It wouldn’t be reasonable to expect folks who support the birther myth to speak rationally on other things, and so it should not be a surprise to see this rather bizarre video starring birther attorney Stephen Pidgeon. In the following video, The statement of probable cause for high treason against Barack Obama, we hear that President Obama is reaching into the powers of the occult, including such evil artifacts as the Denver Bronco team mascot statue and the Denver airport, for his own dark purposes.
[The video has been scrubbed from YouTube since this article was written.]
Pidgeon said:
He [Barack Obama] is the most significant lawless person we’ve ever seen in American history.
[Video at 14:10]
Wow, did you know that if you draw a swastika on top of an aerial photo of the Denver airport, you can see a swastika?
Mr. Pidgeon is one premise short of a syllogism.
Learn more:
- Stephen Pidgeon’s web site
- Pidgeon expects to be arrested (2009) (Free Republic)
I always knew the Broncos were evil.
Since the majority of reference material shown is from World Nut Daily it must be fact.
I must say first of all that being a Denver native, nobody really likes that statue. Its not satanic, its just weird. Yes, when the sculptor was carving it, the head fell on him and killed him. Yes, its got stupid glowing red eyes (why? Nobody knows). But that’s it.
Second, they say that it was the Denver Coliseum. Its Invesco Field at Mile High. The Coliseum is a run down arena east of town.
I mean really, even before the nonsense about satanic crap and the occult whatever of Denver (and the runways of DIA are a swastika? REALLY?), they can’t even get basic names right. The stupid, it hurts so very much.
And Slartibartfast, the Broncos aren’t evil. They just suck. 😉
Sorry, growing up near enough to Detroit for the Lions’ games to be blacked out I was forced to choose another NFL team to root for – I choose the Raiders… Also, as a Lions fan, let me assure you that you have no concept of the meaning of the word ‘suck’ as applied to a professional football team… (for which you should be thankful).
What? You mean there’s another Lions fan in existence? Whooda thunk it?
I just watched a couple of minutes of the video. Anybody got any brain shampoo I can borrow?
“Pergamon Altar”, the occult? This stuff sounds vaguely familar.
“Gozer the Traveler! He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms.
During the Rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveler came as a large and moving Torb!
Then, during the Third Reconciliation of the Last of the Meketrex Supplicants, they chose a new form for him, that of a giant Sloar!
Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!”
And as to the Denver Airport nonsense:
A poster named ‘Thinkwell’ posted this about Mr. Pidgeon over at Dr. Kate’s…
From Pidgeon’s website: “Stephen Pidgeon, juris doctorate…is an ally of…the World Evangelical Alliance…”
Sounds about right.
“Wow, did you know that if you draw a swastika on top of an aerial photo of the Denver airport, you can see a swastika?”
If you look at the photograph, you’ll see where psycho-ceramics see a conspiracy:
As a life long suffering Browns fan, I feel your pain.
Browns fans are one of the few groups that can truly empathize with the pain of Lions fans (at least we never had our team stolen from our city…) I lived in the Cleveland area for a couple of years and became a tribe fan, but there were no Browns at the time – I do still maintain a dislike for the Ravens, though…
And the spooky coincidences continue. Maybe there is something to this occult business after all…
(except I didn’t have to live in Cleveland to adopt the Indians as a second team. I lived in Tucson where they used to have their spring training base)
Uh, that doesn’t look like a swastika.
A message from Pat Robertson: “I Just Baptized Everyone On Mars”:
And here I thought Pidgeon was just a lousey attorney….now I know he is absolutely insane. Holy Cow!!!! Talk about a couple fries short a happy meal.
When I think of the name “Pidgeon” I think of that great actor Walter. Now this nutcase has sullied that memory with his shenanigans. I need brain bleach.
And the toy, the burger and the drink. And the rest of the fries.
Based on these ‘facts’ from World Nut Daily and Pidgeon saying that Obama has had crosses removed from any place he has spoken, I would have to say they’re completely wrong on their analysis. Obama is really a vampire. How could anyone come to any other conclusion?
I love the way the host uses appeal to authority as if his degrees make it more true.
And as a cop, he has probable cause to arrest Obama simply because he’s Black.
Slart, I did notice that there are 2 more videos, this was only the first one. I couldn’t stomach watching any more of that nonsense but I can’t imagine it is any different than more of the original nonsense….
From Dr Kate’s site I see the following commenters….Interesting how many people are “guilty” of treason…
True Patriot
December 13, 2010 at 9:03 am
If there has ever been a clear case of treason it is spelled OBAMA.
This illegal communist muslim usurping fraud has been given a pass by all of our corrupt “Pravda” media, & our Rino Traitor John McCain did nothing during the campaign for President to stop the DNC from pushing this fraud right through to the White House.
I remember different people at the town hall meetings in the audience asking McCain directly if Obama was even eligible to be President for which he replied he is a nice person!!!!!!
McCain is also part of the high crimes and treason against America.
They should all be in jail for the rest of their miserable Traitor lives.
The other high crime that really angers me is some of the Tea Party orgs, who have totally ignored this dangerous issue of an illegal alien in our White House. I got out of all of them over a year ago, because they only want sheep that do what they say.
I in no way mean to offend the sincere Americans trying to help our country, because “We The People” need all we can get, however the ignoring of Obama’s ineligible status & then the complete ignoring of Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s case, and his illegal Court Martial by some self appointed goons within our military is just too much to tolerate.
For the Tea Party Orgs. who have blatantly ignored O’s ineligible status, and Lt. Col. Terry Lakin’s case we Patriots
around the country have enacted OPERATION SLAM, which involves mass emails, comments, blogging of these issues, requesting the heads of sites to post these issues and keep them out here to inform the American people.
There are sadly still many who do not realize Obama is ineligible to be President, and know nothing about LTC Lakin, nor his illegal Court Martial on Dec 14th.
The TP’s can not have it both ways. You can not dare whine and moan about the Constitution, yet ignore the most treason & criminal acts against it, and that is having a dangerous illegal communist muslim usurping infiltrator in our White House and his band of thugs.
Everyone shout this out to everyone. Most of the people I educate are very grateful for the information, and refer them to sites like Dr. Kate’s for updates and info.
Many of the supposed conservative sites are ignoring the issue, so my friends how conservtive are they really? There are many lefty plants in high positions in these Tea Parties so call them out. Expose them. We have to save America from this tyranny.
eddie h.
December 13, 2010 at 9:56 am
true patriot— i totally agree with you. john mccain should be arrested and charged with treason and other lesser offenses. i also believe that howard dean of the dnc needs to be arrested and charged with treason along with joe biden and michelle obama and nancy pelosi as well as harry reid. there are many many people who need to be arrested charged and put on trial with our we the peoples court. the list is long but we must get them all.
Article regarding the trial of Lakin…
December 14, 2010
Army Doc Refuses Deployment; Questions Obama Is Legit President
FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) – A military court was set to hear the case Tuesday of an Army doctor charged with refusing to deploy to Afghanistan because he says he doubts whether President Barack Obama was born in the U.S. and therefore questions his eligibility to be commander in chief.
Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, an 18-year-Army veteran, disobeyed orders to report earlier this year to Fort Campbell in Kentucky to prepare for deployment, saying he believed the orders were illegal.
In videos posted on YouTube, Lakin aligned himself with so-called “birthers” who question whether Obama is a natural-born citizen as the U.S. Constitution requires for presidents.
Lakin says in the videos that any reasonable person looking at available evidence would have questions about Obama’s eligibility to be president and that he had “no choice” but to disobey orders. Lakin, a native of Greeley, Colo., said he would “gladly deploy” if Obama’s original birth certificate were released and proved authentic.
Officials in Hawaii say they have seen and verified Obama’s original 1961 birth certificate, which is on record with that state. But birthers have not been satisfied with that assurance or the “Certification of Live Birth” Obama has released, a digital document that is a record of a person’s birth in the state but that does not list the name of the hospital where his mother gave birth or the physician who delivered him.
Hawaii law has long barred the release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest.
In September, a military judge ruled the president’s birth certificate is irrelevant in Lakin’s case. His lawyer will therefore not be able to raise the issue as a defense for why Lakin, a flight surgeon, did not report for what would have been a second tour of duty in Afghanistan.
As a result, his civilian defense attorney, Neal Puckett, says he is not optimistic about Lakin’s prospects of being acquitted. He is “probably going to be convicted of something,” Puckett said. If convicted of all the charges against him, Lakin faces dismissal from the Army and more than 3 1/2 years in prison.
Lakin’s trial and a sentencing phase are expected to last two or three days.
JFK Airport looks like two hedgehogs hanging laundry.
Hilarity from retired General McInerny…Thanks to WND….
“McInerney called on Congress to “do its job” and determine whether Obama is constitutionally eligible to serve as president.
“[Lakin] really had a very important point. He is not a birther, he is a constitutionalist,” said McInerney. “Now it shouldn’t be the job of a lieutenant colonel and flight surgeon in the U.S. Army to be the constitutionalist. It’s the job of the Congress and the executive agency to do that. But we’ve had 44 presidents of the United States and only one, the current president, has not shown a valid birth certificate.” McInerney suggested Lakin is certain to be convicted if the court martial proceeds. “The outcome is evident to me that this is a slam dunk,” said McInerney. “They’re not going to let him really talk about it. They’re avoiding the issue
McInerney held up his own treatment by the trial judge to illustrate the unfairness of the proceedings thus far. Lind has refused to allow McInerney or any other expert witness requested by the defense to testify at Lakin’s court martial. She has also refused to permit Lakin to present any evidence or arguments in his own defense that might justify his decision to disobey orders.
“The judge in this particular case said I do not know enough about the Army to be able to understand the Army’s position on the Uniform Code of Military Justice,” said McInerney, who added he once commanded an army division in Alaska as part of a joint Army-Air Force command.
“I am intimately familiar with the Uniform Code of Military Justice,” said McInerney. “But you get a judge … who says that I as a three-star general who had general court martial authority do not know enough about the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Dr. Terry Lakin is not going to get a fair trial in this particular proceeding.”
McInerney was asked by the defense to testify about when a soldier is trained to disobey orders he believes are illegal.
And from Dr kate’s nut house…
“The United States Army, and in particular, its Chief of Staff; the U.S. Department of Defense; and the Congress of the United States have less than five days to demonstrate that they have intention to follow their oaths of office to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. All signs point to cowardice, misprision of treason, and dereliction of duty, all offenses whose consequence is immediate court martial, removal from office and prison.”
And in the comments good ol Pammy Barnett pretending that she is familar with the law…
CPT Pamela Barnett
December 10, 2010 at 2:05 am
tfb, the judge is illegally not allowing evidence in the trial concerning obama’s ineligibility. the judge needs to be removed from the bench for such willful destruction of LTC Lakin’s Constitutional rights.
CPT Pamela Barnett
December 10, 2010 at 2:33 am
I don’t like that Pucket didn’t talk about the specific oath. The oath and the Constitution should supersede a lower UCMJ. You can’t take away from the rights guaranteed under the Constitution, UCMJ should be challenged on its legality. They are treating Lakin a slave with no civil rights.
More Lakin craziness…This time from noted bigot “Lame Cherry”…
Outlaw USA
I really am moved by the Terry Lakin situation, as here you have an American Hero as much as Mario Apuzzo is in risking all to expose the undocumented status of B. Hussein Obama, and the Courts one and all protect the crimes of Barack Obama and literally destroy and smear those Patriots who give all to protect their America.
This is distressing as much as the Rod Blagojevich trial which basically ordered the Governor to admit on the stand he was a crook and denied him of defense. Terry Lakin had every avenue for defense barred from him from Col. Denise Lind in the greatest kangaroo court Stalinist sham outside of China, Russia, North Korea, Syria or Iran.
The very reason Terry Lakin refused to submit to Obama orders is because Obama is undocumented, and yet the Obama regime so narrowly focused those orders to be viewed as only, “Terry Lakin didn’t obey his direct order” and nothing to do with the National Socialist who illegally gave them.
I do not use the term National Socialist in this, as if Denise Lind was a judge at the Nuremberg Trials against Nazi’s, the Nazi’s would have all been set free and Dwight Eisenhower imprisoned for interfering with Hitler’s holocaust orders being implemented.
Make no mistake there is no difference in this at the root of the law. Nazi’s were convicted for blindly following orders in Germany from a National Socialist and Terry Lakin is convicted FOR NOT FOLLOWING NATIONAL SOCIALIST ORDERS BLINDLY.
Seriously as the Europeans rise to power as the only superpower after what Obama is doing in destroying America, these same Soldiers from Patreaus on down can be hauled before European courts as war criminals when Obama is exposed eventually as having no authority to deploy an army and that army therefore is nothing more than a mob of terrorist murderers.
This is an evil time in America, and it reminds of the Biblical warnings of long ago to our Israelite forefathers in justice was subverted and good people were destroyed.
It was a time when right standing people were prudent in keeping silent and spoke of events amongst themselves, as God recorded all what was taking place for Justice.
Terry Lakin does not have one major personality championing him like Nancy Pelosi did Cindy Sheehan. What a shame that John McCain hasn’t taken a stand for the Lt. Colonel, but then John McCain hasn’t done jack squat for Soldiers being slaughtered by Obama in Afnamistan.
Where is a Rush Limbaugh doing something moral for once in featuring Terry Lakin on his program, informing Americans of this travesty of Justice and having his listeners jam the phone lines to make this a story, so the Terry Lakin gets Justice?
Terry Lakin risked all and will like the American Founders have most of what he has taken away in ruining him. There is no help from millionaires like Rush Limbaugh getting the best defense, best public relations and a combined push of news to bring this undocumented Obama to a head.
No Rush Limbaugh can write a million dollar check for sodomite Elton John who blasphemes Jesus thee Son of God, but Limbaugh can’t help one American who has done and given more for America than the entire punditry on the “right” has ever or will ever do in their lives.
It is an evil time. It is the Age of Obama. America is no longer a nation of laws, but a nation of outlaws ruling America in a thugocracy.
I sincerely hope that Americans when the European cartels break this nation into a smouldering refuse that like the French Revolution that Terry Lakin will be like Mario Apuzzo sitting on regional court and all these frauds protecting Obama now, and having fled their bastions of Obama citadels of illegal courts because terrorists, Chicoms, Bolsheviks and Persians have bombed their cities to ruin, get caught in these Patriots hometowns, and the Citizens put these people on trial quite legally in American Laws for their treachery in protecting usurper Obama and destroying men like Terry Lakin.
That is my hope, but my reality is Jesus the Christ will hold His own Judgment where now all these Obamites protected by the regime and ruining good Americans will be held accountable for what they did to good people and God’s America.
This is just disgusting and I hope that Ann Coulter in her whore’s payments smearing Birthers for the regime has her own Christmas Carol in her ghosts rattling her chains to remind her the innocent Americans she drove the daggar into for this regime.
Obama can not do this on his own. This is organized crime from Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Val-erie Jarrett, the Bush family, Karl Rove and the hosts like Rush Limbaugh who know the Truth and have not raised one finger to make a difference for a Gentleman and an Officer like Terry Lakin.
nuff said.
Ooooh…. Dr. Kate is making feeble threats now… So, when the 5th day passes (12/15), just what does she plan to do…
other than whine and stomp her feet and hold her breath? What a paper tiger prima donna.
So let me get this straight. She now wants the Russians, the Iranians and China to bomb and destroy American cities…
…gee, how “patriotic”… NOT.
and somehow that scenario would be a “win” for the birthers how? Is she too stupid to realize that she and her fellow hatriots would most likely get wiped out in such an attack too…?
Truly, her mind is rotted out.
Come on Will, you have to admit that this statement is accurate – it just doesn’t mean what noted bigot ‘Lame Cherry’ (Black Lion: I love that epithet!) thinks it does. Both soon-to-be Mister Lakin and DUI attorney Apuzzo have equal stature as American Heroes – none at all. 😉
Slart, I can’t think of what else to call that individual…The obvious hatred and racism at that site is scary….I have to agree with you…Lakin, just like every other birther will only be a legend in their own minds….History, if they are remembered at all will see them as a bunch of people that hated America….
I emailed you a copy of my initial Birther numbers analysis working document this morning.
Did you get it?
From the Citizen Wells remedial website….
LTC Terry Lakin court martial, Obama eligibility, Six degrees of separation, The world must know about Lakin, Obama Army and Nation on trial
Posted on December 13, 2010 by citizenwells| 242 Comments
“Why has Obama, for over 2 years, employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans
“Roses are red, violets are green,
Get off your butt and join the Marines.”…John Wayne
“Roses are red, pansies are mellow,
If you don’t support Lakin, you are all yellow.”…Citizen Wells
“Six degrees of separation is the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries. ”
This is not a request. If you have not done so, get off of your lazy, self absorbed ass, pay attention and get to work!
If you have not done the following, do so now!
Tell everyone you know about LTC Terry Lakin and the upcoming court martial.
Keep it simple!
Stay away from grey area debates.
Get this story in front of the media. In their face.
Do not let people like Glenn Beck weasel out.
If you are in or about to be in Congress, pay attention and listen! Do your damn job!
If you are a judge, read the US Constitution and follow it!
If you are in the military and you are not supporting LTC Lakin and obeying your oath to defend the US Constitution, remove the lace from your panties.
**** UPDATES ****
10:18 AM – I just made my third phone call to Senator Richard Burr’s office in a month.
I spoke to a nice lady who listened and took down the information.
I told her about the articles here, Lakin court martial and Senator Burr’s
earlier misinformed quote about Obama presenting an official BC copy.
11:00 AM-Just left a message with a major NC newspaper news office.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
7:45 AM- CDR Kerchner arrived on base yesterday and spoke to LTC Lakin. More later today.
12:14 PM- LTC Lakin pled guilty to 1 of 2 charges. Not meeting with a superior when ordered to do so and not showing up at Fort Campbell in Kentucky.
1:13 PM-No mention of Lakin on Glenn Beck’s Citizen Wells respponse.
Sorry, late start today (which is not at all unusual…). I’m working on a reply to your email. I skimmed through the document you sent me and it seems very well thought out, but I’ll take a more careful look in the next day or two and get back to you with any suggestions I might have.
No worries, busy day at the coal face for myself….
Idiots in Asia-Pac followed by the fun that is a new UK FSA ruling that all traders with company provided cellphones have to have all of their cellphone calls recorded.
Oh….and following the delicious cannibalism and outrage in Birferstan over the Lakin court-martial.
Does anyone agree with me that the reasoning of this video mirrors that of David Icke, the man who claims the world is run by a secret race of humanoid reptiles?
WND’s Kinsolving Whines About Missing WH Party Invite
Topic: WorldNetDaily
Les Kinsolving has quite the sense of entitlement, it seems. Why else would he devote his Dec. 14 WorldNetDaily column to complaining that he wasn’t invited to the White House Christmas party?
I also learned when I went to the White House press room before this surprise press conference that on that night the president and Mrs. Obama were hosting annual Christmas receptions for the media – from which I have been barred for the second year by the Obamaites.
My primary regret about this exclusion is the fact that my wife, Sylvia, known as “the Berkley Democrat,” has very much enjoyed attending these events. I am sad, indeed, that the exclusion of me also applies to her – when so many other presidents of both parties never did this – except Jimmy Carter around Christmastime after he lost to Ronald Reagan.
I am sorry that the spirit of “Peace on Earth, good will toward men” has – by either the president or one of his minions – been denied to the two of us.
Kinsolving, naturally, has a theory about this:
I continue proud and grateful to be White House correspondent and columnist for WorldNetDaily, which continues to raise the still-unanswered questions engendered by the (alleged) Obama birth certificate.
This document has neither the name of the purported hospital in Hawaii, nor the attending physician. Could WND’s justified curiosity and unrelenting determination to uncover the details of the president’s birth have anything to do with the snubbing of the news site’s White House correspondent?
Or is it because nobody takes Kinsolving seriously as a reporter since he’s all about irrelevant gotcha questions like the birther stuff?