Mississippi frees Obot attorney

Photo I found searching for Scott Tepper with Google ImagesOn October 18, the Committee on Professional Responsibility of the Mississippi Bar Association freed California attorney Scott J. Tepper from any suggestion of professional misconduct stemming from a Bar complaint filed by Orly Taitz. The Court said that the complaint was:

…deemed expunged and not considered a charge touching upon the conduct of the attorney.

Orly Taitz had previously filed a complaint with the California Bar against Tepper, a complaint that was likewise rejected.

This follows a pattern of Orly Taitz filing lawsuits and bar complaints against attorneys and even judges who oppose or rule against her. One lawsuit against two attorneys for the Indiana Attorney General’s office is still in process, but will likely be dismissed by the end of the week or early next week.

MS – Bar Letter Dismissing Taitz Complaint – 2012-10-18

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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14 Responses to Mississippi frees Obot attorney

  1. Thinker says:

    I see that the last line of that letter says, “Dismissed Bar Complaints cannot be appealed.” [egregious misuse of capital letters in original]. I guess this means that Orly will file an appeal soon.

  2. Bob says:

    Orly Taitz: Legal System Hooligan

  3. Clearly, Gary P. Snyder is a communist.

  4. LW says:

    misha marinsky:
    Clearly, Gary P. Snyder is a communist.

    Who will soon be filing operator’s permits with the NRC, per the standard pay (off) scale.

  5. US Citizen says:

    Orly complaining to the bar is like a drug dealer calling the cops because they just got ripped off.

  6. Larche says:

    When does Orly expect to file her lawsuit against Gary P. Snyder for dismissing her complaint?

  7. She is surely establishing a pattern as a vexatious litigant.

    Larche: When does Orly expect to file her lawsuit against Gary P. Snyder for dismissing her complaint?

  8. donna says:

    Mississippi Dems Lawyer, Sam Begley On Reality Check Radio

    Join us on R.C. Radio tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

    Special Guest: Sam Begley, attorney for the Democratic Party in Orly’s Mississippi ballot challenge case. R.C. Radio has its own chat room for your use!


  9. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Orly Taitz:Legal System Hooligan

    Orly Taitz. Cannot plead. Cannot bore. Slightly blonde. Can leer a little.

    [But Orly Taitz herself claims it actually said “Cannot plead. Cannot drill. Fair. Also bores.”]


    That is RKO, not RIKO.

  10. JPotter says:

    “After careful consideration ….”

    My emphasis. Everyone’s laughter.

    “Dismissed bar complaints cannot be appealed.”

    Ouch, that must burn Taitz’s triscuits!

  11. The Magic M says:

    Paul Pieniezny: That is RKO, not RIKO.

    “At the late night birther feature Orly show
    By RKO…”

  12. Northland10 says:

    JPotter: “Dismissed bar complaints cannot be appealed.”

    She rarely appeals but just keeps asking for reconsideration or trying to reopen it. She will probably add Mr. Snyder and the Bar association to her Taitz v the world case.

    What did you say? Taitz v. the world was dismissed? For average attorneys that would be a problem but not for Taitz. Nothing is ever over until she says its over (and sometimes not even then).

    Wingate better expect a TARSAMFSAPWAMTM. (Third ammended RICO statement and motions for sanctions against people who are mean to me).

  13. The Magic M says:

    Northland10: What did you say? Taitz v. the world was dismissed? For average attorneys that would be a problem but not for Taitz.

    Since people are being born every second, she can start over any day (now). 😉

  14. donna says:

    Mississippi Ballot Challenge: ‘Word Salad’

    Yesterday, the Mississippi Democratic Party Executive Committee filed a Reply In Support of its Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; following on the Mississippi Secretary of State’s submission on Monday of a Reply Brief Supporting Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings.

    Court documents courtesy of Jack Ryan’s Scribd:

    10/23/2012 53 REPLY to Response to Motion re 48 Response in Opposition to Motion, 18 Memorandum in Support of Motion, 15 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings, 47 Response in Opposition to Motion, 50 Attachment, 49 RICO Statement filed by Democrat Party of Mississippi


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