OK, I’m going WAY OUT ON A LIMB this year with my predictions for 2011.
- A copy of Barack Obama’s original Birth Certificate will be released to the public
- The Birth Certificate will show the President was born at the Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological hospital
- Documents will be released by the US State Department that prove Stanley Ann Obama did not have a US Passport in 1961.
- Dr. Terry Lakin will disown birtherism
- Orly Taitz DDS, Esq will be disbarred by California
- NEW! Barack Obama will be president this time next year.
- NEW, NEW! Orly Taitz will run for President.
7. Despite 1-6, birtherism will live on.
Well, #2 & #3 require #1 to happen, so I view them as merely an IF/THEN condition and really 1 prediction with its consequences laid out.
#4 seems to be a likely result, once the remaining FOIA requests get resolved.
#5 – Actually, I have serious doubts on this one.
Birthers seem to be impervious to getting a clue from every other bit of unpleasant consequences of their birther antics – as evidenced by all of those birthers who mention about the personal estrangements they’ve experienced in life as a result. So if important stuff like that can’t wake someone with that mindset up to getting a clue… then I have very little faith that Lakin will learn anything at all from his experience.
Lakin could just as easily continue to blame the rest of the world for his circumstances and double-down in his miserableness at his fate and become the next Walter Fitzpatrick.
Either way, I’m sure we’ll get a sense of which way he goes when the birther world reports on his release in 6 months.
I prefer to evaluate instead of speculate, but if I’m going to jump into speculating for the sake of making NY predictions – sadly, I’m going with the prediction that he’s more likely to end up going the Walt Fitzpatrick route instead of regret and take responsibility for his own follies.
Re: #6 – we can only hope! More than any other prediction on the list, I would like to see this one happen soon. It just boggles my mind that her antics haven’t resulted by now.
I’d be surprised if #5 is accurate – where’s the upside for Lakin to disown the birthers now? It’s too late to do any good and it would cut off whatever donations he was receiving…
Well saving his marriage might be a good reason.
I’ve wondered out loud before about the apparent absence of Mrs Lakin at the trial, and whether she was actually there for the “goodbye” time after sentencing. The report from Puckett & Faraj firm site on the Lakin trial seems to indicate she was not there even to say goodbye:
“He was transported to jail after a brief time to say goodbye to his parents and two brothers.”
Being a married man myself, I know my wife would have been there, even if she thought I was in the wrong, except if I had, through my own stupidity, and despite her consistent warnings, thrown away my the family’s future and financial security on a fool’s errand.
In that case she’d be packing my stuff up to mail it to me while the sentencing was happening, and rightly so.
I suspect that the real victims here are Lakin’s wife and children. It would be nice if they could somehow sue his former dog bite lawyer for gross negligence, and thereby recoup some of the financial security she’d worked so hard for being the wife of a military physician.
That’s plausible – I’ve wondered about his wife’s absence from the proceedings as well – I think it’s funny that birthers will come up with abstruse theories regarding the minutia of people’s casual comments while pretty much ignoring an elephant in the room that clearly means something, even if we don’t know what…
I’ll add an easy one:
Orly’s cert petition is denied on 7 January 2011.
I’m hoping that the California Bar is simply waiting for Orly’s latest petition to SCOTUS to be denied before taking action. Her contempt for the judiciary could hardly be more explicit. The denial will become official on January 10, so we can hope for action after that is concluded.
More derangement from Bob Unruh at WND, who is unaware of the fact that the cert petition in Hollister v. Soetoro has already effectively been denied. There was no call for a response before the petition was distributed for conference, so it has been “dead filed” and the denial of cert is a mere formality.
Also, these people seem to believe that Justice Kagan has a conflict because she was Solicitor General and the U.S. Attorney’s office made an appearance in the case. They apparently are unaware of the fact that the Solictor General had nothing to do with the Hollister case until the cert petition was filed.
Oooh! Good add! I’ll place my bet on that one too. Then again, the outcome is so easily predictable and inevitable, it almost makes me feel guilty to call it a prediction. 😉
But then again, that predictive inevitability holds true for just about every lame birther action and lawsuit. If there is anything that provides a near-sure thing proven track record, it is betting on failure for birther-related lawsuits!
What pisses the birthers off even more regarding Justice Kagan is the fact that she has already recused herself in nearly half of the cases that she could have participated in, showing her to be a highly ethical justice. She has sat out any case that the federal government had involvement in while she was Solicitor General whether she participated in the actual case or not.
LOL! Thanks for the link. I actually read through Unruh’s article and almost fell off my chair laughing!
So, chalk that up as yet another 2011 prediction or two –
A) SC will issue denial of cert on this, just as dismissively quickly and easily as it has on the others
and B) none of the SC judges will be recused from it (they are attempting that same failed argument that Apuzzo tried in demanding to exclude Kagan & Sotomayor.)
Yet another perfect example illustrating how delusional and utterly blind to the writing on the wall these birthers are!
Although this one seems even funnier than most to highlight as an reason to poke fun and laugh at them, because they honestly are trying to hang their hat and hopes on a case that was so odiously frivolous in nature the first time around that not only did it elicit a legendarily scathing dismissal, but also a swift threat of sanctions against senile and bitter old coot birther attorney John D. Hemenway!
Now THAT is what EPIC FAIL is all about! LMAO!
I dunno if Lakin will disown birtherism. After he gets kicked out of the service, he’ll have nothing left to lose, and he might hope to gain financially by capitalizing on his self-proclaimed victim status.
He reminds me of the former chief of police of my home town, who received a tough sentence for alleged misdoings the city council declined to make public. They chose to suspend then terminate him in lieu of filing charges. The chief resigned instead, made himself out to be a political martyr, and ran for city council. Enough people bought into his political martyrdom/supposed political outsider status that he won election for two terms. I can see Lakin trying to parlay his humiliation into a similar attempt at a political career. After all, what better line of work to get away with calling a disgrace an asset, and have suckers fall for it?
The above site gives a good explanation of the disciplinary process. It takes quite some time and there are several avenues to avoid the toughest of sanctions. I seriously doubt she will be permanently disbarred after reading this and some example cases where disbarment occurred (and most of the cases were not permanent disbarment). All of the really egregious cases I read were filed by the client and most concerned stealing funds and/or simply failing to show up at hearings. Additionally, there was a history of complaints filed with the State Bar that were fully investigated with discipline meted out after due process. That did occur in Judge Land’s case, but she has never been through the disciplinary process before the California State Bar.
Finally, she may well be viewed in this category if the case even proceeds that far:
By legislative mandate, the State Bar has set up the Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) – a program for attorneys who have alcohol, drug, or mental health problems [good case?] that have led into disciplinary issues.
(see above link)
Forget that. It would require an admission and cooperation.
Thanks for the info charo & Happy New Year to you and everyone else here!
to doc and friends, a happy new year!
and to our birfer piñatas, thanks for the laughs and better luck in 2011!
That WND article was such a bunch of crap that it was difficult to get through it…Specifically when they write such nonsense like the following…
“There is a widespread perception among ‘conservative’ media figures such as Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin that judicial appointments have been made by the respondent Obama with the expectation of favors in return. This has combined with a campaign of ridicule and ‘unthinkability’ on these serious issues led by the press spokesman of the respondent Obama among others,” said a “motion to recuse” submitted by attorneys working on behalf of Gregory S. Hollister, a retired military officer.
The motion cites Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, both of whom were awarded the lifetime tenure positions on probably the most influential court in the world by Obama.”
I guess SC justices such as Roberts were not “awarded lifetime tenure”? Amazing how WND twists and perpetuates the rhetoric against President Obama….