On CBS Late Night with David Letterman, senior administration adviser David Axelrod blamed Fox News Network for promoting the birther mess.
These are times of great change and stress, so you see some of those things come out, but it is no doubt promoted by our friends at Fox and others, and that’s part of the politics we have to deal with
Watch the video:
Who at Fox News is promoting birtherism?
Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity – who has dipped his toe in the birther pool in the past by asking what’s wrong with asking if Obama has a “legitimate birth certificate” – is hosting widely discredited smear artist, birther extraordinaire, and WND “reporter” Jerome Corsi tonight as part of his “Great American Panel.”
WND CEO, birther Joseph Farah: “Sean Hannity for president”
Gee, charo. Is your Google search function broken again? No wonder you’re suspicious without valid reasons.
MSNBC and CNN mention “birtherism” far more than FOX news… In fact; both have had “birthers” on numerous times and Fox has not.
Who are you brainwashed obamanite fools trying to fool?
One more thing. It was Chris Matthews of MSNBC who was the first person to state on the air in 2007 that Obama was a Muslim and was born in INDONESIA!
Again, who are you brainwashed obamanite fools trying to fool?
Even charo understands context.
Isn’t Ouch a serial troll?
I respect your judgement.
Link please. I’m positive I first heard it from my cat.
Click ‘show more text’ and scroll about 3/4 of the way down.
‘But didnt Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?’
Again, who are you brainwashed obamanite fools trying to fool?
The foreign birth and secret Muslim started with a Clinton supporter, Philip Berg, here in Philly – Norristown, actually.
So yes, it started with Hilary Clinton. Politics is a dirty blood sport, which is why I never ran for class president. When I was asked to be on my condo’s board, I say “no thanks.”
I prefer animals to people: their love is unconditional, and they don’t gossip. Also, my cat will never say what my ex did: “You are a typical Jew.”
One more note: I don’t care if Obama was born on Mars, to space aliens. I tried living in Anchorage. I had so much anti-semitism flung in my face, most of it from Palin’s crowd, I gave up after 3 months and drove back to Philly.
I would not vote GOP for dog catcher.
Given your name calling you have come to realize that we are not fooling anyone.
Have you no original thoughts to contribute?
nbc says to Ouch “Have you no original thoughts to contribute?”
that’s not a fair question to someone who has no clue on anything!
poor Ouch probably still in his mother’s basement.
but one day, when he grows up, he will teach his children how to hate.
Now that is a truly sad thought.
The major talking heads at Faux have officially disavowed birtherism, however not before giving the rock a push and ensuring that it had momentum to keep going by itself. That is how they operate. The Tea Party rallies and the Congressional Town Hall invasions last year were 100% original Faux promotions.
Don’t forget “Old Weepy” himself, Beck is the poster child for Birfoons at Faux
Glossary updated:
Well, I don’t mind trolls much until they get the OBOTS to start acting like 10-year-old boys fighting on the playground.
Quote:”Nevada Democrats have seized on the widely debunked conspiracy theory that President Obama was not born in the U.S. to attack Tea Party darling Sharron Angle, the Republican running against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.”
From Fox News:
Fox News called the “birhter conspiracy” “debunked”. That does not sound like promotion to me.
The birther story has run its course. It is now in the fringe of politics, kept alive by WND for the purpose of driving traffic to their site to support advertising revenue. No one takes Orly Taiz and company seriously.
Point taken? 🙂
Glenn Beck is not a birther. He rejected the idea in a recent on-air interview with Dinesh D’Souza.
Whether he was conflating Birtherism and the Tea Party movement, or whether he was just looking to scapegoat Fox, Axelrod’s simply wrong to blame Fox for promoting Birtherism.
Fox, to my knowledge, has never put a Birther on-air to talk about Birtherism. Beck and O’Reilly have both openly rejected and even mocked Birtherism. Shepard Smith gave perhaps the fiercest denouncement of Birtherism I’ve seen from any news anchor, anywhere.
The most you can claim is that there’s been a handful of isolated instances such as when Hannity briefly suggested that people who wanted to see the long-form birth certificate weren’t necessarily crazy. But even if you count all of those, and lump them together, they *still* won’t be as much promotion as Lou Dobbs gave to Birtherism on CNN.
I’m not defending Fox in general here. I’m just saying they don’t deserve to be scapegoated for promoting a conspiracy theory that they have, perhaps surprisingly, avoided.
Speaking of Beck…
“This morning on his radio program, Glenn Beck discussed in more detail some of the physical challenges he’s been facing. Glenn told his audience that he will be taking several days off next week to undergo tests at a hospital “out west.”
On recent broadcasts he’s discussed that he has been having problems with feeling in his hands and feet. Today he explained that “small fiber” issues may be involved but that testing will provide more understanding.
Glenn also said the listeners may have noticed a change in how he sounds on the air. He said he’s been having problems with his vocal chords and that doctors will also be examining this problem.
This post will be updated several times to add information and clips from the program.
Sarah Palin is on Fox now and even if she’s not a birther, she’s certainly winked at them.
Loren, good point. Although FOX has stayed away from the birtherism angle, they have attempted to influence the viewers negatively against Obama with every other issue. Most recently the so called voter intimidation or “New Black Panther” story that they have been the only ones pushing….
Those are long term injuries from that girl defending herself in 1990.
Good Article regarding FOX news…
…you’ll never have a liberal equivalent to Fox News that has anything like the same level of success. Conservatives believe that the mainstream news is fundamentally corrupt and untrustworthy. They want a fully closed information ecosystem in which every piece of data they consume is filtered through the perspective of the conservative movement. Very, very few liberals want that. They want their liberal opinion, but they also want straight news, or at the very least news that isn’t overtly propagandistic like on Fox. MSNBC has slightly right-of-center programming in the morning with Joe Scarborough, straight news throughout the day, then liberal opinion at night.
Will that work? Sherman implicitly suggests it won’t. The beauty of Fox News is that the “straight” news seamlessly meshes with the straight opinion ranters. The daytime shows endlessly pump up the Black Panther intimidation story, and then the opinion hosts flog the story more. The whole product works together.
More on FOX…
“Fox’s secret is that viewers stay. That’s because Fox’s rightward flanking maneuver, capturing a disenfranchised part of the audience, was only part of its strategy. The news, especially political news, wasn’t something that happened. It was something that you shaped out of the raw data, brought out of the clay of zhlubby, boring politics, reborn with heroes and villains, triumphs and reverses, never-ending story lines—what TV executives call “flow.” And the beauty of it was that the viewers—the voters—were the protagonists, victims of evil Kenyan socialist overlords, or rebels, coming to take the government back. There was none of the on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand relativity crossfire that mirrors the journalism-school ideal of objectivity. All the fire went one way. The viewers, on their couches, were flattered as the most important participants, the foot soldiers in Fox’s army; some of them even voted.”
SO what’s wrong with that?
Which is the concept behind http://www.conservapedia.com as well.
If he would stop sinning God wouldn’t punish him so terribly.
No, those are long term injuries from that poor girl defending herself.
Well Dr. Manning thinks that FOX is not supportive of the birthers so he has now announced:
We The People vs. FOX News Corp. et. al. Trial
His list of those to indict are, Murdoch, Roger Ailes, shareholders (especially the Islamic ones), O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck, and even Palin. Maybe this should be We The People v. Everybody Else.
Manning has a lengthy felony record. He is quite familiar with the criminal justice system.
abc news’ jake tapper, today:
freepers report that tapper later tweeted:
question: if tapper’s not at least birfer-friendly, why ask about the long form … ?