Taitz: California Supreme Court will hear my case (not)

Orly writes [Link to Taitz web site]:

After originally refusing to hear the case under the original jurisdiction, Supreme Court of California was persuaded by Attorney and Candidate for the U.S. Senate Dr. Orly Taitz to take on a case Noonan, Judd, MacLaren, Taitz v Bowen under the provisions of the California Constitution, which allow Supreme Court of California to hear special cases under the Original Jurisdiction.

I doubt that the California Supreme Court has actually agreed to hear the case. Orly appears to base her statement on the appearance of the case on the Court docket and the assignment of a case number (S207078). The docket entry shows the status of the case as “case initiated.” I looked at some other recent cases were accepted according to the Weekly Case Summaries and the docket case status for those was “review granted.” I also made up several case numbers numerically higher than Orly’s case and those cases (dated this week) also said “case initiated,” and there were far more of them than the number of cases the California Supreme Court usually accepts.

Orly’s complaint says that there was massive voter fraud in California (there wasn’t) and that Obama is not eligible to be President (he is). Both of those allegation require evidence to prove, and as far as I know, appellate courts don’t try facts. Even if the Court decided to accept the case, they would have to send it to a Superior Court to try the facts, and a lower court has already heard the same allegations and dismissed them (Taitz v. Obama  Orange County Superior Court case 30-2012-00582135) saying that stuff copied from the Internet is not evidence. Orly filed a Notice of Appeal in that case also.

Orly certainly has an optimistic headline to that story:

Breaking news! Supreme Court of CA to rule whether Obama should be declared illegitimate for theU.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number. Loss of 55 CA electoral votes will certainly mean new elections in the U.S.

One of her supporters said “Checkmate!” New elections? I can’t even begin to imagine what Constitutional justification could exist for something like that.

In the mean time, Taitz racks up frequent filer points.


As of today, the California Supreme Court web site indicates that the case is “closed.”


About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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50 Responses to Taitz: California Supreme Court will hear my case (not)

  1. Paul says:

    “In the mean time, Taitz racks up frequent filer points. ”

    …thanks to the ignorant generosity of her flying monkeys

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I love it when she tricks herself into thinking she’s finally “winning”. It makes that moment when reality beats her in the face with a shovel, all the more delicious!

  3. Scientist says:

    Actually, if you took 55 EVs away from Obama and gave them to Romney, Obama would still win 277- 261. So, no new election.

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Math, among most other things, isn’t her strong suit.

  5. Rickey says:

    This reminds me of how the birthers got all hot and bothered when Berg’s first appeal was docketed at SCOTUS and the docket showed that a response was due by December 1, 2008. The birthers were all abuzz that Obama was going to have to show up on December 1 with his birth certificate in hand.

    Any appeal which is properly filed gets docketed. It means nothing.

  6. ASK Esq says:

    She’s not just saying they’ll hear her, she’s saying they’ll rule on it. The guy with the starting pistol is still in the men’s room, and she’s ten meters down the track already.

    BTW, among her evidence is her claim that Kenyan Minister of Health James Orenga made a statement attesting to Obama’s birth there. Never mind that James Orengo was the Minister of Lands, and thus not in a position of responsibility over vital records. Orly seems incapable of filing anything with the courts without at least one lie.

  7. donna says:


    OBAMA 50.96%

    MITT 47.32%

    OBAMA’S MARGIN: + 4,674,734

    36 states have certified their votes

    mitt LOVES the 47%

  8. ObiWanCannoli says:

    Do the CA courts have the power to disbar and/or revoke Orly’s law license for filing frivolous lawsuits? Or, at the least, can a judge force her to file the complaints to a review panel first before docketing/assigning them to a judge/court?

    There has to be checks and balances; otherwise, the abuse of the judiciary will continue unabated. My theory is that most courts allow the likes of Orly to continuously file frivolous suits so the judges and the court staff have the job security. Funding for the courts largely depends on the caseload. I heard judges losing their jobs due to lack of funding.

  9. nbc says:

    Orly continues to be clueless about court procedures and after countless legal failures, she still believes that ‘this time will be different’…

    Funny, repeating the same thing and expecting a different outcome.

  10. donna says:


    29 PAGE Taitz State Bar Complaint from 09


  11. LW says:

    Paul: “In the mean time, Taitz racks up frequent filer points. ”

    …thanks to the ignorant generosity of her flying monkeys

    The Doc was making with the mad punz, there.

    At this rate, she’s pretty much a shoo-in to get to meet Sam Elliott Alito in the new film Way, Way, Wayyyy Up in the Air.

  12. Keith says:

    ObiWanCannoli: Do the CA courts have the power to disbar and/or revoke Orly’s law license for filing frivolous lawsuits?

    The courts don’t disbar, the Bar Association does.

    I have not been able to find any rule in the California Bar Association rules that allows them to disbar anyone for anything short of murdering the judge in a case about whether or not the lawyer in question has stolen money from their client.

    And that is only a very, very, very slight exaggeration. The California Bar rules is the poster boy for “Toothless Tiger”. Judging from the quality of the people that are able to pass “the toughest exam in the country”, they must have used lawyers from another state to put the rules together.

  13. JPotter says:

    Ever unreasonably positive and unreasonably negative. It’s a wonder she hasn’t killed anyone yet. She hasn’t …. has she?

  14. Paul says:

    …she hasn’t killed anyone yet. She hasn’t …. has she?

    I say she needs to prove she HASN’T! HAahahAHAHhAH!@!@#

  15. They can do the latter. See my article:


    ObiWanCannoli: Do the CA courts have the power to disbar and/or revoke Orly’s law license for filing frivolous lawsuits? Or, at the least, can a judge force her to file the complaints to a review panel first before docketing/assigning them to a judge/court?

  16. The Magic M says:

    ASK Esq: The guy with the starting pistol is still in the men’s room, and she’s ten meters down the track already.

    An equally good analogy would be: The winner has already been awarded the Gold medal and Orly is still in the locker room thinking she can still win if she is only allowed to run.

  17. Thomas Brown says:

    The Magic M: …Orly is still in the locker room thinking she can still win if she is only allowed to run.

    …and if she can find her shoes and locate the door.

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Half tempted to tell Orly that the proof she needs is at the bottom of a swimming pool in the form of a scratch and sniff sticker.

  19. Birther Weary says:

    Orly’s complete lack of understanding about how the court system works remains at 100%.

  20. Rickey says:

    It took two days for the California Supreme Court to deny Orly’s petition.


  21. Thrifty says:

    It took two days for the California Supreme Court to deny Orly’s petition.

    Poor Orly. She was so excited about this one too. I’d feel sorry for her if she weren’t such a generally horrible person.

  22. bgansel9 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I love it when she tricks herself into thinking she’s finally “winning”. It makes that moment when reality beats her in the face with a shovel, all the more delicious!

    And yet she falls for this type of stuff repeatedly, over and over again. Such fun!

  23. MattR says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I love it when she tricks herself into thinking she’s finally “winning”. It makes that moment when reality beats her in the face with a shovel, all the more delicious!

    It is like she is simultaneously both Lucy holding the football and Charlie Brown trying to kick it.

  24. nbc says:

    Rickey: It took two days for the California Supreme Court to deny Orly’s petition.

    And her press release insisted that they would address the issue… Did she misunderstand?

  25. Rickey says:

    nbc: And her press release insisted that they would address the issue… Did she misunderstand?

    Orly misunderstand? Perish the thought!

  26. I left the following comment at Orly’s?

    I guess you know by now that the California Supreme Court has decided not to accept your case. The docket status is now “case closed.”

    Will you tell your supporters how you jumped the gun and said that the Court would hear it, when all that happened was that they gave it a number, just like all the other cases they get, most of which they do not accept?

    I signed up for email status notifications on the case, and the notice arrived this afternoon at 3:58 PM that the new status was: “Petition for writ of mandate/prohibition & application for stay denied.”

    It looks like someone knew earlier, posting this comment at Orly’s at 6:49 AM this morning:

    So silly. Slam dunk. Dismissed. Once again, the listing is only to pass the garbage through the Court digestive system. It’s gotta go thru, so it can be passed.

  27. Lani says:

    I love the swift smack down. She ranted against the clerk who tried to save face for her, plus the filing cost, accusing him/her of treason. So the Court relented, let her file and pay, and then delivered the to-be-expected rejection. She will never understand that the clerk was doing her a favor.

  28. Good point Lani. I guess that is another $710 she will go beg from her supporters.

  29. James M says:

    Too bad, I was hoping to see another live courtroom drama where Birthers showed up in the single digits.

  30. The Magic M says:

    Thomas Brown: …and if she can find her shoes and locate the door.

    Orly is the only person who actually manages to miss the floor when standing up. 😉

  31. Thrifty says:

    Some of the comments are toxicly stupid.

    From “Microsinger” addressing the possibilities of Romney, Boehner, or Biden becoming president.

    Biden: if Obama is found ineligible and removed from office *after* January 21st, the vice president succeeds to the position of President.

    Romney: if Obama is found ineligible and removed from office *before* January 21st, the vice president succeeds to the position of President until a new election has been run. If Romney wins such an election, he becomes President (the Democratic candidate might still win, of course).

    Boehner: if Obama is removed from office and Biden is also found ineligible (note: the argument “running on a fraudulent ticket” does not have any merits), the Speaker succeeds to the position of President until a new election has been run. (see Romney case above for continuation)

    I’m wondering if Microsinger realizes that the new election would be run on schedule in 2016, and that there is no provision for any kind of off-year emergency election.

    From Miki Booth:

    Orly, Pamela and All,
    I did not know this and don’t know what to do with this information. I have been extremely marginalized since Yahoo compromised and then disabled my account. All the best to you, my heroes.
    FROM ROGER SHARP (Facebook)
    Miki get this info to your people who can do something about this. Article II Sec 1 Para 3 first sentence. “Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot FOR TWO PEOPLE…” Did you catch that vote for TWO PEOPLE FOR PRESIDENT !!! The two people ARE NOT a President and V.P. !!!! The two people HAVE TO BE for the position of President. There are only 2 States I believe that actually vote properly. By and large this year’s group of electors will only vote for one and they will only submit one name. That is NOT CONSTITUTIONAL and voids ANY States’s electorial votes in the electorial college not following the approved Constitutional method of selecting a President. A challenge can be made immediately after the opening of the ballots and have everyone of the States ballots voided for incorrect voting.

    I pointed out to Miki that this is obsolete and that we haven’t run a presidential election this way for 212 years.

    I’m no lawyer, but at least I know the basics of the Constitution. For people who go on and on about Obama disrespecting the Constitution, they sure don’t know much about it.

  32. ASK Esq says:

    Thrifty: I pointed out to Miki that this is obsolete and that we haven’t run a presidential election this way for 212 years.

    Well, if this doesn’t work, I’m sure Miki will try to find something in the Articles of Confederation that will help.

  33. Kevin says:

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office. If you, or I, faked out social security number, we would not get anywhere near being on a ballot. Same thing if we were born of a foriegner. Look at Arnold S. He can never be the president. Well, maybe that has changed due to people like you that keep LOVING Obama…. Or, is it really Obama? No records show that he ever legally changed his name. I give you 5 yrs to apoligize to Romney.

  34. nbc says:

    Kevin: You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office

    ROTFL… Yes, we have heard that now for over 4 years, and almost 200 lawsuits later, we now know from his long form birth certificate that indeed he was born on US soil.

    As to apologizing to Romney 🙂 Why apologize for him losing against a President in an economic downturn. President Obama outplayed Romney and brought home every battle state but North Carolina.

    Quite a leader…

    As to faked SSN, the number has been assigned to him from the earliest days and there is NO evidence that the SSN number is fake.

  35. roadburner says:

    Kevin: You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office. If you, or I, faked out social security number, we would not get anywhere near being on a ballot. Same thing if we were born of a foriegner. Look at Arnold S. He can never be the president. Well, maybe that has changed due to people like you that keep LOVING Obama…. Or, is it really Obama? No records show that he ever legally changed his name. I give you 5 yrs to apoligize to Romney.


    the SS# thing has bitten the dust. susan daniels got her FOAD letter explaining why. it’s on scribd, so check it out.

    arnold schwartzenegger cannot be president because he is a naturalised citizen having been born in austria and having no parent being a u.s. citizen to give him u.s. citizenship when born in austria.

    your president was born in hawaii and is NBC and therefore eligable.

    you are right about one thing – there are no records to show that your president changed his name from barack hussein obama II, so it looks like you’re making progress.

    eating crow?…hmmmm……better ask the birfoons about that as they’re very familiar with the taste after 170 cases and 2 elections, but you never know! any. day. now!

  36. Majority Will says:

    Kevin: faked out social security number

    Then you should have no problem naming the person for whom the SSN number was intended. And what exactly is the motive?

    You can’t have identity theft by SSN number without an actual victim.

    Incredible birther stupidity got your tongue?
    Are you dashing off to birther cesspools like WND to search out their lies for this one?
    Let me know how that turns out.

    Foreign-Born President Amendment Sought

    “Several measures have been introduced in Congress, including a joint resolution by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, which proposes a constitutional amendment that would extend eligibility for the presidency to immigrants who have held U.S. citizenship for at least 20 years.” (Published November 30, 2004)

    (Source is FOX News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,139952,00.html#ixzz2Eg0rcnPQ)

    Do you know what R means in R-Calif. and R-Utah?

    No records show that he ever legally changed his name from Obama to anything else. You got one thing right.

    I’ll give you thirty years to figure out how to spell the words foreigner and apologize. I’ve even graciously given you a head start with a couple of clues.

  37. EPU says:

    A lot depends upon that word “when.”

    In the event of such a day, may I invite you over for dinner? I wouldn’t want you to miss out on witnessing it.

    In the meantime, as others have spoken to the details of your post, bon appetit!

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out.

  38. J.D. Reed says:

    Kevin: You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office. .

    And you’re sure of this, exactly how? How will what you perceive to be the truth come out?
    The electors will a week from today validate Obama’s victory, and next month the Congress will accept the electoral college results, and on Jan. 20 Mr. Obama will be sworn in to a second term
    (BTW, looks like he will become only the sixth president in U.S. history to win at least 51 percent of the popular vote in consecutive elections. FYI, the others were Eisenhower, FDR [four in a row in his case], McKinley, Grant and Jackson.)
    Don’t be like other birthers and post some generality that essentially claims that “everybody is out of step but us birthers”, but accept John Milton’s challenge: “I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. ” (from the Areopigatica)

    If you can’t specifically say how you think what you deem the truth will be made manifest to all, you’re one of those that Milton identifies as having “fugitive and cloistered virtue” because you’re not willing to grapple with those of opposing views, by stating unequivocally what you believe will reverse the long losing streak of Team Birther.

  39. Daniel says:

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office. If you, or I, faked out social security number, we would not get anywhere near being on a ballot. Same thing if we were born of a foriegner. Look at Arnold S.He can never be the president. Well, maybe that has changed due to people like you that keep LOVING Obama…. Or, is it really Obama? No records show that he ever legally changed his name. I give you 5 yrs to apoligize to Romney.

    You seem to be under the mistaken impression that all anti-birthers are Obama supporters. In truth about half of anti-birthers are like me, Republicans who didn’t vote for Obama.

    One does not have to be an Obama supporter to oppose the sedition that is birtherism

  40. Thomas Brown says:

    Kevin: The president is not eligible to be in office.

    This may help:

    Purpura v. Obama (New Jersey 2012) ruling:

    “No court, federal, state or administrative, has accepted the challengers’ position that Mr. Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” due to the acknowledged fact that his father was born in Kenya and was a British citizen by virtue of the then applicable British Nationality Act. Nor has the fact that Obama had, or may have had, dual citizenship at the time of his birth and thereafter been held to deny him the status of natural born. It is unnecessary to reinvent the wheel here. … The petitioners’ legal position on this issue, however well intentioned, has no merit in law.”

  41. Northland10 says:

    On a related note, it would appear that Edward Noonan actually has a page on Wikipedia since he did hold a state chair position. However, the last paragraph about his eligibility lawsuit was written by Ed Noonan himself. Though factual in a general sense, the tone sounds like that of a Birther (i.e. The birth certificate that the Obama White House had posted on the official website had been declared a bogus document and a forgery by Sherriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona and other attornies throughout the United States).

    Having said this, I have a feeling this might get updated soon with a more, neutral sounding point of view.


  42. JPotter says:

    Kevin: You will all eat crow when the truth comes out.

    Please tell me you’re holding your breath?

    5 years to apologize to rMoney …. what’s the significance of 5 years? And if he isn’t apologized to, what then? …. and why apologize in the first place … ?

  43. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office. If you, or I, faked out social security number, we would not get anywhere near being on a ballot. Same thing if we were born of a foriegner. Look at Arnold S.He can never be the president. Well, maybe that has changed due to people like you that keep LOVING Obama…. Or, is it really Obama? No records show that he ever legally changed his name. I give you 5 yrs to apoligize to Romney.

    Hmmm crow eating? It’s funny how birthers have yet to eat crow on any of the lies they’ve told. Obama is eligible for the office after 2016 he no longer will be. His social isn’t fake. It’s the one the SSA issued to him in 1977. It was Republicans who were trying to pass amendments so Arnold could run or Henry Kissinger. You’re right he never legally changed his name it has always been Barack Hussein Obama. Romney should apologize to us all for his poor excuse for a campaign. The Republican party should apologize to the country for throwing in the towel and picking Romney.

  44. I started the process with a note on the Talk page.

    Northland10: Having said this, I have a feeling this might get updated soon with a more, neutral sounding point of view.

  45. ASK Esq says:

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. The president is not eligible to be in office. If you, or I, faked out social security number, we would not get anywhere near being on a ballot. Same thing if we were born of a foriegner. Look at Arnold S.He can never be the president. Well, maybe that has changed due to people like you that keep LOVING Obama…. Or, is it really Obama? No records show that he ever legally changed his name. I give you 5 yrs to apoligize to Romney.

    Anyone know how long you can keep crow in the freezer before you have to throw it out? Beacuse the birthers have been storing the crow they expect us to eat for four years now, and I have a feeling it is no longer fit for human consumption. So I guess if they want to eat it, that would be fine.

  46. Keith says:

    ASK Esq: Anyone know how long you can keep crow in the freezer before you have to throw it out?

    No, but there is this: Masterchef Recipe: Dead Crow

  47. The Magic M says:

    Kevin: You will all eat crow when the truth comes out. […] No records show that he ever legally changed his name. I give you 5 yrs to apoligize to Romney.

    Yes, any day now…

    What records show you ever legally changed *your* name from “Saddam Satan Airbender” to “Kevin Birther”?

    And why the 5 years? Has “any day now” been postponed that long? What a disappointment! All my precious marching frogs aren’t gonna make it!

  48. Rickey says:

    No records show that he ever legally changed his name.

    You are correct. He was born Barack Hussein Obama II, and there are no records to show that he ever legally changed his name.

  49. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out.

    And just when will that be, hmm?
    You should get a doctor to look at that case of anydaynowitis you’ve contracted. Next time you’ll know to use protection!

  50. Daniel says:

    You will all eat crow when the truth comes out.


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