2010
I find it tough that after 2 years that you still stick to this belief that our President isn’t a natural born citizen. He has satisfied those that matter of this fact. He shouldn’t have to do any more. In looking at your blogs, it appears that you have taken out a personal crusade to disprove this reality. It appears even with indisputable proof, you are one of those that never would be satisfied. To continue this after 2 years is ridiculous.
-Kansas Voter
Butterdezillion : 7/22/2010
It seems that you have spent an awful lot of time trying to disprove the President’s citizenship. I find it odd that if I do a quick Google search of, say ‘Obama COLB’, a good many of the posts I find are yours. I tried to find more believable sources of the information you say to be true and I couldn’t find it. Just because you say it is so or someone else puts it on the Internet, doesn’t make it the truth. It just makes you look like another right wing nut job.
-Kansas Voter
Hysterical : 7/22/2010
It’s hysterical that so many Kansans cling to the fantasy that Obama hasn’t “come forward” with proof of his citizenship.
“Easily Fooled And Proud Of It” could be the state motto.
I should come up there and sell bridges. I will as soon as I finish selling them here in Texas.
: 7/22/2010
For the nuts here who are part of these birthers, do you enjoy being ignorant so much that you choose to stay ignorant? A certificate of live birth IS a birth certificate. This is what Hawaii gives everyone! What part of that is hard for the nuts to understand? The newspaper announcements were placed by the Dept. of Health. What part of that is hard for nuts to understand. These people makes the entire state look like a bunch of racist hicks.
Wow : 7/22/2010
Birthers… the one group in the nation that can make Tea Partiers look reasonable by comparison.
I have no doubt that in many extreme cases it’s a matter of mental health.
Posted again today on a FAUX News forum. lmao