RC posted the video on YouTube. Just WOW!
While this video bears many marks of authenticity, and it is uncannily accurate in many of its details, I cannot of my own knowledge vouch for its origins. If it is a fake, it is brilliant.
RC posted the video on YouTube. Just WOW!
While this video bears many marks of authenticity, and it is uncannily accurate in many of its details, I cannot of my own knowledge vouch for its origins. If it is a fake, it is brilliant.
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i must confess a was pretty jaded against any more “hitler’s bunker” videos but….. this one got me.
great work!
I can only guess that the reason they did not check a Xerox was that they believed the inventor to be Jewish.
My favorite line, “If I hear Gallups talk about all the anonymous VIPs once more, I’m going to puke.” I feel the same way. My skin crawls whenever I hear that slimy faux pastor talk. He oozes mendacity like an infected wound oozes pus.
Second favorite: “Don’t cry Mara! You tried but you’re just an idiot.”
I don’t know. I just finished reading about the last days of Hitler in the Fuehrerbunker. (The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich) While I find the antics of the CCCP beyond absurd and self serving, I feel uncomfortable about the Hitler association. They are sinking their ship quicky on their own.
I don’t see anything wrong with putting a couple of more holes in the bottom of the boat. 😉
It is satire. If I could have found a good Keystone Kops or Marx Brothers movie maker I would have used that. Once I started writing the script it did kind of flow though. This video has been used so many times it is cartoonish at this point. There might be some situations where it would not be appropriate but I didn’t see the case of a bunch of white conservative republicans running a smear campaign against a black President as being one of them.
I bet a lot of Birthers laughed when they watched this but they would never admit it.
I don’t always compare people to Nazis, but when I do, they’re always racist, self-righteous scum.
I wouldn’t read too much into the video, I see it as satire, not analogy.
Gotta bore some more holes in the boat bottom so the water can get out.
I’m getting the feeling that they’ll NEVER address the Xerox issue, and avoid the subject like the plague every time it’s brought up. Trailing off to talk of VIPs and experts.
The other likely option, is that they’ll try to explain the whole Xerox thing away with “Well we have no proof that Xerox machine was used!”
And a very funny satire.
Indeed. There are hundreds of videos on Youtube that use this section of the film “Downfall” (German, “Der Untergang” 2004) to spoof everything from Hitler getting banned from playing XBox Live to his overwhelming desire for a Burger King Whopper. One of the most controversial parodies is a Hebrew-subtitled version in which Hitler bemoans the lack of parking in Tel Aviv. These parodies began appearing on YouTube in early 2006 and have become a genre of their own. As the website, “Know Your Meme,” observes,
“Due to ‘Der Untergang’s’ international success and Bruno Ganz’ haunting portrayal of the Nazi dictator, numerous segments from the movie soon fell fodder to hilarious parodies on YouTube, spawning hundreds of anachronistically subtitled videos of Hitler getting upset over topical events and trivial gossip.”
NY Times article on the “Hitler” meme: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/26/magazine/26wwln-medium-t.html?_r=0
Daily Telegraph’s list of the 25 best “Downfall” Parodies: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/6262709/Hitler-Downfall-parodies-25-worth-watching.html
A Youtube collection of 192 “Downfall” Parodies: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA20DAC818C423798
A wiki devoted to Hitler parody: http://hitlerparody.wikia.com/wiki/Hitler_Parody_Wiki
Teacher to parent: I’m afraid your son has indulged in copying other student’s work, Mrs. Xerox.
You know how Jewish physics work.
I can’t find the link, but I saw one of Hitler screaming about the death of film photography.
OT: Yesterday, when I was walking Angel, I talked with someone in his 20s taking pictures with a 35mm film camera.
The copyright owner periodically gets these things taken down. Hundreds of them have disappeared into the unknown.
You know, I have yet to see a historically accurate movie about Hitler.
Where’s his giant robotic suit of armor? Or his legions of zombies with machine-guns sticking out of their chests 😉
captures it for me: “Don’t cry Mara! You tried but you’re just an idiot.”
“It is satire. If I could have found a good Keystone Kops or Marx Brothers movie maker I would have used that.”
Keystone Kops was the first thing that came to mind also. It was an excellent satire and it really did flow. In context I had just finished reading how Dr. and Frau Goebbels had murdered their 6 children, Hela age 12; Hilda ,11; Helmut, 9; Holde, 7; Hedda, 5; Heide, 3, during their last days in Hitler’s bunker. Their mother wrote, “They belong to the Third Reich and to the Fuehrer, and if these two cease to exist there can be no further place for them.” At that moment I was thinking about what happened in the bunker to children and how parents could think and do such a thing. At the time my frame of reference wasn’t on satire. It was me, not you RC.
So, which one was John in that movie??
I think he played the desk, which would explain the wooden performance.
Yes. I went there.
Finally got a chance to watch it. Yes, hilarious! Excellent work, RC … and you totally nailed CCCP’s version of office casual, as well 😛
I wonder if the Epic Rap Battles of History guys take requests …
All that’s left is parody … and the field is so rich and varied!
I think its a testament to the actor and the power of his performance that the scene works like it does for satire, frankly.
If anyone is curious as to what the dialogue really is heres is the scene with the correct subtitles.
Which is the owner’s right, but it is stupid to exercise it. I have to believe that there are many people who had never heard of The Downfall but then decided to seek it out after seeing the YouTube satires. It is an outstanding film.
I fear Commandant Zullo maligns the average earthworm. They may react badly!
Hey look…. none of the people have halos…
Reminds me of one of my favorite stories. Gil Amelio was the Apple CEO just before Jobs came back:
As a German, I can vouch for the authenticity of the translation. 😉
Have you seen Iron Sky? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034314
The Mara Zebest idiot line is my favorite too.
Great job!
Fabulous……and hilarious……….and pathetically I’ll bet it’s TOTALLY TRUE!!!!
Post of the week!!!!!!
The bovine flagulent presented on this blog amounts to a failed attemtp to prove the validity of the White House idiot’s documents.
Face the facts blog twerps because NBC and the idiot identified as “RC” are at a dead stop in the excrement that they swim in. NBC can’t prove crap and RC’s other so called expert claimed by RC are incapable of proving anything whatsoever that will validate the White House idiot’s documents. The expert RC quotes as validating NBC crap, firmly says that he had not been able to know if the BC had any alterations made to it that would cause the NBC reported crap to be valid. RC is too stupid to be able to gain fame by using his worthless diatribe that he calls fact finding or fact analysis. Phewww! RC you have the odor of a bovine flagulent and as much flagulent stability in a high wind.
Zullo is way out front of you bovine flatulent producers on this blog. Don’t die in your Obot excrement while continuing your ridiculous pursuit of proving the White House Idiot is not an ‘evil’ usurper.
[Same troll as Oblots & Disillusioned. Still whistling in the dark. Doc.]
Phew! I was getting worried, until I took a moment to notice that Obama was still president — and in fact was re-elected in a landslide last year; it was in all the papers — and everyone but one used car salesman and his string of marks is still following the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the US Constitution.
Do you think that your boorish manners and namecalling help your case one whit? Mr. Obama is still President, and will be until Jan. 20, 1917, because all the relevant authority is on his side.
All the people you mentioned don’t have to prove anythying. Those who are delusional enough — including Mr. Gas Bag — to think that our president can somehow be ousted by birther BS are the ones that bear the burden of proof. But they can’t — not in 3 1/2 years, not in 10 years, not in 100 years, not ever.
Zullo is a used car salesman, like Randal Terry. The only thing Zullo is good at is playing cops-n-robbers and being a world class grifter.
Zullo has more BS per unit time, than Orly or Apuzzo. I hope this makes you miserable. BTW, Orly Taitz was born Svetlana Auerbach.
What did Zullo say that demonstrates where he is, where the investigation is, where the investigation is going? Details?
Yeah, pretty much … just like once you determine that 2 + 2 = 4, your work is done, and you are indeed “at a dead stop”. Until a new problem to solve comes along.
Can I expect more equally brilliant observations at this “Gas Bag Blog”? You seem to have forgotten to leave the web address … ?
If I were going to use the word “flatulence” in an insulting way I would at least bother to spell it correctly.
What the hell is flagulent? I know you guys like making things up but seriously you’re making up words now too?
How can you be so sure? Because Zullo and Gallups claimed they were? How can Zullo be anywhere when he hasn’t presented anything new since last year? You could remove the dates from any of Carl Gallups Fellatio Friday shows and you wouldn’t be able to tell the time period on it since it’s always the same information.
That’s birther-speak. Just like Sarah Palin invented “refudiate,” and then compared herself to Shakespeare. Or like Orly Taitz getting a mail order law degree, and then comparing herself to Clarence Darrow.
Gee I love it when we call Birfers fools and morons and idiots, and suddenly one happens to show up and prove we weren’t lying. Or even exaggerating.
Its hilariously tragic that some people really are that stupid.
As we say in the computer biz: ‘finger check’.
NBC and RC are not out to validate any documents. The State of Hawai’i has done that quite adequately already. What NBC and RC and Doc Conspiracy and others have proven conclusively is that Zullo is a liar, a hypocrite, and a scam peddler.
By the way, I am not “calling Zullo names” in that assertion. I am applying descriptions that he has earned by his actions (and lack of actions).
Great satire. The resemblance is both uncanny and disturbing.
Zullo is still hurting as he knows he will have to update his affidavit and properly inform the Senators…
Will he do so?
Someone is parodying twinkyike.
Why are birthers always to obsessed with feces? Must be some weird suppressed erotic fetish.
At least I can tell with some degree of certainty your typical stomping grounds are over at ORYR where such posts are daily business (one could call it a feces fetish club).
But Zullo is running out of birthers to plagiarize!
Of course he will not. “It is of no concern“.
Well, Mr Zullo needs to get to work! All NBC has proven is that the image COULD have been created starting with the Xerox Workcentre and followed his work flow. Mr Zullo claims it is completely a man-made computer generation from scratch. So, the best way he can counter NBC is to create the document completely from scratch and document all the steps so that it can be recreated by interested birthers like scott and John. Now, we know that the CCP doesn’t have anyone capable of that kind of work, so he’ll need to hire an outside expert or else it will be blown up almost immediately. I figure conservatively that it will take around 75-100 man hours and cost in the $100-$150/hour range to do the work for him. If he’s willing to pay, I’m sure that after asking 200-300 experts, he should be able to find one to take his money and do what he wants. Of course the expert, like all the other experts hired by birthers, will be happy to do the job and take their money…the expert will also think that Mr Zullo is…
They’re also obsessed with homosexual acts. I think that some of them protest too loudly, if you know what I mean.
Thanks for posting that link, Suranis. I love the satire created by RC, but I couldn’t help thinking that the actual dialogue sounds more like how real birthers talk:
“My orders have fallen on deaf ears.” (paranoia: mainstream media, inaction of Congress, “sheeple”)
“I have conquered Europe all by myself!” (delusions of grandeur)
“All these traitors will PAY! THEY SHALL DROWN IN THEIR OWN BLOOD!!” (pretty much every post at ORYR)
JD Reed
“Zullo is way out front…”
In lies? In using other people’s research? In the number of ridiculous Carl Gallups’ shows to get the zombie Birthers to salivate over his upcoming tell all book? In the number of IRS complaints against the CCCP? In the number of times Arpaio throws him under the bus? In the number of times he never corrects Preacher Gallups?
I guess Zullo really is way out front.
That was directed to Gas Bag Blog. My apologies to JD Reed.
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
I think Corporal Zullo needs a new pair of boots, possibly hip waders for all the excrement that exists in Birtherland. This song sums it up. Oh the lyrics are timely too.
“You keep saying you got something for me… ” ( Sounds like Zullo and Gallups?)
“You keep lyi’n when you ought to be truthin’….” (Speaks for itself?)
“What is right is right but you ain’t been right yet….” (Is this wrong?)
“One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you” – yes, any day now. 😉
Hey, I’m a vampire, and you know how long we live. One century looks pretty much like another from our vantage point.
Wow, Jim! I find your terms completely agreeable. Where do I sign?
Hitler in the bunker…boy, that’s always one of my favorite memes, the dictator brought down by his own hubris, surrounded by his adoring flunkies and nervous supporters, the former looking to die with the leader, the latter looking for the nearest survivable exit.
That incident depicted in the film pretty much happened as it was shot. Der Fuehrer was told on April 22, 1945, that the 3rd SS Panzer Corps under Obergruppenfuhrer Steiner had been unable to follow orders to attack to relieve the growing siege of Berlin, and Hitler went berserk that an order of his was not obeyed.
He threw a galactic tantrum, and finally admitted the war was lost, and that he would stay in the bunker and die in it. I’ve seen Alec Guinness and Anthony Hopkins do effective Hitlers, and Bruno Ganz was tremendous in the role.
However, few things beat Dick Shawn or Gary Beach as Hitler in the two versions of “The Producers:” the first as a drugged-out hippie, the second mincing his way through the part.
As for “Gas Bag Blog:”
You’d do better if you cut down on the sophomoric cracks about flatulence and wrote clear and coherent arguments. Of course, being a “birther,” you can do neither.