It must be something in the water
AZCentral reports that the tab for Joe Arpaio’s County investigation of President Obama in Hawaii amounted to $10,000 including $3,500 in overtime for a sheriff’s deputy who went along for some unspecified reason.
Why is an Arizona county sheriff investigating whether a guy who lives in Washington DC was born in Hawaii? It’s bizarre to me, and it’s bizarre to some citizens of Maricopa County. The County Board of Supervisors has been at odds with Sheriff Joe since he made up some bogus charges and had some of the arrested: dementia or revenge? It’s hard to say, but there’s clearly some bad blood.
In a vote earlier today, the Board voted to reject donated funds to pay for the boondoggle, at least for now. This one’s probably not over with.
Sandi Wilson, deputy county manager and budget director, said her staff will review budgetary items involved in sheriff’s travel and staffing expenses by next month. She said her staff reviews costs after they are incurred, and will look at whether it was an "appropriate use of the travel, make sure it fits all of our travel procedures and policies, as well as take a look at the total cost of the trip."
It might be something in the water, because Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett who should have learned better has now jumped back into deep birther waters. In a speech posted on YouTube, Bennett said that now he believes Obama was born in Hawaii, but
I actually think he was fibbing about being born in Kenya when he was trying to get into college and doing things like writing a book and on and on and on.
Bennett’s sense of reality has LEFT THE BUILDING.
My father used to say: “People may think you a fool, but if you open your mouth they will know for sure.”
Pressure for Arpaio’s birther investigation costs in Maricopa County – apparently when he said the cost of the Hawaii trip would be paid for, he didn’t state that the funds hadn’t been collected yet. –
Speaking of Arizona, Ken Bennett is trying to make news again:
Awww, no birther donations for little Joey. 😛
That’s a couple of days old. I wrote him an Email on Monday telling him he was an embarrassment to our state.
Thanks for that link bgansel! That was fun!
Yes, Arpaio tipped his embezzling hand back when he stated the expenses “would” be reimbursed. Future tense! In other words, he’s spending present dollars fom dept funds and presenting a verbal IOU!
I do the books for a nonprofit. It relies on donations. Money doesn’t get spent, until donations have been made to cover the budget for an initiative.
The commenter at that council meeting made some excellent points.
SOS Bennett’s explanation is pretty bizarre. So either Obama was lying then when he said he was born in Kenya and is telling the truth now that he was born in Hawaii or Obama was telling truth then about being born in Kenya and is lying now about being born in Hawaii. Either way Obama is a liar. How does one explain the pamphlet bio? Mistake??? I don’t think so.
“It’s bizarre to me, and it’s bizarre to some citizens of Maricopa County.”
I can attest to that as I am a citizen of Maricopa County, and it’s bizarre to me.
my father used to say “you’re right, the world is wrong”
Now that guy with the book is claiming that Obama mama never lived at the address on the big birth certificate everyone knows is the truth.
OR… chew on this, John. Obama never said he was born in Kenya.
The pamphlet was written by a literary agent to give to potential clients, and the agent admitted it was her mistake. Obama may have never even seen the pamphlet.
The constitutional requirement is that Barack Obama live at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu when he was born.
Where his mother lived is irrelevant.
$3500 in OT to go to Hawaii. Sweet deal. I’ve done a bit of business travel. Once uopon s time I was frequently sent to Vegas. Salaried, I got paid the same whether stuck in Vegas over a weekend, or spending said weekend at home. Screwed I tell ya. At least I didn’t have to pay for my own airfare, hotel, and taxi fare!
The woman responsible for writing the statement says you’re wrong.
I guess Tip O’Neill also submitted his own info for the pamphlet blurb. If he did, he misstated the year he became speaker. What’s your Freeper handle, John?
Good editing matters.
bgansel9: “The woman responsible for writing the statement says you’re wrong. ”
dontcha know that obama “got to” all of these people and COERCED them into changing their stories?
he used those talked about “millions” to buy them off
among them are tim adams, all of the judges, state officials, social security admin, selective service, sos bennett (before the recent brain injury), etc
he is SOOOO powerful i think we should crown him king
IF ONLY he had better forgers
Do you mean Corsi?
He wrote about that some time ago:
“In a separate listing, Ann S. Obama, Obama’s mother, is identified as a student living at the 6085 Kalanianaole Highway address; Barack H. Obama, her husband, is listed as a student living at 625 11th Avenue.”
Indeed. Would be a shame to communicate something other than intended. 😉
Bennett is a Mormon. If Romney gets in, he’ll do more than let this fester for another four years; he’ll encourage it.
bennett is also considering a run for governor and is the az co-chair of romney’s campaign
Why not?
Bennett for VP!
C’mon, they gave away one Presidential election! I have faith in the Reds. They can do it again!
Mitt Romney Should Toss ‘Birther’ Secretary Of State Off Campaign, Says Top Arizona Democrat
The executive director of the Arizona Democratic Party on Wednesday called on presidential candidate Mitt Romney to toss Secretary of State Ken Bennett off his campaign as the state co-chairman.
The call came after Bennett was caught on video telling a crowd of local Republicans his new conspiracy theory that he believes President Obama lied about where he was born in order to get into college and then spent millions of dollars to cover it up.
Here’s a portion of Arizona Decmoratic director Luis Heredia’s statement:
Arizona Secretary of State and Romney Arizona campaign co-chair, Ken “Birther” Bennett continues to embarrass himself and our state…This episode proves once again that Mitt Romney continues to surround himself with members of the most extreme and out-of-touch wing of the GOP. It is time for Romney to finally stand up, show some leadership and denounce these ridiculous claims from Tea Party extremists and his Arizona co-chair.
Don’t listen to ’em, Mitt! Double down!
We want Bennett! Bennett for VP!
That was an interesting and very relevant article, thanks for bringing that to our attention! 🙂
As one of the commenters aptly summed the issue up:
I was quite encouraged that the rational thinkers won out in the end, although the vote was quite close. It will be interesting to see where things go, if they do succeed in carrying out their stated next steps:
So a big tip of my hat to Supervisor Randy Parraz for his motion and speech that brought this issue to attention and put a stop (at least for now) to Arpaio being able to cover personal political witch hunts with private donations!
Here is a really good video of the event as it happened:
Supervisor Andy Kunasek and Randy Parraz Spar Over Sheriff Joe Donation!
John, Obama never said he was born in Hawaii.
Yes, he did! 😛
No, Bennett is not a big enough fish. Mitt will already get a large enough percentage in Arizona because of all of the mormons here. Go Big Mitt! Pick RUBIO!
Considering you got the “ic” part, I’ll give you an A minus. LOL
Ooops, I meant to say “Obama never said he was born in Kenya.” Gotta get more sleep.
bgansel9: donna: Decmoratic
Considering you got the “ic” part, I’ll give you an A minus. LOL
ONE of my bêtes noires
“democrat party” hurts my ears
sorta like “nuke- you-luh”
it’s been a pleasure NOT hearing “nuclear” mispronounced
Looks like with his prosecutor crony disbarred and the spectre of the DoJ looming over his head ole’ Joe isn’t quite so scary anymore. I might just have to start believing in this world again if he actually starts seeing some real consequences (and not just the taxpayers of Maricopa County having to cover yet another embarrassing civil judgment against him) from his litany of heinous crimes against both innocents and the criminals whose care he was charged with.
For cryin’ out loud, AlCum, you just know your comment is gonna’ wind up at ORYR–“Obot Admits It: Obama Never Said He Was Born in Hawaii!”
Mine too!
Well, I just found this really cool link that might help the birthers to get educated (free online classes from Harvard and MIT – you won’t see another offer like this kids, grab the brass ring):
If interested, you can sign up to receive emails of offered classes here:
I agree Rubio is the more effective birther skull-popper, but I want the Reds to blow the whole election with another “WTF?” pick. Now is the time for …. Bennett!
Not a pick that balances out Romney, but a pick that doubles down on Romney’s Romney-ness. Now is the time for …. Bennett!
The kind of pick that confirms their nuttiness loud and proud. Now is the time for …. Bennett!
(C’mon … play out a Biden v Bennett debate. Comedy gold!)
Man. I never got stuck in Vegas over the weekend. I did get paid to simply **attend** trade shows a few times, but once I was recruited to help “break down” our company’s booth as well as bring some stuff back that had to be hand carried. The only additional compensation I got was a really nice meal.
Being salaried I guess theoretically doesn’t mean getting paid over the weekend. You’re simply salaried with the expectation that you work weekdays without punching in. I do remember being on a business trip where I was originally planning on spending a week and taking in a weekend (at my own expense for lodging and gas) and flying back on Sunday. When the assignment lasted more than the week my manager said that I could even charge the entire weekend to my company, although I did pay for my own gas during the weekend by not submitting the receipts for reimbursement. I also remember unleaded regular was 79 cents a gallon. Those were the days.
It’s too bad none of the victims of those hundreds of uninvestigated sex crimes in Maricopa County didn’t have $5,000 apiece to “donate” or maybe they could have gotten some police time too and perhaps some of their assailants could have been brought to justice.
It was a 2-2 tie vote – while it should have been 4-0, it was interesting to note that the supervisors that voted in favor mostly said that the taxpayer shouldn’t have to foot the bill for this nonsense, while those against made the correct argument that whether or not the department decides to do something shouldn’t be based on whether or not you’ve got the cash.
I also like that some of them are starting to stand up to him – it’s time to make him answer. He’s said from the start that 1. This is a 100% legitimate, bona fide, law enforcement investigation and 2. It won’t cost taxpayers one cent. It’s time for him to be asked – either it’s political theater and he can use his volunteer posse, or it’s a real investigation, in which case why isn’t he using qualified investigators, using taxpayer money, and referring for prosecution?
He wouldn’t use volunteer investigators for a high profile murder. (He might ignore it altogether though). If the crime is real (ha) it deserves real police, and a real prosecutor and grand jury, which to date (“oddly”, hmmmm) Sheriff Joe has gone out of his way to avoid involving.
Or 5-0.
“Supervisor Fulton Brock was absent from the meeting and did not vote.”
Maybe there aren’t enough rational non-bigots in AZ left?
On September 11, 2001, I was in Paris (France, not Texas) on business. All flights were grounded (even from Europe to Canada). In the first day or so they were saying it could be “weeks” before flights resumed. I looked into ships, but there really were no scheduled transatlantic passenger liners. So, I put myself into the hands of the company’s travel agent who eventually got me a flight on the 17th. Until then, I had to suffer the horrors of the museums and the rich French cuisine on the company’s dime. Unfortunately, my wife was stuck at home with the kids,
Someone suggested he was visiting his wife on a conjugal visit (she is in prison for having sex with a young boy). It was a huge scandal here a while back.
His daughter was involved also:
Apparently Joe Arpaio was also investigating Fulton Brock and then ceased the probe, so Brock’s vote, if he were there, may have gone either way:
Fox may have a new reality TV series in the making. Anything for ratings.
Here’s an idea for the opening theme music . . . “At the Copa. Maricopa Cabana.”
Given that Joe’s cronies have been falling one by one and that Supervisor certainly could be seen as potentially one of them after that it wouldn’t surprise me if he made sure he couldn’t make the meeting so he wouldn’t have to go on the record one way or the other.
i recently had the discovery channel do a shoot from my workshop with my full permission. when it was broadcast they made 2 huge screw-ups, one was in editing and seemed to be saying a guy was my partner who i share my worshop with, and the other was getting the town wrong!
could i be bothered to complain about it? not in the least. the publicity got out there and it was a good ego trip.
even discovery makes mistakes, so think how many a small printing house can make.
Birthers like John don’t make mistakes… it’s only the 100+ judges and everyone else involved in the conspiracy (Hawaii Dept. of Health officials were in on it the whole time, dontchaknow?). 😛
bgansel9 : Birthers like John don’t make mistakes… it’s only the 100+ judges and everyone else involved in the conspiracy (Hawaii Dept. of Health officials were in on it the whole time, dontchaknow?).
as my father used to say “you’re right and the WORLD is wrong”
Arizona has really gone off the rails. It’s always been strange, though. I lived there for a few years on the late 70s and I recall that a chiropractor named Wayne Stump ran for the state legislature and he refused to campaign. No ads, no public appearances, nothing. He won anyway, and apparently he remained in the legislature for many years.
When I was in college I submitted a paper to the Journal of Undergraduate Mathematics. When they printed it, there was a mistake in the statement of the theorem I proved. The way it was stated, it was nonsense. They said they had never made a mistake before.
Of course, I noticed it since this was the only publication I had ever done in my life up to that point. Today, I wouldn’t even understand it.
Personally speaking, i never make misteaks….
It would seem to me that Sheriff Joe is trying to have it both ways.
For publicity purposes, his investigation is official and vested with the full authority of his office.
When it comes to having to justify an investigation of the President of the United States on an issue completely outside his jurisdiction, he pleads that it’s a volunteer effort.
That’s too bad…they’re so good with korn and pitatoes!
Mi steaks are rare.
Yeah, things are very weird here. I’m not a native (I’m from Biden territory) but, I moved here about five years ago and not long after I moved (I never used to hear much about AZ in the news when I lived in FL – Bush v Gore nightmare of 2000, yeah I was in that too) and it wasn’t very long after I came to live here that this place went completely nuts.
When i first moved here, there were Mexican license plates everywhere I went. Shopping centers were filled with them. I don’t think I’ve seen a single one in a very long time (like months) now.
Yes, and that is what makes me so angry at him. He has no concept of jurisdiction and law and he’s Sheriff of a county that is part of the fifth largest metro area of the country. ARGH!
Obama has never, ever, ever said he was born in Kenya. Ever.
If you don’t understand what “ever” means, please consult a dictionary.
So now we know! You must be a be a carrier of some sort, perhaps your chakras are out of whack. A good spiritual healing and, of course, a high-powered colonic, and you could eradicate this insanity.
careful linda
with the wing nutzz around, you might get sued for the unlawful practice of medicine
As usual you are too kind.
Here is the latest from WorldNetDaily….a true “Back to the Future” moment:
“After the investigative trip to Hawaii, WND reported an intelligence source who warned early last year that a forged Obama birth record would be released now says a forged “original” birth certificate intended to pass forensic inspection by using 1961 materials is being prepared and could be released as an “October surprise.”
Read it and weep….they know no shame:
Ah you’re just a rookie.
I grew up there and this stuff is par for the course. Google Keating Five, Evan Mecham, Martin Luther King Holiday, Fife Symington, Ned Warren, etc., etc., etc.
There are lots of good people but Arizona grows it crazies large and strong.
The Keating Five and Fife Symington stories were national and I knew about them before coming here. I’ve since learned about Evan Meacham.
Ned Warren sounds like one I need to check into though. That name is not familiar to me. Thanks.
Oh, Don Bolles was investigating Ned Warren? The hotel parking lot where the bomb went off and killed Don Bolles is about a half a mile from where I’m sitting right now.
It’s okay, she’s practicing medicine on ME. 😛
well, they’ve got to be ready to discredit any original BC just in case they somehow manage to force it’s release (on the same day satan goes to work on a snowplough)
Actually he wasn’t investigating him at the time he was killed. He was working out of the Capital Bureau having moved off investigative work sometime before the bombing.
It’s always good to be prepared.
Yikes!!! Wow…again, some more crazy in the AZ… man, that county is worse than a bad soap opera plot!
I guess I only have myself to blame for still being able to be surprised that the level of twisted corruption sinks as low as it actually does…
How does one explain the pamphlet bio?Mistake???I don’t think so.
How does one explain all the pamphlets, articles, news reports, etc. saying George Bush was born in Texas?
Drunken frat joke.
With John’s explanation, I now realize that during the funeral of Mrs. Jane Smith, we all became privy to the great secret that she was, in fact, a transsexual. After the funeral bulletin referred to her as “her” multiple times, the truth was shown when once, the bulletin referred Mrs. Smith, as “he.” I thought that was just some error from using a previous bulletin as a template and not updating that one occurrence (and slipped by 8 proofreaders).
Now that I have been educated by John and the Birthers, I will have to and update our liturgy. From now on:
– Jesus said, I will leave you comfortless.
– Communion will be received in the forms of bread and win (I guess I need to figure out, what is win).
– All liturgies will begin with an Opening Hymen.
All liturgies will begin with an Opening Hymen. [bada-bing]
We don’t really know where Bush was born because unlike Obama, Bush refused to release his Long Form Birth Certificate. We merely accepted his statements that he was born in Connecticut but we have no documentation to prove it, as we do for Obama.
What is Bush hiding?
There is a ongoing thread (since 2007) in one of the University of Arizona sports fansites (Go Cats – beat Arkansas in the College World Series),general interest forums titled “Official weird **** happens in Mesa thread” (Mesa is a Phoenix suburb).
Only 300+ posts in those 5 years, but some of them are real doozies.Most recent is a bust for bestiality!
If he hadn’t gone to the hotel looking for a tip regarding the land fraud, he wouldn’t have been killed.
Very true. A good reporter always checks out a tip.
Others who are part of the conspiracy are; The entire State of Hawaii and the former Republican Governor and former Republican Secretary of State, the Secret Service, the FBI, the Supreme Court(for not hearing anything birther related), the entire Judiciary for that matter, for always ruling against birthers, everyone in the Democratic Party, all military leaders for Locking up Lakin, etc, etc… the list gets longer every day.
We don’t really know where Bush was born because unlike Obama, Bush refused to release his Long Form Birth Certificate. We merely accepted his statements that he was born in Connecticut but we have no documentation to prove it, as we do for Obama.
What is Bush hiding?
Very true. As a matter of fact, he very well could have been adopted from a European orphanage. We have no way of knowing, do we?
Don’t you read the internets? Win is the opposite of fail. Du-uh.
purchase more popcorn
july 17th
Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama ‘shockers’
zullo “The information … is going to be breathtaking when it’s released.”
Arpaio schedules these press conferences immediately before something unfavorable is about to occur in the DOJ case against him. That trial begins on July 19th, hence the presser on the 17th in an attempt to dominate the news cycle and spin the DOJ case as retribution.