April 2011 press conference: Birther Edition

I was on vacation in the mountains of North Carolina with a lousy Internet connection on April 27, 2011, the day Obama rocked the birther world by releasing his long form birth certificate. I got the story in bits and pieces when the cell phone gods graced me with a few kilobytes. The story wasn’t all that clear as it was happening.

Birthers have their own problem communicating with the real world. ObamaSnippets.com has now given us some insight into what it’s like to be a birther, and how a birther heard that press conference of April 27.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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16 Responses to April 2011 press conference: Birther Edition

  1. brygenon says:

    It was 2011, not 2009.

  2. Paper says:

    For comparison purposes:

    April 27 2009 in 100 seconds

    April 27 2011 in 60 seconds (plus commercial)

  3. Arthur says:

    Egad! Doc made a typo! Why, no one ever makes typ[ing errors! Especially not data entry clerks at the SSA.

  4. The Magic M says:

    Even though it’s got “spoof” painted all over it, literally – in 6 months some birthers will go “I remember I saw a video where Obama admitted the BC is a forgery, it has been scrubbed now”.

    Because quite a few of them still believe that other spoof video where he says “I was born in Kenya” was real.

  5. The reason I found this video was that some birther was over at Foreign Policy Magazine yelling that Obama had admitted he was born in Kenya, and linking to an edited version of another ObamaSnippets videos. To make it plausible, he said that that 2009 video (that’s why I had 2009 on the brain) was really a remark he made while a Senator.

    The Magic M: Even though it’s got “spoof” painted all over it, literally – in 6 months some birthers will go “I remember I saw a video where Obama admitted the BC is a forgery, it has been scrubbed now”.

  6. Thrifty says:

    I love ObamaSnippets. I don’t visit that site nearly often enough.

  7. Keith says:

    Investors Business Daily:
    Don’t look now, but some birfoon is calling out Doc as a nutless wonder!


    Huh! That guy again? He’s complaining that Doc won’t address whether or not Obama used a ghost writer on his blog about eligibility conspiracies?

    Whether or not he used a ghost writer has no bearing on anything even remotely to do with eligibility conspiracies.

    The kook is just trying to get a rise; trolling from a distance.

  8. Majority Will says:

    Don’t look now, but some terribly desperate birther bigot is hit whoring for blog visits.

    Seriously, don’t look.

  9. G says:

    Yeah, that’s the depressing problem with political satire these days. It seems that the folks on the far right have difficulty grasping it as such, and while it might make us laugh, for them, it is simply seen as “real evidence” and quickly becomes part of their warped and angry mythologies…

    That has become such a problem these days that I can’t simply appreciate a lot of the these political satire efforts anymore, even though I completely realize them as such from the outset and can still find them amusing. It is just so obvious that they quickly become twisted and abused as fodder to further inflame and stroke the warped fantasies on the right, that I view a lot of it as quite irresponsible, under the current political climate. The RWNJ hate machine comes up with enough nonsense and lies on their own, that we don’t need to add further fuel to their rabid fires…


    The Magic M: Even though it’s got “spoof” painted all over it, literally – in 6 months some birthers will go “I remember I saw a video where Obama admitted the BC is a forgery, it has been scrubbed now”.Because quite a few of them still believe that other spoof video where he says “I was born in Kenya” was real.

  10. LW says:

    Majority Will:
    Don’t look now, but some terribly desperate birther bigot is hit whoring for blog visits.

    Seriously, don’t look.

    Now you tell me.

  11. G says:

    Agreed. *yawn*. What a pathetic goad for attention…

    Majority Will: Don’t look now, but some terribly desperate birther bigot is hit whoring for blog visits.Seriously, don’t look.

  12. SluggoJD says:

    LOLOLOL, hilarious!

  13. brygenon says:

    Egad! Doc made a typo! Why, no one ever makes typ[ing errors! Especially not data entry clerks at the SSA.

    Nice thing about the net and our host: Doc C can and does fix his.

  14. Just wanted to drop by and say, I appreciate you, Doc!
    I’m happy my silly videos amuse you. And thanks for sharing them with your friends.

    Have you seen my more recent work? I’ve started adding original soundtracks.
    I tried two faux 30 second campaign ads:

    and one song where Mr. Obama raps:
    I especially hoped the rap song would catch on, because it’s just a pro-America, feel-good kind of thing. It’s not even meant to be funny.

    Anyway, Doc, thanks again for your support.
    And you, too, Thrifty. Come back on over and visit!

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