According to a press release from Dean Haskins of The Birther Summit, a combination birther strategy meeting, rally and march, and a game of “pin the tail on the Congressman” scheduled for March 29 – 31 2012, the list of initial dignitaries is now available. They are, ta da:
- Rev. David Manning
- Mario Apuzzo
- Dr. Orly Taitz
- CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret.)
- Terry Lakin Action Fund
- Pamela Barnett
- Linda Bentley
- Miki Booth
- Susan Daniels
- Tony Dolz
- Don Fredrick
- Dean Haskins
- Paul Irey
- David LaRocque
- Jeff Lichter
- William Lolli
- Lyle Rapacki
- Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.)
- Carl Swensson
- Helen Tansey
- Neil Turner
- Gary Wilmott
Hyperlinks point to articles on this site. Some names are familiar to me, and some not. Fortunately the Birther Summit web site has some brief biographical information on each. If they all show up, this could be the biggest birther rally of all time.
I’d be willing to pay BIG BUCKS for a bootleg video tape of the strategy session where they work out their “unified, cohesive message.” Conspiracy theorists don’t usually get along well together.
What, no Ed Hale?
Speaking of names, Patrick at Bad Fiction has posted a link to a new treason petition, this one endorsed by Walter FitzPatrick. The signatures total is all the way up to 154. including:
Bertha Venation
Fleet Admiral Walter FitzCordwood
Isabelle Ringing
Geronimo Corsi
Dean Haskin Robbins
Captain Peter “Wrong Way” Peachfuzz, USN
Jack Sparrow
Cordwood Fitzfundfilcher
There is a mini-online birthe summit going on at
Miki Booth
Dean Haskins
Neil turner
Neil Sankey
Sally Hill
Sam Sewell
Have all made an appearance.
William Lolli just showed up.
Now Mario and Kechner have arrived. Someone must have sent out a mass emergency e-mail.
Just a pathetic posse of pusillanimous and prejudiced partisans. PIty them.
Great concept. If you gather enough people together that none one considers to be remotely an authority on a subject, they some how collectively become authoritative to define the subject they’re all grossly unqualifed to discuss in the first place.
Add Mario Apuzzo and Charles Kerchner.
Then I’ll need to add “pompous” to:
“Just a pathetic posse of pusillanimous and prejudiced partisans. PIty them.”
They should have some sort of a policy that all the birthers don’t fly on one plane.
I wonder if they take turns explaining to the pilot why, based on what everyone knows about the Laws of Physics, powered flight is actually not possible.
Ah, the Woodstock of Wingnuttery.
I am surprised that Dr. Kate isn’t on the list. I think she made a comment a week or so ago saying she was part of the Birther Summit planning.
Sociopaths, idiots and grifters. What a show!
“BIG BUCKS” …. as in oversized bills? Like 12″ dollar bills? Bigger? Can I have the currency forensically examined before finalizing a deal? No, I cannot settle for digital images or other references. Must examine the originals bills. Will not accept photocopies. I am not stupid.
The summit is on March 29, 2012. You have it lasting through August 1, 2012! Did you do a mash-up with the opening date for registration, which is August 1, 2011?
> Ah, the Woodstock of Wingnuttery.
With a few exceptions, the expected average birthers – white, male, 50+, mostly 60+.
> Conspiracy theorists don’t usually get along well together.
They all want to be leaders and they all want to be “the” hero. I’d especially be curious how Manning is going to get along with the others, and vice versa.
Thanks. Now I have this image in my mind of Orly and CELIII rolling around in the mud. I need some brain bleach.
This is bound to be confused with an AARP Convention … if successful enough. If not, just a random senior citizens tour group.
Will the crazy be mistaken for dementia? Alzheimer’s?
“Awwww, isn’t that cute, honey! The old people are having Flashbacks again!”
I’m gonna start burning bootleg copies of Atlas Shrugged. Just found a great deal on surplus videocassettes, might as well make a buck. 😛
No Ed Hale?
I just signed the “petition” using a fake name and email address. It was fun, just like that old wnd petition.
What is interesting about the summit naming names is who isn’t named.
In addition to being no one of note (no actual experts or politicians), several “notable” birthers aren’t listed. Weren’t invited, or declined the honor?
I think it’s a power grab, an attempt to establish orthodoxy in birtherism. Would Stalin, Lenin, and Trotsky all invite each other?
If they add a poker championship to the agenda perhaps Leo Donofrio will show up. He needs the money for the attorneys fees in Old Carco.
Doc, I’d pay big bucks of video of them all gathered outside the meeting room of the Holiday Inn, frantically pushing on the door, until a hotel employee helpfully points out that it says “pull.”
They can’t get a decent number of signatures on an INTERNET petition? Even things like “Sign here to legalize pedophilia” can get a couple thousand.
Not only can they not get many signatures on said Internet petition, since there’s no limit on how often one can sign, it’s clear that most of them are fake. Orly has “signed” half a dozen times or so, and Captain Cordwood has half a dozen or so variants on his name on there.
My favorite is Treasony McTreasonburger IV.
I just read the “BIRTHER SUMMIT STATEMENT ON UNITY AND SUPPORT” … some serious Lord of the Flies action going on there! The usual secret club paranoia. They already have a loyalty oath and an enemies list, and are stooping to calling them out publicly! LOL. Literal childishness. And they expect to be taken seriously.
I also note in the “bios”:
“CPT Pamela Barnett is a key player in the Obama Constitutional eligibility controversy – Obama supporters would disparagingly refer to her as a ‘birther’”
… if birther is an epithet according to the site …. then why is the site called the Birther Summit? And the site is pushing a “Birther Summit Statement”…
Oh, is this gonna like it’s OK for a birther to call a birther birther, but if an anti-birther calls birther, it’s on!! kind of thing?
If you haven’t followed the link, do so and read the list of petition signers and comments. It’s hysterical. Be sure to leave your own unique name and comment. My good friend Harry Balsack is no. 180!
That’s really childish.
Soon enough they’ll claim that only they can use the b-word.
Wow, who is writing this stuff? (meaning the petition, the signatures …. well …. they asked for it)
These nuts are making a great argument for IQ testing on internet browsers, like breathalyzers in alcoholics’ cars.
I have such a tape. I will sell it to you for 2000 American dollars, cash. Please note that the cash will not be accepted unless I am first allowed to inspect the original printing press to ensure that the bills are not counterfeit.
Well I signed the petition as Seymour Buttz, with the following comment:
“Damn straight. This is the way to get this criminal out of office. If article 2, section 4 of the Constitution doesn’t provide any other form of trying crimes committed by Presidents, we must take matters into our own hands!”
I liked comment number 72 by Treasony McTreasonburger IV. Was that one of us?
*cough*, *wipes eyes*….. It was nothing, I would like to thank the Academy, my fellow Obots, the Birfoons therapists for such a sterling ineffectual job they are doing, the Chemtrails Industry, all the dedicated NWO scientists at the uber-seekrit HAARP installations, the second gunman on the grassy knoll, we couldn’t have done this without you and finally Big George whose funding and distribution made this all possible….(music swells)….(exits stage right)
In Dean’s statement of unity, he says
“we are also aware that public infighting has been detrimental to those efforts, and has served as a distraction that has allowed our detractors to use our discord to try to marginalize us.”
Then he ends with “the facts are not determined by personal opinions or agendas.”
He also goes on and all but says “Berg” by the description he’s provided.
So he can’t say Berg, but “Birther” returns 17 hits using his own search function.
I think birther is the new N word.
They’re allowed to say it, but not us.
You have to be born a birther to use the word and we’re not homies.
It all makes sense now.
They’re natural born birthers or NBBs.
He calls out Berg and Kreep farther down, in the “American Patriot Orly Taitz” section …..lolz.
Constitutionalist was too hard for most of them to spell or say.
Is Bertha Anation attending?
Why note Original Intenters? Too many syllables? Just sounds funny?
Wow. After work I’ll have to make sure that my good friends Sherlock Holmes, Mary Russell, Nero Wolfe, Archie Goodwin, Lily Rowan, Fritz Brenner, Cordelia Naismith, Alec Scudder, Beka Cavish, Arwen Undomiel, Siren Stumptail, and Hunter M. Malfoy sign. They’re all politically active and of good character, even if Mr. Malfoy is a bit deficient in the brain area.
It’s in the genes. Just look at his dad.
Or Faithful Friends of the Founding Fathers?
True story – back in the 80’s you could open the Cleveland telephone book and find a listing for a man named Seymour Dupa, which pretty much is the same thing in Polish.
Helen Tansey’s blog:
“Fellow bloggers such as jbjd, former blogger TexasDarlin, drkatesview, Big Government/Hollywood/Big Journalism, Politico, Uppity Woman, TPM, Citizen Wells, NotLarrySabato, Atlas Shrugs, No Quarter, Bearing Drift, The Hill, World Reports, VirginiaTomorrow and so many more have opened my mind like never before.”
If you’re looking for a DBA you might want to check out this guy
LMAO! Wow…that one takes the prize! Best part about it – I often *am* looking for Oracle 9i DBAs…
Except for the fact that the birth certificate is a fake, which is NOT a conspiracy theory…it’s a conspiracy!
Hahahahaha – that is the stupidest thing I read today.
i’ll bite……. so, what makes you believe it is a fake?
It seems like to skip over those who also believe that 911 was a conspiracy.
It has been noticed that was left of the list. So, as it must be an important issue with Will anyone associated with be attending the birth Summit? Ask Lucas D. Smith for the birth certificate he forged. That way it will ensure that have a fake birth certificate to take.
I presume you’re talking about the one that Lucas Smith proffered. Yes, his POSFKBC describes an event which did not occur. He is a known convicted forger.