Philip J. Berg
Barack Obama’s official announcement of what everybody expected, his run for President in 2012, woke up attorney Philip J. Berg, who has today issued a press release saying that Obama must be investigated for fraud. In an email to Obama Conspiracy Theories, Berg said:
“Obama’s ‘LEGAL NAME’ is Barry Soetoro, his name when he was adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in Indonesia. Obama refers to his Step-Father, Lolo Soetoro, in one of his books. Also, on our web site, obamacrimes.com, we have detailed all of the facts that substantiate ‘Soetoro/Obama is a fraud, a phony, an imposter and this is the biggest ‘HOAX’ against our country in our history’. We have a copy of his school record in Indonesia where his name is Barry Soetoro !
Berg then asserts that the use of the “Barack Obama” name in running for President constitutes fraud, and appeals to Donald Trump to find a friendly district attorney to investigate. In the mean time, Berg says that he is putting together another lawsuit under the False Claims Act (an approach that was thrown out of court previously).
Berg offers no evidence that President Obama ever legally changed his name or was adopted by his step father.
Read more:
I love how quickly and easily Donald Trump set himself up as the Messiah of Birthers.
“this is the biggest ‘HOAX’ against our country in our history’”
Does this mean Berg is no longer a 9/11 Truther? Because if one were to compare these 2 stories believed by conspiracy theorists:
1. The US government deliberately blew up several building in New York and severely damaged the Pentagon, killing almost 3,000 people in order to provoke a war in which several thousand Americans and hundreds of thousands or Iraqis were killed
2. A guy became President under his original birth name, rather than his adopted name, sort of like if we had had Presidents Leslie King and William Blythe instead of Ford and Clinton
it’s hard even for a birther to argue that #2 is more signiifiicant than #1
How sad is it when a putative attorney and animated abominable snowman look-alike lets the world know he doesn’t have a clue as to the meaning of the concept of “legal”?
Click whore or just insane? Both?
Important announcement about Berg:
“We have a copy of his school record in Indonesia where his name is Barry Soetoro!”
Famous Willards:
Insane yeti click-whore? Seems accurate enough to me… (by the way, I think that you always have to give Berg credit in the insane column – he is a truther, after all…)
Berg is a titanic failure.
Not to mention that I believe that there’s precedent that goes directly against Berg on this.
Back in 1976, Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party of Maine sued to have Jimmy Carter’s name on the ballot changed from James Earl Carter back to Jimmy Carter. There were multiple reasons, one of which is MLK was assassinated by James Earl Ray. One of which was that he believed that some voters would be confused if the candidate they saw all the time as Jimmy Carter was displayed as James Earl Carter.
So, even if Berg is right about the adoption (which he’s not) and the name change (which he has no evidence of other than an elementary education form filled out by his step-father), he still has this legal precedent to defend against.
You can read about it here:
World’s Largest Metaphor Hits Ice-Berg
It’s dishonest to point out that someone used a different name as a kid to imply they’re guilty of hiding something. Barack Obama has been using his Christian name since he was out of high school. I don’t see why anyone can get so hung up on the name Barry Soetoro. This is what they do when they don’t have anything on you. They fabricate.
Reminds me of this scene from Mad Men:
Then there’s this: http://store.theonion.com/product/obama-wins-black-man-given-nations-worst-job-2008,159/
“Soetoro/Obama is a fraud, a phony, an imposter and this is the biggest ‘HOAX’ against our country in our history’. ”
Dear Gods in all areas of the sky, I am so sick of quotation abuse!
Do not put hoax in quotes unless you’re quoting someone else, or suggesting it’s not actually a hoax!
grrr snarl argle bargle @$^%$!!!!!
That’s the same school record that said he was born in Hawaii, isn’t it?
I believe it should be @$&%$ and not @$^%$. However, grrr snarl argle bargle is correct.
😀 (j/k)
Pesky details. According to birtherism, only that part is a mistake.
Read the whole press release….it’s just full of quotation abuse.
I believe that your comment should be:
‘I believe it should be “@$&%$“ and not “@$^%$“. However, grrr snarl argle bargle is correct.’
Oh…and random capitalization.
And of course….the typical birther laywer sign off:
“Donations are needed ASAP and very appreciated
to help cover our expenses to continue to Defend “our” Constitution
My Birthday is April 13th and I am requesting everyone to
please contribute $2.11, $20.11, $201.10, $2,011.00 or $20,110.00
so we can expose Soetoro/Obama in 2011 for the fraud he is ! ”
And back to quotation abuse……what exactly does he mean by “Defend ‘our’ Constitution”?
“quotation abuse” gallery:
“Why Liberals Are Lovin’ The Birthers (Is Donald Trump a Secret Agent for the Democrats?)” by Clarence Page/Chicago Tribune:
“‘THaNKs’!” ‘I do believe ‘YOU’ might BE right.’ Duly “noted”.
Well said. I agree.
And he wants a pony.
‘Our’ Constitution is dog whistle bigotry. Berg is winking to his fellow delusional birther bigots for fun and profit.
Obviously “they” have their own Constitution, which is different from the usual one, probably the Constitution of Indonesia.
If it’s considered fraud to run on the name that appears on your birth certificate, without any evidence that your name was legally changed, then it must not be hard to commit fraud these days…
I just sent Berg an e-mail, asking him what evidence he has that Obama ever legally changed his name to Barry Soetoro.
If he responds, I’ll post it here.
Or I guess Newt Gingrich. Using a nickname isn’t exactly illegal. How many people don’t use their full legal names to run for office?
Anyone remember the Eddie Murphy movie “The Distinguished Gentleman”? In it, a Congressman named “Jeff Johnson” died. His campaign slogan over the years was “The Name You Know”. Then Murphy’s character “Thomas Jefferson Johnson” files to run as “Jeff Johnson” (and gets the original Jeff Johnson’s campaigns to unload their old signs to them) and wins on name recognition alone.
Bergs looking for one last paypal payout to clear his debts and get out on profit, i think.
He loves to eat so you might bribe him with a gift certificate to Sizzler restaurant or something like that. He might then respond to your question/email.
If so, then he isn’t as crazy as we think…
In that case, I will rethink my position.
“…his name when he was adopted or acknowledged by his Step-Father”
So let me get thins straight…..
All that is required to constitute a legal change of name is to have your step-father say “good morning” to you?
Good morning Daniel son. I am now your father.
Says the person who openly flaunts his (presumed*) fraudulent name change…
*Under birther reasoning any name change is presumed to be fraudulent unless and until it can be proven conclusively that no one was in any way confused or otherwise mislead (whether deliberately or not) by the change.
As far as I understand the actual law, any name change which is done without fraudulent intent is legal…
Fine, but can you knock off the heavy breathing, and watch where you’re pointing that light saber.
Said Orly Taitz to Charles Edward Lincoln III (who is known to the Federal Bureau of Prisons as former guest #31679-018).
Wouldn’t it be great if the school in Indonesia announced “Sorry, we messed up. There was a Barry Soetoro in the same class, and we released his record by mistake. Here’s Barack Obama’s records. Our bad.”
Of course, the birthers would say they’re in on the conspiracy now, but I know I’d have a good laugh.
And for those members of the birther klan who like to say that the Clintons are great friends with Berg
“I think he will fight back,” the former president said, “but I think one of the elementary rules of combat is you don’t want to get in your opponent’s way if he’s shooting himself in the foot ….”
Clinton on Birther Claim: ‘Everyone Knows It’s Ludicrous’