Apuzzo lives!

picture of Mario ApuzzoMuch speculation has been seen among the anti-Birthers over the non-participation of attorney Mario Apuzzo (pictured right) in the number of state ballot challenges rising, and falling, across the country, speculation primarily focused on the floundering do-it-yourself (pro se) federal appeal of the lawyer-less Charles Tisdale in Virginia and why Apuzzo  doesn’t lend him a hand.

Speculate no more. Charles Kerchner announced today1 that Mario Apuzzo will assist him and Dale A. Laudenslager with their ballot challenge in Pennsylvania. Previously Laudenslager/Kerchner were represented by Pennsylvania attorney  Karen L. Kiefer and Apuzzo will be co-counsel (I don’t know if Apuzzo will need to apply for pro hac vice status). Given Mr. Apuzzo’s record so far in challenging Barack Obama, I’m not sure whether this helps or hurts the case.

Phil Berg has also weighed in with a suit in his home state of Pennsylvania.

Learn more:

1I’m always amused by that photo of Mario Apuzzo because it is one that I cropped from a group photo of him at a policeman’s auxiliary meeting way back in February of 2009. Apuzzo since adopted it for his own blog. That’s fine. It’s a great photo.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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30 Responses to Apuzzo lives!

  1. realist says:

    A slight nitpick Doc. You stated: “Previously Laudenslager/Kerchner were represented by Pennsylvania attorney Karen L. Kiefer.”

    According to the announcement Kerchner and Laudenslager are still represented by Ms. Kiefer. Mario is to be co-counsel.

    Now,that said, I suspect he’ll be lead counsel, but still there will be two attorneys of record.

  2. G says:

    As I already mentioned on another thread, it is no surprise to see Apuzzo actually get off his duff and go to court in support of Kerchener. That has always been his main “client” in this buffoonery all along.

    As pointed out by NBC, the Birthers have quite an uphill battle in PA:


    So I find it particularity entertaining to see this sudden bumper crop of various Birther challenges go forward there… especially since it brings failed shyster crank lawyers back into the picture. I apply that to both Berg and Apuzzo.

    I highly doubt we will see the circus act antics that take place when Mad Orly appears on the scene and it is likely that PA’s rules will make dismissal of these cases a fairly quick and routine matter. But the very volume of these Birther attempts now surfacing, should still make PA’s challenges worthy of closely following.

    It will be interesting to see how the PA hearing handles them. I’m sure they will all be grouped together. But whether that means they simply get shot down one-by-one and back-to-back or if there is some rule that leads to some extent of consolidation, remains to be seen. I’ll leave it to those that know PA’s rules best to answer how these will likely be handled.

    PA’s Primary Election takes place on April 24th.

  3. Sef says:

    A slight nitpick Doc.You stated: “Previously Laudenslager/Kerchner were represented by Pennsylvania attorneyKaren L. Kiefer.”

    According to the announcement Kerchner and Laudenslager are still represented by Ms. Kiefer.Mario is to be co-counsel.

    Now,that said,I suspect he’ll be lead counsel, but still there will be two attorneys of record.

    Does Karen know what she is in for? Does she agree with El Puzzo’s nutterisms?

  4. Sef says:

    A slight nitpick Doc.You stated: “Previously Laudenslager/Kerchner were represented by Pennsylvania attorneyKaren L. Kiefer.”

    According to the announcement Kerchner and Laudenslager are still represented by Ms. Kiefer.Mario is to be co-counsel.

    Now,that said,I suspect he’ll be lead counsel, but still there will be two attorneys of record.

    Does Karen have some deep pockets to share in the sanctions?

  5. G says:

    Then again, *any* attorney willing to represent Birther clients is likely a Birther as well…

    If you saw the boring “press conference” video from Kerchener on this, there was a lady present who was chiming in and nodding her head in support. I suspect that was Karen.

    So yeah, I suspect that she is fully onboard with this bat-sh*ttery.

    Sef: Does Karen know what she is in for? Does she agree with El Puzzo’s nutterisms?

  6. John Woodman says:

    So is this a failure that Mr. Apuzzo can embark upon without monetary cost? Low likelihood of sanctions?

    It’s sort of a pointless exercise.

    1) Bring a meritless case.

    2) Get thrown out of the courtroom because of aforementioned meritless case.

    3) Claim the judge was corrupt, bought, or threatened, and that you alone have the “correct” understanding of the law.

  7. donna says:

    “If you saw the boring “press conference” video from Kerchener on this,….”

    the press conference of 6 in attendance?

    when a woman stood up to ask a question, i believe i heard kerchner say she was his neighbor

  8. Arthur says:

    G: So I find it partidulary entertaining to see this sudden bumper crop of various Birther challenges go forward there… especially since it brings failed shyster crank lawyers back into the picture. I apply that to both Berg and Apuzzo.


    You probably won’t be surprised to learn that an anonymous commentator on Obama Release Your Records, disagrees.

    “I’ve heard Mario on the radio and he just FLOWS with on-the-tip-of-his-tongue knowledge about this whole area.He is always pwning this dumbot named Dr. Conspiracy on his blog, it’s hilarious.”

    I’ve never been Mario’s blog; if it’s as funny as this person says, maybe I should take a look.

  9. gorefan says:

    donna: when a woman stood up to ask a question

    Wasn’t the woman who introduced him his lawyer?

  10. Arthur says:

    G: If you saw the boring “press conference” video from Kerchener on this, there was a lady present who was chiming in and nodding her head in support. I suspect that was Karen.


    An Obot like probably doesn’t know this, but Karen Kiefer, Esq. is quite an accomplished person. Were you aware, for example, that she was recently voted Woman of Year? True, the organization that honored her is a local group, The Scottdale Business and Professional Women, but did you know that they have 16 members?! Not only that, but the mayor of Scottdale (pop. 4,600) says that even though Karen has no expertise in constitutional issues and really isn’t a trial lawyer, she is, nevertheless, “the epitome of niceness.”

    Bet you Obots are shaking in your communist, socialist, Marxist, Indonesian, Kenyan, Acorn, homosexual, progressive, liberal, not we-the-people, Birkenstocks!!!

    Read more: ‘Woman of the Year’ Karen Kiefer is honored by Scottdale BPW – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_301961.html#ixzz1ndjkauBQ

  11. G says:

    Good point. When you look at PA’s ballot rules vs. these crank cases, it makes a liklihood of dismissal with minimal effort quite high. Mario can easily use this situation to bloviate on his blog and continue to grift of of his financier, Kerchener, with minimal risk. His case will likely be tossed out long before it can get far enough to open himself to sanctions…

    John Woodman: So is this a failure that Mr. Apuzzo can embark upon without monetary cost? Low likelihood of sanctions? It’s sort of a pointless exercise.1) Bring a meritless case.2) Get thrown out of the courtroom because of aforementioned meritless case.3) Claim the judge was corrupt, bought, or threatened, and that you alone have the “correct” understanding of the law.

  12. I think “his” refers to Apuzzo, as he does offer criticism of me over there.

    When Apuzzo came over here I think the general consensus was that he lost. Because of censorship issues, one really can’t debate over there.

    However, what matters is whether Apuzzo can pwn Obama’s attorney, and so far that hasn’t happened.

    Arthur: pwning this dumbot named Dr. Conspiracy on his blog,

  13. gorefan says:


    In the Motion to Dismiss in the Farrar v. Obama appeal. Lawyer Jablonski references this case

    United States v. Marguet-Pillado

    In that case, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said the following,

    “No one disputes that Marguet-Pillado’s requested instruction was “an accurate statement of the law,” in that it correctly stated the two circumstances in which an individual born in 1968 is a natural-born United States citizen: (1) that the person was born in the United States or (2) born outside the United States to a biologically-related United States citizen parent who met certain residency requirements.”


  14. Can you tell that I’m trying to give up being snotty towards Apuzzo for Lent?

  15. G says:

    That was the one…

    For those who missed it and are really bored, here is the “press conference” video:


    donna: “If you saw the boring “press conference” video from Kerchener on this,….”the press conference of 6 in attendance?when a woman stood up to ask a question, i believe i heard kerchner say she was his neighbor

  16. G says:


    If you are a sucker for pretentious pontificating, bloviating bullsh*t and streaming pseudo-law, then Mario’s blog might peak your interest.

    Then again, you can save yourself time and just listen to this over and over again and achieve the same result:


    Arthur: G: You probably won’t be surprised to learn that an anonymous commentator on Obama Release Your Records, disagrees. “I’ve heard Mario on the radio and he just FLOWS with on-the-tip-of-his-tongue knowledge about this whole area.He is always pwning this dumbot named Dr. Conspiracy on his blog, it’s hilarious.”I’ve never been Mario’s blog; if it’s as funny as this person says, maybe I should take a look.

  17. G says:

    Yes, back in the early days, Mario used to come here and try to work on his arguments a lot. However, he couldn’t hack mixing it up with the other lawyers on here, who were able to demolish his arguments fairly easily. Heck, he couldn’t even defend his positions very well with the rest of us non-lawyers either.

    So his attitude started to degrade to childish retorts and other sore loserish behavior. When he would come here to post after losing in court, it was particularly pathetic. Many suspected he was was “drunk posting” his tantrums. It became quickly obvious that he lacked the moral fortitude to hold a conversation at a professional level and with all of his dishonest arguments called out and shredded, had nothing left to give but throw a snit fit and then run away to the comfy safety of his own blog, where he could moderate and prevent most dissent from coming through. I think he’s quite craven. He throws tantrums and tries to sling mud from his little enclave, but lacks the balls to come over here anymore…

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think “his” refers to Apuzzo, as he does offer criticism of me over there.When Apuzzo came over here I think the general consensus was that he lost. Because of censorship issues, one really can’t debate over there.However, what matters is whether Apuzzo can pwn Obama’s attorney, and so far that hasn’t happened.

  18. bovril says:

    Oh some of the best examples of the pathetic legal failure that is the Putz can be found over at the CAAFLOG site when he was trying to tell military law practitioners how innocent Lakin was…….

    Oh the tears, squawking and running away of Mario were as sweet as Birfoon tears always are….. 😎

  19. G says:

    Oooh! Great find! That is the best, most complete and succinct description of NBC yet that we’ve seen in these legal case examples! A perfect description…

    gorefan: OTIn the Motion to Dismiss in the Farrar v. Obama appeal. Lawyer Jablonski references this caseUnited States v. Marguet-PilladoIn that case, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals said the following,

    “No one disputes that Marguet-Pillado’s requested instruction was “an accurate statement of the law,” in that it correctly stated the two circumstances in which an individual born in 1968 is a natural-born United States citizen: (1) that the person was born in the United States or (2) born outside the United States to a biologically-related United States citizen parent who met certain residency requirements.” http://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2011/08/12/10-50041.pdf

  20. donna says:

    G: thanks for that – i had originally watched an abbreviated version without an introduction

    i could have sworn i heard kerchner mention “neighbor” re one of those in attendance but i must have been mistaken

  21. Arthur says:

    bovril: Oh some of the best examples of the pathetic legal failure that is the Putz can be found over at the CAAFLOG site when he was trying to tell military law practitioners how innocent Lakin was…….

    Yeah, I remember those exchanges. It was like feeding time in the lion den, and Mario was a Grade A butt steak.

  22. Arthur says:

    gorefan: In the Motion to Dismiss in the Farrar v. Obama appeal. Lawyer Jablonski references this case
    United States v. Marguet-Pillado


    I’d say that if this doesn’t dig the grave, it at least seals the coffin on birther legal claims regarding two-parent natural-born citizen claims. Thanks for posting!

  23. I’ve hammered nails in that coffin for 3 years and it still leaks.

    Arthur: I’d say that if this doesn’t dig the grave, it at least seals the coffin on birther legal claims regarding two-parent natural-born citizen claims. Thanks for posting!

  24. gorefan says:

    Arthur: I’d say that if this doesn’t dig the grave

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve hammered nails in that coffin

    Birther arguments:

    It’s the Ninth Circuit (no need to say more)

    It’s dicta not holding.

    We understand the issue better than any judges who have not studied it like we have.

  25. gorefan says:

    Forgot to add

    It’s not the Supreme Court and a lower court doesn’t overrule the precedent that is Minor v. Happersett

  26. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve hammered nails in that coffin for 3 years and it still leaks.

    That reminds me of the new Steven King book about zombie birthers who invade a small Maine town during the cacuses:

    (Spoken with a crusty Down East accent): “Sometimes, professor, the dead . . . well, they don’t stay dead. Smart fella like you, oughta’ know that.”

  27. John Potter says:

    Sure is nice of Mario to lend a hand. Always helps to have another pall bearer lightening the load.

    Speculate no more. Charles Kerchner announced today1 that Mario Apuzzo will assist him and Dale A. Laudenslager with their ballot challenge in Pennsylvania.

  28. UnionJack says:

    That 9th Circuit case (Marguet-Padillo) was cited as authority in the CRS Report of last November (in footnote 10, p. 3), and discussed in the Report on p. 37. It is but one small nail in the tightly sealed coffin of birther “legal” argument.

  29. Thomas Brown says:

    Arthur: That reminds me of the new Steven King book about zombie birthers who invade a small Maine town during the cacuses:

    (Spoken with a crusty Down East accent): “Sometimes, professor, the dead . . . well, they don’t stay dead. Smart fella like you, oughta’ know that.”

    More to the point:

    “Sometimes dead is bettah!”

  30. Arthur says:

    Thomas Brown: More to the point:“Sometimes dead is bettah!”

    That was the phrase I was thinking of and couldn’t remember! Thanks. Here’s a South Park/Pet Sematary mash-up that explains it all.


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