What Birthers Believe

An old video from TLG Media.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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45 Responses to What Birthers Believe

  1. Thrifty says:

    Are you sure that’s new? I’m pretty sure I saw that last year.

  2. obsolete says:

    This is one of my favorites…

  3. mimi says:

    It’s great. But it’s a couple years old. And oldie, but goodie.

  4. Hey, it’s new to me!

  5. Majority Will says:

    There may be a few birthers who think that is a documentary.

    If you think I’m kidding, have you watched their “factual” videos on YouTube?

    Or the evidence of the President’s reptilian origins from the P & E?

  6. Scientist says:

    I am eagerly awaiting the first birther to link the supposed “framing” of Dominique Strauss-Kahn with the birth certificate. Let’s see: Obama was born in France and Sarko is secretly covering that up and taking the lead against Qaddafi, in exchange for Obama getting the African hotel maid to knock DSK out of the running for 2012.

    Do I get my doctorate in conspiratorial studies from the Universiity of Birthistan?

  7. WhoCares says:

    Old or not, it’s reverse racist. Any mention of anything against BHO gets the Race Card pulled, because it’s just how they are.

  8. Majority Will says:

    Old or not, it’s reverse racist. Any mention of anything against BHO gets the Race Card pulled, because it’s just how they are.

    There’s no such thing as “reverse” racism if people are equal. There is only racism.

    To use “reverse” implies a dominant group is being unfairly targeted by a submissive race, it’s sadly whiny and it’s also racist.

    Knock it off.

  9. AnotherBird says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Hey, it’s new to me!

    And, a classic.

  10. The Magic M says:

    > Any mention of anything against BHO gets the Race Card pulled

    That is a typical birfer/right-wing myth.

    Nobody will “pull the race card” simply because you don’t like Obama or disagree with his politics.

    But since no birther can answer the question if he’s seen the birth certificates of all former presidents or if he is certain they were all properly vetted (which birthers claim no-one does and ever did) and why, since he would have to consider them all ineligible since they’ve not proven eligibility to birfer standards, he does not care at all – although he claims all laws and treaties signed by these presidents would be “null and void”.

    No birther cared about proof where GWB was born, or Clinton. No birther cared about whether one of them maybe had a non-citizen parent at birth.

    So the question is what distinguishes Obama from GWB (white male Republican) and Clinton (white male Democrat). Can’t be the party, can’t be the gender. So what remains? Skin colour. Simple as that.

    Besides, even you must agree that birfers calling the President a “long-legged mack daddy” or a “chump” or an “illegal alien” or a “thug” don’t even try to mask their racism behind alleged reasonable arguments.

  11. Bob says:

    Gingrich had a different last name at birth. Are the Birthers *concerned* about that?

  12. Horus says:


  13. Daniel says:

    Old or not, it’s reverse racist.Any mention of anything against BHO gets the Race Card pulled, because it’s just how they are.

    Funny how every racist tries to use that ploy to draw attention away from their racism.

    I believe your next move is the “some of my best friends are….” excuse.

  14. Thrifty says:

    WhoCares: Old or not, it’s reverse racist. Any mention of anything against BHO gets the Race Card pulled, because it’s just how they are.

    No, anyone who spouts birther nonsense gets the race card pulled, because birthers demand a higher standard of proof than any of the previous 43 presidents. Nobody hounded either George Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon etc., to provide not one but TWO birth certificates. Yet they hounded Barack Obama, who has the notably unique feature of being black and having an unorthodox name.

    You won’t get the race card pulled if you just say something like “I think Barack Obama’s health care reform law is bad for the country”, because you’re attacking his policies, which the other 43 presidents have also had happen to them.

  15. Greg says:

    Old or not, it’s reverse racist.Any mention of anything against BHO gets the Race Card pulled, because it’s just how they are.

    Well, quit being racist, then!

    Here’s a clue: the black guy must have been born in Africa = racist.
    The black guy cannot be a natural born citizen because his dad is African = racist
    Obama’s economic policies are destroying America = stupid, not racist!
    Obama’s health care policies are unconstitutional b/c they violate the Commerce clause = Republican (and wrong) but not racist

    It’s not hard to avoid the race card, just stop being racist!

  16. Fred says:

    Majority Will: There’s no such thing as “reverse” racism if people are equal. There is only racism.

    To use “reverse” implies a dominant group is being unfairly targeted by a submissive race, it’s sadly whiny and it’s also racist.

    Knock it off.

    Your first mistake was trying to use logic. Sorry to say you just wasted your time. Not only are you trying to use reason against a birther. It is a trolling birther. Nuclear fusion will be a practical source of energy before you ever get anywhere with one of those.

  17. Majority Will says:

    Fred: Your first mistake was trying to use logic.Sorry to say you just wasted your time.Not only are you trying to use reason against a birther.It is a trolling birther.Nuclear fusion will be a practical source of energy before you ever get anywhere with one of those.

    Good point.

  18. The Magic M says:

    > Nobody hounded either George Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon etc., to provide not one but TWO birth certificates.

    And nobody (would have) called what they released a “forgery” and claimed that the entire Hawaiian authorities are “part of a conspiracy” that by now encompasses just about everyone except the birthers themselves.

    Clinging to an absurd confirmation bias in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary, while having no tangible evidence themselves, can not be attributed to simply being “concerned citizens” nor to “knowing the truth where the entire rest of the world is blind”. That can only be attributed to a deeply rooted hatred. And what causes this hatred specifically against Obama?

    Besides, if birtherism is not about racism, why are *all* the prominent birther blogs full of racist postings (despite being under heavy moderation)? It can’t be the old excuse of “it’s not my fault if some racists share the same views as me”.

    And the more desperate the birfers become, the more their racism comes out into the open.

  19. The Magic M says:

    > ooops!

    Say what now?

    > Again the databases do not and cannot lie.

    Yeah right.

    Actually I’m just waiting for someone to show that Orly or Apuzzo have a gazillion SSN numbers assigned to them in those “not lying databases”. That would be fun!

  20. Thrifty says:

    The Magic M: Yeah right.

    Actually I’m just waiting for someone to show that Orly or Apuzzo have a gazillion SSN numbers assigned to them in those “not lying databases”. That would be fun!

    What databases did they use? We should be able to do that.

  21. Thrifty says:

    I think it is possible to be birther without being racist though. I think the movement found its legs in racism, but to be a follower all you need is to be a conspiracy theorists. There was some black dude who had a couple of birther videos on his YouTube channel*, but then he also had videos trying to prove the existence of the New World Order and that 9/11 was a government plot.

    *The guy was one of the leader of some ridiculous movement called True Forced Loneliness. Sadly, it appears their website and YouTube videos are gone now, but when they existed it was one of the most pathetic things you ever saw. It consisted of one middle-aged redneck asshole and one immensely fat younger guy. The thrust of the movement was that certain men, such as themselves, were doomed to a life of being lonely and single because women held men up to impossible standards of wealth, personality traits, and physical attractiveness. I think the thesis was that they weren’t perpetually single because they were ugly, misogynistic, hateful, conspiracy theorist nutbags, but because the women were evil. The low point came when they did a video in support of some maniac who shot a bunch of women at a Pittsburgh area gym. The whole thing was terribly misogynistic. Think “dogged nice guy” on crack.

  22. obsolete says:

    MichaelN: ooops

    “oops!” is right- we are supposed to believe that Obama misspelled his name multiple times in the database listings (no- those couldn’t be people sitting around bored and filling out credit card apps left on the table at Best Buy- oh! No!)

    What you have found is another birther who is unable to understand how to use public databases, how the data gets put into them, and how to doublecheck findings before running outside naked with hair on fire screaming “Impeach the Usurper!”

    Don’t hold your breath waiting for Congress to act on this. (you will be sending this to Congress, won’t you?)
    Even the more batsh*t reps like Michelle Bachmann have interns and researchers who actually do know how to use public databases.

    Here is a good debunking of the SS number smear against President Obama:
    Birthers Debunked :: Obama’s Social Security number

    Poor MichaelN
    MichaelN must not be too confident in his “two-citizen-parent” theories if he has to throw this at the wall too. Imagine the casual “civilian” being given MichaelN’s linked mish-mash to try and read & understand. Their eyes would glaze over and they would try to politely walk away.

    Here’s a tip, MichaelN; Too complicated will get you nowhere.
    We can explain it with one phrase: “Fat Fingers”. See? Simple. You have 137 pages of insane ramblings, charts, and pictures of Obama with a bone in his nose. We win everytime.

    As long as you keep believing in lies, you’ll always be disappointed.

  23. Thrifty says:

    Seriously, there’s something I keep missing. What databases did Orly use to get these alleged duplicate SSNs for Barack Obama? And why hasn’t an anti-birther done similar searches for Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, or one of the Bushes?

  24. ellid says:

    Thrifty: *The guy was one of the leader of some ridiculous movement called True Forced Loneliness.Sadly, it appears their website and YouTube videos are gone now, but when they existed it was one of the most pathetic things you ever saw.It consisted of one middle-aged redneck asshole and one immensely fat younger guy.The thrust of the movement was that certain men, such as themselves, were doomed to a life of being lonely and single because women held men up to impossible standards of wealth, personality traits, and physical attractiveness.I think the thesis was that they weren’t perpetually single because they were ugly, misogynistic, hateful, conspiracy theorist nutbags, but because the women were evil.The low point came when they did a video in support of some maniac who shot a bunch of women at a Pittsburgh area gym.The whole thing was terribly misogynistic.Think “dogged nice guy” on crack.

    Did you ever see the video by the guy in Pittsburgh who shot up the gym? It was incredibly sad and incredibly creepy – he gave a tour of his very ordinary house in a very ordinary suburb, pointing out such amazing things as matching living room furniture and a large plasma TV. Evidently these were supposed to be chick magnets that would overcome the bone-deep hatred for women that came through even on a video.

    Better yet, evidently the gym shooter was a devotee of a movement where con artists promise gullible, lonely men that their secret tips will guarantee that hot young women will go to bed with them. The tips and lines are so bad that anyone who uses them is guaranteed to get a drink in the face, but never mind…..

  25. Majority Will says:

    Seriously, there’s something I keep missing.What databases did Orly use to get these alleged duplicate SSNs for Barack Obama?And why hasn’t an anti-birther done similar searches for Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, or one of the Bushes?

    Or duplicate searches for Taitz, Apuzzo, Donofrio, Corsi, Unruh, Farah, Lakin, Kreep, Hemenway, Lincoln, [List edited. Doc.]

  26. aaron fleszar says:


    It’s all about timing. In case you haven’t noticed, message board comments are being deleted and altered at a number of major news sites. The majority of people posting at these sites are posting meaningless comments as a distraction from anyone with a logical argument. The feds are running these boards and now appear to be optimizing in search with headlines of made up stories. Most major US news sites, the ones ranking highest in search engines, require that your comment is moderated. My story below is never posted at a moderated site and is often deleted quickly when I can get it posted. These moderated sites are now optimizing in search engines with headlines like Osama wanted to kill Obama and Osama wanted to assassinate Biden. Obama caught Osama, and here is a list of Osama Bin Laden Conspiracy Theories. The truth is being silenced by clogging the internet with garbage stories no one can comment on and those that do comment, work for the federal government. Want proof, read the idiotic comments that are highest rated on Yahoo and tell me why they rate so high?

    This is the story the federal government is covering up. This is a code I cracked online 6 months before the presidential election. When I reported it to the FBI, my entire family’s lives, my life, and everyone I care about, has been destroyed. I’ve been told “I can’t know what I know, who am I to question the federal government,” and that I “embarrassed the professionals who do this stuff for a living.” Are these the same professionals that had every thing under control on the morning of 9/11?

    My name is Aaron and back in 2006 I set out to find a way to make money online and ended up learning a lot more than I bargained for by cracking a code no one ever knew existed.

    Scam artists have cornered the market on affiliate marketing education. Their sites use aliases, bogus whois info, and registrations in different states and countries. What are they hiding?

    After many years researching, a link appeared on Armand Morin’s blog to Al-Qaeda. A number of these con artist’s faces matched up with the FBI’s MOST WANTED TERRORISTS.

    Here are wanted terrorists, some for U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya & Indonesia. Do these two places ring any bells?

    Search Google Images for;
    Mark Joyner Simpleology-Seif Al Adel (Sarah Palin’s book Palinology)
    John Ferrero-Ramadan Shallah
    Yaro Starak-Umar Patek
    Armand Morin-Noordin M Top (said to have been killed in Indonesia and now removed from the FBI’s most wanted list)
    Michael Filsaime-Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri (Die Hard 4 “Fire Sale” The cyber attack on our infrastructure)
    Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian-Ammar Mansour Bouslim
    Carl Galletti-Ahmed Garbaya, Samir Salwwan
    Ted Ciuba-Abdul Rahman Yasin

    Many get rich quick scams serve as product placement for new cutting edge internet technologies, and logos, some sold through Clickbank. The people appearing in testimonials are part of the expansion of this organization and are often pitching other high priced products and services. They all link to one another through their marketing strategies and ability to optimize in search rankings.

    Between the aliases the use, and the way in which they speak about things, everything they do has double meaning. There faces in Google image search is similar to the picture book of symbols mentioned in The Da Vinci Code. Here is a code of look a likes pitching all sorts of stuff who are interconnected.

    Selling a program on making millions online is Professor James Bradley who looks like the Pentagon bomber Bill Ayers.

    Jay Conrad Levinson is behind a number of “guerilla” marketing and advertising books. He looks like George Soros, who’s last name is a (palin)drome. Soros has been credited for collapsing a number of nation’s currencies. George Soros has been quoted several times regarding his views on a New World Order.

    The Super Affiliate Handbook is sold by someone who looks like Jill Biden, her name is Rosalind Gardner. Some appear to represent people, more in how they pose, rather then a direct look a like. Stephen Pierce appears to represent radical Van Jones, Brett McFall-Austan Goolsbee, John Childers-Andy Stern, and Jay Abraham as Ayman al-Zawahri.

    Problem with your Google Adwords PPC ads and can’t get a straight answer? You could try Yanik Silver who looks a lot like Sergei Brin, but he probably won’t know. He sells 33 Days to Online Profits (prophets.) Why not try Perry Marshall, who looks like Obama’s priest Reverend Pfleger? He sells The Definitive Guide To Google Adwords, infringing upon Google’s trademark.

    Many more can be seen at Lorrie Morgan Ferrero’s Red-Hot-Copy blog such as; 72 Virgin Records Richard Branson, & White House Party Crashers the Salahi’s with Valerie Jarrett’s daughter.

    The Rich Jerk sent out emails promoting Stompernet in Atlanta Georgia. The staff included Brad Fallon, an airline pilot, and Eben Pagan selling a seminar “Get Altitude”. 3 days after reporting this code to the FBI, Delta in Atlanta canceled a large number of flights due to safety reasons. In the Youtube videos related to the Rich Jerk, it appears that Mark Cuban is the Rich Jerk. He’s the billionaire who owns the Dallas Maverick’s basketball team. Think O’bomber or Barrac-uda Palin would play for him? Another guy seen on Youtube claiming to be Robert Johnson Rich Jerk, is Tony Rezko.

    Obama announced his run for office on Oprah Winfrey’s show. Have you ever noticed that Oprah’s shopping friend Gayle King looks a lot like Whitney Houston? Did you ever think that her name could be a code, Whit_ney White-Hous_ton House?

    It appears the internet marketing experts controlled the comments, the headlines, and the finance of the last election online with the highest ranking site in Google search, Youtube.

    In my strongest opinion this is the last piece of the puzzle, Osama Bin Laden is also a spokesperson, and a look-a-like. Osama represents Obama/Biden (Bi)n La(den.)


  27. Thrifty says:

    ellid: Did you ever see the video by the guy in Pittsburgh who shot up the gym? It was incredibly sad and incredibly creepy – he gave a tour of his very ordinary house in a very ordinary suburb, pointing out such amazing things as matching living room furniture and a large plasma TV. Evidently these were supposed to be chick magnets that would overcome the bone-deep hatred for women that came through even on a video.
    Better yet, evidently the gym shooter was a devotee of a movement where con artists promise gullible, lonely men that their secret tips will guarantee that hot young women will go to bed with them. The tips and lines are so bad that anyone who uses them is guaranteed to get a drink in the face, but never mind…..

    Yeah I saw it. It would have been another humdrum YouTube video, but the knowledge that the guy snapped and shot a bunch of women added retroactive creepy to it.

    I haven’t verified this, but apparently, TFL had a third guy in addition to the middle aged redneck and the younger, really fat, guy. He ended up getting his head on straight and finding a girlfriend, so he dropped out. The other two guys were furious at him and called him many variants of “traitor”.

  28. Dr Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    Aaron Fleshlight no one cares about your spam.

  29. Thrifty says:

    Aaron… what exactly do you hope to get out of telling your story? What is gained by additional people believing your story?

  30. Retired Inteligence Officer says:

    Corsi’s book is at now number 18 on the best seller list and gaining after just 3 days on the market. This is very good news.

  31. Suranis says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer:
    Corsi’s book is at now number 18 on the best seller list and gaining after just 3 days on the market. This is very good news.

    Sorry ROI, I’ve been watching it too. It was number 17 yesterday. Thus, the indications are that its peaked and is slowly starting to drop.

    Not even selling at half price on day one has saved this baby, and it cut the royalties that Corsi and Fara will receive in have in any case. Sad but rather satisfying.

  32. Suranis says:

    “in have” should be “In half” if course.

  33. Majority Will says:

    Suranis: Sorry ROI, I’ve been watching it too. It was number 17 yesterday. Thus, the indications are that its peaked and is slowly starting to drop.

    Not even selling at half price on day one has saved this baby, and it cut the royalties that Corsi and Fara will receive in have in any case. Sad but rather satisfying.

    I think it’s time to ignore this senseless, pointless, racist birther troll.

  34. Retired Inteligence Officer says:

    Majority Will: I think it’s time to ignore this senseless, pointless, racist birther troll.

    How am I racist?

  35. Retired Inteligence Officer says:

    Suranis: Sorry ROI, I’ve been watching it too. It was number 17 yesterday. Thus, the indications are that its peaked and is slowly starting to drop.Not even selling at half price on day one has saved this baby, and it cut the royalties that Corsi and Fara will receive in have in any case. Sad but rather satisfying.

    Sorry. It’s now 17 and number 2 in the professional and technical catagory. Outstanding.


  36. Daniel says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer:
    Corsi’s book is at now number 18 on the best seller list and gaining after just 3 days on the market. This is very good news.

    How many of those who bought the book were not already birthers?

    If, as I suspect, only committed birthers have already bought the book, then the book hasn’t made any difference at all.

  37. Daniel says:

    It would be interesting to find out how many copies have actually been sold, and how many of the pre-orders were canceled

  38. Suranis says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer: Sorry. It’s now 17 and number 2 in the professional and technical catagory. Outstanding.


    The red arrow beside the 2 means its heading down the list. And flickering between 17 and 18 is just more confirmation that its pretty much peaked. It might rise up a few more places if WND goes all out in buying more copies., but its been hovering about 17-18 for the past day or so, so its metioric rise has pretty much stopped.

    Don’t worry though. Its still generated a decent amount of money for Farah and Corsi, so its done its job. I’m sure they are privately bitching that its at half price so their royalties have been halved, but their bank account will still be glowing nicely.

  39. sfjeff says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer: Corsi’s book is at now number 18 on the best seller list and gaining after just 3 days on the market. This is very good news.

    Have you read the book?

  40. Retired Inteligence Officer says:

    sfjeff: Have you read the book?

    Yes. I urge you to do the same.

  41. Majority Will says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer: Yes. I urge you to do the same.

    Anyone with an urge for made up garbage like Corsi’s drivel could also pick up a copy of a supermarket tabloid where your “graphics experts” show off their craft for gullible fools.

  42. Daniel says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer: Yes. I urge you to do the same.

    I read exerpts of it, but that will have to do, since my fiction reading list is pretty full.

  43. Whatever4 says:

    Retired Inteligence Officer: Sorry. It’s now 17 and number 2 in the professional and technical catagory. Outstanding.


    How on earth is that a Professional and Technical book??

  44. Majority Will says:

    Whatever4: How on earth is that a Professional and Technical book??

    When has a birther ever cared about being rational or relevant?

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