Superior Court Judge rules: Obama on the ballot in Georgia

OOPS! sorry. Hit the publish button too soon. If you want the details, you will have to wait until it actually happens — but rest assured, it will.


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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35 Responses to Superior Court Judge rules: Obama on the ballot in Georgia

  1. mimi says:

    Doc is getting cheeky. LOL.

  2. Thomas Brown says:

    Humor aside, is there a date by which this ruling must come down?

  3. JPotter says:

    This is already a top google result for “Georgia superior court obama” … having fun with the birthers? It’s a safe prediction and all … I assume the denial of the appeal … er response would arrive prior to the primary date…March 6th.

  4. gorefan says:

    Did Van Irion and Hatfield file appeals?

  5. Judge Mental says:

    gorefan: Did Van Irion and Hatfield file appeals?

    Not yet, but they almost certainly will.

  6. I have not been able to find any report of this so far, although I would expect it to happen. Time is running out.

    gorefan: Did Van Irion and Hatfield file appeals?

  7. The primary is March 6. I assume that any ruling would be expedited.

    Thomas Brown: Humor aside, is there a date by which this ruling must come down?

  8. I wrote this article to mess with the birthers’ minds — not to try to fool them into thinking that it had happened, but that the Obots have the fix in already, that story is already written, just awaiting the pre-decided outcome.

    In truth the outcome is certain based on the facts and the law. No fix necessary.

  9. Dr. Bob says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    In truth the outcome is certain based on the facts and the law. No fix necessary.

    Perhaps we should admire their sisyphean persistence . . .. but I just can’t.

  10. Bing wasn’t fooled (or else hasn’t found it). At least with Google, you can see that it’s a joke without having to visit the web page.

    JPotter: This is already a top google result for “Georgia superior court obama”

  11. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Time is running out.

    Is the deadline the 17th?

  12. donna says:

    i am looking forward to seeing taitz’s pro hac vice petition to see how she gets around her $20 SANCTION in ga

  13. G says:

    Me neither.

    “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “.

    -Albert Einstein.

    Dr. Bob: Perhaps we should admire their sisyphean persistence . . .. but I just can’t.

  14. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I wrote this article to mess with the birthers’ minds — not to try to fool them into thinking that it had happened, but that the Obots have the fix in already, that story is already written, just awaiting the pre-decided outcome.In truth the outcome is certain based on the facts and the law. No fix necessary.

    Could just go ahead and write the story, based on past events, see how close you can get.

    Or better yet, let’s have an Obot creative writing contest! Not about the Court’s action, they’ll just deny the appeal (plenty of oddities about the hearing, but nothing that would alter the result), but rather about Orly’s reaction. Who can best predict the target(s) of, adjectives used, and number of !!!’s in her post-rejection rant?

  15. Keith says:

    Coincidently (or not?) as I read this article there is an old episode of Early Edition on the TV.

  16. As you probably know, Orly’s published version of the petition has only the first page. There are two comments already on her site asking about the truncated copy. That sanction is probably more an embarrassment than an impediment because the sanction is not in and of itself grounds for denying pro hac. While Obama’s attorney could oppose the motion, I think that we are more likely to see the Jablonski Empty Chair Technique® instead. Let the Plaintiffs hang themselves.

    The real grounds for the court to refuse the pro hac petition is that Orly will not adequately represent her client; however, I cannot see Jablonski making that particular argument.

    donna: i am looking forward to seeing taitz’s pro hac vice petition

  17. G says:


    Keith: Coincidently (or not?) as I read this article there is an old episode of Early Edition on the TV.

  18. Norbrook says:

    Given how predictable the outcome of birther cases are, you should make this into a template. Just insert the state name.

  19. G says:

    Not a bad idea at all…

    Norbrook: Given how predictable the outcome of birther cases are, you should make this into a template. Just insert the state name.

  20. JPotter says:

    Norbrook: Given how predictable the outcome of birther cases are, you should make this into a template. Just insert the state name.

    I suggest MadLibs!

    Or a citation-style form, all driven by check boxes. That way you could make it available online, and never have to worry about the birther figuring out how to misuse it.

    “Nope, check’s not in the box, doesn’t count.”

    “Nope! Missed again!”

  21. Northland10 says:

    i am looking forward to seeing taitz’s pro hac vice petition to see how she gets around her $20 SANCTION in ga

    The case detail actually list her under plaintiff (under David Farrar’s name) and the plaintiff’s attorney as Pro Se. Since it was apparently filed just yesterday, 13 Feb, that may be a placeholder entry.

  22. Robert says:

    The question, would she be stupid enough to try it again?

    Dr. Conspiracy: Or a citation-style form, all driven by check boxes. That way you could make it available online, and never have to worry about the birther figuring out how to misuse it.

  23. Robert says:

    (apparently quoted the wrong post above… that was referencing Obama’s Lawyer pulling the ECT again)

  24. Thomas Brown says:

    Weldon has appealed, and is trying to get Col. Van Irion, CSA, back on board pro hac vice style.

    <a href=""-

    My favorite line is where Van Irion uses the old “Obama has spent millions of dollars trying to prevent a court from hearing this” bullguano.

    Well, maybe he’s right. I don’t know what empty chairs are charging for their legal services these days.

  25. JPotter says:

    Thomas Brown: I don’t know what empty chairs are charging for their legal services these days.

    Depends; are we talking IKEA or Ethan Allen or Sotheby’s? Empty chairs come in a wide range of needs.

  26. y_p_w says:

    JPotter: Depends; are we talking IKEA or Ethan Allen or Sotheby’s? Empty chairs come in a wide range of needs.

    Ah. Reminds me of a quote from the animated TV show Futurama.

    Bender: Where are you going to stay?

    Fry: I don’t know. Do refrigerators still come in cardboard boxes?

    Bender: Yeah, but the rents are outrageous.

  27. Wile says:

    JPotter: Depends; are we talking IKEA or Ethan Allen or Sotheby’s? Empty chairs come in a wide range of needs.

    If I ever have to lose to a chair, I would hope for it to be this one…

    Unfortunately, Mr. Maloof is no longer with us. His chairs were bringing close to 20 large each towards the end of his life. I suspect they will only go up from there.

    Several US Presidents owned his chairs, even this guy…

    For the record, President Carter had one first.

  28. Northland10 says:

    JPotter: Depends; are we talking IKEA or Ethan Allen or Sotheby’s? Empty chairs come in a wide range of needs.

    I once had a chair in college that was hideous looking, smelled, I once found mice in, and had no legs (the chair, not the mice). Yet, for all its faults, it was still useful. Some college activities could hurt normal chairs but only improve this one and, the distance to the floor was much closer.

    Since I did not pay for that one, I suppose it would be a pro bono empty chair and, as I said above, it was useful so it would likely still beat the birthers.

  29. donna says:

    hot off the presses

    Quite a few mistakes already… Anyone surprised? Best one is Orly’s Pro Hac Vice request where she has no sponsoring GA attorney and fails to disclose her GA history (Judge Land sanctioned Orly $20,000 for example)… The Appeal is also quite hilarious…

    Farrar v Obama – Appeal and Emergency Application for Stay

    Farrar v Obama – Motion for Pro Hac Vice

    Farrar v Obama – Civil Case Filing Information

  30. donna says:

    An attorney applying to appear pro hac vice must designate a local member of the bar of this Court with whom the opposing counsel and the Court may readily communicate regarding the conduct of the case and upon whom papers shall be served. The address, telephone number, and written consent of the designated local counsel must be filed with the attorney’s pro hac vice application. All attorneys signing as local counsel are subject to verification of enrollment and status of good standing with the State Bar of Georgia prior to application approval. The Court would also remind these attorneys of your duty to verify the bar admission status of any attorney you are sponsoring on a pro hac vice basis.

  31. donna says:

    doc: was your question to me about a “sponsor” deleted?

    the rules re a sponsor are on the document entitled “PRO HAC VICE ADMISSION – INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS”

  32. John Potter says:

    Northland10: I once had a chair in college that was hideous looking, smelled, I once found mice in, and had no legs (the chair, not the mice). Yet, for all its faults, it was still useful. Some college activities could hurt normal chairs but only improve this one and, the distance to the floor was much closer.

    I had a free fugly chair in college too! And it definitely saw more action (*cough*) than any chair facing the birthers ever will.

  33. gorefan says:

    PseudoObama: Kansas House committee requires candidates to prove citizenship.

    Doc C. has a story about it. They want to see a certified copy of a BC (short form okay) and a second form of id.

    Won”t affect President Obama.

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