The occasional open thread: impaired memory edition

Put your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. Comments on this thread will close in two weeks.

Sorry, I forgot to put up the new open thread on time.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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185 Responses to The occasional open thread: impaired memory edition

  1. ObiWanCannoli says:

    I know this all along that Orly is actually an Obama operative (Obot) and has been trying hard to undermine the real birthers and their effort to unseat the usurper. This is directly from the one and the only investigator and the former used car salesman, Zullo.

  2. richCares says:

    Argument from authority (appeal to authority) is very common on the right, they feel it gives credulity to their stance. “Many scientist say..” , All Doctors agree”…”,”Lt Zullo says..” are all examples of this. These things are accepted without question, whether it’s Birtherism, Evolution or Religion. An example: a few birthers discussing Zullo, they all made special notation of him being a Lt (i.e. Lt. Columbo”, what a joke!

  3. roadburner says:

    a very apt title for the opem thread doc, as the recycling of long debunked memes by the neo-birfoons seems to be reaching a peak.

    it’s so amusing that they all seem to be having an `AHA!’ moment and have a smoking gun, and you point them back to 2009 when the smoke turned out to be from an extinguished match.

  4. Arthur says:

    ObiWanCannoli: I know this all along that Orly is actually an Obama operative (Obot) and has been trying hard to undermine the real birthers and their effort to unseat the usurper.

    There is an article up at ORYR about this. Isn’t it strange that such fine and totally not mentally ill people as birthers would be condemning each other for fault-finding?

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh, I love birther in-fighting.
    Seeing all that ugly being turned against itself.

  6. alg says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    ‘Oh, I love birther in-fighting.
    Seeing all that ugly being turned against itself.”

    Like vultures feeding on what remains of their market share

  7. Bob says:

    My favorite Birther vs. Birther moment was when some man was allegedly beat up trying to convince Arpaio to honor one of Orly’s “subpoenas.”

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Orly is back to going “Harass your local law enforcement officers, and DEMAND they do my bidding! SCREEEEEEEEEEECH!”
    I responded with a very blunt question along the lines of: “So by your logic, if I can get enough people to phone your local sheriff’s office, and DEMAND that the police officers give you a royal beating, before throwing you in a jail cell, then they HAVE to do it, right?”

    Though, I have admit that playing mind games with her is a bit like getting in a fudge eating contest with a diabetic.

  9. Black Lion says:

    So folks…The American Stinker magazine is back with some new fake analysis…Fake expert Nick Chase makes some new claims about the Long form BC….More birther nonsense…

    “The public was essentially told that Hawaii Department of Health officials took a bound volume of original paper 1961 birth certificates, turned to Obama’s, placed it on the copier, copied it onto green security paper, stamped and embossed-sealed it, and then delivered it to Obama’s lawyer to be flown back to Washington. In which case, the image on my bumper sticker, a copy of the digital PDF “birth certificate” released on April 27, 2011 by the White House, and which the president declared to be his long-form birth certificate, must be fake — because near the left margin, especially at the top of the document, the text and lines of the form bend downward (to simulate the bending of the page near the binding). It’s impossible for a copier to do that bending.

    This is the point at which I would usually be dismissed as a madman — a conservative nut-job. But since you are still reading this, I presume that you are interested in knowing just why this is impossible.”

  10. Nero says:

    Its an old birther meme, but I’ve been surprised at how little there is written on the meaning of the words “…or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify,…” in the 20th Amendment. How exactly can a president-elect fail to qualify?
    The birther meme is that Barack Obama has “failed to qualify” when he was president-elect and Congress has the right to remove him and appoint a new president.

  11. JPotter says:

    Black Lion: because near the left margin, especially at the top of the document, the text and lines of the form bend downward

    Oh my, it’s a complete reboot of PDF Madness …. obsessing over what FAUX Business was distracted over the afternoon of 4/27/11!

    Wow, going back to that clip, the number of birfer memes being heard live on cable, on after another, rapid fire … wow, times have changed.

    And this guy says he has a copier, not merely a scanner, in his house?

  12. Hermitian says:

    JPotter: Black Lion: because near the left margin, especially at the top of the document, the text and lines of the form bend downward
    Oh my, it’s a complete reboot of PDF Madness …. obsessing over what FAUX Business was distracted over the afternoon of 4/27/11!
    Wow, going back to that clip, the number of birfer memes being heard live on cable, on after another, rapid fire … wow, times have changed.
    And this guy says he has a copier, not merely a scanner, in his house?

    From the forensic report:

    Expertreportof: IvanZatkovich
    Produceonbehalfof: April29,2011

    “How Hawaii produces the “Green copy” of a Birth Certificate

    “A representative of the Hawaii Department of Health described how the copy of the Obama Birth Certificate was produced. She stated that the copy of Obama’s birth certificate was produced by taking the original paper birth certificate, which was black printing on white paper. The original is then placed on the photocopy machine and that image is copied onto green ‘safety paper’. That green copy is then stamped, dated and signed by the State Registrar.

    “That Hawaii Department of Health stated that they had nothing to do with producing the PDF, and directed me to the White House for all such questions.”

    HDOH used a copier Dumbski !

    Lots of people have their office at home. Especially journalists.

  13. Welsh Dragon says:

    Nero: Its an old birther meme, but I’ve been surprised at how little there is written on the meaning of the words “…or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify,…” in the 20th Amendment. How exactly can a president-elect fail to qualify?

    I posted on this a couple of years ago after perusing the records of the committee that drafted the amendment. It wasn’t crystal clear but they seemed to have in mind two scenarios –

    1) the president-elect was unable to take office due to illness, incapacity or kidnapping etc;

    2) no-one had a majority in the Electoral College and the House had not yet selected a president.

    There was no mention of age, residency or whether the president elect was a NBC.

  14. Hermitian says:

    Read ’em and weep Obots !

    “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial

    Stick a fork in them. The MSM is dead !

  15. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    Black Lion: So folks…The American Stinker magazine is back with some new fake analysis…Fake expert Nick Chase makes some new claims about the Long form BC….More birther nonsense…

    So I went and read his analysis. Then I looked at the right corner of my desk. I am an engineer, and my current project is to perform an analysis of an existing system to generate some safety labels for the equipment. As part of this, I have copies of the equipment safety testing reports. These reports were gathered in a single bound volume. In order to get copies, we took the bound volume to a copier and copied it onto plain white bond paper.

    Keep in mind that I observed the entire copying procedure.

    As I look now at the first page copied, this is what I see: most of the page is a white background, with well-defined text and lines, though some of the cells have a dot-matrix grey fill. On the right hand side, the edge of the page can be seen, followed by several lines representing the remaining pages, with a black background where there are no pages. On the left, it gets really interesting. There is a grey gradient that darkens to a line, where the edge of the previous page can be (with a corresponding gradient). Near the center of the edge, there are no curved lines, but as you go further from this point, the lines increasingly curve. The text in the grey zone curves with the lines, and is not blurred. It is quite legible, in fact, and in the darker grey areas, there even appears to be a white halo around the lines and text! (I’m pretty sure the halo is actually caused by the dithering used to create the grey-scale effect)

    So, do I have to sue my client for providing me with a forged safety report? Or does Nick just have a shitty copier?

  16. OT: N Carolina has voted to ban sales of Tesla cars, including buying one from their website. N Carolina has also voted to regulate sale of cereal:

    Also, electric cars are dangerous:

  17. And why is Enumclaw a reliable source of ratings? I’ve never even heard of Enumclaw, Washington (pop. 10,904), before. I wonder if they are more objective than the Greeley Gazette?

    Can you spell “confirmation bias?”

    Hermitian: “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial

    Stick a fork in them. The MSM is dead !

  18. Dr. Conspiracy: I’ve never even heard of Enumclaw, Washington (pop. 10,904), before.

    You’re not missing anything. 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources

    2. World Net Daily


  19. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    And why is Enumclaw a reliable source of ratings? I’ve never even heard of Enumclaw, Washington (pop. 10,904), before. I wonder if they are more objective than the Greeley Gazette?

    Can you spell “confirmation bias?”

    Or the esteemed Canada Free Press? 😛

    Re: Judi McLeod

    Conservative writer Kevin Michael Grace has described McLeod’s writing as that of an “emotionally incontinent ninth grader,” while Toronto Star columnist Antonia Zerbisias describes her as “eccentric” and the Canada Free Press as a “whacko news site.”

  20. Rickey says:

    Read ‘em and weep Obots !

    “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial

    Stick a fork in them.The MSM is dead !

    Enumclaw’s chief claim to fame is the fact that a man died there in 2005 while having sex with a horse

    I do find it curious that the editorial is dated March 20, 2013 and all but three of the comments are dated between 12/31/12 and 1/17/13.

  21. Arthur says:

    Hermitian: Read ‘em and weep Obots !

    I’m weeping all right . . . with laughter.

  22. The Alabama Democratic Party has filed an opposition to Klayman’s motion to strike. Footnotes 4 and 5 are particularly interesting.

  23. Rickey: Enumclaw’s chief claim to fame is the fact that a man died there in 2005 while having sex with a horse

    “Deputies don’t believe a crime occurred because bestiality is not illegal in Washington state and the horse was uninjured, said Urquhart.”

    Har, har, har.

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Show of hands if you think the birthers will try to pin the tornadoes hitting Oklahoma and other states on Obama, as a “false flag operation”? *raises hand*

  25. Rickey says:

    Reality Check:
    The Alabama Democratic Party has filed an opposition to Klayman’s motion to strike. Footnotes 4 and 5 are particularly interesting.

    Fascinating reading. I can hardly wait to hear birther John’s take on it.

  26. donna says:

    thanks Reality Check

    hysterical: “Virtually none of the information contained in the affidavit is admissible or credible, except where the affiant admits that he is a “former” law enforcement officer and not acting with any legitimate legal authority. The Appellants have gone from relying on the unsubstantiated, unverified and politically-biased beliefs of one county sheriff out of 3,000 such sheriffs in America, to relying on the unsubstantiated, uncorroborated, politically-biased beliefs of one private citizen out of 313 million such private citizens in this country” (p. 6-7)

    best laugh of the day

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Rickey: Fascinating reading. I can hardly wait to hear birther John’s take on it.

    Birther John ate some rare candy and evolved into Scott E.

  28. DryInk says:

    Read ‘em and weep Obots !

    “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial

    Stick a fork in them.The MSM is dead !

    Here’s a little bit more on WND’s “major award”:

  29. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Did I say “rare candy”? I meant urinal cake.

  30. donna says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG

    isn’t this (McInnish v. Chapman) supposed to be the win of a lifetime? they have a cavalcade of “startz” in on this one

  31. Northland10 says:

    Read ‘em and weep Obots !

    “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial

    Stick a fork in them.The MSM is dead !

    Your news source appears to be a blog connected to a group call Sound Doctrine Church. The actual newspaper in that town has some more information.

    You hit a home run on that one.

  32. Northland10 says:

    Rickey: Fascinating reading. I can hardly wait to hear birther John’s take on it.

    I think… It is believed… Followed by fractal wrongness.

  33. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG

    isn’t this (McInnish v. Chapman) supposed to be the win of a lifetime? they have a cavalcade of “startz” in on this one

    And VEE EYE PEES!!!! Don’t forget the VIPS!!!

  34. Jim says:

    I LOOOOOVE footnote 5

    “The ADP notes the affiant signed the “affidavit” solely in his personal capacity and without any title, even an imaginary one.”

  35. Rickey says:

    Northland10: Your news source appears to be a blog connected to a group call Sound Doctrine Church.The actual newspaper in that town has some more information.

    You hit a home run on that one.

    The man named Timothy Williams in that story is T. Williams, the man who selected WND and the second most trustworthy news source. Williams was the leader of Sound Doctrine when the sexual assaults allegedly took place.

    Hermie must be very proud of himself.

  36. Dave B. says:

    It’s not even going to be a “false flag operation” claim. It’ll be a weather-manipulated-by-HAARP-to-punish-conservative-Oklahoma claim.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Show of hands if you think the birthers will try to pin the tornadoes hitting Oklahoma and other states on Obama, as a “false flag operation”? *raises hand*

  37. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Show of hands if you think the birthers will try to pin the tornadoes hitting Oklahoma and other states on Obama, as a “false flag operation”? *raises hand*

    And here it is:

  38. Hermitian: Read ‘em and weep Obots! “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”

    Fraser, a 40-year-old pastor with Sound Doctrine church in Enumclaw, has been charged by the King County Prosecutor with two counts of rape of a child in the first degree and two counts of child molestation in the first degree.

    Simmons described the details of the alleged assaults to the jury. He stated Fraser told the girl if she told anyone about the assaults she and her mother “would go to hell.”

    The prosecutor said Fraser and Timothy Williams, who was leading Sound Doctrine at that time, told the family to put their children through a manners “boot camp.” Simmons said the girl would “be punished if she did not fold a napkin correctly.” He stated the children were not to speak unless spoken to and were to stand at attention when a man entered the home.

    According to Simmons the parents were abiding by the church’s teachings and the girl was also following its rules.

    Williams publishes a website,

  39. CarlOrcas says:

    Read ‘em and weep Obots !

    “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial

    Stick a fork in them.The MSM is dead !

    This would be really laughable if I wasn’t sure you really believe it.

    First…… is not a newspaper. From its “About Us” page:


    Enumclaw, an independent Christian news source, strives to reflect the love of Jesus Christ.

    The following guiding principles support the foundation of

    The news reported results from the fullest research possible. (Deuteronomy 13:14)
    News will be reported without favoritism. (1 Timothy 5:21)
    Heavy emphasis is placed upon beneficial news. (Ephesians 4:29)
    Photographs are used appropriately and with due consideration for personal dignity, according to the pattern of the Creator. (Psalm 139)
    No specific political viewpoint will be represented. (Hebrews 13:14)

    If you would like to submit an article or advertisement, please send us your text and/or design. is a free news source. There is no charge for publication or advertising. However, we reserve the right to refuse any submission and all editorial decisions are final.”

    Also note that there is no evidence the choices are the result of a scientific survey but rather just the opinion of the editor…….based, of course, on the religious principals outlined above.

    Looks like you swallowed this one hook, line and sinker, Herm.

  40. CarlOrcas: Enumclaw, an independent Christian news source, strives to reflect the love of Jesus Christ.

    Yeah, a pastor’s love of a child. “Hey officer, I was just expressing Jesus’ love for children.”

  41. Monkey Boy says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG

    isn’t this (McInnish v. Chapman) supposed to be the win of a lifetime? they have a cavalcade of “startz” in on this one

    Yep. They are hoping that it will be the birther equivalent of The Penge Bungalow Murders–their greatest triumph which will be told and retold with frequent embellishments.

  42. CarlOrcas says:

    misha marinsky: Yeah, a pastor’s love of a child. “Hey officer, I was just expressing Jesus’ love for children.”

    I won’t bore everyone with the details but this is one strange bunch. A couple minutes with Mr. Google will make your skin crawl.

    T. Williams wife apparently has brain cancer and he is blaming it on the people who criticize him and his church.

  43. Hermitian says:

    CarlOrcas: Hermitian:
    Read ‘em and weep Obots !
    “ 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources”
    March 20th, 2013
    by Editorial
    Stick a fork in them.The MSM is dead !

    This would be really laughable if I wasn’t sure you really believe it.
    First…… is not a newspaper. From its “About Us” page:
    Enumclaw, an independent Christian news source, strives to reflect the love of Jesus Christ.
    The following guiding principles support the foundation of
    The news reported results from the fullest research possible. (Deuteronomy 13:14)
    News will be reported without favoritism. (1 Timothy 5:21)
    Heavy emphasis is placed upon beneficial news. (Ephesians 4:29)
    Photographs are used appropriately and with due consideration for personal dignity, according to the pattern of the Creator. (Psalm 139)
    No specific political viewpoint will be represented. (Hebrews 13:14)
    If you would like to submit an article or advertisement, please send us your text and/or design. is a free news source. There is no charge for publication or advertising. However, we reserve the right to refuse any submission and all editorial decisions are final.”
    Also note that there is no evidence the choices are the result of a scientific survey but rather just the opinion of the editor…….based, of course, on the religious principals outlined above.
    Looks like you swallowed this one hook, line and sinker, Herm.

    My kind of news source. Wish there were 100 more like it.

  44. Arthur says:

    More division in birther-land. Ever since Carl Gallups suggested Orly Taitz was an Obamabot, Orly has been lashing out at the prison guard-cum-pastor and the Arpaio junior detectives. Here’s her latest screed:

    “Carl Gallops, Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi, WND, and ORYR never responded if they were ever paid anything for advertising by either Mike Zullo or Cold Case Posse or Sheriff’s campaign or any other affiliated organizations. This is a legitimate question, as it might explain lopsided and biased coverage. We still did not get an answer to this question.

    “Moreover, I demand that CarlGallops/PPSimmons, ORYR/ ObamaReleaseYourrecords, WesternJournalism and others remove from their websites all of the defamatory statements about me that they have been publishing and I demand a public retraction and apology from all of them. I was proven to be correct in what I was stating, my actions are furthering public interest and they all owe me an apology and a retraction.

    “I do not believe it would be beneficial to spend time on filing legal actions against people who previously were allies for defamation per se of my character , specifically defamation of me as an attorney, I prefer spending my time working on cases, where I am exposing Obama, however I need to warn all of these individuals that their actions are actionable and they are engaged in a vicious smear of a good name of me, an attorney who worked 24/7 for 5 years now on this cause.”

  45. Hermitian says:

    “Audio: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Investigator: New Obama Revelations In Two Weeks

    Monday, May 20, 2013 12:16”

    Will the rats begin to flee in two weeks?

    Mr. C. has been very quite lately.

  46. Arthur: “Moreover, I demand that CarlGallops/PPSimmons, ORYR/ ObamaReleaseYourrecords, WesternJournalism and others remove from their websites all of the defamatory statements about me that they have been publishing and I demand a public retraction and apology from all of them.”

    “And if you don’t, I’ll hit you with my purse.” – Orly Taitz, Esq, DDS, M.O.U.S.E.

  47. Given that the “any day now” motif has been prevalent among the birthers for four and a half years, it hardly needs comment when it comes up again. As for the latter, I was on vacation for a week. The world does not revolve around your conspiracy. Folks do things for other reasons.

    Hermitian: Will the rats begin to flee in two weeks?

    Mr. C. has been very quite (sic) lately.

  48. Arthur says:

    Hermitian: Will the rats begin to flee in two weeks?

    Mr. C. has been very quite lately.

    Quite, indeed. I’m still laughing at you Herm, you silly, silly old man.

  49. Hermitian: Audio: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Investigator: New Obama Revelations In Two Weeks

    “In two weeks the naysayers will find out just how wrong they have been” – Mike Zullo

    From the mouth of a used car salesman.

  50. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: Orly Taitz, Esq, DDS, M.O.U.S.E.

    And don’t forget K.A.O.S., THRUSH, and SCEPTRE.

  51. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: From the mouth of a used car salesman.

    From his mouth to Arpaio’s tail pipe. It’s a vicious circle.

  52. Hermitian: Audio: Sheriff Joe Obama ID Fraud Investigator: New Obama Revelations In Two Weeks

    Is Shurf Joe going to call another presser, like he did the last time?

  53. CarlOrcas says:

    Hermitian: My kind of news source.


  54. CarlOrcas says:

    Hermitian: Will the rats begin to flee in two weeks?

    You going on vacation?

  55. Joe Acerbic says:

    Zullo’s promises always remind of Total Recall, the Arnold version… where he’s wearing the fat lady mask that gets stuck repeating “Two weeks. Twooo weeeks!”

  56. CarlOrcas says:

    Joe Acerbic:
    Zullo’s promises always remind of Total Recall, the Arnold version… where he’s wearing the fat lady mask that gets stuck repeating “Two weeks. Twooo weeeks!”

    I’m thinking more like “Groundhog Day”.

  57. Hermitian: Will the rats begin to flee in two weeks?

    According to my cat, yes. He’s caught five mice so far, and I’m on the 8th floor. It’s an old building – what can I say.

  58. ArthurWankspittle says:

    misha marinsky: “Deputies don’t believe a crime occurred because bestiality is not illegal in Washington state and the horse was uninjured, said Urquhart.”

    Har, har, har.

    Yes the infamous “Mr Hands” case. I think the law was changed as bestiality as defined at the time required physical harm to be done to the animal. The man filming the events (oh yes, there was) was acquitted of bestiality as veterinary examination showed no physical damage to the horse. “Mr Hands” himself wasn’t available to be prosecuted, being very dead by then.

  59. ArthurWankspittle says:

    misha marinsky: Orly Taitz, Esq, DDS, M.O.U.S.E.
    And don’t forgetK.A.O.S., THRUSH, and SCEPTRE.

    I have now settled for “screech owl”.

  60. Keith says:

    Hermitian: Mr. C. has been very quite lately.

    Like the clock that worked alright, but not exactly quite?

    Instead of going ‘Tick, Tock, Tick’, the crazy thing went ‘Tock, Tick, Tock’.

  61. Keith says:

    misha marinsky: He’s caught five mice so far

    The thing you’ve got to worry about is that he’s really caught 14 mice. Where has he hidden the rest?

  62. Lupin says:

    Arthur: “Moreover, I demand that CarlGallops/PPSimmons, ORYR/ ObamaReleaseYourrecords, WesternJournalism and others remove from their websites all of the defamatory statements about me that they have been publishing and I demand a public retraction and apology from all of them.”

    Is it actually possible to defame Orly (in her role as an attorney)? What bad thing could one say that would not actually be true?

  63. Scientist says:

    If J Potter is here, I know he lives in Oklahoma, and I hope he can check in and let us know that he is OK. Unfortunately, it seems more bad storms are quite possible today as well.

  64. Northland10 says:

    Lupin: Is it actually possible to defame Orly (in her role as an attorney)? What bad thing could one say that would not actually be true?

    In OrlyLaw, saying anything negative about Orly, even if true, is defamation. Ignoring Orly is a felony in OrlyLaw.

  65. G says:

    Agreed. Our hearts go out to J Potter and his fellow Okies…

    If J Potter is here, I know he lives in Oklahoma, and I hope he can check in and let us know that he is OK.Unfortunately, it seems more bad stormsare quite possibletodayas well.

  66. Dave B. says:

    You’ve hung around this long, why take off so soon?

    Hermitian: Will the rats begin to flee in two weeks?

  67. Sef says:

    If J Potter is here, I know he lives in Oklahoma, and I hope he can check in and let us know that he is OK.Unfortunately, it seems more bad stormsare quite possibletodayas well.

    The thing about looking at these pics of utter devastation is the realization that this very thing could easily happen to any of us. What would our house do in an EF4 or a hurricane or a flash flood, etc. We are all hanging by a thread. Our very lives and livelihood could be erased at any time by Mother Nature or a crazed lunatic. Stay safe.

    Consider donating to Shelterbox. (Hope no one considers this as spam, but I am putting this out for those who might not have considered this charity.)

  68. Kiwiwriter says:

    misha marinsky: Yeah, a pastor’s love of a child. “Hey officer, I was just expressing Jesus’ love for children.”

    Sounds more like Michael Jackson’s love of children.

  69. Joey says:

    There have been some awfully dumb birthers over the last five years, but Hermitian (formerly Hermitian Henry) with a row of H’s, has to be the dumbest. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHe can’t even spell “quiet.”

  70. Scientist: If J Potter is here, I know he lives in Oklahoma, and I hope he can check in and let us know that he is OK.Unfortunately, it seems more bad storms are quite possible today as well.

    I was thinking about him, too. He lives in OK City. We haven’t heard from him.

  71. OT: RWNJ are international:

    French historian kills himself at Notre Dame Cathedral after gay marriage rant

    Far-right essayist Dominique Venner, 78, shoots himself at altar after writing blogpost condemning same-sex marriage law

    A far-right French historian has killed himself at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris after declaring that more radical action was needed in opposition to same-sex marriage in France.

    Read on:

  72. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Least it was just himself and nobody else.

  73. Majority Will says:


    Consider donating to Shelterbox. (Hope no one considers this as spam, but I am putting this out for those who might not have considered this charity.)

    Especially since Teapublican Coburn wants to make this political while search and rescue is still going on:

    “Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) will insist that any federal aid to deal with the tornado in his home state must be offset by budget cuts.”

  74. Majority Will: Especially since Teapublican Coburn wants to make this political while search and rescue is still going on:

    Coburn is a physician, and he is callous to those in need. He and Inhofe, along with the representatives and senators in OK and Texas, voted against Sandy aid.

    What is wrong with those people?

    Sef: Consider donating to Shelterbox.

    I would like to advocate donating to animal shelters, instead. The animals there do not bite the hand that feeds them, unlike conservatives/libertarians.

    And yes, I have volunteered at Philly PAWS.

  75. Kiwiwriter says:

    misha marinsky:
    OT: RWNJ are international:

    French historian kills himself at Notre Dame Cathedral after gay marriage rant

    Far-right essayist Dominique Venner, 78, shoots himself at altar after writing blogpost condemning same-sex marriage law

    A far-right French historian has killed himself at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris after declaring that more radical action was needed in opposition to same-sex marriage in France.

    Read on:

    Well, at least this guy can’t whinge any more.

  76. donna says:

    Jay Carney Brings Up Birtherism In Response To Questions On Benghazi, IRS Scandals

    Carney brought up questions on the IRS scandal and the talking points surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, comparing some reporters’ inquiries to questions about President Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    “You know, we could go down the list of questions — we could say, what about the president’s birth certificate? Were that — was that legitimate?” Carney said, according to the Washington Post.

    Carney has made it clear in the past he’s no fan of birther questions, once slamming real estate mogul Donald Trump as “ridiculous” for trying to reignite the debate over Obama’s birth certificate.

    taitz’s response (must see TV):

    Jay Carney talks about Obama’s birth certificate, when asked about Benghazi and IRS. Can someone help me get a pass to the WH press conference, let me ask some questions, so at least Obama’s spokesperson gives answers to correct questions. I assure you, after a few questions and displaying a few docs, there will be no more press conferences, Obama will be moving from the WH to the Big House!!!

    can she define “few”? i envision hundreds of pages of dreck flying around the press room

  77. JPotter says:

    Here’s a new low in ODS telemarketing: cashing in on tragedy. I kid you not.

    At 7:54pm today, I got a call from 571.989.6643. Being the adventurous sort, I answered this completely unrecognizable, unidentified number. It was a bot. The spiel began …

    “Despite the tragedy in Oklahoma City, we must continue our work to IMPEACH OBAMA. Don’t let Obama HIDE behind this natural disaster.” blahblahwhatthehellever.

    That’s right, in a display of seriously screwed up priorities, these wackjobs are trying to horn in on donations to Red Cross, etc., 28 hours after a disaster.

    I’m 113 miles from Moore. It would be interesting to know if this sociopaths are canvassing nationwide in this manner, or, even more disturbingly, targeting this perversion to the state in which it happened, knowing the politics and charitableness of Okieland.

    After some inquiry, the call taker fessed up as to who was behind this campaign:

    Restore America’s Voice PAC

    Managing the calls for RAVPAC ….
    Infocision Management Group
    The company “specializes in political, Christian and nonprofit fundraising, and sales and customer care.” … a claim that no longer appears on its website.

  78. donna says:


    DISGUSTING – i’m reminded of a question: would you jump into my grave as fast?

    Restore America’s Voice PAC

    General Election Spending – How Successful Were They?
    $0 spent supporting 0 candidates who won
    $0 spent opposing 0 candidates who lost
    $1,797,419 total spent in general election on 1 candidates

    the ONE candidate they opposed …………….. guess …. 3 choices …. 1st 2 don’t count

    WINNING!!!!! we need MORE IRS scrutiny – $1,797,419 would help a lot of people in OK – certainly more than it helped them oppose obama – mighty “christian” of them

  79. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Please, may I comment.

    I would like to speak on RvB and the notion that clarity of what is defined as NBC remains muddied.

    [OK. Against my better judgment. Doc]

  80. JPotter: I got a call from 571.989.6643.

    571 is Northern Virginia. It’s an overlay code for 703, where I lived for several years.

  81. Pieter Nosworthy: what is defined as NBC remains muddied.

    Angel and Max are NBC, and they are not covered in muck. They are the cleanest cat and dog you have ever seen.

  82. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Doc, don’t you always regret your better judgement? I have and do my own. But, thanks.

    I have heard it bantered that WKA, the 14th, and mere statutory birth citizenship (foreign or otherwise) sufficient for consideration as NBC. Well, maybe such is true but RvB holds that the 14th is the only explicit mention of citizenship in our Constitution; “Thus, at long last, there emerged an express constitutional definition of citizenship. But it was one restricted to the combination of three factors, each and all significant: birth in the United States, naturalization in the United States, and subjection to the jurisdiction of the United States. The definition obviously did not apply to any acquisition of citizenship by being born abroad of an American parent. That type, and any other not covered by the Fourteenth Amendment, was necessarily left to proper congressional action.”

    Should we not be equal opportunity haters regarding eligibility? Naturalization powers entrusted to the congress are not the litmus for NBC if this decision is to be considered with serious thought.

    Yes, I have qualms about President Obama…McCain and others should be held equably accountable per our USSC.

    BTW, RvB has many interesting discussion points to include the dissent.

    Thank you very much, Doc.

  83. G says:

    Ugh! That is reprehensible!!!

    JPotter: Here’s a new low in ODS telemarketing: cashing in on tragedy. I kid you not.

    At 7:54pm today, I got a call from 571.989.6643. Being the adventurous sort, I answered this completely unrecognizable, unidentified number. It was a bot. The spiel began …

    “Despite the tragedy in Oklahoma City, we must continue our work to IMPEACH OBAMA. Don’t let Obama HIDE behind this natural disaster.” blahblahwhatthehellever.

    That’s right, in a display of seriously screwed up priorities, these wackjobs are trying to horn in on donations to Red Cross, etc., 28 hours after a disaster.

    I’m really sickened by the extent of religious involvement behind all these reprehensible behaviors…shame, shame, shame! It seems like nearly every RWNJ action ultimately stems from that….

    JPotter: Managing the calls for RAVPAC ….
    Infocision Management Group
    The company “specializes in political, Christian and nonprofit fundraising, and sales and customer care.” … a claim that no longer appears on its website.

  84. G says:

    Agreed. As long as “more radical action in opposition” simply means that such radicals merely chose to fall on their own sword, I have no problem with that…

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Least it was just himself and nobody else.

    misha marinsky:
    OT: RWNJ are international:

    French historian kills himself at Notre Dame Cathedral after gay marriage rant

    Far-right essayist Dominique Venner, 78, shoots himself at altar after writing blogpost condemning same-sex marriage law

    A far-right French historian has killed himself at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris after declaring that more radical action was needed in opposition to same-sex marriage in France.

    Read on:

  85. bovril says:


    I’m curious, the Supreme Court, Congress, actual Constitutional scholars and court cases over the last 100+ years are very clear on what is and is not NBC. Clear, nay pellucid in fact.

    Not seeing any mud except in the eye of the Birfoon feckwit tendency

  86. Lupin says:

    misha marinsky: French historian kills himself at Notre Dame Cathedral after gay marriage rant

    Far-right essayist Dominique Venner, 78, shoots himself at altar after writing blogpost condemning same-sex marriage law

    A far-right French historian has killed himself at the altar of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris after declaring that more radical action was needed in opposition to same-sex marriage in France.

    On the plus side, that’s one less loonie.

    His rant was even more bitterly directed against African and Arabic immigration, I mean ever more so than gay marriage.

    I’ve been both surprised and embarrassed by the size and the vehemence of the French opposition to gay marriage esp. since it’s a purely civil matter in a country where laicity is a very strong and powerful tradition.

    Two years ago no one would have thought it might become such a sensitive issue; Sarkozy was even contemplating adding it to his electoral platform, making it a bipartisan issue.

  87. donna says:

    are we back to the obamas’ law licenses?

    Scratch & Sniff Test: Obama’s Court Ordered Inactive Law License Status Under Scrutiny

  88. Majority Will says:

    are we back to the obamas’ law licenses?

    Scratch & Sniff Test: Obama’s Court Ordered Inactive Law License Status Under Scrutiny

    B.I.S. – Bored Idiots Syndrome.

  89. Pieter Nosworthy: I have heard it bantered that WKA, the 14th, and mere statutory birth citizenship

    I have heard it bantered that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl. He never denied it.

    Pieter Nosworthy: Yes, I have qualms about President Obama


  90. J.D. Sue says:

    donna: are we back to the obamas’ law licenses?

    This kind of blatant misrepresentation about Illinois law licenses really bugs me. But the article also makes me laugh when it says, “I have talked to several attorneys about this premise. What they had to go through, physically, mentally and financially, to get to the point where they could pass the bar was no small matter! To think that they would voluntarily relinquish their law license just a few years later, before you could even begin to pay back the money it took to get there, is beyond the pale.”

    Yeah, after all that work and investment, all he got was being recruited by Minor, Barnhill (a great civil rights firm that, inter alia, represented Chicago’s first black mayor and first black U.S. Senator), elected as a state senator, elected a U.S. Senator, and elected President of the USA. That’s why we lawyers everywhere shake our heads and wonder why he isn’t still practicing law in Illinois….

  91. Scientist says:

    Time Magazine scores Obama’s prom photos from Punahou School 1979. Of course “no one remembers him from Hawaii”

  92. CarlOrcas says:

    Time Magazine scores Obama’s prom photos from Punahou School 1979.Of course “no one remembers him from Hawaii”

    Warning to everyone: Wait until your breakfast has settled to check out the link. Some of the comments will turn your stomach..

  93. Majority Will says:

    Time Magazine scores Obama’s prom photos from Punahou School 1979.Of course “no one remembers him from Hawaii”

    One of the comments from a mentally challenged birther:

    “You are so smug, but there never would have been a question if he hadn’t put forth a forged birth certificate during the campaign. Why the need for the forgery? Further, he still hasn’t produced an authentic birth certificate (a printout from the state of hawaii is just evidence of what the computers say, and that can be changed.) I think he was probably born in Hawaii, but to pretend like it’s irrational to ask the question is just dishonest.

    But then, leftists lost touch with reality ages ago. Hows your beloved USSR working out?”

  94. Majority Will says:

    CarlOrcas: Warning to everyone: Wait until your breakfast has settled to check out the link. Some of the comments will turn your stomach..

    Disturbing but not surprising.

  95. CarlOrcas: Warning to everyone: Wait until your breakfast has settled to check out the link. Some of the comments will turn your stomach..

    This is the comment I left:

    “@KevinBarbieux – The responses to your comment prove that conservatives lack intellectual curiosity.

    Ignore them. They’re missing most of their teeth, along with most of their cerebrum. They follow rabble-rousers like Glenn Beck, who may have raped and murdered a girl.”

    From the level of discourse, our educational system has finally reached the same plateau as Nazi Germany. This is the result of the constant assaults by clergy and their flock.

    See Texas and Louisiana.

  96. Rickey says:

    Time has disabled comments on the story. Many of them were some of most vile, racist comments I have seen to date.

    I should have done a screen capture when I had the chance.

    It’s also worth noting that Obama signed his name “Barry Obama.” No Soetoro.

  97. sfjeff says:

    Once again showing- while not all Birthers are racists- Birthers never seem uncomfortable with keeping company with the Birthers that are racists

  98. sfjeff says:

    And not particularly relevant but my own Prom was in the same general era, and those photo’s brought back memories….fond memories.

    I wonder how many Birthers are blowing gaskets seeing actual evidence that Obama defiled a white girl…..(remember we are talking Birther evidence…)

  99. G says:

    That was really neat to see. Not just the pictures, but what he wrote in his date’s yearbook as well.

    I’m glad that Time disabled the comments. While comments are a great feature on blogs and such, I’ve found little value to having them on actual news articles as it seems that mostly offensive idiots and trolls just waste time cluttering them. The news articles have value for posterity. The vulgarity that exists within our society has enough other outlets to stink up.

    Time Magazine scores Obama’s prom photos from Punahou School 1979.Of course “no one remembers him from Hawaii”

  100. Plantmaster says:

    Pieter Nosworthy

    Please, may I comment.

    I would like to speak on RvB and the notion that clarity of what is defined as NBC remains muddied.

    [OK. Against my better judgment. Doc]
    Mighty masochistic, Doc; you’re not feeling guilty over banning Hermie again, are you? 😉

  101. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    The 1971 majority opinion of RvB is fascinating to those, like ourselves, perversely wondering as to citizenship meanings. I consider MvH straightforward as reflection of NBC and still think WKA may have answered certain “doubts” pertinent to birfers.

    RvB should have closed the door on McCain’s 2008 bid and others likewise who consider themselves viable post-Obama.

    Though I love to quote Vattel, a favorite of our court for source, his is not an ultimate wisdom…it is our highest court, itself.

    MvH, WKA, and RvB. With the final, “Thus, at long last, there emerged an express constitutional definition of citizenship. But it was one restricted to the combination of three factors, each and all significant: birth in the United States, naturalization in the United States, and subjection to the jurisdiction of the United States.”

    We are now provided discussion on 14th citizenship (perhaps even Art II) as to if the three factors are all, indeed, to be considered “restrictive” and “all significant”.

    Should NBC be reflective of that understood in RvB? I suppose to include those born naturalized by statute in the United States.

    Thanks, again, Doc.

  102. G says:

    Hey, there’s a whole new nutcase in Birtheristan who’s actually come up with a whole new crazy Obama Origin Myth:

    Nancy Owens.

    This crazy women claims that SHE forged Obama’s birth certificate and the instruction of Cuban drug cartels in 1984 or something like that and that Obama is really from Florida… almost to Reptoid Obama and Martian Time Travel Obama level crazy!

    So yeah, she’s the latest Linda Joy Adams…but with the crazy factor bumped up several orders of magnitude and with a whole lot of sad and sordid weirdness added to her tall tales…

    You’ll have to check out Patrick’s latest post, which covers her. I guess Nancy Owens popped out on the BIrther scene back in January of this year, but this is the first I’ve ever heard of her and her new OCT myth…

  103. Majority Will says:

    Hey, there’s a whole new nutcase in Birtheristan who’s actually come up with a whole new crazy Obama Origin Myth:

    Nancy Owens.

    This crazy women claims that SHE forged Obama’s birth certificate and the instruction of Cuban drug cartels in 1984 or something like that and that Obama is really from Florida… almost to Reptoid Obama and Martian Time Travel Obama level crazy!

    So yeah, she’s the latest Linda Joy Adams…but with the crazy factor bumped up several orders of magnitude and with a whole lot of sad and sordid weirdness added to her tall tales…

    You’ll have to check out Patrick’s latest post, which covers her. I guess Nancy Owens popped out on the BIrther scene back in January of this year, but this is the first I’ve ever heard of her and her new OCT myth…

    She was here briefly awhile back and busted for some truly offensive racism. Her FB page had graphic and disturbing images of racism that I reported and FB staff removed as offensive hate speech.


  104. G says:

    Oh yeah, I hadn’t paid much attention to that crazy post, when it occurred. I wasn’t sure if it was just some random trolling fly-by or a real crazy person…and I didn’t see that poster return, so I forgot all about it.

    But yeah, that appears to be this same Nancy Owens. So she exists and is a real crazy person and actually thinks these things as part of her personal delusions…

    …and she has even visited here, since near the time she first popped up on the BIrther scene…

    Huh. Wild…

    Thank’s for bringing that to my attention.

    Majority Will: She was here briefly awhile back and busted for some truly offensive racism. Her FB page had graphic and disturbing images of racism that I reported and FB staff removed as offensive hate speech.


  105. Rickey says:

    Judge England’s written dismissal in the Grinols case was issued today. Although he declined to sanction Orly, he gave her a stern warning:

    As demonstrated by the analysis above and by the rulings of numerous other courts throughoutthe nation, Plaintiffs’ challenge to President Obama’s eligibility for office is frivolous, and has been atremendous drain on the Court’s time and resources. Although the Court does not impose any sanctionson Plaintiffs or their counsel at this time, the Court will not hesitate to impose such sanctions if Plaintiffs or their counsel continue filing unsupported and groundless lawsuits. See Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 11(c).

  106. G says:

    Thanks for sharing that update!

    My main comment that is that the “stern warnings” are worthless and I don’t understand how the judge can’t grasp that the whole reason Orly is before his court, here in 2013, is because she’s spend years and years operating as “counsel continue filing unsupported and groundless lawsuits” on this very issue.

    So he’s clueless if he thinks that she’s going to adhere to his “stern warning” and will suddenly stop filing or appealing this nonsense endlessly.

    He’s just another intended buck-passer, foolishly thinking that he can get the crazy lady to just shut up and go away, if he only treats her with kid gloves…or that she’ll at least be shuffled off to stink up someone else’s court room instead of his own.

    Judge England’s written dismissal in the Grinols case was issued today. Although he declined to sanction Orly, he gave her a stern warning:

    As demonstrated by the analysis above and by the rulings of numerous other courts throughoutthe nation, Plaintiffs’ challenge to President Obama’s eligibility for office is frivolous, and has been atremendous drain on the Court’s time and resources. Although the Court does not impose any sanctionson Plaintiffs or their counsel at this time, the Court will not hesitate to impose such sanctions if Plaintiffs or their counsel continue filing unsupported and groundless lawsuits. See Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 11(c).

  107. Pieter Nosworthy says:

    Pieter Nosworthy May 23, 2013 at 7:21 pm (Quote) #

    The 1971 majority opinion of RvB is fascinating to those, like ourselves, perversely wondering as to citizenship meanings. I consider MvH straightforward as reflection of NBC and still think WKA may have answered certain “doubts” pertinent to birfers.

    RvB should have closed the door on McCain’s 2008 bid and others likewise who consider themselves viable post-Obama.

    Though I love to quote Vattel, a favorite of our court for source, his is not an ultimate wisdom…it is our highest court, itself.

    MvH, WKA, and RvB. With the final, “Thus, at long last, there emerged an express constitutional definition of citizenship. But it was one restricted to the combination of three factors, each and all significant: birth in the United States, naturalization in the United States, and subjection to the jurisdiction of the United States.”

    We are now provided discussion on 14th citizenship (perhaps even Art II) as to if the three factors are all, indeed, to be considered “restrictive” and “all significant”.

    Should NBC be reflective of that understood in RvB? I suppose to include those born naturalized by statute in the United States.

    Thanks, again, Doc.

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Nearly three hours? What have I said or done that warrants such belated consideration? I thought my much earlier comment within the realm of decorum. Let me know what I am to be afforded. If only one comment a day, such is so. Just let me know.

    Thanks, Doc.

  108. Thinker says:

    Stern warnings are worthless. Think of all the rules she violated in this case. After the judge specifically ordered her not to submit ex parte motions, she submitted more ex parte motions. She submitted all those worthless letters from all those teabagger retired military people. She sent out probably a dozen worthless subpoenas. Her next step is to submit an emergency ex parte motion for reconsideration based on massive usurpery and flagrant forgery, which Judge England will politely deny in due course.

  109. Rickey says:

    Stern warnings are worthless. Think of all the rules she violated in this case. After the judge specifically ordered her not to submit ex parte motions, she submitted more ex parte motions. She submitted all those worthless letters from all those teabagger retired military people. She sent out probably a dozen worthless subpoenas. Her next step is to submit an emergency ex parte motion for reconsideration based on massive usurpery and flagrant forgery, which Judge England will politely deny in due course.

    We knew he wasn’t going to sanction her, based upon what was said during the oral arguments, so there is some consolation is seeing that he addressed the frivolous nature of her lawsuits in the written decision.

  110. Rickey says:

    Pieter Nosworthy:

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Nearly three hours? What have I said or done that warrants such belated consideration? I thought my much earlier comment within the realm of decorum. Let me know what I am to be afforded. If only one comment a day, such is so. Just let me know.

    Thanks, Doc.

    You think that Doc has nothing better to do in the evening than review comments which are in moderation? Maybe he went to the movies last night.

  111. Majority Will says:

    Pieter Nosworthy: Should NBC be reflective of that understood in RvB? I suppose to include those born naturalized by statute in the United States.

    Start here:

  112. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    LOL! I get the feeling that he’ll suddenly retire from office, citing that he’s just getting to old for it. Without him as a prop, Zullo’s con-job will be finished. It would be like taking the word “Bran” off of a box of Bran Flakes. All you’re left with is flakes.

    Rickey: You think that Doc has nothing better to do in the evening than review comments which are in moderation? Maybe he went to the movies last night.

    No, he was doing battle with Titanium Man.

  113. Monkey Boy says:

    My, my…birthers are getting testy. Yo, birthers, it is not Obots who are going crazy.

    Peter Boyles, a well-known and sometimes purposefully-controversial radio host in Denver for 630 KHOW, will be off the air Friday after a heated physical exchange with one of his producers, multiple sources connected to the station confirm to 9NEWS.
    Employees observed red marks on producer Greg Hollenback’s neck within the minutes of the argument, which happened during Thursday morning’s broadcast of the Peter Boyles Show.

    The sources wished to remain anonymous because they were not authorized to speak on the matter.

  114. Arthur says:

    Here’s a article from “Crooks and Liars” about evolving conspiracy theories surrounding the Moore, OK tornado.

    “So, yes, the Oklahoma tornado truthers claim the administration whipped up a storm that killed 24 people through HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, in Alaska . . .

    “As Gawker’s Ken Layne writes, the “stated goal of HAARP is to study the ionosphere and how the spectrum of radio waves works within these upper layers of the Eart’s atmosphere.” Essentially, HAARP researches communications. But there are budding conspiracy theories that HAARP could be ultimately used to disrupt the ionosphere, and manipulate weather patterns. As one Redditor pointed out, one of the permutations of the conspiracy theory in Moore is that the left-wing financier George “the Sorcerer” Soros is behind all of this.”

    Good ol’ Georgie boy–he is one magnificent bastard.

  115. Majority Will says:

    Monkey Boy:
    My, my…birthers are getting testy. Yo, birthers, it is not Obots who are going crazy.

    Festering Boyles.

  116. donna says:

    Bill Maher Slams Republicans For Their Racist Obama Birth Certificate Hypocrisy

    Maher also pointed out that Republicans favor Ted Cruz over Marco Rubio, because Cruz is a openly hostile to other Latinos. The Republican base is in favor of Latino leaders, as long as they embrace the party’s hostility towards their own people.

    You won’t hear many Republicans questioning Cruz’s eligibility to run, because he is a Republican from Texas who has embraced his party’s anti-minority rhetoric. It’s almost like the GOP has made Sen. Cruz an honorary white guy.

    Maher was right. If the situations were reversed and Obama had been born, and spent the first four years of his life in Kenya, Republicans would be impeaching him as we speak. But the rules are different for Republican candidates, who aren’t black Democrats. Republicans can keep trying to fool themselves with claims that their lingering belief in the great Obama birth certificate conspiracy isn’t race based, but the truth can be found in the fact that they have no issues with Ted Cruz’s eligibility to run for president.

  117. donna: It’s almost like the GOP has made Sen. Cruz an honorary white guy.

    Cruz’s mother was Eleanor Darragh, and he looks white so he’s in.

    More hypocrisy: Cruz’s birth name is Rafael Edward Cruz. Not a word from the Denialists.

  118. Kiwiwriter says:

    Here’s a article from “Crooks and Liars” about evolving conspiracy theories surrounding the Moore, OK tornado.

    “So, yes, the Oklahoma tornado truthers claim the administration whipped up a storm that killed 24 people through HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, in Alaska . . .

    “As Gawker’s Ken Layne writes, the “stated goal of HAARP is to study the ionosphere and how the spectrum of radio waves works within these upper layers of the Eart’s atmosphere.” Essentially, HAARP researches communications. But there are budding conspiracy theories that HAARP could be ultimately used to disrupt the ionosphere, and manipulate weather patterns. As one Redditor pointed out, one of the permutations of the conspiracy theory in Moore is that the left-wing financier George “the Sorcerer” Soros is behind all of this.”

    Good ol’ Georgie boy–he is one magnificent bastard.

    Well, what the hell, there already “Sandy Hook truthers” out who say that massacre never happened, and “Boston Marathon truthers” who the wounded victims are all actors with prior amputations…these people will believe any ridiculous, absurd, convoluted conspiracy, as long it all points in the direction of their favorite enemies.

  119. Obama is a terrible Marxist – S&P has doubled since Obama’s election:

    Through Friday, more than 52 months after he took office, the index was up 105 percent during his term in office, for a compound annual gain of 18 percent.

  120. New demand to show papers, only not Obama this time:

  121. Mr. Nosworthy is banned. I just let a few in. The rest are deleted. You didn’t miss anything. However, for the record, I can moderate comments from my phone.

    Rickey: You think that Doc has nothing better to do in the evening than review comments which are in moderation? Maybe he went to the movies last night.

  122. G says:

    I wonder how Orly declares her donations on her taxes…

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    New demand to show papers, only not Obama this time:

  123. A curious comment appeared at ORYR attributed to the user Arizona Free Press saying:

    “The result of the Cold Case Posse’s investigation into the matter of Barack Obama’s birth certificate has come to a conclusion. We find that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America in 1961 and is eligible to be President.

    Do not question the birth certificate ever again.”
    ~Joe Arpaio, May 25, 2013, Phoenix, AZ

    There is no such comment that I can find on the Arizona Free Press web site, nor does this seem evenly remotely credible as something Arpaio might say.

  124. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: A curious comment appeared at ORYR

    I saw that too, and did a brief search to see what I could find, and like you, I came up with nothing. Apparently, it’s just a troll, trying to stir the ire of the commenters at ORYR.

  125. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Obama Release Your Records is recycling a rumor

    Go Green! Recycle an Obama Eligibility Myth.

  126. Majority Will says:

    “Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism”


  127. CarlOrcas says:

    Your lunatic fringe is becoming even more lunatic:

    I love this stuff: Obama can control the weather but he can’t get a decent forged birth certificate. Makes sense to me.

  128. Arthur says:

    Majority Will:
    “Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism”


    The list certainly describes some of the defining characteristics of Fascism, but, at least as far as National Socialism was concerned, it lacks the primary characteristic–national unity via blood and soil.

  129. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: Your lunatic fringe is becoming even more lunatic:

    Here’s what one of the frequent posters at Dr. Kate’s View observed.

    “Since we all know that haarp heats the ionosphere I have to believe that this government is part of this as well as the constant chemtrail spraying which by the way has been massive. Sure we all know that Ok is tornado alley but do we actually know how severe these tornadoes really are now that we know about the chemtrails and haarp? Hurricane Sandy is also a perfect example of the powers of those weather machines.”

  130. donna says:

    Republicans Move Closer to Impeachment With Claim that Obama Is Losing Moral Authority

    Rand Paul’s claim that Obama is losing the moral authority to lead is similar to what Republicans said about Bill Clinton in 1998, and another sign that Republicans are eyeing up impeachment.

    If this whole losing moral authority argument sounds familiar, it should. In 1998, then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich used the moral authority argument against President Clinton. According to a 1998 Washington Post article, “Gingrich also tied the rise in drug use and teen smoking to the Clinton/Gore administration, which he said has “less moral authority” than any other in American history.”

    Last Sunday, Paul Ryan claimed the Obama administration was involved in the IRS scandal. RNC chair Reince Priebus tried to claim that Lois Lerner taking the fifth was evidence of Obama criminal activity, and today Rand Paul is claiming that President Obama is losing the moral authority to lead the country.

    from the CONSERVATIVE national review: Scandal is NOT an Agenda – It is a lesson they should have learned in 1998

  131. Dave B. says:

    Speaking, of course, from his own lofty position of moral authority. Newt just never got over having to get off the back of the plane.

    donna: In 1998, then Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich used the moral authority argument against President Clinton. According to a 1998 Washington Post article, “Gingrich also tied the rise in drug use and teen smoking to the Clinton/Gore administration, which he said has “less moral authority” than any other in American history.”

  132. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: The list certainly describes some of the defining characteristics of Fascism, but, at least as far as National Socialism was concerned, it lacks the primary characteristic–national unity via blood and soil.

    How close is it to the Party of the RWNJ or the birther bigot?

  133. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: How close is it to the Party of the RWNJ or the birther bigot?

    Oh, yes; I saw many similarities there.

  134. Dave B. says:

    Carl Gallups says God did it.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Show of hands if you think the birthers will try to pin the tornadoes hitting Oklahoma and other states on Obama, as a “false flag operation”? *raises hand*

  135. Majority Will: “Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism” –

    2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights – Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of “need.”
    7. Obsession with National Security

    – Bush after 9/11. Reagan and Iran-Contra.

    3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

    – Liberals are destroying our country. They all follow Alinsky.

    4. Supremacy of the Military – Even when there are widespread
    domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected.

    – Iraq

    5. Rampant Sexism

    – The GOP war on women’s equality and reproductive freedom.

    8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

    – Evangelicals and neocons.

    11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

    – Evangelicals and conservatives

    13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

    – Cheney, Halliburton, Iraq

    14. Fraudulent Elections

    – Bush in 2000.

  136. The Magic M says:

    Arthur: The list certainly describes some of the defining characteristics of Fascism, but, at least as far as National Socialism was concerned, it lacks the primary characteristic–national unity via blood and soil.

    I would also partly disagree with #8 and #9.
    Fascism may also be characterized by an open hostility towards all religions, and it may also be opposed to corporate power, preferring instead to seize control of all industrial fields it deems “too important” or “too powerful”.

  137. Majority Will says:

    Arthur: Oh, yes; I saw many similarities there.

    Fox’s Andrea Tantaros Tells Listeners: If You See Obama Supporters, ‘Punch Them In The Face’

    (excerpt) “To be clear, I didn’t say punch Obama in the face,” Tantaros responded. “You’re going to get me arrested with this type of government.”

    And then she re-asserted her initial request: “But if someone voted for him. If anyone that you know who voted for President Obama, smack them down.”

  138. Arthur says:

    Majority Will: Fox’s Andrea Tantaros Tells Listeners: If You See Obama Supporters, ‘Punch Them In The Face’

    And of course, there’s Pete Santilli, a radio host/RWNJ who fantasized about shooting Hillary Clinton in the vagina.

  139. nbc says:

    Orly is discussing Zullo’s latest ‘VIP’ effort

    Yet again Mike Zullo revealed with great fanfare that he will speak for about 20 minutes at a meeting of about a dozen sheriffs (some of them are retired and cannot file anything). He believes that this 20 minute of singing to the choir, to a dozen people who had all the evidence for 5 years now and did nothing with it, will absolve him of a responsibility to file a criminal complaint against Obama.

    Is this the group of VIP’s? I thought that Zullo had argued that filing criminal charges would be precluded by reality… Multiplying zero by 20 still would make it zero, no?

    Fascinating… Are these examples of what Zullo calls ‘VIP’s? A group of retired and a few non retired sheriffs?


  140. CarlOrcas says:

    nbc: ROTFL

    Even more from ORYR today.

    My prediction? There are going to be a lot of disappointed people in St. Charles, Missouri this Friday afternoon.

  141. donna says:


    steve stockman gets to speak for 40 minutes at Sheriff Mack’s Conference? order caramel corn in bulk

    stockman joins the vegetable and dip platter with other vegetables leo berman and louie goehmert and dip michelle bachmann

    stockman tweeted:

    The best thing about the Earth is if you poke holes in it oil and gas come out.

    TheBible on History amazingly accurate. God turns Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt. Bloomberg sues God for violating the city’s sodium ban

    re VAWA stockman said “This is helping the liberals, this is horrible. Unbelievable. What really bothers — it’s called a women’s act, but then they have men dressed up as women, they count that. Change-gender, or whatever. How is that — how is that a woman?”

    also from stockman

    On Jan. 14, he threatened – and quickly walked back – impeachment if President Obama pursued gun control laws.

    The next day, he compared President Obama to Saddam Hussein.

    The night of Feb. 12, Stockman invited Ted Nugent to the “State of the Union.” One of Nugent’s greatest hits that night was to call out one Democratic congressman for having “s**t for brains.”

    a funny (and telling) article “splainin east texas”

    Joseph Farah Laments Fox News’ Liberal Biases

  142. CarlOrcas says:

    donna: order caramel corn in bulk

    If this is Zullo’s “In two weeks the naysayers will find out just how wrong they have been” big event I would say the naysayers will not be disappointed.

  143. US Citizen says:

    Here’s a weird thought….

    One day Obama will be old and will eventually die.
    His death certificate will be published, but some won’t believe it.
    Like Elvis and others, there may be people that are certain he’s still alive and causing all the world’s problems.

  144. bovril says:

    So we have an ex sherrif, pimping a “conference” with people like

    Mark Kessler, “Police Chief” of a borough of a county in PA with a population of less than 800

    Police Chief Larry Kirk, of Old Monroe MO, a “city” of under 300 people

    Mark Zullo….well ’nuff said

    Yep, looks like it’s quaking in boots and frog marching time…… 😎

  145. The Magic M says:

    CarlOrcas: If this is Zullo’s “In two weeks the naysayers will find out just how wrong they have been” big event

    What else would it be? I don’t think they’ll manage to organize two “OMG moments” at the same time.

    The people over at Birther Report/ORYR are divided – some are on the “OMG this is it” train (as if Zullo were speaking before 3,000 sheriffs just waiting to arrest Obama) pimping the “he has ten times more evidence than he mentioned in his affidavit” meme, others are really skeptical as to how he would convince people in the 20 minutes he’s been allotted. My guess is that mentioning the “illegal mulatto Mulsim communist gay … [250 slurs omitted] … traitor Indonesian Kenyan usurper Barack Barry Hussein Harrison Mohammed Soebarkah Bounel Soetoro Obama” will already take up the first half of his time. *lol*

  146. I hardly think that such is a “defining” characteristic of fascism. It fits the Soviet communist state just as well.

    misha marinsky: Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

  147. donna says:

    does orly have her berry own dictionary? what does “ceise” mean?

    did Judge Marginis in CA rule in favor of Obama and Occidental college lackeys because his medial records were CEISE (emphasis mine)

  148. Majority Will says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Found another birther content blog: Coach is Right

    This might be the “coach” who trolled here awhile back?

    The obstinate birther comments that defy common sense never cease to amaze me.

    The “we will be vindicated by history” is pathetic but not at all surprising.

  149. Dave B. says:

    That quote from Judge Moore:
    “This is the strangest thing indeed. The president has never produced [evidence] in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country. People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law”
    is the dog-gonedest thing I’ve read all morning.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Found another birther content blog: Coach is Right

  150. donna says:

    Dave B.:

    is moore the “one honest judge” who should recuse himself?

  151. The Magic M says:

    Dave B.: That quote from Judge Moore:
    “This is the strangest thing indeed. The president has never produced [evidence] in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country. People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law”

    Birthers should ask him what he knows that the CCP doesn’t know. After all, not even Zullo claims he has “substantial evidence [Obama] was not born in [the US]”, only that the “probably forged” BC suggested that he might hide something that would affect his eligibility. (Zullo isn’t a Vattelist, for example.)

    If an actual Obama eligibility case came before Moore, he’d have to recuse himself based on that statement alone since it’s obviously not based on anything remotely factual (unless he considers a “probably forged BC” actual evidence of foreign birth, or the unauthenticated crap that birthers like Lucas Smith have put on the internet).

  152. Rickey says:

    Majority Will: This might be the “coach” who trolled here awhile back?

    I’m sure that it is him. I couldn’t help but notice that his name is Kevin Collins, but at the top of the home page it says:

    Kevin Collin’s Coach is Right


  153. MN-Skeptic says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Found another birther content blog: Coach is Right

    I’ve seen quite a few Coach is Right’s articles posted at Free Republic, which speaks for itself.

  154. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    MN-Skeptic: I’ve seen quite a few Coach is Right’s articles posted at Free Republic, which speaks for itself.

    Didn’t coach post here for a while a few years ago? Isn’t that the guy who tore down his entire website, deleted all posts and then restarted his website when he was called on his bs

  155. May Thy Name be Known says:

    Reading all of this blog and the different beliefs of the birthers. One thing comes to my mind. WHERE THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] DID Os MOM GET THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] MONEY TO GET TO KENYA and for god’s sake WHYYYYYYYYYYY? Why would you spend that much money to get to a place where the [Expletive deleted. Doc.] health care sucks compared to the one in America? Is she insane?

  156. The Magic M says:

    You really expect reasonable questions to make birthers re-think their madness?

    May Thy Name be Known: WHERE THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] DID Os MOM GET THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] MONEY TO GET TO KENYA

    Birthers: from her rich Communist friends who had a bet running that they could pull off the second-longest running conspiracy stint in US history (second to the “the US are a corporation since 18xx” one).

    May Thy Name be Known: Why would you spend that much money to get to a place where the [Expletive deleted. Doc.] health care sucks compared to the one in America?

    That’s one of the most obvious holes in the birther story. Even if they “explained” the Kenya trip with SAD wanting to meet her husband’s family, they have never explained why she would travel to Mombasa to give birth there instead of Nairobi (from where she’d fly back and which was only half the way from Kogelo Village).
    I think one blog once tried to “explain” this with some made-up Communist Woodstock that was held in Mombasa that SAD absolutely wanted to attend.

    Still I never understood the birther fixation on Mombasa. There is no indication Obama was born there, so if they really wanted to prove Kenyan birth, they’d be much better off searching at least in Nairobi as well and not just go “didn’t find anything in Mombasa, must be scrubbed”.
    My theory is that someone started the rumour about Mombasa and it stuck – conspiracy theories never correct themselves (only extend the narrative), lest someone could suspect they are wrong in other aspects, too.
    So even if an authenticated Obama BC from Nairobi surfaced, birthers would claim it’s a forgery or proof that Mombasa and Nairobi must’ve switched names around 1961 for some unknown nefarious reason.

    May Thy Name be Known: Is she insane?

    According to birthers, anyone who dares fornicate outside their race is.

  157. Northland10 says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Didn’t coach post here for a while a few years ago?Isn’t that the guy who tore down his entire website, deleted all posts and then restarted his website when he was called on his bs.

    That sounds a bit like Donofrio.

  158. Arthur says:

    In case you haven’t heard, I’m happy to report that the plague to reason, Michelle Bachmann, will not be running for reelection in 2014.

  159. Arthur: Michelle Bachmann, will not be running for reelection in 2014

    She’s going back to the farm, to get more than the $250K of subsidies she already took. That free money is addictive.

  160. May Thy Name be Known: WHERE THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] DID Os MOM GET THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] MONEY TO GET TO KENYA

    From the Communist Party. Gus Hall signed the checks. I have first hand knowledge, and was active in the CP-USA.

    May Thy Name be Known: Why would you spend that much money to get to a place where…health care sucks…Is she insane?

    Crazy like a fox. It’s easier to have documents made in Mombasa, than Nairobi. Do I have to explain everything to you?

    BTW, it’s “Was she insane?”

  161. May Thy Name be Known: Why would you spend that much money to get to a place where…health care sucks…Is she insane?

    As I wrote above, it’s easier to have documents made in Mombasa. I did some research, and found this likely Kenya BC for Obama:

  162. Arthur says:

    misha marinsky: She’s going back to the farm, to get more than the $250K of subsidies she already took. That free money is addictive.

    Or else she’s going to Russia, for a sexy adventure in Siberia!

    “Here’s That Hot Michele Bachmann Fantasy Sex Book You Didn’t Ask For”

  163. sfjeff says:

    Arthur: In case you haven’t heard, I’m happy to report that the plague to reason, Michelle Bachmann, will not be running for reelection in 2014.

    While I think that will result in a big boost to the collective sanity of Congress…won’t we all miss her special brand of crazy?

  164. G says:

    Oh the irony meters that shattered on that one…

    Dave B.: People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law”

  165. G says:

    Do you have a link for that?

    In case you haven’t heard, I’m happy to report that the plague to reason, Michelle Bachmann, will not be running for reelection in 2014.

  166. Arthur says:

    sfjeff: While I think that will result in a big boost to the collective sanity of Congress…won’t we all miss her special brand of crazy?

    She’s retiring from Congress, but I doubt she’ll be leaving public life. I’m sure there are plenty of “think-tanks” and t.v./radio networks that would relish having her special brand of crazy.

  167. donna says:

    Arthur: Or else she’s going to Russia, for a sexy adventure in Siberia!

    she happens to be IN russia – how much can we pay them to keep her?

    2 weeks ago she announced obama should be impreached

    last week she posted her first reelection ad

    this week she’s not running again

    Bachmann released her “quitter-mentary” while traveling in Russia as part of a congressional delegation, saying her departure will give Republicans time to recruit a replacement.

    will she once again become a swiss citizen?

  168. G says:

    Her retiring from congress is a win for the nation, if you ask me. All the kooks seem to find other work after, so I’m not worried about that. The less crazy, extreme people like her in governmental positions of power, the better. So yeay! Step in the right direction…

    Arthur: She’s retiring from Congress, but I doubt she’ll be leaving public life. I’m sure there are plenty of “think-tanks” and t.v./radio networks that would relish having her special brand of crazy.


    Arthur: Sure:

  169. Michele Bachmann: ‘God Wants Me To Earn 7 Figures For A Lobbying Firm’,32618/

    “Then Jesus said I would be doing a great disservice to myself and the people I love if I don’t buy a new Mercedes.”

    Oh lord,
    won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
    My friends all drive Porsches
    I must make amends.

    – Janis Joplin

  170. donna says:

    There Is Now A Vagina-Themed Pinball Machine Inspired By Todd Akin

    Here’s something you don’t hear about every day: politically-inspired pinball machines. You may recall that the 2012 election season was plagued by the remarks of one Todd Akin, who said that women cannot get pregnant after being raped if it’s a “legitimate rape.” Those comments have inspired French artist Marie Busson to design a pinball machine with the inside crafted to look like a vagina.

    Kotaku caught this rather odd display, which positions the flippers as blocking the womb from intrusion by illegitimate rape sperm or whatever the metaphor’s supposed to be.

    Instead of the plunger being placed on the side of the machine, it’s squarely in the middle, aiming between a woman’s legs (IT’S FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY), so players can shoot the metal balls straight on into the womb, only to be blocked by the flippers. The machine is titled La Femme Flipper… en Réponse Tod Akin.

    And in case the description wasn’t enough, here is a photo of the display.

  171. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Worst thing I’ve read all day

    Someone claiming there’s evidence that the President of the United States is the Global Head of Al Qaeda

  172. G says:

    The stupid…it burns…

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    Worst thing I’ve read all day

    Someone claiming there’s evidence that the President of the United States is the Global Head of Al Qaeda

  173. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    These people are sick and so far gone I wouldn’t be surprised if they sided with America’s enemies simply because they want to get Obama out of office

  174. Keith says:

    May Thy Name be Known:
    Reading all of this blog and the different beliefs of the birthers. One thing comes to my mind. WHERE THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] DID Os MOM GET THE [Expletive deleted. Doc.] MONEY TO GET TO KENYA and for god’s sake WHYYYYYYYYYYY? Why would you spend that much money to get to a place where the [Expletive deleted. Doc.] health care sucks compared to the one in America? Is she insane?

    I can’t believe you read the whole thing.

  175. The Magic M says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: These people are sick and so far gone I wouldn’t be surprised if they sided with America’s enemies simply because they want to get Obama out of office

    Would be consequential. Quite a few of them (especially immediately after re-election) professed that they hate the country that re-elected Obama and the majority of Americans who “have sided with socialism”. That’s all that’s needed to create a traitor.

    As can be the case with love between to people, these people don’t love America but the twisted image of America they have created in their minds. The actual America is as much an enemy to them as Iran or North Korea.

  176. G says:

    Yep. Sad, but true…

    The Magic M: As can be the case with love between to people, these people don’t love America but the twisted image of America they have created in their minds. The actual America is as much an enemy to them as Iran or North Korea.

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