Thanks to OpEd News for this story who credits Bad Fiction. Dr. Kate, one of the birther bloggers has fallen, as birthers have the the past, for a joke and makes a big deal of an interview given by Stephen Pidgeon to TruNews. According Dr. Kate, the main points area:
- Pidgeon found at the Consulate in British Columbia, just over the US-Canada border, a record of a name change from “Barak Mounir Ubayd” to “Barack Hussein Obama” in 1982.
- Believes Obama was educated at Patrice Lumbuma University in Moscow, echoing Pastor Manning’s research;
- Mentions Nazi, Stalinist-Marxist, and fascist as descriptors of Obama
- Predicts Obama will throw the NWO under the bus as the Caliph.
But the whole thing was just a joke from a German spoof web site from two years ago.
Don’t worry, Dr. Kate, in case you accidentally delete your article –I saved a copy!
“Arch-birther Noise Machine Dr. Kate …”
Wow, that was the first time I’d been to that site. At least they’re not merely racists over there, they go for the trifecta of hate, Blacks, Jews and the Catholics. Anyone want to let em know they’ve been punked? Nah, it’s more entertaining to watch them foam at the mouth. I’d love to start a blog and put up the most ridiculous birther conspiracy I could (maybe the President was born to an alien who impregnated Eartha while she was on vacation in France, making him the most evil thing imaginable….French)
Ahhhh DrkK(H)ates, the distilled essence of rabid, racist, reality challenged muppets.
As for the alien hypothesis, they gone done that before, Da Ebil Usurper is in fact a shape shifter lizard man….I jest not.
Then they have a whole subset of HAARP, chemtrails, NWO, Illuminati, NESARA, the “any day now” revaluation of the Iraqi dinar which will make them all millionaires, the Queen is in charge of everything (and a lizard person), etc etc etc.
They are real special over there for “Deliverance” banjo player levels of special
From Dr H(k)ates site…
Dr. Ron Polland
June 10, 2011 at 6:49 pm
Whta you call “similarities” between SAD and BHO are BHO morphed with the face of the nude model photographed by Frank Marshal Davis. This SAD does not exist. It’s a photo fraud. SAD is a composite character – not a single person
Barak Mounir Ubayd = Barak, I Mourn Dubya. Nice little anagram gives the whole article away.
Why did it drop the letter ‘c’ in Barack?
Perhaps a misspelling of his name? How often do people misspell the president’s first name?
Why thank you for the kind words and linkback, Doc 🙂
But seriously, if you want an almost day by day encapsulation of what’s going on in birtherstan, the fellow at Bad Fiction is definitely worth your time to read, along with Doc’s work, here. Patrick’s gone wading through the sewage so you don’t have to, and some of the things he finds floating to the surface are just HI-larious.
*Laugh* Why thank you! It’s amazing to find all the ways the birtherstani manage to put two and two together and come up with eggplant.