Obots abandon NC HQ after Taitz exposé

Orly Taitz and her intrepid band of followers has located what they believe is a hotbed of Obot activity in Durham, NC, located at a “Kenyan restaurant.” This came from an IP address on a comment [Link to Taitz web site] left at the Taitz blog:

I pity the court clerks who have to deal with the piles of  ****, that you refer to as filings, on a regular basis.  Only an uneducated and unethical idiot like you would think they are valid and worth reading.  They should be deposited in the nearest trash can upon arrival for they are worthless pieces of ****.

Get the **** out of the U.S., you deranged lunatic!!

Taitz, not noted for geographical accuracy in her IP address location and targeting innocent persons and mail exchange servers instead of the real commenter, came up with an interesting suspect, The Safari Cuisine Restaurant in Durham, NC, as shown in this 2007 photo:


It looks to me to be abandoned and one comment I found on the Internet suggests the restaurant is no longer in business. (I’ve found it really difficult to get accurate restaurant information on the Internet.) The street address Taitz gives for her IP address lookup isn’t quite the address of this restaurant, but it’s close enough for Taitz to jump to a conclusion.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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25 Responses to Obots abandon NC HQ after Taitz exposé

  1. JPotter says:

    A “Kenyan” restaurant??? Oh, brudder. I see my IP masking hasn’t failed me yet. I was really posting from here:


    Free Wi-Fi!

    What does Taitz expect? Her flying monkeys to do a driveby firebombing on their Hoverounds? She keeps ‘tracing’ IPs (I think she’s seen too many phone call “traces” on TV) and misidentifying targets. Has she inspired any actual harrassment yet? Spike Lee managed to do so by tweeting a misidentified address.

  2. Birther Weary says:

    What does Taitz expect? Her flying monkeys to do a driveby firebombing on their Hoverounds?

    That’s exactly what she expects them to do. Just like she expects them to harass (or worse) the people who she thinks have slighted her by posting their names, addresses, and phone numbers. She doesn’t even care if she’s identified the right person; just go get them for Orly, and we’ll work out the details later.

    How this human cancer has avoided notice of the CA State Bar for so long is a huge stain on whatever credibility they still retain.

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m not surprised Orly can’t grasp how the internet and IP addresses work.
    She blames random server hiccups on “hackers” who are “out to get her”.

    Also, Zephaniah Smith is quite photogenic, no?

    Speaking of Orly, I caught a fantastic tweet on the feed to the right of your page: “orly taitz sounds like a disease of the anus. in name, in life.”

  4. Rickey says:

    The phone numbers for the Safari Cuisine Restaurant (919-956-6460 & 919-680-2170) have been disconnected. Apparently it has been closed since 2006.


  5. Birther Weary says:

    The phone numbers for the Safari Cuisine Restaurant (919-956-6460 & 919-680-2170) have been disconnected. Apparently it has been closed since 2006.

    Orly will chalk that up as another victory.

  6. When I ran an IP trace, it showed a residential neighborhood in Apex, NC.

  7. Thrifty says:

    I lived in Durham for a year. It was the only year of my life that I didn’t live in Delaware or southeastern Pennsylvania. Worked for a year at a job that I was too young and unqualified for. It was kinda nice on the outskirts, kind of a craphole in the city center. The Duke University campus was pretty nice; I worked a few blocks away from there. Nearby Chapel Hill was a lot more picturesque, in my opinion. It reminded me a lot of the college town I grew up in.

    The job was an okay job, but I was underpaid (on account of I was only 23 and didn’t really know what I was worth or what independent living cost) and as I mentioned, unqualified. Still it was an interesting experience. It had been the first time I ever left the nest and struck out on my own.

    So this post makes me feel so nostalgic for what was a stressful, yet formative and certainly memorable year.

  8. Crustacean says:

    I’ve seen this tactic before – of “outing” the location of folks who write not-so-nice things on blogs. “Dr. Eowyn” (Fool of the Month, er I mean Fellowship of the Minds blog) likes to intimidate people like this. One poor dude imbedded his Facebook address with his post, and she posted a picture of his balding head, mocked him for it, and then listed all the sex offenders in the neighborhood around his trailer park. Ah, now that’s family values!

    A buddy of mine posted there (with a little dig about what a fine echo chamber they have), and she placed him about 100 miles from where he lives. So I guess intimidation of dissenters (I know where you aaaaaaare) and geographical ineptitude (no you dooooon’t) must be a package deal when you’re a deranged conspiracicst.

  9. Crustacean:
    I’ve seen this tactic before – of “outing” the location of folks who write not-so-nice things on blogs.“Dr. Eowyn” (Fool of the Month, er I mean Fellowship of the Minds blog) likes to intimidate people like this.One poor dude imbedded his Facebook address with his post, and she posted a picture of his balding head, mocked him for it, and then listed all the sex offenders in the neighborhood around his trailer park.Ah, now that’s family values!

    A buddy of mine posted there (with a little dig about what a fine echo chamber they have), and she placed him about 100 miles from where he lives.So I guess intimidation of dissenters (I know where you aaaaaaare) and geographical ineptitude (no you dooooon’t) must be a package deal when you’re a deranged conspiracicst.

    I’ve been the target of smear campaigns from both Sam Sewell and Tracy Fine. Neither got the majority of their information correct, though Sewell decided to try and get me fired by sending false and misleading emails to my workplace claiming a MENSA position he didn’t have.

    It’s rather pathetic actually

  10. Safe and Safari says:

    Yeah, I got out of there just in time. Good news, I got out with all the documents and forgery equipment. Just remember, we rendezvous per instructions in Craigslist.

  11. American Mzungu says:

    The Safari Cuisine restaurant closed more than six years ago. Although an online search will turn up old references to this restaurant, it is long gone. This address where this restaurant was once located is in the heart of downtown Durham. Within one block of this address you also can currently find the Durham Civic Center, The Armory (auditorium), the Durham Arts Performing Center, and the Marriott at the Civic Center. Within three blocks you can find the City Hall or the Sheriff’s Department. Doc says the address Orly gave on her website is not exactly the address where the Safari Cuisine restaurant was once located. Why leap back in time to find a Kenyan connection that doesn’t exist any more? Wouldn’t it make more sense to suspect the sender came from among the hundreds of thousands–even millions– of civic-minded, cultural-minded, business-minded, or tourist-minded people who may have been passed through this downtown area on the day in question? Let’s get real here. 🙂

  12. richcares says:

    isn’t birthermingle.com located in Durham? we know Orly is a member so what gives.

  13. Bob says:

    Birth Certificate Forgery Headquarters TXE Safari Cuisine Restaurant

  14. Thinker says:

    A Kenyan connection that doesn’t exist is the heart of birferism. If Taitz didn’t make a Kenyan connection that doesn’t exist, she’d just be a hate-filled, mentally ill, pseudo-cross-dressing, attention-whoring lunatic and mediocre dentist with no national reputation at all. Her life revolves around Kenyan connections that don’t exist.

    American Mzungu:
    Why leap back in time to find a Kenyan connection that doesn’t exist any more?

  15. Majority Will says:

    Birth Certificate Forgery Headquarters TXE Safari Cuisine Restaurant


    And those are the Greek letters Tau, Chi and Epsilon (TXE). The plot thickens. Call Jason Bourne.

  16. Safe and Safari: Just remember, we rendezvous per instructions in Craigslist.

    Otgay itway. Illway ollowfay oughthray.

  17. Northland10 says:

    I have wondered how she or he FMs come up with any specific address, especially on obviously dynamic IPs. I figure she is using a visual trace and assuming the pin in the center is the location. Depending on what service she uses, the results on a visual trace can be wildly different and encompass a 25 to 100 mile range.

  18. JPotter says:

    Northland10: I have wondered how she or he FMs come up with any specific address,

    By using the crazy math to translate IPs into lat/long 😉

  19. Foggy says:

    Today she filed a Motion for Default in the Mississippi federal court (Judge Wingate’s case). She thinks she’s got a default against Michael Astrue, the head of the Social Security Administration.

    Meanwhile, Fogbow was offline for 11 hours today while I migrated it to my new hosting company, ServInt.

    Orly noticed that and put in her motion (and press release) that us RICO conspirators had taken Fogbow offline to destroy evidence of us bein’ complicit in treason and usurperating and stuff.

    My reputation is shattered, boo hoo.

  20. American Mzungu says:

    Foggy: Meanwhile, Fogbow was offline for 11 hours today while I migrated it to my new hosting company, ServInt.
    Orly noticed that and put in her motion (and press release) that us RICO conspirators had taken Fogbow offline to destroy evidence of us bein’ complicit in treason and usurperating and stuff.

    Yesterday you warned the posters and readers that Fogbow would be down for 24 hours or more while you migrated the site to a new hosting company. Yet you accomplished this in 11 hours instead of the promised 24 plus. Could it be that Orly blew the whistle on your planned scrubbing of ebidense of treason and userperating and stuff and you caved? You decided not to scrub and you just started up the site again without changes? Please explain what happened to the missing 13 hours!

    And how close are you located to downtown Durham? And do you eat Kenyan food often?

  21. US Citizen says:

    Sounds like they’re “fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud.”

  22. Slartibartfast says:

    I think I may have eaten at that restaurant while I was in grad school — does that count as a predicate REEK-O act under OrlyLaw?

  23. Crustacean says:

    Can anyone explain to me why, when I view the offending comment via the above link to Taitz’s Web site, everything but the “deranged lunatic” phrase is contained within a tiny scroll window? Does anyone else see this? Am I using the wrong browser to view Taitz’s blog? Is there some kind of Taitz-compatible browser, or an Orly Upgrade I can download?

    Maybe the answer to my question is simply, “because she’s a deranged lunatic.”

  24. The Magic M says:

    US Citizen: Sounds like they’re “fishing for gold coins in a bucket of mud.”

    Unlike birthers who are fishing for mud coins in a bucket of gold.

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