Yes, South Carolina has seceded from the rational universe, or at least its Republican majority is coming close to it.
A recent Winthrop University Poll, reported by Politics Wires at the Miami Herald says:
Nearly 73 percent said the word “honest” does not describe the president well. Almost 30 percent of self-identified S.C. Republicans and Republican-leaning voters say Obama is a Muslim, and 36 percent say the president “probably” or “definitely” was born in another country.
More than three-quarters of those polled say the word “intelligent” describes the president “very well” or “well.” But about 75 percent say the same thing about the word “socialist.”
I still remain anxious about putting my Obama 2012 bumper sticker on.
The Democrat Party is what has seceded from the rational universe.
From it’s promotion of radical socialized medicine, Marxist Keynesian stimulus programs that tripled the deficit and debt, to it’s abject rejection of American Exceptionalism, there is no room for lucid thinking people.
That’s why I get all my news from talk radio and Fox News. They are the only two voices crying out in the Marxist Fascist wilderness.
As for secession, I wouldn’t blame anyone in any state from wanting to secede if this man gets re-elected. I do think Rick Perry is going to win the GOP nomination and then absolutely blow Barack Hussein Obama out of the water.
In fact, I predict that Rick Perry will win in a 50 state sweep.
If he doesn’t, I predict more than a few states will secede, prompting Obama to send his union goons (aka the “Civilian National Security Force”) down to bust some heads. This is the civil war Andrew Breitbart was talking about over the weekend. If Obama wins, the fabric of this great country that I fought for in Vietnam will be torn asunder.
You probably have absolutely no idea why you were in Vietnam.
What exceptionalism?… Some Americans are so confused…
Oh I see, this was tongue in cheek. Silly me.
Hint: Nothing that Obama or the Democrats have done comes even close to Marxism or socialism.
Now as to the deficit, the unpaid war, which was initially kept of the Budget has a lot to do with the ‘explosion’. Understanding of this is something Fox News will never provide you..
ROTFL.. Yes, it surely is tongue in cheek.
That’s disgustingly un-American, cowardly and pathetic.
More on Lord Basil:
“I am a traditionalist – a HARD traditionalist. HARD traditionalists are the only ones who understand what American freedom is, as described by the founding fathers, and are willing to fight and possibly die to make sure it continues. Because America is a such an exceptional nation- created in God’s image – other countries will naturally grow to resent and hate us, and try to destroy us, either directly through military action, or indirectly, by bringing in foreign ideas like socialism, fascism (or both), environmentalism, atheism, and homosexuality. HARD traditionalists will fight to the death to keep any of these toxic ideas from taking root.”
“I still remain anxious about putting my Obama 2012 bumper sticker on.”
If you think that, the terrorists (e.g. Lord Basil) have won.
Can someone show me the Biiblical passage where that is stated?
It’s right before the passage that says, yea verily, the President is begat by two citizen parents.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it was a Democrat President that sent you to Viet Nam…
Lord Basil is a parody. Rick Perry winning all 50 states was a good giveaway.
And what is this “Democrat Party” that Lord Basil Fawlty warns us about? They sound scary. Good thing they will never become as popular as the Democratic Party.
This comment was found at Washington Post:
Many decades ago, Great Britian knew the voice of Lord Basil’s antecedant. His name, as some of you have surmised, was Lord Haw-Haw. It sounds as if they both work for the same organization.
AND he’ll make the trains run on time…. 😉
You mean like My Lai, Trang Bang, and dioxin? Domino theory = WMDs.
Those who went to Canada and New Zealand were the smart ones. The schmucks went to Indochina.
“Because America is…created in God’s image”
Where was this god of yours in Auschwitz, or at slave auctions where children were sold from their parents?
Hitchens is right.
I only believe what I hear while standing in Walgreens. I took Fox and Friends advice, and had a prostate exam at Walgreens while waiting for a prescription to be filled. The guy had a superb bedside manner, I could not say ‘no.’ Thanks for the tip! (That’s what he said.)
From Nikki Haley’s website:
Question: Is Nikki a Christian?
Truth: In Nikki’s words: “My faith in Christ has a profound impact on my daily life and I look to Him for guidance with every decision I make. God has blessed my family in so many ways and my faith in the Lord gives me great strength on a daily basis. Being a Christian is not about words, but about living for Christ every day.”
US Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
I guess 99.9% of Republicans don’t know that. Haley, Hagee, Palin and Perry sure don’t.
Thousands of Israelis, among them many artists, have chosen to live in Berlin because of its relaxed atmosphere and relatively low cost of living, even if it means living in a country with a fraught history.
The Israeli Embassy estimates there are 10,000 Israelis living in Berlin, but various forums serving members of that population put the number at between 8,000 and 15,000.
Israeli painters, sculptors, filmmakers and musicians discovered a few years ago the possibilities this city affords them…the opportunity to make a decent living as an artist.
“It’s painful that artists can’t make a living in Israel and that there isn’t enough respect for culture and art there,” according to one Israeli at the party. “When Israel was more socialist, it was shameful to leave the country. But nowadays, when the state doesn’t take care of its citizens, they have no choice but to leave.
An example of someone who hasn’t read the article. Thankfully, I have faith in Americans will not become irrational if Obama’s wins the next presidential election.
Well, either you’re a fake anti-Obama nutcase, or just plain brain dead. Not even PooPooPolarik could be so stupid as to believe Republicans can sweep all 50 states.
Republicans care for the rich and powerful.
Democrats care for normal folks, generally speaking.
The choice is clear.
I’m with Obsolete here.
I would like to think that “Lord Basil” is a clever (if not amusing) troll who’s found just the right note to parody some of your more unlightened citizens.
If he is serious, then that’s really sad.
The bookies, who are rarely far wrong, plus those who have bet so far, disagree with you. Today you can till back Perry at odds of 6/4 (2.50) to be the Republican candidate (same odds as Romney) and you can back Perry at 7/2 (4.50) to be elected President.
Obama is available at 1/100 (1.01) to be the Democrat candidate and 4/6 (1.67) to be elected President.
So right now they think Obama is a shoo-in.
If Basil is correct obviously he thinks that as we get nearer to election time Perry’s odds are going to shorten and Obama’s odds lengthen. A really confident Fawlty would mortgage everything and bet on Perry now, then arb later by backing Obama nearer election time at much better odds than now thus guaranteeing profit either way.
A bullshitter will of course just do nothing except bump his gums like Basil in fake confidence.
I’ve got to agree with you, for the same reason. Doc may want to keep an eye on the guy and consider putting him in moderation.
I agree with Obsolete, Lupin, and Thirfty on the trollish birthright of this aromatic hack-master. However, as Poe’s Law reminds us, it’s difficult to distinguish between parody and the real thing when encountering extreme ideology.
Actually, there’s that “optimistically deluded” part of the birthers who really believe that “everyone knows now that Obama is ineligible/a Marxist/an NWO shill/etc., so no-one will vote for him anymore”. A bit like those who believe the Second Coming is just around the corner.
Which is why Hagee and his ilk support Israel, and encourage Settlers to attack and steal from Arabs. I’ve said this before: we should be using Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu as our models, not the old Germany.
Read this: Why are Israelis moving to Germany?
This is ridiculous! “seceded from the rational universe” give me a break. If they don’t hold onto the values of being American then they shouldn’t even be a part of America!
Republicans know best, just accept it.
Recently I saw a painting by Jon McNaughton that reminded me of this. If you are a Republican and you are sick of people telling you things that aren’t true about America I highly recommend that you check out this painting.
Look at it and tell me if you don’t agree that Republicans know best.
What could be more UN-American than advocating a one-party political system?
Its obvious that JaneBlue hates the traditional American values that is embodied in a multi-party democratic-republic.
Real Americans know that sometimes Republicans know best, sometimes Democrats know best and sometimes Independents and third parties know best.
“Democracy is worth dying for, because it’s the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.”
President Ronald Wilson Reagan
Too bad we don’t live in a democracy.
Wow….that painting is the product of a sad and deluded mind. Not surprising, but this American Talibani fails to note in his description of Jefferson, as author of the phrase, “thus building a wall of separation between Church & State,” or the fact that many of those founders portrayed were diests….or the fact that the document Jesus is holding never mentions God, and the only mentions of religion were prohibiting using religious tests for holding office, and forbiding the establishment or interference with religion.
And he’s not a very good artist to boot!
Spam alert.
actually, that’s just the family version — there’s a lot of subtle stuff about the true source of gop fundamentalism that you miss out on unless you’ve seen the uncensored version.
Who is that fellow in the middle holding a scroll of paper? Is he an insurance salesman? Also, the ordering address is in Utah. That’s a state that has the highest statistics of child abuse, and
polygamyadultery.The man who made the painting is at the level I was at in high school. Did he get his schooling from the Famous Artists School, like Orly got her law “degree.”
Bravo! All that’s missing is Dick Cheney.
US Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3: “…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
I suggest you and that American Taliban “painter” read it.
Don’t worry. The garbage truck is coming down the street. It will be there in a few minutes.
Did someone just try to present a painting as an argument?
I don’t know where you live but I live in a democratic-republic. The US Constitution guarantees “a republican form of government” and our elections of representatives to implement that republican form of government are implemented using democratic principles.
Hilarious painting!
It must have pained the artist to include a Democrat like JFK, and a token person of color or two.
From his words:
“The Blacks had a difficult role in the Civil War…”
The Blacks?!?
America’s enemies:
The Professor (Liberal)
Mr. Entertainment (Liberal)
Liberal News Reporter (Liberal)
Lawyer (John Edwards type- probably fights for people, not corporations)
Satan (liberal)
Also classic- The Immigrant who reacts in shock when “he realizes where the source of America’s greatness comes from as he sees Christ holding the Constitution.”
Thanks for turning me on to this, janeblue! I will buy one when the artist adds Obama between Lincoln and John Adams.
The last person to use a painting as an argument here was Squeeky. I see Jane is upholding that sad delusional tradition.
I’d buy that painting if he would do one on black velvet.
Please don’t confuse a republic with a democracy. I doubt you would really enjoy a pure democracy.
Well, at least he’s not letting their attitudes keep him from trying to help them out:,26114/
i believe that’s known as the ever-popular “argumentum ad kitsch”
that is one ugly-ass painting.
That’s why I like living in a representative democracy. Perhaps you could share with us your views on the differences between a republican form of government and a representative democracy?
It’s the “before” example. The “after” example was was discarded, because it was the same.
ummmm…don’t you think the fact that I mentioned it in my post might be a clue that I have read it?
Just like using a t-shirt as evidence of a bc forgery in a court case about a SSN.
You’re so full of shit your eyes are brown.
Is that painted on black velvet? I think I saw this very painting on display by a roadside vendor near Picacho AZ, right next to Stuckey’s.
Absolutely FAB-u-lousss! Did you did the Photoshop argo?
South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.
As true today as in 1860.
i’ve heard this honor belongs to a poster at by the name of “klaivu” aka “klaivu the desecrator”. (probably not his real name.)
Boy, I just can’t get enough of that spectacular piece of fundamentalist propaganda that janeblue shared with us. It’s so over the top, it’d make Goebbels blush.
On revisiting the painting, I discovered that as you move your cursor over it, a side bar appears with the artist’s commentary on the characters. I was thrilled that both of my professions are given devastating critique.
He tightly holds his “Origin of Species” book by Charles Darwin. This represents the liberal left’s control of our educational system. His smug expression describes the attitude of many of the educational elite. There is no room for God in education. There is contempt for any other viewpoints.
He represents your entertainment business in America. It is very apparent that there is a liberal slant with Entertainment. He looks down at the judge and pregnant woman with ridicule and amusement.
Tonight, after coming home from the theatre, where in a smug performance as a liberal activist judge, I mocked traditional marriage, pregnant women, and the Ten Commandments, I retrieved my satanic copy of Darwin and began plotting the moral downfall of a new crop of jejune college students.Then, plugging my Fender Strat into a Line 6 amp, I turned the selector to “INSANE” (a crunchy distortion that makes “METAL” sound tame), set the gain to 11, and cranked out some Rob Zombie–totally ruining a nearby Promise Keepers meeting. After saying a short prayer to Cthulhu, I went to bed content.
Cthulhu is pleased, Arthur.
(Yes, he told me so)
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!
That silly painting, which has been around for a while? You do realize it’s a polemic, don’t you? And not even a sophisticated one at that. Brandishing it implies you have a simple mind seeking pointless validation of things you don’t even bother to think about at any depth.
Arthur: “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!”
I couldn’t have said it better myself!
I tend to assume as much about most of the birthers who comment nowadays. The number of birthers posting comments has declined considerably since the release of Obama’s long form certificate and the typical birther comment has become increasingly nonsensical.
Funny accent though
“Mine go to 11.”