According to From the Trenches World Report, Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R – Va) has written a letter to a constituent that contains a very birther-friendly section. The Congressman wrote:
As you know, President Obama recently released to the public the long-form version of his birth certificate. Since then, concerns have been raised about the validity of the birth certificate as well as the claim that the President has been using a Social Security Number previously issued to another person. These concerns have been raised with the relevant oversight committees in the Congress and if there is enough evidence and more experts reach the same conclusions then these claims will lead to an investigation.
I would just encourage the good people of Virginia with the knowledge that they will have the opportunity to correct their electoral error next year.
Oily Taint has the letter posted, and several of her flying monkeys have already followed up with the congressman. Wonder if he knows what he’s gotten himself into…
The State of Hawaii certified Obama’s BC, do you know what the full faith and credit clause in the constitution says?
The Full Faith and Credit Clause is the familiar name used to refer to Article IV, Section 1 of the United States Constitution, which addresses the duties that states within the United States have to respect the “public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.”
This means this issue is over!
I would strongly encourage Mr Goodlatte (sounds like Starbucks’ latest offering) to initiate a series of hearings to impeach the President. i would also encouage all Republican Congresspersons and candidates for Prresident to make it the sole focus of their campaigns for 2012. This is clearly the issue that is foremost iin the minds of every single American.
In case anyone wants to file a new tip the largest newspaper in his district is the Roanoke Times.
This is clear pandering:
“These concerns have been raised …. if there is enough evidence and more experts reach the
same conclusions then these claims will lead to an investigation.”
Just a different framing of the statement:
“We’ve already heard this stuff, looked into it, and determined that there is not enough evidence nor opinions from qualified experts to warrant an investigation.”
But I certainly do hope the Congressman gets his just rewards…….
It’s just a nice way of saying “Go away kid, ya bother me!”
Mr Goodlatte has applied for Birferstani citizenship. To complete the citizen requirements requires then installation of a Birfoon Nose Ring, so that they may be easily led around by WND. So far Mr Goodlatte has not had a nose ring implanted so he may be rejected by Birferstani law. It;’s either “Nose Ring” or “No Birfer.” Gotta Chooze (or is it gotta chewz!)
Ex: KBOA had to wait for hers, a much larger Nose Ring had to be special ordered.
He is another coward who knows this is idiocy but lacks the courage to tell a voter the truth. He is playing with the issue and I believe it is to keep a part of his base on his side.
LMAO! Hilarious post! “Birfoon Nose Ring” to be led around by WND…classic! Of course, the funniest thing about this to me is that there is a particularly seditious cranky Birther out there that posts under the handle of “Led by the Nose”…
We can also call it pandering for more votes. The entire letter is designed to reads like “I am with you on this.” He gives a little push back with “more experts reach the same conclusions.” However, he has jumped into it with both feet and he is just being silly.
Would it be political suicide if the Congressman just wrote back to guy “You’re a bleeping moron. Please do us all a favor and stay home on election day.”?
I’m inclined to give the guy a break. If his district is filled with morons, he must somehow find a way to represent them (or at least pretend to cater to them a little).
The Rep gave his own birth certificate to Politico:
It has kerning. The “seal” is unreadable. Obviously a fake.
You know, normally I’d be inclined to agree with you. The guy’s in a bind. No elected person wants to piss off a voter, even (especially?) a crazy one, and what is he supposed to say?
OTOH, I’m finding myself losing patience fast with this kind of pandering. The members of his party may not be straight-up saying, “Oh, yeah, he’s totally a usurper!”, but they’ve been totally willing to wink at it. Not to mention constantly pushing the idea that Obama’s an un-American socialist outsider, which feeds into it. You reap what you sow.
It appears Goodlatte is worried about a Tea Party challenge in the primary next year.
The PDF has no layers. Must be legit.
no matter how how a birther fails, they still make silly predictions
could you restate this one after Obama is relected?
What, pray tell, will be the charge(s)?
And raised by whom?
I seem to recall all the Birfoons salivating that the new Congressional intake were all hot to trot…What happened?
Really, free stuff from the Government? Woo-hoo! What do we need to do to sign up? Ooooh…and all kinds of free stuff too! Sounds like a party.
We prefer omnivores as our Presidents, rather than ruminants.
What’s the difference between Obama’s father being from Kenya in 2012 and his father being from Kenya in 2008?
Obama will definitely be President in 2012. Now in 2013, we might have a change.
More birther delusions.
*yawn* Uh, guess what Marshman… pretty much everyone on this site KNEW his father was from Kenya. No surprise there. That’s been known since the early ’90’s, so you’re a few decades late to the parade there.
Didn’t prevent him from being elected in 2008 and won’t make a difference in 2012 either. Boo hoo for you.
And what is it with people typing in all caps??? That only comes across like a stark raving lunatic and nobody listens to the rabid ravings of lunatics.
Not even a passible imitation of a troll, pathetic really.
“More birther delusions”
what’s sillier than birther delusions
RWNJ birther delusions
Failure is their Strongest character trait!
(see marsman’s comments to prove this)
He was never vetted!!! He was elected on hype. Herman Cain will be the next president.
Well, at least you’ve learned to type in normal case, so let’s start by giving you credit for that. However, your little whine about “vetting” just elicits another *yawn* and no sympathy. Maybe you personally chose to live under a rock over the past few years, but the 2008 presidential election was one of the longest and most covered in the history of all our elections. Further, Obama’s rise from candidate to President was hotly contested by his opponents at both the primary and general election level and all that played out 24×7 on TV and the internet. His background was the subject of numerous specials that aired frequently. Under all objective measures, he’s the most vetted candidate we’ve ever seen. Obviously, you just weren’t paying attention or ignoring what you didn’t want to hear. That’s your fault, no one elses.
Finally, this is America, so you are absolutely free to vote for whoever you want to, Herman Cain or otherwise. Of course, a normal person would simply say that they support a candidate and want to see them elected. A boastful fool makes hyperbolic predictions that he can’t control and can’t back up. You make yourself look bad and immature by your own choice of phrasing. Learn how to have an adult conversation and you’ll find that people can calmly disagree with you but support your right to want something different.
“And what is it with people typing in all caps??? ”
it seems he listened to this but all else he hears is RWNJ talking points, he must have a nose ring planted (for ease of leading him)
Birther predictins have a 100% failure rate, and they still don’t catch on. Poor Guy!
You’re going to absolutely ruin your vocal chords with all that shouting.
Or get carpal-tunnel syndrome…
Comeon you guys. Convert me to a bambi lover like all of you. If it was known in 2008 that his farther was from Kenya then i think they did not vett him properly. So they should do this before the next election. If they do this then he should not be able to run for president again.
Such certainty about a rank outsider displays a degree of detachment from reality.
Currently available bookies odds for Obama/Cain to be elected President:-
Good luck with your bet cos we all know how those kind hearted tight fisted bookies are forever falling over each other to offer 50/1 odds for someone with a great chance of winning.
So “marshie”, his father was Kenyan, so what?
It was in the Presidents books
He talked about it
It was discussed by news, politicians and the public
It is not a disqualification according to the Constitution
What do you mean “IF” it was known in 2008?
Just because you didn’t avail yourself of the relevant information doesn’t mean that the rest of world was also hiding under a rock.
You guys are all libs. All you do is name call. Obama is a empty suit and you guys know it. I think he will loose in the next election.I think you may be brainwashed about the truth!! At least my posts have no name calling.
Come on “marshie”
The Presidents father was Kenyan, so what?
It was in the Presidents books
He talked about it
It was discussed by news, politicians and the public
It is not a disqualification according to the Constitution
@bovril — Be nice now! It is not marshie. It is marshman.
1) Your post is mocking in tone so there’s no reason you should get a serious reply or discussion.
2) That you think “they did not vett (sic) him properly” is erroneous and irrelevant other than whether it was sufficient enough to earn your vote.
3) What you are requesting is ambiguous with regards to the current procedure for qualifying a candidate for eligibility to the office of President of the U.S.
4) Who are “they”?
Are you ultra-sensitive? “Bambi lover” is o.k. for you to mock strangers but “marshie” hurts your feelings?
You are very strange.
Waiting on you to cut back on the “lib”, “bambi” etc “marshie”
My post muppet is factual, reality based and asks you to stand by your stupid and asinine remarks,
So his father was Kenyan, so what?
It was in the Presidents books
He talked about it
It was discussed by news, politicians and the public
It is not a disqualification according to the Constitution
So, answer the question as to why it is a problem for you and not any non Birther?
@majority will — your post was useless to me. Can someone else educate me on why i should love obama.
What “vetting” have you done on Herman Cain? Where is his birth certificate? Have you ever eaten at Godfather’s Pizza? I have. It’s atrocious.
Who is “they”?
The only ones I know who love him are Michelle, Malia and Sasha and probably the dog. Some people think he has been an OK President. Some think he’s been so-so, but will probably vote foor him because the Republlicans are either tin-plated phonies (Romney) or idiots (the rest, except possibly, Huntsman).
That’s life
Know that i got you guys fuming, have a good day!!!
1) “You guys are all libs” is generalizing about complete strangers and a form of bigotry.
2) “All you do is name call” is untrue and also generalizing.
3) The word is lose, not “loose” unless you meant unleash.
4) You are not entitled to your own facts.
5) “Bambi lover” is an ad hominem fallacy. So, you’re either mistaken or lying about “[your] posts haveno (sic) name calling”. To claim this seriously is hypocrisy.
You were never interested in a serious discussion. Your posts are jokes.
Not at all. I thought you were mildly amusing but a little sad. Thanks.
There might be a bro-mance with Biden.
You should take your own advice before criticizing others.
Excerpts from marshman508’s posts:
” . . . i think they did not vett him properly.”
“I think he will loose in the next election.”
Who is his “FARTHER”? Is that a philosophical question? Why would a Disney cartoon deer seek the office of President?
I don’t know what he drives. Is that a disqualifier?
Why buck the trend? D’oh! 😉
(But we definitely shouldn’t fawn over them.)
sef and major– i may have some misspelling and i most likely are not as smart as you but i know i am a better person. I know this from just the way you reply to posts. I like libs but i disagree with their thinking. Remember obama creates more takers than makers. Once you have to many takers and not enough makers the country will fold.
You wouldn’t believe how much spelling I correct silently on this web site.
Two things:
Obama’s job performance is off-topic for this blog. This is about conspiracy theories.
A comment like yours is totally useless without citations and quantitative data.
Troll! There’s a troll in the dungeon. Thought you’d want to know.
I’ve put him in moderation. Normally trolls go away when you do that because they can’t get the instant gratification of getting people riled up.
Really? It seems to me that for many years now most things have been made in China. This started long before Obama. I have yet to hear a credible plan from any of his opponents as to how to change that. All they propose are more tax cuts, with tax rates already the lowest of any iindustrialized country and the lowest they have been in the US since World War II If low taxes solved all problems, we all have died and gone to heaven.
Just today the NY TImes had a piece about how the steel sections for the Bay Bridge replacement have all been made iin China and shipped here. California is too broke to buy American steel and it isn’t clear any miill in the US could even do the job.
Can you enlighten us as to what the Republicans have to offer? How will tax cuts fix this?
Modified North Korean keyboard.
I’m particularly fond of the free stuff I get from the National Weather Service, like radar maps and tornado warnings and things.
And I tell you, the national parks are really something.
I enjoyed my housing subsidy (mortgage tax deduction) and IRA and 401-K (tax deferment) and the tax credit I got for buying a hybrid vehicle. Love that free Social Security disability insurance.
Oh and the Mars pictures from NASA. I love those.
I could go on all day about all the neat free stuff I get from the government.
Ah, birther logic…..
Obama’s original claim to fame is basically that he writes a book all about how his father came from Kenya and the influence of that fact on his life. Lest the message be lost, the book is titled “Dreams from my Father.” Well before the election, he posts a short-form birth certificate that lists the father as “African”
Now, he releases the long form bc which has the net impact of confirming what everyone has already known, with the additional piece of data that the father who he said was born in Kenya was born in….. Kenya …..
and that is supposed to change things?
Conspiracy theories regarding Obama are not necessarily limited to his eligibility. It is quite possible to believe all kinds of nonsense about him and still believe he is eligible.
Excellent examples. As a huge astronomy buff, I’m quite fond of those Mars photos too…. Let’s not forget the stunning photos we’re getting from Cassini, the still astoninging signals from both Voyager vessels and of course numerous other probes we have out there. In just a few days/weeks, we’ll start receiving some really exciting images of Vesta too!
“Herman Cain will be the next president.”
as Herman Cain has no chance of being nomnated, why do you think marshmellow mentions him, any guesses?
All hail Spirit and Opportunity.
Because Cain is the token black Republican for this cycle (Keyes got too nutty even for Republicans) and Marshy, by claiming he supports him, is proving that he’s not a racist. It’s really the only reason birthers say they support Cain.
Indeed! 🙂
Pot meet kettle.
I mean really.
I’ll steal a line from another regular poster here: if you don’t want to be ridiculed, don’t be ridiculous.
No one cares whether you love Obama or not.
It’s very simple, really: Don’t lie about him and don’t engage in seditious rants.
> And what is it with people typing in all caps?
From my experience at WND (where you can see many of these people in pictures in the Facebook comments), it is a 90% confidence sign the person is 60 or older.
And it reminds me of a funny exchange with a poster over at my favourite law forum who started his all lowercase rant (in Germany, nouns are capitalized, so writing all lowercase is harder to read and also considered impolite “chat style”) by stating “my shift key is broken” to which I replied “then how were you able to type brackets and question marks?”. 😉
OT, the alias of “marshman” reminds me of a comic book Marvel put out in the 70s called MAN-THING — great stories by Steve Gerber and stunning art by Mike Ploog for a while — and of course, as was the practice then, twice or three times a year they’d release a special issue called GIANT-SIZE MAN-THING.
I’m still chuckling over that.
Our “marshman” doesn’t even have the intellect of Man-Thing, of course.
Thanks for Man-Thing memories! I remember all those comics well. My brother was a huge Man-Thing collector and probably has them all still somewhere.
WOW! A congressman, other than Ron Paul, that I can actually agree with! He’s actually right! The document was a fake, and Soetoro has actually been using a fake social security number! It’s nice to see politicians waking up, for a change!
Hahahaha – you really are funny. Is this part of your act?
Its act must be another pathetic attempt to promote an idiotic, paranoia and fear based, malware infested, anonymous blog.
Sad, really.
I always thought Man Thing was a rip off of Swamp Thing. Not nearly as simple as that, and both bear resemblance to The Heap, a creature 30 years older, with a much cooler name. The tangled history of comics make birther madness look like child’s play. Wait …. never mind. 😛
Funny thing about Google Reader. It makes it much easier to notice the spammer/troll as they suddenly appear on comment feeds from 2 different blogs around the same time. Thus, in an instance, I can see somebody whose only interest is to continue to spread the same tired, debunked lies. I now know who to ignore.