WorldNetDaily continues attack on Obots

Not satisfied with smearing The Fogbow forum host Foggy, Jerome Corsi and WorldNetDaily have turned more of Internet YouTuber KenyanBornObamAcorn’s vendetta against The Fogbow into “news” in their new article: Sidekick duties: Causing trouble for Obama critics Claims interference with Taitz cases, shutting down Fox News host’s site. [Note that it is the policy of this blog not to publish or allow in comments the actual names of persons who speak on the Internet using aliases.] So who’s up for ridicule this time? Rikker – “Radical leftist”.

I guess WorldNetDaily and I share the same problem: slow news day.

I’ll let Rikker speak for himself; however, I do note that sometimes people in the heat of angry discussion make exaggerated statements. For example, I doubt that Obots have been at every single birther court hearing, or that they were really winking at the judge (attributed to Foggy). It is the nature of online media that there are different social norms at work. The lack of social cues leads discussions to spiral out of control where people say things they would never say in person.

This phenomenon works well for the smear artist like Jerome Corsi, who can pick and choose the worst in a large body of Internet dialog and make it appear to characterize the whole.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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13 Responses to WorldNetDaily continues attack on Obots

  1. Nathanael says:

    I don’t know about the smear job, but I ran across this in the comments:

    A good friend of mine, a PhD in anthropology, agrees with you. The facial and body build do not reflect Obama Sr as the father. Someone needs to do a DNA test against a known relative in Kenya. Obama Sr. is not the father.

    Really – someone over there at the Birtherstan Bureau of Disinformation needs to tell birthers to leave the disinformation up to the pros. They’re knocking down their own house of cards.

    Bubba: Hey, Earline, turn awf that dayam tee-vee. Eff’n ah hafta list’n tuh thayat dayam ignert farner prehzadin’ wahn mer tahm ahma fixin’ tuh whup ‘im upsahd tuh hed wit mah tar arn. Wuts rahng wi’ dis gummit enniwayz?

    Earline: Hey, Bubba, juh hare? Jimmy Corsi’s sayin’ turns out Obama tain’ rally no Jewnyer aftuh all.

    B: Oooo-weee, Earline – juh lookit thayat! Obama bin lahyin’ ’bout his paw too, them thar folk at Dubya-En-Day is sum shop cookies.

    E: But Bubba, if’n he tain’ no sunnuh no farner…

    B: Wut’s neyext? Prolly fahn out them wahf n kidz uh hez…

    E: But, Bubba, if’n haze not…

    B: Hey – wait! If’n haze not Obama, Sr.’s brat, who’s his paw?

    E: Jimmy’s callin’ Orly — see if’n she kin waddycallit? – oh, yeah – subPAYNuh Obama’s Dee-En-Ay. Dayam that Orly’s sum shop cookie.

    B: Can’t wait to find out who hez real paw is. Wouldn’t it be sumpin if’n hay turnt out tuh bay wunnuh those bastert kids they sayin’ MLK left scatter t’all ovuh tahnayshun?

    E: But wusn’ MLK Marecun?

    B: Yeah? So?

    E: Eff’n Obama ain’t no sunnuh no farner, that means hez pappy n mama wuz both Marecuns.

    B: Aw, c’mon now, Earline. Yer jes’ jerkin’ mah back leg. ‘Cuz everwuhn knows if’n both his folk were Marekns…

    E: He’d be an EnBaySay.

    B: Gawd DAYAM! Sumun’ git DubyaEnDay on the lahn n fahn out wut we’re spose tuh thank now!

  2. Expelliarmus says:

    Rikker, god bless him, seems quite adept at taking care of himself. He chose to engage Corsi directly by email… and thus far has succeeded to the extent that Corsi printed his email response online. Corsi’s chosen to target the wrong guy with Rikker, who doesn’t seem to suffer fools lightly.

  3. AnotherBird says:

    I don’t think unusual for an “Obot” to be at one of the court hearing from beginning to end. There are people who are really interested in the law and how the legal system actually works. So, any “Obot” that has been able to direct us through the correct legal procedures Thank you very much.

    It is easy to see how a discussion on a particular topic “spiral out of control.” People get distracted by what the actual discussion is about. Sometimes it is just an natural progress of the discussion. Other times it is one or more individuals shifting the argument.

  4. AnotherBird: I don’t think unusual for an “Obot” to be at one of the court hearing from beginning to end.

    Anti-birthers do appear at hearings from time to time, but not at all of them; that is hyperbole.

  5. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Rikker, god bless him, seems quite adept at taking care of himself.He chose to engage Corsi directly by email… and thus far has succeeded to the extent that Corsi printed his email response online. Corsi’s chosen to target the wrong guy with Rikker, who doesn’t seem to suffer fools lightly.

    The only negative seems to be that Foggy will not become the sole owner of WND. He will have to share with Rikker.

  6. kenyanbornobaqmacorn says:

    AnotherBird: I don’t think unusual for an “Obot” to be at one of the court hearing from beginning to end. There are people who are really interested in the law and how the legal system actually works. So, any “Obot” that has been able to direct us through the correct legal procedures Thank you very much.It is easy to see how a discussion on a particular topic “spiral out of control.” People get distracted by what the actual discussion is about. Sometimes it is just an natural progress of the discussion. Other times it is one or more individuals shifting the argument.

    True, but if they HATE Lakin, then why are they showing up at his Homecoming and taking pictures of his supporters?

  7. G says:

    kenyanbornobaqmacorn: True, but if they HATE Lakin, then why are they showing up at his Homecoming and taking pictures of his supporters?

    Why are people showing up at the Casey Anthony trial and lining up for hours just to get in?

  8. Sef says:

    kenyanbornobaqmacorn: True, but if they HATE Lakin, then why are they showing up at his Homecoming and taking pictures of his supporters?

    “They” periodically need to test their facial recognition s/w.

  9. Majority Will says:

    Sef: “They” periodically need to test their facial recognition s/w.

    Good one.

  10. Majority Will says:

    kenyanbornobaqmacorn: True, but if they HATE Lakin, then why are they showing up at his Homecoming and taking pictures of his supporters?

    Why are people fascinated by monkeys flinging their crap at the zoo?

  11. kenyanbornobaqmacorn: True, but if they HATE Lakin, then why are they showing up at his Homecoming and taking pictures of his supporters?

    I am not aware that this happened. If it did an airport is certainly a public place. Can you provide some proof? The photos that I remember seeing linked on the Fogbow were taken by Lakin supporters and posted publicly.

  12. Reality Check says:

    KBOA can’t seem to answer that one…..

  13. Bovril says:

    I might add that Trace the Seditous is far behind the curve of the current “Right Think” in Birferland.

    She, in her disjointed ridiculous ramblings in another thread stated how she was now going to vote for West as she has friends amongst the blacks.,

    Als for TTS, West is now no longer permissible as he “betrayed” that lying, thieving buddy-fecker Lakin.

    Typical Trace, dollar short, day late as always.

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