She’s asking for money for one thing. On her web site, she is soliciting donations for another trip to Hawaii for a court appearance on January 6. (See photo at right where Dr. Taitz is about to extract a donation from a contributor.) While birther web sites typically do not disclose their financial details, Orly Taitz acknowledges at least some donations. Here are a few recent ones where an amount is mentioned.
Date | Donor | Amount |
Jan 2, 2012 | Terence Brennan | $100 |
Jan 1, 2012 | Robert Davies | $100 |
Dec 31, 2011 | Ron Wong | $250 |
Dec 29 2011 | Tony Dolz | $50 |
Dec 27, 2011 | Ms. Zicha | $100 |
Dec 27, 2011 | Mr. Beeli | $100 |
Dec 1, 2011 | William Scott | $100 |
Nov 20, 2011 | Mr. Mahar | $500 |
Nov 16, 2011 | Mr. Lill | $100 |
I published my financial statement for 2010 showing all the income categories that netted me $0. That’s not the case for 2011. The blog actually had income: 48 cents in advertising fees from for books purchased through the link on this site. I don’t actually get the 48 cents because it doesn’t meet the minimum threshold for payment, but it’s accrued and perhaps some day I’ll get it.
you’ve been so transparent doc, if only it would rub off on the whitehouse.
48 cents is a good start, i’d be thrilled to be making that kind of dough. this could be our year, for different types of blogs/straegies of course. maybe it will be our ticket out of here.
this is my day job.
Could you BE any more smarmy?
This Whitehouse is more transparent than any before it my dear fact-deprived friend.
Have you read Executive Order 13489? Do you know what it means?
In the birther world it means quite something different. But that is because many have failed to read AND understand it.
And I say, a birther bigot being a delusional twit with poor reading skills is not a valid excuse.
I think that someone has poked a stick in the ant hill and the ants are running out.
It’s more likely to be confirmation bias. The poor birther is unable to discern and evaluate data that contradicts with his/her beliefs.
The condition is worsened by continued refusal to educate oneself with the available evidence.
Which I guess begs the question of whether the magnifying glass is just used to examine the ants or to chase them with focused light from the sun.
that’s sick… how do you think the birther issue is going now ?? do you still think it won’t be an issue in the campaign ?
Guess you better keep an eye on the sky …. watch out for giant magnifying glasses!
Not too mention cans of Raid. Ant/Roach flavor.
A low-level running joke during the campaign, yes! A wheedle, yes! A cause for laughter, yes! A serious issue …. only for the infected. I hear advanced birther fever causes all sorts of things to seriously issue from running pustules, generally located around the oral cavity and phalangeal extremities.
Other than serving as a source for jokes and ridicule, no it won’t be an issue, it never was, it never will be. 84 lawsuits later, a COLB and long form birth certificate…
Wouldn’t it be nice of the President disclosed his finances? Oh wait, he did:
Wouldn’t be nice if if ms ayers/scott, showed at least some interest in the actual truth. Are you only interested in showing your lack of any character?
Well, three years later and birthers have certainly given the government enough data on where and when they can be rounded up most quietly and efficiently and sent to all of the new, shiny FEMA camps for “re-education”.
I wonder if “Mr. Beeli” is Pieder Beeli, who wrote a column for WorldNetDaily declaring that Obama has a “fealty toward Islam,” based on what he claimed was “an inferential or forensic analysis” of Obama by analyzing “what is implied rather than what is explicitly stated.”
Well, that and fundraising for the President’s re-election campaign. Every time someone of note makes a stupid birther type comment, the Obama campaign sends out an email, nearly instantly, offering the LFBC mug. I’ll bet they’ve raised quite a bit of money from it. The more vocal the silly birthers get, the more money in the campaign coffers.
“The blog actually had income: 48 cents in advertising fees from”
Hey, I say “follow the money”!!!
My wife received a gift card. When time comes I’ll make the purchase for her through this site. Hope it helps.
Read elsewhere tonight that orly taitz explains m v h as dicta. Hope that helps too. 🙂
It will be equally important as the flat-earth issue, and the chem-trails issue
I read that yesterday on her site, although I can’t remember which ‘article’ it was in. She actually somewhat wierdly described it as “a dicta” (not sacastically) and then lumbered straight into the next paragraph where she gaily proceeded, without further explanatory reference, to say that what she had just described as “a dicta” had set a legal precedent.
It made me literally laugh out loud. I’m sorry but there is no way that half-wit actually genuinely passed a bar exam. Something doesn’t add up.
hi mister northland, what do you think of alan colme’s performance today ?
Scott, I will give you the same answer that has been given many times before and can be proven by reading through the history of this site to be the consistent impression most of us have had and have been consistently saying for the past few years:
We fully expected this next election cycle to bring with it a major “uptick” in Birtherism attempts at all levels – new court challenges, ballot challenges, and other frivolous efforts.
Simple cause and effect and utterly predictable: The entire Birther phenomenon is nothing more than a fringe group of malcontents who are still unable to come to grips with the reality of Obama’s election in 2008. Of course this same small group is going to become further riled up and and throwing tantrums, frothing in fear at the very real prospect of being faced with his re-election. *duh* Nothing unexpected there.
However, the body of evidence and law built up since then is overwhelmingly consistent and obvious and all points to the same conclusion. There is simply no serious fear or worry that your “movement” will result in anything but more of the same – EPIC FAIL at all levels.
That you will be stirred up like an angry hornets nest in 2012 means practically nothing as there is no worries at all that you have any basis in reality or legal grounds. The entire Birther sideshow will remain just that – a futile effort that veers between providing Jerry Springer level entertainment and irritation at its utter classlessness.
Beyond a legitimate concern of a few unhinged folks crossing the line and attempting to cause harm to themselves or others, there is simply no actual issue to worry about at all.
In terms of the actual election, you are utterly inconsequential. You will neither be able to prevent Obama from being on any ballots or remove him from office. Simple as that. Nor did Obama ever have nor ever need your votes in the first place, so your impact is utterly irrelevant to the eventual results.
you write really well. what will this site be about after obama ?
Should that not be Alan Colmes’ ? But really Bernadine, you seem to have some pretty bad case of ADHD.. Unable to focus on any topic.
The next Obama? Michelle would look great…
And then Malia . . .
Awww, whatsa matta Doc, are you getting upset cause we are WINNING in NH?
Is Bo the dog natural born?
Orly, in her typical clueless fashion, has announced a surprise witness at the Jan 6 hearing. Does she not understand the rules which were explained to her by the same judge about a month ago? She cannot introduce information or arguments not raised in her response. If she wants the witness to be heard, she will have to reschedule and explain why the Court should even entertain an evidentiary hearing.
Remember the motion and the hearing are to address her request for reconsideration. Nothing more, nothing less.
Orly is so clueless.
Portuguese ancestry but born on soil…
Well, Dr. C has always said that he thought about moving onto cover other conspiriacy issues…as early on, he never thought this topic of Birtherism would provide enough material to require regular updates. He soon learned that irrational conspiracies simply don’t die and that the devout will continue on muttering “any day now”, regardless of the reality they are confronted with.
So, who knows. Personally, I expect there will be enough Birther activity and fodder to keep this site focused on that and going through not just this year, but into a bit of 2013, regardless of the election results.
Remember, when I say activity, I’m simply pointing out that Birthers will be boisterous and full of silly antics and stunts and futile attempts. I in no way have even the slightest expectation that their efforts will result in anything other than completel failure…(except for where certain individuals may commit an acutal crime…those activities have real world consequences – see Walt Fitzpatrick or James Von Brunn)
If Obama doesn’t win re-election, I think most of the Birther activity loses its motivation and fades away…so the antics will become less frequent and soon become too pathetic to warrant much notice or attention.
In other words, it would go the way of the PUMA movement – which has many ties and correlations ot the Birther pheonomen as well, but was (at least initially), more tied to simple sore-loserism of HRC being beaten in the Primary battle by Obama. The PUMA movement provided a similar level of endless EPIC FAIL statements and activities and they continued to thrash around in denial and anger at enough of a pace that they remained a source of entertainment to follow all the way into the spring of 2009. So they were able to actively wallow in the stages of denial and anger for quite a number months past where any of their claimed “points” had long been rendered moot. Some of those sites still exist to this day and still have a small, pathetic core of followers endlessly sniping and whining, but they’ve pretty much become dustbins of irrelevance and insufficiently capable of providing further entertainment. As their movement faded, most of their die-hards just moved on to become part of the “next” crazy thing – whether that was Birtherism or SARAHPAC or the Tea-Party.
So I suspect the same fate to eventually happen to Birtherism, regardless – eventual fade into irrelevance and just a footnote in history as another embarassing and utterly futile wacky conspiracy cult that went nowhere and accomplished nothing.
If Obama wins re-election, the issue may persist a bit longer than otherwise…but I still see it losing most of its steam at some point deeper into 2013. In that scenario, I see some more futile efforts of litigation that are nothing but hollow retreads of the same failed efforts in 2008, desperate to overturn an election result that they cannot come to terms with. Those will go nowhere and only the slow progress of litigation moving through the courts at different levels to deny it will merit reporting. I can see the “seccessionst” crowd attempting to get more vocal and push that meme out of desperation…so that also could occupy a bit of reporting in 2013 too…but that too has a limited shelf-life of being entertained, tolerated or paid attention too and any actual attempts in that direction would be nipped in the bud fairly quickly.
The question is, where do folks who are simply just die-hard conspiracy advocates go next? Does that become something that Dr. C or us readers here can find enough interest to research or follow? Or would we be left with covering the left-over remenents of a broader set of conspiracy movements and having infrequent reports on what is up in the world of the Flat Earth Society or the believers in Reptilians or the latest TEOTWAWKI meme or newest twist on alien abuctions or NWO fears…?
I simply don’t have an answer for that at this point. Those bridges can be crossed when they come.
I suspect that the general unease of an ever-changing world that will continue to change at an ever-increasing rate will always manifest in some new target or conspiracy myth for the paranoid mindset to grasp onto… so I suspect we may not have to bother with all the creacky old conspiracies that never truly die out there and their die-hard remenants, but will instead have some new emerging irrational fear-based phenomenon to pay attention to instead…
I don’t think the Republican nominee will raise the issue, nor will the issue influence the outcome. It will be an issue because the birthers will make it an issue; however, birthers don’t matter in the election because they wouldn’t vote for Obama anyhow.
The Democrats appear to be making an issue of the fact that Mitt Romney has so far declined to make his tax returns public.
My only excuse is that I’ve been sick — stomach virus of some sort. I must have hit the approve button instead of the Trash button. I’ll go delete them now.
KenyanBornObama has nothing relevant to contribute…
Ballot Law Commission rejected your claims
NH Supreme Court rejected your claims
Yes, that’s the kind of winning we have grown so accustomed to when dealing with birthers…
KeyanBornObama constantly touts an OMG moment, and as each fails in turn, she grabs on to another OMG moment (usually Orly’s), KeyanBornObama currently holds the record of OMG failures yet seems incabable of learning from them. What’s really silly is KeyanBornObama actually believes that Orly’s subpoenas are real and her useless appeal in NH will work. KeyanBornObama is way too deluded which her web site confirms. It has to be mental illness.
Alan Colmes apparently went over the line in his comment and then, realizing his error, apologized (I was busy with bourbon chicken and fried rice last night so I could only quickly check this morning). I am not sure how this applies to what I stated unless it is your veiled apology for stating that the President is not keeping his finances generally public when in fact, he has released his tax returns for every year, I believe. Even Orly has stated in her court filings that Obama has made his tax forms public (remember the not fully redacted issue?).
An internet search of her trolling tag is telling.
A minor victory in Georgia
The next steps will be interesting. Will the defense introduce the COLB or long form and file a motion to summarily dismiss? Orly hopes that the Jan 6 hearing in HI will also resolve her subpoena issue but the issue is not on the docket and Orly has failed to follow proper procedures here. IF the GA court will provide an order for production of the document, or inspection, THEN she may proceed and find out that Obama indeed is born on US soil as all the data indicate.
The GA case might or might not end the state challenges. Personally I hope it does not, as the fun is too much to see the birthers scramble to file and fail.
Also the Fogbow announces that
“Judge Malihi also denied Swensson/Powell Motion to Take Depositions,”
the P&E is confused as to the meaning of the order…
given today’s order from Judge Malihi.
Of course… If the motion had been accepted there would not have been a hearing. Now the hearing will proceed… Duh…
The Judge did not support the claim that Kemp had broken the law. He merely obsevred that under GA law, a candidate’s eligibility can be questioned in a hearing, even for presidential primaries.
My cat is not.
“Orly Taitz acknowledges at least some donations. Here are a few recent ones where an amount is mentioned.”
You did not list my contribution of 50¢.
It just struck me that the name Tony Dolz sounded familiar, and sure enough it is:
Wow! Great find!!!
Interesting to see that minor Ventura, CA candidate and Birther is also both a Bachmann & Paul supporter…
And this:
Paul is the official conspiracist’s candidate. He’s into quite a few himself!