Taitz accelerates to ludicrous speed

Loved Spaceballs.

The Mississippi Democratic Executive Committee has filed a motion objecting to Orly Taitz’s demand for sanctions. It’s easy reading and mildly entertaining, so I won’t spoil it with excerpts, except to say that the word “ludicrous” does come up.

2012-05-21 – MS SDMS – MDEC Response to Motion for Sanctions


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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32 Responses to Taitz accelerates to ludicrous speed

  1. Thrifty says:

    I’ve loved Spaceballs since I was a kid. I watched it dozens of times before I found out it was a parody of Star Wars. I watched it plenty of times in the late 80s and early 90s, but never saw any of the Star Wars movies until 1997. We recorded it off HBO on to a VHS tape, along with some Snoopy movie. I rarely watched the Snoopy movie. There were so many jokes in Spaceballs that I laughed at as a kid, but there were still more that I didn’t really understand. When I watch it now as an adult, I enjoy it on a whole different level.

    Nowadays, when something isn’t working, I sometimes exclaim “Shit, even in the future nothing works!”

  2. Thomas Brown says:

    Smoke ’em if you got ’em!

  3. Greenfinches says:

    They aren’t taking any prisoners, the MDEC, are they!

    I like the look of this Mr Tepper – who I assume won’t be someone our Orly wants to be her friend……

  4. justlw says:

    Oh, that’s gonna leave a mark.

  5. bgansel9 says:

    “Taitz’s Motion is factually and legally frivolous and wholly without merit.” – Damn, she’s losing another one! 😛

    A lot of bitingly nasty words in there. “Malicious” (that’s a good one), “absurd” (ooooh, that’s gotta hurt!), “preposterous” (ouch!), “baffling” (hahaha!), “appalling” (wow!), “litigious”(bam!), vexatious (OMG!). That’s awesome!

    I don’t see the word “incompetent” though, where is it? It’s gotta be in there.

  6. Majority Will says:

    bgansel9: I don’t see the word “incompetent” though, where is it? It’s gotta be in there.

    “The MDEC had no obligation to accept the incompetent, incorrect, and already discredited information that Taitz provided to it.”

  7. Black Lion says:

    Not sure if anyone saw this most recent piece of fiction from the Daily Pen….


    By Dan Crosby

    NEW YORK, NY –
    A recently discovered rare immigration record found by researchers
    working on behalf of an ongoing investigation into the Constitutional
    eligibility of Barack Obama to hold the office of the U.S. presidency
    reveals that an American
    consular officer issued a single Certificate of Citizenship to only one
    passenger arriving in the U.S. from the Kenyan region of Africa between
    July and December of 1961.

    The record shows demographic and status classifications for a
    passenger who was explicitly recorded at the INS Arrival Inspection
    Station as an individual being born to a U.S. citizen parent arriving
    from the Kenyan region of Africa between July 1st and December 31st,

    This information and the dates of its documentation are disturbing
    given the rare nature of the issuance of certificates of citizenship for
    children who acquire their citizenship by birth to incoming U.S.
    citizens in this particular region of Africa.

    These dates not only align with the alleged date of Obama’s birth on August 4, 1961, but also with evidence indicating that Ann Dunham
    departed from Hawaii beginning in February, 1961, shortly after her
    undocumented marriage to Obama Sr. The table below shows there were a
    total of 13 children of U.S. citizens who entered the U.S. from Africa’s
    Kenyan region. It also shows there were 11 from the United Kingdom in
    the same time in comparison, to demonstrate the consistency of this
    class of arrivals, regardless of the country of embarkation.

    These children were
    classified by the INS upon arrival based on a passport which already
    named them when they departed from the U.S. prior, or they received
    requisite documentation, pre-approved by the U.S. before embarkation,
    which identified them specifically as children of U.S. citizens who were
    up to 18 years old.

  8. Don’t forget “specious” (footnote 1). You think Tepper used a thesaurus?

    bgansel9: A lot of bitingly nasty words in there. “Malicious” (that’s a good one), “absurd” (ooooh, that’s gotta hurt!), “preposterous” (ouch!), “baffling” (hahaha!), “appalling” (wow!), “litigious”(bam!), vexatious (OMG!). That’s awesome!

  9. nbc says:

    Orly is now accused of practicing law in violation of Indiana law

    In addition to the many flaws and failures on her part, the lawyers for the IN defendants have asked the Court to strike the appearance and award sanctions.

    In the mean time, Orly, trying to up the ante, has asked the Court for subpoenas for anyone ranging from President Obama, Arpaio, Samson, Pelosi, Astrue and Bennett. This woman is totally clueless about the rules and regulations of our Courts…

  10. Thomas Brown says:

    Black Lion:
    Not sure if anyone saw this most recent piece of fiction from the Daily Pen….


    By Dan Crosby

    NEW YORK, NY –
    A recently discovered rare immigration record found by researchers
    working on behalf of an ongoing investigation into the Constitutional
    eligibility of Barack Obama to hold the office of the U.S. presidency
    reveals that an American
    consular officer issued a single Certificate of Citizenship to only one
    passenger arriving in the U.S. from the Kenyan region of Africa between
    July and December of 1961.

    The record shows demographic and status classifications for a
    passenger who was explicitly recorded at the INS Arrival Inspection
    Station as an individual being born to a U.S. citizen parent arriving
    from the Kenyan region of Africa between July 1st and December 31st,

    This information and the dates of its documentation are disturbing
    given the rare nature of the issuance of certificates of citizenship for
    children who acquire their citizenship by birth to incoming U.S.
    citizens in this particular region of Africa.

    These dates not only align with the alleged date of Obama’s birth on August 4, 1961, but also with evidence indicating that Ann Dunham
    departed from Hawaii beginning in February, 1961, shortly after her
    undocumented marriage to Obama Sr. The table below shows there were a
    total of 13 children of U.S. citizens who entered the U.S. from Africa’s
    Kenyan region. It also shows there were 11 from the United Kingdom in
    the same time in comparison, to demonstrate the consistency of this
    class of arrivals, regardless of the country of embarkation.

    These children were
    classified by the INS upon arrival based on a passport which already
    named them when they departed from the U.S. prior, or they received
    requisite documentation, pre-approved by the U.S. before embarkation,
    which identified them specifically as children of U.S. citizens who were
    up to 18 years old.


  11. Sef says:

    Black Lion:
    Not sure if anyone saw this most recent piece of fiction from the Daily Pen….


    By Dan Crosby

    NEW YORK, NY –
    A recently discovered rare immigration record found by researchers
    working on behalf of an ongoing investigation into the Constitutional
    eligibility of Barack Obama to hold the office of the U.S. presidency
    reveals that an American
    consular officer issued a single Certificate of Citizenship to only one
    passenger arriving in the U.S. from the Kenyan region of Africa between
    July and December of 1961.

    The record shows demographic and status classifications for a
    passenger who was explicitly recorded at the INS Arrival Inspection
    Station as an individual being born to a U.S. citizen parent arriving
    from the Kenyan region of Africa between July 1st and December 31st,

    This information and the dates of its documentation are disturbing
    given the rare nature of the issuance of certificates of citizenship for
    children who acquire their citizenship by birth to incoming U.S.
    citizens in this particular region of Africa.

    These dates not only align with the alleged date of Obama’s birth on August 4, 1961, but also with evidence indicating that Ann Dunham
    departed from Hawaii beginning in February, 1961, shortly after her
    undocumented marriage to Obama Sr. The table below shows there were a
    total of 13 children of U.S. citizens who entered the U.S. from Africa’s
    Kenyan region. It also shows there were 11 from the United Kingdom in
    the same time in comparison, to demonstrate the consistency of this
    class of arrivals, regardless of the country of embarkation.

    These children were
    classified by the INS upon arrival based on a passport which already
    named them when they departed from the U.S. prior, or they received
    requisite documentation, pre-approved by the U.S. before embarkation,
    which identified them specifically as children of U.S. citizens who were
    up to 18 years old.

    It’s deja vu all over again.

  12. Keith says:

    nbc: This woman is totally clueless about the rules and regulations of our Courts…

    I disagree entirely.

    This woman is totally contemptuous about the rules and regulations of our Courts…

  13. ASK Esq says:

    So, to sum up, the MDEC attorneys are saying that diseased hookers with explosive dysentery would sooner use their own hands to wipe themselves than a page from Orly’s motion.

    And if they’re not saying that, they should be.

  14. gorefan says:

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover: Motion,

    Dude, what’s up with the line spacing?

  15. The Magic M says:

    Majority Will: “The MDEC had no obligation to accept the incompetent, incorrect, and already discredited information that Taitz provided to it.”

    Orly’s argument is not that of a lawyer but that of a crank pro se layperson – “the defendant has to accept what I say as true, otherwise he’s committing fraud and must be jailed/sanctioned!!!”.
    Gee, now that would be convenient – the plaintiff can win any case because the defendant must consider all of plaintiff’s claims as gospel truth!

    Black Lion (quoting the Daily Pen):
    reveals that an American
    consular officer issued a single Certificate of Citizenship to only one
    passenger arriving in the U.S. from the Kenyan region of Africa between
    July and December of 1961

    Hm, wouldn’t that conflict with the Hawaiian BC? If baby Obama was naturalized after coming in from Kenya, the birther explanation of “they needed to dupe the authorities to ensure baby Obama would be a US citizen” would fall flat. So what would then remain as reason for lying about US birth? “My child shall be able to become President in 50 years”?
    So “possibly naturalized upon arrival” and “fraudulently registered as US-born” do not add up.
    Therefore, even if the claim about the “single CoC” is true, it cannot possibly have been Obama.

    (Apart from the fact that coincidence still doesn’t imply correlation. Au contraire, the fact that only one such person was issued a CoC makes it much less likely to have been Obama than if, say, hundreds of such CoC’s were issued during that time.)

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover: Motion, jus tertii, pro se, in forma electronicus

    Did you want to test the storage limits of Doc’s blog software?
    Besides, it is “in forma electronica”. “Forma” is female.
    So it shows again, trying to use foreign language to impress people can bite you in the butt…

  16. you mean it should be in forma electronicUSA… so the USA is female in Latin but the US is male in Latin… talk about misengendered, or is it disengendered…
    sorry, the Dialectizer should have been used for the Pig Latin
    niay ormfay lectronicusa
    pr the Philippine writ remedy, Habeas Data…
    A. M. No. 08-1-16-SC
    http://www.lawphil.net/…/am_08-1-16_sc_2008.ht... –
    Philippine Jurisprudence – THE RULE ON THE WRIT OF HABEAS DATA. … The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any person whose right to privacy in .

  17. Keith says:

    gorefan: Dude, what’s up with the line spacing?

    cut and paste from gawd knows where and I ain’t interested in finding out.

  18. sorry, not a kinetic typographer… my better half is too busy to do it either…
    when you select the text function in the database, the line spacing goes helter skelter…

    Collection Home | Foreign Relations of the United States | University …
    digicoll.library.wisc.edu/FRUS/ –
    The Foreign Relations of the United States series is the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions that have been declassified .

  19. Mr. Obama calls Mr. Romney to say he thinks it is time the country had a Mormon president. But just as Mr. Romney is thanking the president for the apparent concession, Mr. Obama interrupts him to say, “My baptism is on Saturday.”


  20. Greenfinches says:

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover: the line spacing

    Not just that, honey petal, the logic and the thread (if any) of your argument.

    If you have an actual point to make, then I suggest you do so. It is likely to be much more persuasive if it is in your own words (use quotes only in support) and concise – try three inches of text as a maximum?

    In your own time……….

  21. Sef says:

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover:
    Mr. Obama calls Mr. Romney to say he thinks it is time the country had a Mormon president. But just as Mr. Romney is thanking the president for the apparent concession, Mr. Obama interrupts him to say, “My baptism is on Saturday.”


    Ah, yes! The power of the magic underwear!

  22. gorefan says:

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover: the line spacing goes helter skelter

    Doc’s site does have a preview feature.

    Keith: cut and paste

    It’s the kind of thing you see on a site that uses DISQUS to control the comments. Which is why the edit feature on DISQUS is handy.

  23. I have the option to replace the current WordPress commenting system with DISQUS or Facebook comments. I haven’t pursued these options because it would mean that the comments are external to the site — which has implications for the future. For example, would the Wayback machine properly display old pages? I would think not. Also while you don’t have a comment search feature, I do, and it’s very useful. We can link to comments.


    gorefan: It’s the kind of thing you see on a site that uses DISQUS to control the comments. Which is why the edit feature on DISQUS is handy.

  24. James M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    I have the option to replace the current WordPress commenting system with DISQUS or Facebook comments. I haven’t pursued these options because it would mean that the comments are external to the site — which has implications for the future.

    For a forum as controversial as this one, there are considerable privacy concerns with either DISQUS or Facebook. One issue with DISQUS is that it will connect your comments on one forum to other resources, you won’t know this until you discover it later, and you can’t fix it. An issue with Facebook is the compatibility between your acceptable use policy and FB’s, which may not be as well aligned as you’d like them to be.

    A rich text editor would be nice, but don’t trade your controls and your users’ privacy for that.

  25. James M says:

    Black Lion: The table below shows there were a
    total of 13 children of U.S. citizens who entered the U.S. from Africa’s
    Kenyan region.

    Sounds like someone almost has it. All they have to do now is get the evidence that shows which of those thirteen was Barack Obama. Any day now!

  26. Rickey says:


    If you have an actual point to make, then I suggest you do so.It is likely to be much more persuasive if it is in your own words (use quotes only in support) and concise – try three inches of text as a maximum?

    In your own time……….

    Normally that would be good advice, but Risenhoover’s own words often make no sense.

    The Court described Risenhoover’s complaint as “a scrambled collection of conspiracy allegations and unexplained citations to federal statutes.” Risenhoover maintained that he was subject to certain cognitive disorders and should not be discriminated against on this basis, arguing that he was effectively in custody wherever he went, because he was unable to travel internationally without a passport.


    Among other things, Risenhoover believes that Hawaii is an “occupied territory,” not a state. He also files lawsuits more often that Chris Strunk – Justia lists 16 lawsuits filed in Federal Court by Risenhoover during the past five years.


    Apparently he lives in Tainan, Taiwan. He refers to Taiwan as “the United States of America administered trust territory of Formosa” and “American Formosa.”

  27. JoZeppy says:

    Greenfinches: Not just that, honey petal, the logic and the thread (if any) of your argument.
    If you have an actual point to make, then I suggest you do so. It is likely to be much more persuasive if it is in your own words (use quotes only in support) and concise – try three inches of text as a maximum?
    In your own time……….

    Was he trying to make a point? I must have missed it. Seemed just like a bunch of random quotes that severed no purpose.

  28. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover: you mean it should be in forma electronicUSA… so the USA is female in Latin but the US is male in Latin… talk about misengendered, or is it disengendered…

    Did you get your degree in “Incoherent Gibberish”?

  29. Rickey says:

    The Magic M: Did you get your degree in “Incoherent Gibberish”?

    On his Facebook page he says that he attended the University of Oklahoma. No mention of a graduate degree, so until proven otherwise I assume that he made up the “Dr.” bit.

  30. the excerpts are from the US Department of State Office of the Historian edited Foreign Relations of the US, they show how various Attorney Generals and Secretaries of State have consistently understood the term of art “natural born citizen” to refer to any American citizen who becomes a citizen at birth, regardless of birth abroad or parental status/alienage

    http://jay.law.ou.edu/alumni/lastname.cfm Risenhoover, Paul Maas Class of 1997

    also, Maimonides University, Doctor of Religious Counseling

  31. Keith says:

    Dr. Paul Maas RIsenhoover: the excerpts are from the US Department of State Office of the Historian edited Foreign Relations of the US, they show how various Attorney Generals and Secretaries of State have consistently understood the term of art “natural born citizen” to refer to any American citizen who becomes a citizen at birth, regardless of birth abroad or parental status/alienage

    I think what people are complaining about is the mass of text just dumped without a how-de-do, and retaining linefeeds from whereever it is that you copied it from, making it utterly impossible to read.

    Because of the impossibility of reading it, no one read it; and because you left no indication about where your comments started/ended and where the text of the quote started/ended, no one could figure it out if they did read it; and because it was a massive cut and paste job without any context, it resembled the tactics of many of the birther spammers who occasionally show up here, and no one read it; and finally because it had all the earmarks of spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, and spam no one read it.

    Now, notice that most of the clauses in that previous paragraph ended with the phrase “no one read it”. Usually one comments to a blog like this for the purpose of communication. If “no one reads it”, your comment is not communication.

    As a PhD, whatever your discipline, you should understand that data is not information, information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom – and a blind data dump is not communication. You clearly had no intention of anyone reading it, and all it has resulted in is a bunch of snarky back and forth.

    So my point is, what is your point with this data dump?

    To be fair, it looks like at least some of your links could be a good addition to the “Great Mother of all Natural Born Citizenship Quotation Pages” (see the link at the bottom of the ‘QUICK REFERENCE’ below the Comment section, but since there is no communication happening, how could anyone know that?

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