Romney birthers

I was a little taken aback at what I saw in an article at This Week, saying:

Some … suggest that the birth certificate Mitt Romney released was a fake.

I don’t know what’s going on here, whether it’s karma or payback. Are the Romney birthers the legacy of the extreme rejection of birth evidence whipped up by the Obama birthers, is it sweet revenge from liberals who have had to put up with birthers for coming up on 4 years now, or is this all just a crowd-sourced satire?

While I consider myself somewhat of a wonk when it comes to birthers, this Romney stuff is outside my expertise. What do you think?

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38 Responses to Romney birthers

  1. Majority Will says:, .net and .org are also available.

  2. Xyxox says:

    Who cares about his birth certificate? I want to see the long form MARRIAGE certificate. Now I’m not a wifer, but still, what is Romney hiding?

  3. RuhRoh says:

    There are some tried and true Romney Birthers who are also Obama Birthers. David Farrar is one, Gerry Nance is another. They truly believe that Romney is ineligible as they follow a theory that says George Romney was not actually a U.S. citizen (due to some imagined renunciation of U.S. citizenship by George’s parents). Nance and Farrar believe that NBC status is derived via the citizenship of one’s father. Nance actually said that there are only 19 (nineteen) NBCs in the U.S. at any given time.

    Personally, I think the bullshit attacks on Mitt Romney’s BC by anti-birthers are just that-bullshit. Stooping to the level of the idiots, bigots and political opportunists we’ve been fighting on the high road all these years does nothing but debase us and our arguments.

  4. Majority Will says:

    Who cares about his birth certificate? I want to see the long form MARRIAGE certificate. Now I’m not a wifer, but still, what is Romney hiding?

    You’re just asking questions.

  5. donna says:

    yesterday, i posted this one on another topic here

    Meet The Romney Birthers

    i was particularly struck by this paragraph:

    “I am a student of history,” she said, declining to give her last name because she worries about “the nuts online.” “I do not think ‘natural born’ is about where, but who… it is about protecting the interests of America. If Putin came over here 20 years ago, got some woman pregnant and she had a kid here and we find out his dad is Putin, imagine the crap that would hit the fan. Now put this back in the 1948 timeline when we really distrusted the Russians.”

  6. Thomas Brown says:

    I don’t know, RuhRoh… Being as objective as I can manage to be, Romney’s BC has a lot of hinky elements. And I can see why it would be fair to expect him to produce documentation equal to that which was demanded from BHO.

  7. Thomas Brown says:

    P.S. The only way we would be “stooping to the level of the idiots” would be if Romney produces documents as sound as BHO supplied and we refused to accept them based on bullshit objections and imaginary defects. Which we wouldn’t.

  8. Expelliarmus says:

    The Romney birthers seem to be those who buy into an extreme version of the 2-parent theory — they are hung up on the father-born-in-Mexico part. The birthers did such a good job of convincing themselves of the 2-parent thing that they just don’t know how to deal with that word “Mexico” on the Romney certificate. Plus, anti-immigration sentiment is particularly strong against Mexican immigrants — the idea that Romney’s grandfather could be a US citizen, move to Mexico & raise children there, with those children retaining full right as citizens is just a lot for them to wrap their head around.

    I’d also point out that the certificate released by Romney has all the same “flaws”– and more – that led birthers to reject Obama’s original COLB. All typed. No doctor’s signature. No hospital name. No visible raised seal. An image posted on the internet (not even a PDF)
    Plus — even worse than Obama’s — the word VOID printed in big letters on both sides, and the bottom of the certificate cut off from the released version.

    As Emerson said, ” A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

  9. donna says:

    i’m curious as to why trump hasn’t mentioned mitt’s “COLB” since he said a colb is worthless

    that you couldn’t use a colb to get a passport or a driver’s license

  10. RuhRoh says:

    Thomas Brown: I don’t know, RuhRoh… Being as objective as I can manage to be, Romney’s BC has a lot of hinky elements. And I can see why it would be fair to expect him to produce documentation equal to that which was demanded from BHO.

    This is why I’d never cut it in politics. 😉

    I personally do not see it as “fair” to produce ANYTHING. You are moving the goal posts.

    There is absolutely no requirement that a candidate produce a BC. The only reason you are even entertaining it is because Obama was pressured to release his, and this is exactly why Obama NEVER should have done so.

    This sort of crap is insidious., Obama produced his, so now in the next election cycle Romney feels he has to produce his, THIS WAS NEVER A REQUIREMENT, NOR SHOULD IT BE.

    And it’s exactly why Obama resisted for so long. It wasn’t simply because nothing could or will ever satisfy the birthers. It’s because this is not only utterly debasing, it forever changes how the POTUS campaign is played going forward. It sets a despicable precedent.

    Do you not see that?

  11. RuhRoh says:

    And I’m sorry if I sound bitchy. I don’t mean to be. But this topic does annoy me.

  12. RuhRoh says:

    donna: i’m curious as to why trump hasn’t mentioned mitt’s “COLB” since he said a colb is worthless that you couldn’t use a colb to get a passport or a driver’s license

    Donna, you know the answer to this.

  13. Scientist says:

    If Romney had firmly rejected Trump rather than standing beside him, I would feel more sympathy for him.

    As far as changing campaigns going forward, I suppose it may now and in the future be de rigeur to release a birth certificate. Just as it has become with tax return. I don’t know that that will really change anything though.

    I do agree Obama should never have released anything-not the COLB, nor the long form. If you look at the polls before and after the COLB, there was no impact-no one cared. I think the same was true with the long form, though it is hard to be certain since the bin Laden operation swamped any effect.

    While birtherism has provided endless entertainment, the actual impact, whether of the Obama or Romney variety has been nil. Ordinary people honestly don’t care who the President’s father was or where he was born, they care about his personal qualities. This makes perfect sense-if you were scheduled for brain surgery you would consider the surgeon’s training, experience and how he came across when you met him. I doubt you would ask where he was born or who his daddy was.

  14. RuhRoh says:

    Scientist, it will change things. It already has.

    And you’re incorrect that the BC releases didn’t change the polls.The release of the LFBC actually did significantly change the polls.

    I understand that you are operating from a center of logic. Unfortunately, that is not how elections have been managed for at least the last 20 years. Today, they are run on fear and innuendo.

    (And doc C, the edit function does not work properly, still. Windows 7 home edition, IE 9)

  15. RuhRoh says:

    What happened to the open thread being easy to find? Can’t find it.WND just seriously pimped Larry Sinclair with no reason.

  16. Majority Will says:

    What happened to the open thread being easy to find? Can’t find it.

    Under the masthead:
    Home • Visitor Guide • Bookmarks • Docket • Features • Open Thread • Contact

  17. RuhRoh says:

    Majority Will: Under the masthead:Home • Visitor Guide • Bookmarks • Docket • Features • Open Thread • Contact


  18. Scientist says:

    RuhRoh: The release of the LFBC actually did significantly change the polls.

    Since it happened a couple of days before bin Laden, how can you possibly say? I saw no change in appproval numbers of voting intentions in the few days between the LFBC and bin Laden’s death.

  19. G says:

    I agree with your assessment here on this issue.

    Prior to the LFBC release, I was firmly in the camp of thought that it shouldn’t be done on principle and that it shouldn’t make a difference, as there was nothing relevant that an LFBC would show, which would be different then the already released official COLB.

    However, that action *did* have an impact on the portion of the population susceptible to such things. I still feel that the LFBC release was ultimately unnecessary, but it did seem to kill off the “casual Birther-curious” out there – the ones who may have sincerely been hornswaggled by the con artists propaganda. Many of them were seriously satisfied and the whole event, followed by the immediate nonsense of WND’s protestations of fraud, just served to innoculate many of those folks against falling for such folly a second time.

    The hard-core Birthers (both “true believers” and con artist manipulators alike) are still there of course.

    But really, considering that Birtherism is only a manufactured controversy to cover for their real motives and beliefs, who seriously doubted that crowd would remain recalcitrant and just find new ways to double down on their slander, regardless…

    RuhRoh: Scientist, it will change things. It already has.
    And you’re incorrect that the BC releases didn’t change the polls.The release of the LFBC actually did significantly change the polls.
    I understand that you are operating from a center of logic. Unfortunately, that is not how elections have been managed for at least the last 20 years. Today, they are run on fear and innuendo.

  20. Majority Will says:

    WND just seriously pimped Larry Sinclair with no reason.

    Excerpt from one of the comments: ” . . . anything reported bad about Obama is good for the country.”

    This is what birther bigots tell themselves to justify their hypocrisy and lies.

  21. G says:

    All that shows is how desperate and pathetic WND is…

    They wallow in filth because they are filth…

    RuhRoh: What happened to the open thread being easy to find? Can’t find it.WND just seriously pimped Larry Sinclair with no reason.

  22. donna says:

    “Donna, you know the answer to this.”

    thanks for the ROAR

    lol yeah i sorta did

    Donald Trump: I Have a Great Relationship With “the Blacks”

    i guess that’s why one of the clubs he belongs to is “restricted”

  23. RuhRoh says:

    Scientist: Since it happened a couple of days before bin Laden, how can you possibly say? I saw no change in appproval numbers of voting intentions in the few days between the LFBC and bin Laden’s death.

    You. have. got. to . be . kidding.

    Now you sound like one of them.

    I can’t even entertain such nonsense with a response. You are not that stupid. You know how to find the answer and I suspect you already have.

    I guess my visits to this site will be even more infrequent as it has been invaded by …don’t even know how to classify you after that remark.

  24. Bob says:

    The bottom of Romney’s birth certificate is cut off. Is that because he doesn’t want us to see that the planet of Kolob issued it? Or perhaps it’s something worse.

  25. Rickey says:

    When considering Romney birthers, I don’t believe that we can overlook the Mormon angle. It has been demonstrated time and again that many birthers are also members of the Christian religious right, and those people tend to think very poorly of the LDS church. To them Romney is another outsider, just a different type of outsider than Obama.

    I know a liberal New York atheist who is terrified that Romney will win in November because a win by him will “legitimize” Mormonism, so anti-Mormon sentiment isn’t limited to the right.

    There is at least is some logic to the Rubio and Jindal birthers, because accepting those two as eligible would be a tacit acknowledgment that Obama is eligible.

  26. Joe Acerbic says:


    Personally, I think the bullshit attacks on Mitt Romney’s BC by anti-birthers are just that-bullshit. Stooping to the level of the idiots, bigots and political opportunists we’ve been fighting on the high road all these years does nothing but debase us and our arguments.

    You might need to crack open a dictionary and look up “parody”, “satire” and possibly also “lighten up”, unless of course you’re just concern trolling in which case congrats for doing it more subtly than most.

    All the serious Romney birthers are “conservative” and also Obama birthers.

  27. JPotter says:

    Rickey: There is at least is some logic to the Rubio and Jindal birthers, because accepting those two as eligible would be a tacit acknowledgment that Obama is eligible.

    … and admitting that this is not an inherently white, christian nation.

    I have come across numerous comments from Romney birthers since his birth certificate image surfaced (Did the Romney campaign ever acknowledge it?). If they are spoofs, they are very, very good spoofs. They have the lingo, paranoia, and hyperconcern down pat.

    Another thing I have noticed, is that Romney birthers seem to be without fail, Ron Pauligans. Are these old school Pauligans, now adopting the birther smear as a last-ditch desperate defense against eh inevitable (much as the Obama birthers began!), or are these a mixed bag of recently-converted, anything-but-Romney wingers?

    If, on the other hand, these are genuine omni-birthers …. then what are they to do come November, when asked to choose between “illegitimacies”? Will they suck it up? Stay home in protest? Drop the act and return to reality (at least until the election results come in)? And why haven’t they birf’d on Biden yet? Perhaps that is held in reserve against the possibility of Romney going Rubio or Jindal.

    If Romney make a safe, old, white, male pick, it will be a huge mistake, and you’ll know the birthers got to him! … and in doing so, handicapped his chances. Oops.

    I can see it now, Obama winning over the birthers with the slogan, “Hey, at least our side has one Real American on the Ticket!”

  28. misha says:

    Xyxox: Who cares about his birth certificate? I want to see the long form MARRIAGE certificate. Now I’m not a wifer, but still, what is Romney hiding?

    I wrote this before: When I lived in DC, I worked in an optical store owned by a Mormon. I went to his home, 5 minutes from my home in Montgomery County, MD, to learn their computer system.

    He had two wives. It was quite a topic at work, when he was not in the store.

    Mormons call them “sister wives.” Jews are honest – we call them “mistress.”

  29. misha says:

    RuhRoh: Stooping to the level of the idiots, bigots and political opportunists we’ve been fighting on the high road all these years does nothing but debase us and our arguments.

    We’re giving them a taste of their own medicine, like this:
    and this:

  30. misha says:

    Thomas Brown: And I can see why it would be fair to expect him to produce documentation equal to that which was demanded from BHO.

    I think it is perfectly reasonable to ask Romney to prove that he does not have unicorn DNA.

  31. Thomas Brown says:

    RuhRoh: This is why I’d never cut it in politics.

    I personally do not see it as “fair” to produce ANYTHING. You are moving the goal posts.

    There is absolutely no requirement that a candidate produce a BC. The only reason you are even entertaining it is because Obama was pressured to release his, and this is exactly why Obama NEVER should have done so.

    This sort of crap is insidious., Obama produced his, so now in the next election cycle Romney feels he has to produce his, THIS WAS NEVER A REQUIREMENT, NOR SHOULD IT BE.

    And it’s exactly why Obama resisted for so long. It wasn’t simply because nothing could or will ever satisfy the birthers. It’s because this is not only utterly debasing, it forever changes how the POTUS campaign is played going forward. It sets a despicableprecedent.

    Do you not see that?

    Oh indeed; your point is perfectly taken. I guess what I had in mind is a sort of Socratic-method schooling of the Birthers, in that the only way they would ever grasp the absurdity of their claims is by having them turned around on their candidate. Which is already happening to some extent, like Trump not being able now to claim COLBs are worthless, and many Birthers confronting questionable features in Romney’s document.

    That said, I cannot disagree with your point at all. In retrospect, perhaps BHO should have just told them all to suck it, and not shown the Birthers squat.

  32. misha says:

    donna: i’m curious as to why trump hasn’t mentioned mitt’s “COLB” since he said a colb is worthless – that you couldn’t use a colb to get a passport or a driver’s license

    Plus, it has “VOID” all over it. Take a wild guess.

  33. misha says:

    Bob: The bottom of Romney’s birth certificate is cut off…Or perhaps it’s something worse.

    Perhaps a note about his father’s sister wives?

  34. misha says:

    RuhRoh: don’t even know how to classify you after that remark.

    You may call me a tummler:

    An elderly man is in a shul. He says to the fellow next to him, “STD! At 81 !!” The other man replies, “So? AT&T at 18.”

  35. misha says:

    G: All that shows is how desperate and pathetic WND is…They wallow in filth because they are filth…

    Farah and Orly do not believe in democracy. Farah is a Phalangist, and Orly comes from Settlers flirting with fascism.

    Orly believes the only proper response to Stalin is the polar opposite – fascism.

  36. Scientist says:

    RuhRoh: You. have. got. to . be . kidding.
    Now you sound like one of them.
    I can’t even entertain such nonsense with a response. You are not that stupid. You know how to find the answer and I suspect you already have.
    I guess my visits to this site will be even more infrequent as it has been invaded by …don’t even know how to classify you after that remark.

    Would you mind explaining what you are talking about? All I am arguing is that the release of the LFBC, like that of the COLB, had no discernable effect on Obama’s poll standings. How is that offensive? If you have actual data that contradicts that, I am open to look at it. Really….

  37. JPotter says:

    RuhRoh: Can’t find it.WND just seriously pimped Larry Sinclair with no reason.

    Yeesh, Just a cattle prod for the Faithful, got to distract with a booster shot to innoculate them against knowledge the Esquire fail! When you have nothing, go back to the well. Pretty sick, and thanks for the head up.

    Rickey: When considering Romney birthers, I don’t believe that we can overlook the Mormon angle.

    I speculated before that the Romney’s BC, crooked and cropped, was surreptitiously scanned under duress, and smuggled out of the campaign. Is the crooked nature of this image the “Mormon angle” you refer to? Heh.

  38. The Magic M says:

    Scientist: All I am arguing is that the release of the LFBC, like that of the COLB, had no discernable effect on Obama’s poll standings.

    I think you and RuhRoh are talking about two different things – approval rates vs. polls about “do you have doubts where Obama was born?”. I believe the latter showed a significant drop after the LFBC release (something like 20%->10% or 10%->5% or so) whereas the former probably didn’t change much (at least not in a way that can factor out the bin Laden issue).

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