Where’s the quotation marks?
WorldNetDaily reported a conversation between Donald Trump and Jerome Corsi (quoted by Mediaite.com):
During their conversation, Trump told Corsi his own computer expert told him at the release that it was a computer-generated document.
Where’s the lie detector test?
Trump says no; he hasn’t even read Corsi’s book, In a quote to Mother Jones magazine. Trump said:
…Is his birth certificate legitimate? I hope it is for the good of the country, but that’s for experts to determine–”not me. I have not read the book written by Jerry Corsi nor did we discuss whether or not the birth certificate was computer generated or in any way fabricated. I merely asked him how his book was doing and wished him good luck.
Where’s the article?
Meanwhile, accusations fly about why an article related to this topic by Fox News, “You’re Forged! Trump Declares Obama’s Birth Certificate Fake.” has disappeared from their web site. Why? Perhaps because they reported the WND story without checking whether it was true or not. 😳

Fox News article no longer on their web site
do you think that Trump now wishes he never heard of “Any Day Now” Corsi?
Trump should know by now,,,, you get what you pay for.
both corsi and wnd are now full-on into “the daily lie” phase of their current campaign. they basically need to tell at least one big distracting lie every day in order to keep the scam going another 24 hours.
it doesn’t matter that the lie is debunked the following day (which it always is) — the lie is told strictly to keep the rubes hanging on (and emptying their wallets) yet one more day and today’s lie has to be distracting enough to bump yesterday’s lie into the memory hole.
Hi, thanks for the linking mention and comment! Great site!
I see that Leo Donfrio seems to be welcoming debate on the meaning of Natural Born Citizen on this site: http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/2011/05/27/obama-not-all-native-born-are-eligible-to-be-president-hospital-records-are-required-to-determine-eligibility/#comment-17749
yawwn. The people here talking about Corsi and Trump. A poor lower and a rich loser need to get a life. I guess that includes me now that I am responding.
He may be welcoming SOME debate, but not mine. I left a comment this afternoon that he did not allow to appear, while approving others left since. No, Donofrio hasn’t changed. If you leave him a question that he can’t answer, he pretends it doesn’t exist.
Trump says this was all a mistake, he was talking to Corsi about the “FAKE” moon landing not the birth certificate, it’s just a simple misunderstanding. Please correct the story, thank ypu
Da Donald
And where are Trump’s financial disclosures?
I am collecting to fund to an intensive search Trump’s lost Hawaiian investigators. The have not been heard from for at least six weeks now (well actually, we have never heard from them). I suspect they may be located with Corsi’s mole. Please send donations care of RC Radio. 😉
The spat between Farah/Corsi and The Donald continues:
The wife asked me which one I thought was lying. I said I didn’t; they are both liars.
“Trump’s lost Hawaiian investigators”
I believe Trump was referring to the investigators Corsi told him were finding unbelievable things, in other words Corsi sucked him in.
I don’t think Trump was aware of Corsi’s nasty side till now. I wonder why Trump has not forced the removal of “Trump says forged” article, anyone know about this?
Trump has never said his investigators had anything to do with Corsi. Many of us have speculated that but Trump himself has not said that to my knowledge. I am sure Trump is evaluating his relationship with Corsi and Farah after this week.
I would feel bad for the guy, but that’s what he gets for going full-birther.