New book investigates the Cold Case Posse

Let me start by saying that I have not read the new book, A Question of Credibility: A Conflict of Interest by Michelle Dallacroce and Michael Bruning, so this is not a recommendation but more of a press release. Author Dallacroce (who is one of Sheriff Joe’s “Special Deputies”) wrote:

You are invited to read an expose’, relative to the facts and the fiction surrounding the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse investigation of the identity documents released by the Obama administration claiming to be official in nature and valid on their face. This novel is not about the documents, but rather, about those who are engaged in the investigation, as well as the unorthodox investigative methods that they are using to make their point, sell their books and reshape the political agenda for individuals not even residents of this State.

A Question of Credibility is not a revenge book, nor is it a "tell all" creation. It is a representation of how the rule of law can be turned on its head and how the general public can be lured by repetition and dramatic affects into becoming less than respectful of the law by being duped into believing someone else’s perception of the truth and the facts, evidence that is begging for an affirmative end.

This story points out the players and hints at the dangers posed by the Cold Case Posse and its public relation frenzy it has been perpetrating upon the public. It is enough to say…..All things are NOT as they appear to be….OR as the Posse would have you believe.

In the end, the Author’s of this book support a REAL and SERIOUS effort by the Sheriff of Maricopa County to root out the evidence as it relates to the Obama documents and to assign a REAL Deputy Investigator to take charge of this investigation, rather than to continue to allow a self-serving Reporter and an equally self-serving lead Investigator to reap financial gain and public accolades from an effort that will end in chaos and disrepute.

Should you choose to take the time to read this book, knowing perhaps something about the issues in play, we are more than certain that you will join with us in asking the Sheriff to get SERIOUS about this investigation and to move it forward to a successful conclusion.

Unlike Jerome Corsi and Michael Zullo, the profits from this book are all being donated to the Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association, a not-for-profit organization that serves the disabled of the State of Arizona and its men and women in uniform with spinal cord injuries.

Why in the world would anybody want a county sheriff in Arizona to investigate President Obama? If Obama committed vital records fraud, it’s a crime in Hawaii. If he committed social security fraud, that a job for the FBI. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s office has neither the authority, nor the competence to deal with any of the issues raised by the Cold Case Posse investigation.

As with other birther related books, reviews on are polarized.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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42 Responses to New book investigates the Cold Case Posse

  1. john says:

    “Why in the world would anybody want a county sheriff in Arizona to investigate President Obama? If Obama committed vital records fraud, it’s a crime in Hawaii. If he committed social security fraud, that a job for the FBI. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s office has neither the authority, nor the competence to deal with any of the issues raised by the Cold Case Posse investigation.”

    This question has already been answered Doc. Arpaio listens to the people he has juristication over and the people of Maricopa count asked their sheriff to look into the matter. Why? Because Obama is going to be on their ballot. And if Obama is a fraud, the people of Maricopa county will be defrauded a lawful election. Arpaio listens and took up the matter to clear Obama and settle the issue. It did not turn out that way.

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Novel?

    Yes. Someone is confused.

    A quick Google search produces nothing about the authors and the “publisher” is one of those no cost, self-publishing operations.

  3. J. Potter says:

    Through the first 3 para’s, I thought it was describing an effort to expose and refute the WND/Arpaio phenomenon …. instead, it is a book that goes another level further down the hole …. a book urging people to realize they’re being exploited for their conspiratorial beliefs …. and then “get serious” and double-down on those conspiracy beliefs!!!

    Hole-e crapcakes. Allegations of conspiracy about conspiracists. This take an extra layer of tin foil. Electrified tinfoil!

    People lucid enough to realize the nature of WND & Friends, yet deranged enough to buy the message anyway. It’s a war of the True Believers.

    They’re paranoid enough to suspect the bringer the of paranoia!

    WND and Corsi reaping what was sown. Encourage suspicion, get suspected.

  4. J. Potter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: evidence that is begging for an affirmative end.

    Yeah, I took that to say it was some sort of novelization/spoof of CCCP, until I got to “evidence that is begging for an affirmative end.” …. wait, what?

  5. CarlOrcas says:

    Quick update: I just found a Michael Bruning who is listed as a “transportation supervisor” for Arizona Spinal Cord which might explain the mention of where the money is going.

    Also found a mention of Michelle Dallacroce in the Phoenix New Times were she is referred to as a “nativist firebrand”. Seems she ran a group called Mothers Against Illegal Aliens but shut it down in 2008

    It only gets stranger.

  6. J. Potter says:

    86 pages, was published on 4/5/12, makes numerous references to the 3/31/12 “press conference” … but perhaps that’s just in the front matter. Looks like a messy bit of infighting. Infighting via CreateSpace, a DIY online publisher. Might be an interesting read …. if it were free.

    She ran a group called MAIA? LOL!

  7. Keith says:

    J. Potter: Hole-e crapcakes. Allegations of conspiracy about conspiracists. This take an extra layer of tin foil. Electrified tinfoil!

    Yes, layers upon layers. I’m getting the pungent odor of Onions here. Except…

    CarlOrcas: Quick update: I just found a Michael Bruning who is listed as a “transportation supervisor” for Arizona Spinal Cord which might explain the mention of where the money is going.

    Also found a mention of Michelle Dallacroce in the Phoenix New Times were she is referred to as a “nativist firebrand”. Seems she ran a group called Mothers Against Illegal Aliens but shut it down in 2008

    So maybe it isn’t onions, maybe its a skunk?

  8. Andrew Vrba says:

    In my opinion, the only book ole Sheriff Joe is fit for, features one Alfred E. Newman on the cover and rhymes with glad.

  9. Steve says:

    “Why in the world would anybody want a county sheriff in Arizona to investigate President Obama? If Obama committed vital records fraud, it’s a crime in Hawaii. If he committed social security fraud, that a job for the FBI. The Maricopa County Sheriff’s office has neither the authority, nor the competence to deal with any of the issues raised by the Cold Case Posse investigation.”

    This question has already been answered Doc.Arpaio listens to the people he has juristication over and the people of Maricopa count asked their sheriff to look into the matter.Why?Because Obama is going to be on their ballot. And if Obama is a fraud, the people of Maricopa county will be defrauded a lawful election. Arpaio listens and took up the matter to clear Obama and settle the issue.It did not turn out that way.

    Maybe he should listen to the victims of those 400 unsolved sex crimes and spend his time investigating them.

  10. CarlOrcas says:

    john: Why? Because Obama is going to be on their ballot. And if Obama is a fraud, the people of Maricopa county will be defrauded a lawful election. Arpaio listens and took up the matter to clear Obama and settle the issue. It did not turn out that way.


    For the sake of discussion tell us what violation of Arizona law, committed in Arizona, Obama committed.

    And, for the sake of discussion, if Arpaio really has probable cause to believe such a violation occurred in the state of Arizona why do you think the turned the investigation over to a “posse” that has no police powers and hence no authority to investigate a possible violation of Arizona law.

    Wouldn’t you expect him to have a cerftfied peace officer handle the investigation so that it could be referred to prosecutors? Why do you think he hasn’t done that?

    I look forward to your thoughts.

  11. The Magic M says:

    CarlOrcas: Seems she ran a group called Mothers Against Illegal Aliens but shut it down in 2008

    That rings a bell. A Facebook (?) account with that name (“Mothers Against Illegal Aliens”) used to make strange comments over at WND (don’t remember if they were racist and/or the sexist “Obama’s momma was a wh*re” type, but something of that sort and generally deranged and oddly worded).
    Doesn’t mean there is a connection (anybody can open an online account with any name), but still…

  12. CarlOrcas says:

    The Magic M: Doesn’t mean there is a connection (anybody can open an online account with any name), but still…

    The website is still up but it’s not clear who or what is running it.

  13. Rickey says:

    There is a website but I wouldn’t recommend going there because Spyware Doctor is blocking it. However, a Google search for it shows the names of both Michelle Dallacroce & Michael Bruning.

  14. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: There is a website but I wouldn’t recommend going there because Spyware Doctor is blocking it. However, a Google search for it shows the names of both Michelle Dallacroce & Michael Bruning.

    It loaded okay for me but it’s pretty much what you would expect. It appears to have been up since 2010. It’s pushing the “book” real hard.

    The most interesting thing is that Michelle Dallacroce says she is a posse member for Arpaio.

  15. CarlOrcas says:


    Hmm. Hard to say if there is anything to it.

    It would be inerestiong ot know what they say about Zullo but I’m not wasting my money to find out.

    The motion that Corsi was appointed a “special deputy” is interesting. Arizona sheriff’s used to hand out “special deputy” badges to just about anyone. They meant nothing….much to the dismay of people who tried to use them to get out of a speeding ticket!

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    A short profile of Michelle Dallacroce from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s 2008 profiles of 20 nativist leaders………….,4

  17. John Henry says:

    Once again we have a defender of Obama’s legitimacy attacking the messenger rather than the message. Anyone equipped with a computer and a knowledge of how to follow directions can follow the steps provided in the March 1, 2011 cold case posse report and evaluate the evidence that Obama’s birth document is a fake and that the copy of his selective service registration card bears a falsified date stamp. If a person can do those things, then he might also note the careful language of the report does not exceed the logic of the evidence. It is presented as a formal report such as might be presented to a grand jury could one be authorized to hear this report. It would be expected that such a grand jury would find probable cause that the documents are forged.

    Class division, radical social theory, self interest, official corruption, and denial of divine will brought about a revolution in France shortly after the American Revolution. Among the many victims of the reigh of terror was Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry. We, like the emotionally and morally bankrupt French leaders, seem to have no need of genius.

  18. linda says:

    Actually, it isn’t. Not a formal report, no expert witnesses, no criminal referral, no grand jury, no indictment, no calls to Hawaii to verify documents, no documents sent to the FBI or Congress A whole bunch of nothing.

    John Henry: It is presented as a formal report such as might be presented to a grand jury could one be authorized to hear this report. It would be expected that such a grand jury would find probable cause that the documents are forged.

  19. linda says:

    PS John Henry, CCP was in 2012, not 2011.

  20. Majority Will says:

    John Henry: Once again we have a

    . . . steaming crap pile of asinine birther nonsense.

    The state of Hawaii says Obama was born there. Allegations of forgery are idiotic. Does the Treasury forge dollar bills?

  21. CarlOrcas says:

    John Henry: It is presented as a formal report such as might be presented to a grand jury could one be authorized to hear this report. It would be expected that such a grand jury would find probable cause that the documents are forged.

    For the sake of discussion let’s assume you are correct and this is a “formal report”. (more on that next) What do you think it hasn’t been presented to any prosecutors – state or federal – for their review?

    Now….back to the real world: This is not a “formal report”.

    If it were it would have an MCSO DR, or case number. It doesn’t.

    It would have been prepared by sworn deputies. It wasn’t.

    In fact it is just a regurgitation of material presented by Mara Zebest and Jerome Corsi under the aegis of WorldNetDaily. Neither of them are employees of the MCSO or even members of the “Cold Case Posse”.

    It is, in the end, nothing.

  22. Scientist says:

    John Henry: Class division, radical social theory, self interest, official corruption, and denial of divine will brought about a revolution in France shortly after the American Revolution. Among the many victims of the reigh of terror was Antoine Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry. We, like the emotionally and morally bankrupt French leaders, seem to have no need of genius.

    This is a marvellous paragraph. However, I don’t see the connection to Sheriff Joe. Is he Lavoisier? Robespierre? Danton? Louis XVI? Marie Antoinette?

    Remember what Chou En Lai said when asked his opinion of the French Revolution-It’s too soon to tell….

  23. There has been some reluctance, reported by the Phoenix New Times, on the part of the MSCO to confirm or deny that Corsi was appointed a “special deputy.” The book by Dallacroce and Bruning says that he was.

    CarlOrcas: In fact it is just a regurgitation of material presented by Mara Zebest and Jerome Corsi under the aegis of WorldNetDaily. Neither of them are employees of the MCSO or even members of the “Cold Case Posse”.

  24. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    There has been some reluctance, reported by the Phoenix New Times, on the part of the MSCO to confirm or deny that Corsi was appointed a “special deputy.” The book by Dallacroce and Bruning says that he was.

    Isn’t that kind of like a young passenger getting “wings” from an airline pilot?

  25. Northland10 says:

    John Henry: We, like the emotionally and morally bankrupt French leaders, seem to have no need of genius.

    Eagerly anticipating Lupin’s reaction.

  26. Northland10 says:

    John Henry: Class division, radical social theory, self interest, official corruption, and denial of divine

    Sounds like a Tea Party.

  27. And anyone who actually did the experiment, taking into account alternative explanations, and ignoring false representations about PDF software, would have seen that the CCP report was a fraud insofar as it actually said anything. Sheriff Joe used a lot of non-committal words in his statements; Zullo was more specific.

    There is a reason why the mainstream media have panned the investigation, and it’s not because they’re all in on the conspiracy.

    John Henry: Anyone equipped with a computer and a knowledge of how to follow directions can follow the steps provided in the March 1, 2011 cold case posse report and evaluate the evidence that Obama’s birth document is a fake and that the copy of his selective service registration card bears a falsified date stamp. If a person can do those things, then he might also note the careful language of the report does not exceed the logic of the evidence.

  28. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: There has been some reluctance, reported by the Phoenix New Times, on the part of the MSCO to confirm or deny that Corsi was appointed a “special deputy.”

    Arpaio could have appointed Corsi the Grand Pubah of Maricopa County and it would mean just a much.

    There is no official title or role for a “special deputy”. Only AZPost can certify individuals to be peace officers and only after they have completed hundreds of hours of training. That goes for paid officers as well as reserve officers. Posse members are neither.

    The last special deputy I recall being appointed was Steven Segal for an Arpaio staged media stunt.

  29. CarlOrcas says:

    Majority Will: Isn’t that kind of like a young passenger getting “wings” from an airline pilot?


  30. Majority Will says:

    CarlOrcas: Arpaio could have appointed Corsi the Grand Pubah of Maricopa County and it would mean just a much.

    There is no official title or role for a “special deputy”. Only AZPost can certify individuals to be peace officers and only after they have completed hundreds of hours of training. That goes for paid officers as well as reserve officers. Posse members are neither.

    The last special deputy I recall being appointed was Steven Segal for an Arpaio staged media stunt.

    Wasn’t Otis Campbell of Mayberry a special deputy? 😀

  31. CarlOrcas says:

    Majority Will: Wasn’t Otis Campbell of Mayberry a special deputy?

    Of course. Just like Segal, don’t you think?

  32. Majority Will says:

    CarlOrcas: Of course. Just like Segal, don’t you think?


    Corsi and Segal can serve themselves . . at an all you can eat buffet.

  33. Keith says:

    I was a Special Deputy of the Pima County Sheriff’s Office, when I was 13 or 14, I think.

    I was helping the Pima County Sheriff’s Posse prepare for the Tucson Rodeo Parade. They get all dressed up and ride through town on their horses and everything. Its billed as the longest non-mechanized parade in the world (there are more than just the Posse involved). In the days leading up to the parade the Posse roams the city streets looking for tourists to ‘arrest’ and throw into the hoosehow.

  34. y_p_w says:

    CarlOrcas: Of course. Just like Segal, don’t you think?

    From what I understand, Seagal has actually been certified as a reserve deputy by several real sheriff’s departments. There’s some controversy over whether or not he’s been POST certified in California as he claims, but I don’t think that really matters under the laws of the places where he’s been a reserve deputy. He even started filming in Maricopa County, but for some reason nothing has been aired.

    However – even Shaquille O’Neal got POST certified and has done some real work as a reserve officer.

  35. CarlOrcas says:

    y_p_w: From what I understand, Seagal has actually been certified as a reserve deputy by several real sheriff’s departments

    As I recall he was with a department in Louisiana for a long time.

    There is some sort of reciprocity – usually resulting in a shortened academy – between some states but I don’t know of any that allow straight cross certification…..even for movie stars.

  36. y_p_w says:

    CarlOrcas: As I recall he was with a department in Louisiana for a long time.There is some sort of reciprocity – usually resulting in a shortened academy – between some states but I don’t know of any that allow straight cross certification…..even for movie stars.

    I always thought it was some strange publicity stunt by Harry Lee, although he claims he was deputized long before it became common knowledge.

    Seagal says he attended a police academy in Los Angeles and has a certificate from Peace Officer Standards & Training (POST), an organization that accredits police officers. POST officials in California and Louisiana said they had no record of Seagal being certified.

    I think anyone can get POST certified, and not necessarily through an academy run by an LE agency. I thought that several community colleges run POST-certified programs. I even heard of one that has a National Park Service LE ranger program, although I’d think they would have to eventually go through FLETC training.

  37. CarlOrcas says:

    y_p_w: I think anyone can get POST certified, and not necessarily through an academy run by an LE agency. I thought that several community colleges run POST-certified programs

    Only the largest departments run their own academys. Some do contract work for smaller departments but most send people through the community college based academys

    You can go to the academy and get a POST certificate and then look for a job but that can be dicey. Some academys won’t take you unless you have a firm job offer.

    Also POST certificates expire if you’re not working as a peace officer. As I recall they expire after three years.

    y_p_w: I even heard of one that has a National Park Service LE ranger program, although I’d think they would have to eventually go through FLETC training.

    That, I suspect, is a cross commissioning program for commissioned federal officers. As I recall it’s a short POST certified class that familiarizes them with the state laws of arrest, etc. I believe it is also a limited commision… when they are on duty, performing their federal job.

  38. CarlOrcas says:

    y_p_w: Seagal says he attended a police academy in Los Angeles

    Just to clarify….my comments are about Arizona and California.

  39. Rickey says:

    John Henry:
    the logic of the evidence.

    An oxymoron! Well done.

    It is presented as a formal report such as might be presented to a grand jury could one be authorized to hear this report.It would be expected that such a grand jury would find probable cause that the documents are forged.

    So what is Arizona waiting for? Convene the grand jury and get it on.

  40. y_p_w says:

    CarlOrcas: Only the largest departments run their own academys. Some do contract work for smaller departments but most send people through the community college based academys You can go to the academy and get a POST certificate and then look for a job but that can be dicey. Some academys won’t take you unless you have a firm job offer.Also POST certificates expire if you’re not working as a peace officer. As I recall they expire after three years.That, I suspect, is a cross commissioning program for commissioned federal officers. As I recall it’s a short POST certified class that familiarizes them with the state laws of arrest, etc. I believe it is also a limited commision… when they are on duty, performing their federal job.

    I used to work in Berkeley and would occasionally walk across campus for lunch. One day there was some sort of emergency services fair going on with search and rescue as well as several other LE agencies represented. One CHP officer brought along a shiny BMW motorcycle, and UCPD (although not UC Davis Police) were on hand including one of their bomb-sniffing dog handlers (and I do remember a few buildings closed due to bomb threats when I was a student). The handler was handing out “trading cards” with a description of the dog and her bio. She was a college graduate and her bio mentioned that she was also a graduate of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Dept Academy at which point she directly joined UCPD. I’m guessing that was probably under contract to UCPD.

    I also looked up the NPS LE ranger program. It’s apparently not for full-time LE, which are trained at FLETC, but for seasonal LE. It’s 9 colleges (including two four-year universities) around the country that accredited programs.

    The one I’d heard about before was at Santa Rosa Community College.

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