Tabloid Smears Obama!

Globe9Just about the only thing in print that is the slightest birther friendly is Globe Magazine (and you know how I feel about Globe Magazine). Well they’re back, this time with headlines misrepresenting Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Now if you were a WorldNetDaily reader, you would have known about this a lot sooner.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Tabloid Smears Obama!

  1. Steve says:

    I feel the same way about people who believe tabloid deadlines that Randall does.

  2. MaryMitch says:

    This trash is in half the checkout lines in the nation, so it’s getting 1000x the attention as any birther site, rally, lawsuit, etc. Even if people don’t believe anything in it, they’re filing it away in the back of their minds. Crap.

  3. Dave says:

    I just saw this at the supermarket today. Of course it’s no surprise that the Globe would run with a story that Arapaio has already repudiated, but I am surprised that they took so long to get around to it. WND reported this two and a half weeks ago.

  4. misha says:

    “Cops probe Obama”

    Mine was done by aliens.

  5. misha says:

    MaryMitch: This trash is in half the checkout lines in the nation

    I lined Max’s litter box with pages from the Globe and the National Enquirer.

    He walked into the main room and said, “I can’t use my litter box. It’s full.”

  6. gorefan says:

    The Globe is an equal opportunity smearer.

    They just had a headline about Palin doing cocaine in a bar in Alaska with a relative of Levi Johnson.

    During the Bush years, they routinely published stories about him binge drinking and any day Laura Bush was going to file for divorce.

    During the Clinton years it was sex, drugs and divorce.

    But this is one of their best – they actually got two with one shot.

  7. Stanislaw says:

    misha: I lined Max’s litter box with pages from the Globe and the National Enquirer.

    He walked into the main room and said, “I can’t use my litter box. It’s full.”

  8. Keith says:

    misha: I lined Max’s litter box with pages from the Globe and the National Enquirer.

    He walked into the main room and said, “I can’t use my litter box. It’s full.”

    You spent $3.29 for one ‘serving’ of kitty litter?

    You must be very rich.

    Will you adopt me?

  9. misha says:

    Keith: Will you adopt me?

    You’ll have to ask Max. Siamese are extremely territorial. Angel, my Afghan, is afraid of him.

  10. misha says:

    “Cops probe Obama” Mine was done by aliens.

    They also asked me to show them how to buy wholesale.

  11. Northland10 says:

    Misha: “Cops probe Obama”
    Mine was done by aliens

    I think I hurt myself. 🙂

  12. Majority Will says:

    Phoenix New Times Blogs – Feathered Bastard – “Joe Arpaio’s Birther “Probe” Scores Him Cover of Globe”

    (excerpt) Joe Arpaio, once again makin’ Maricopa County proud

    He’s swiped $100 million from taxpayer-protected funds to use for his own pet programs, engaged in high-profile shenanigans with former fellow Sith Lord and ex-County Attorney Andrew Thomas — monkeyshines rivaling Watergate in corruption, and still can’t do his job and serve tens of thousands of outstanding warrants.

    But he can make news for supermarket tabloids like the Globe, and isn’t that what law enforcement is all about?

    Of course, I’m talking about Maricopa County’s geriatric-in-chief who just scored the cover of Globe magazine for his recent meeting with a passel of wackjob birthers. They claimed Sheriff Joe had promised to investigate whether or not President Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a phony.

    Online birther propaganda mill WorldNutDaily trumpeted the one hour meet-and-greet with the “shurf” by posting pics of a corpse-like Arpaio posing in his office with birther kingpin Jerome Corsi and other human Payday bars.

    The rest . . .

    And funny comments too.

  13. Keith says:

    misha: You’ll have to ask Max. Siamese are extremely territorial. Angel, my Afghan, is afraid of him.

    Cats love me.

  14. misha says:

    Majority Will:

    And funny comments too.

    Go to the comments for that article, click on “newest,” and see my contribution.

  15. Majority Will says:

    misha: Go to the comments for that article, click on “newest,” and see my contribution.

    You should collect PayPal donations! 😉

  16. Rickey says:

    “human Payday bars” – I never heard that one before!

  17. SueDB says:

    Ah, yes the something for nothing, or “free lunch” crowd.

    Oh yes, no socialized medicine, but keep your hands off my Medicare!

  18. misha says:

    SueDB: Oh yes, no socialized medicine, but keep your hands off my Medicare!

    And keep your hands off Social Security, farm subsidies, ethanol subsidies…

    Social Security is pure socialism. Roosevelt got the idea from von Bismarck; Bismarck got the idea from Karl Marx. That’s right: Social Security was invented by Karl Marx.

    All of these fundamentalists love to cite Israel. Israel has universal healthcare, and it is socialized. All ambulances and hospitals are government owned. Physicians and nurses are on a government salary. Healthcare in Israel is equal to here, and sometimes better. Because they have so many maimed veterans, Israel literally ran out of nurses, so they began recruiting from Korea. Then, Israelis started marrying those Koreans. Joseph Berg, an Orthodox crackpot now deceased, tried to stop it. He was told to shut up.

    Berg, a first class SOB, always was sure to remind his daughter that he really wanted a son. In Israel, the age of majority is 17, and girls are drafted into the IDF. So just before Berg’s daughter was drafted, she begged him for a trip to Italy. As soon as she arrived in Rome, she denounced her father and joined the PLO. Sweet revenge.

    Perry and Bush, who love capital punishment, always speak of their love of Israel. Israel does not have a death penalty. The only person ever executed in Israel was Adolf Eichmann, a Lutheran whose step-mother was Jewish. His body was buried at sea, so a shrine could not be made.

  19. JD Reed says:

    Misha, don’t tell Rick Perry that Karl Marx invented Social Security. What a field day he will have!

  20. Stanislaw says:

    JD Reed:
    Misha, don’t tell Rick Perry that Karl Marx invented Social Security. What a field day he will have!

    That’s because he’s a Marxist! Hey, wait a minute…

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