While I have come to the firm and well-reasoned conclusion that Barack Obama is legally qualified to be President of the United States, him having been born a citizen of the US in the State of Hawaii in 1961, I am free to change my mind. This blog is dedicated to uncovering the truth, not supporting Barack Obama. Neither the Obama Campaign nor the Obama Administration had anything to do with this web site—I was just driving down the highway when the idea occurred to me. I can say what I want. I am my own man.
Some birthers are not at liberty. The first one that comes to mind is John Sampson, a former INS investigator who testified in Atlanta in the Farrar case for Orly Taitz. When Orly Taitz later attempted to have him testify in Indiana, he said that he was privy to information from the Cold Case Posse that he could not disclose, and therefore he was not at liberty to be placed under oath and to subject himself to questions.
The next one that comes to mind is Reed Hayes. Hayes is a handwriting expert who wrote a report for Mike Zullo (Hayes said Zullo, not the CCP, was his client) and because Zullo had asked him to, he was not at liberty to discuss his findings.
Today, I asked Garrett Papit, who wrote a report for the Cold Case Posse, to comment on his report now that it appears to have been fatally undermined by the recent investigation into the characteristics of PDF files produced by certain Xerox office machines that do things Papit said were unheard of. I offered Papit the opportunity to publish a guest article here. Even though the Xerox information has been made available for weeks, this is what Papit said:
Unfortunately I’m not at liberty to discuss it at this point. But sit tight. It will be covered in due time. … Once I am allowed to discuss it I will be more than happy to address your points.
Conspiracy theories are a trap. Once somebody gets sucked into that way of thinking, they lose their ability to think something else. It’s all about defending the theory, not finding the truth. And once somebody gets tied up with Mike Zullo, it appears that they even lose the liberty of speaking for themselves.
“It will be covered in due time” – another variation on “any day now.”
The birthers have painted themselves into a corner, so they are forced to say that they are waiting for the paint to dry.
SERIOUSLY for how long will birthers wait for action?
aside from their stupidity about obama’s eligibility, they are still stupidly donating to these bucks begging birthers
Dr C:
“This blog is dedicated to uncovering the truth, not supporting Barack Obama. Neither the Obama Campaign nor the Obama Administration had anything to do with this web site—”
Unfortunately the truth shoots many holes into the birther narrative. The truth often results in mindless, hysterical birther attacks against those who speak the truth. The birther agendas are to be advanced at all costs. The truth becomes the first casualty when protecting an agenda.
Many thanks to Dr C for his efforts.
Curious George: Many thanks to Dr C for his efforts.
i don’t know how he does it day after day and for years now and with so much panache, so many added graphics/photos, credible info with verifiable sources, etc and all while keeping the “children” behavin
Doc you are priceless …. KUDOS!!!!!
Translating for Garrett Papit:
Garret’s reassurance that all will be revealed “in due time” echoes the promises we were receiving over a year ago that the Posse actually did have the correct coding manuals after all, and they too would be revealed in due time.
I’m also waiting patiently for the release of the Verna K. Lee interview tapes.
it seems with the hopes of ted cruz, etc we have dumped the bogus 2-parent vattel interpretation of the constitution
so we are only left with the “forgery”?
get out the cuffs for xerox – how soon before the citizen grand jury indicts the machine?
I really cannot understand Papit’s reaction. I have heard Mike Zullo say multiple times that their goal was to prove that President Obama and his birth certificate are legitimate. They should be lauding NBC’s work and how he has helped them reach their goal. NBC has cleared up that little misunderstanding that Papit and the other CCP researchers had about MRC compression and layers.
What changed? Why is Mike Zullo not on Carl Gallups show offering a big public thank you to NBC?
and where is arpaio who said in june: @1:35 “you know what the big problem is, nobody will touch it – i can’t give it to the justice department – we’re not done with it yet ….. all i wanted to know, is that a fraudulent document – i never said where was the president born – i just want to know about the birth certificate, a government document, from hawaii, sent to the white house, and distributed around the world by the white house – i just want to know if it’s a fake – what’s wrong with that?”
Good question. John? “Helen”? Do you have an explanation?
Somoone told me –
Carl Gallups is intimately familiar with the claim. All Carl can say publicly at this point is that the people who are pushing that answer are going to be greatly surprised and deeply disappointed.
Not done fleecing the birthers yet…any day now.
Put up or shut up.
Why doesn’t Gallups just speak up now, today, and settle it? Who is keeping him from talking……..and why?
Caught this show the other day, Rebecca Costa, author of The Watchmen’s Rattle, discussing her view on contributors to societal collapse.
Studio Tulsa: Author and Sociobiologist Rebecca Costa to Lecture Soon at TU
It was originally broadcast in April. I haven’t read the book, but as the discussion turned toward the trap of abandoning the challenges of objectivity for the comforts of beliefs, I couldn’t help but think of our birther friends.
Reading Garrett wannabe-spooky response just brought it to mind again. It just keeps getting sillier. The Prophets of Baal, dancing faster and faster.
Is it possible to be any more exposed? Sure! The details of what the CCCP was really doing all this time could be revealed. Hilarity for all, guaranteed.
Do you really believe that?
One if the hallmarks of a scam is when the scamster keeps putting people off by insisting that there will be a payoff (or delivery of some goods), but he just needs a little more time to get it done. There is never a convincing explanation for why more time is needed. It’s always “there is a slight problem” or “the time isn’t right yet” or something similar. In the meantime, “send me more money.”
How many times have Gallup and Zullo told you that they just need a little more time?
When I started my blog, the very first two Birther claims I wrote about involved people saying ‘I have explosive information that I’m getting ready to share.’
The first was Larry Sinclair, who said he had a source in the Hawaii coroner’s office who told him that Grandma Dunham’s death records were falsified. Then he said it was someone in the funeral home. Then it was basically never mentioned again.
The second was Ed Hale, who said that someone had found Obama/Dunham divorce records that said “one child under the age of eighteen, born in Kenya.” That’s Ed’s quote. And when the divorce records actually materialized? Nothing of the sort.
You may also recall that after the ‘Bomford’ certificate was published by Orly, WorldNetDaily *itself* claimed that it was in possession of Kenyan birth certificates that MATCHED Orly’s. They didn’t show pictures of them, but they said they HAD them in their possession. Then it was revealed that Orly’s certificate was a hoax, and guess what…WND never mentioned its ‘matching’ certificates again. To the contrary: they soon published an actual Kenyan certificate they had, which looked NOTHING like Orly’s.
So yeah, I don’t take Birthers seriously when they say that they have surprising secret evidence that we’ll just have to wait to see. Because every time that’s happened in the past, EVERY TIME, they’ve proven to be full of crap.
“But sit tight. It will be covered in due time. …” (in the book)
“…they just need a little more time. (to write the book)
“…send me more money.” (while we write the book)
Buy the book! Buy the book! Buy the book! Just buy the book!
And that would be because………they’re FULL OF CRAP and have been from day one!!
The day one of them says I’ve got the big one and here it is right now I think I’ll fall out of my chair.
It’s always going to be……any day now.
Did I mention, buy the book?
Garrett Papit doesn’t want to compromise an imaginary investigation into an imaginary crime.
Perhaps it’s Pappit’s sense of shame that is preventing him from discussing his methodologically inane “analysis.”
Papit has had access to a Xerox WorkCentre 7655
Cant wait to hear more.
He emailed himself a scan of a document that looks like a printout of a Hawaiian birth certificate.
From the video, he says it never scans, the Xerox just sits there.
May be he didn’t have an internet connection.
ROTFL, well in that case we will have to wait indeed… But I do not think that he failed…
This might help him:
Troubleshooting Scan to Email
Note: Configure your printer on the network or resolve any networking issues before attempting to use the Email feature.
1. Verify the network cable is attached, and the printer is on. See Physical Connection on page 14.
2. Verify your printer is installed on the network. See Assigning a Network Address on page 16.
3. Verify that TCP/IP is enabled. See Enabling TCP/IP on page 22.
4. Ensure that the Network Scanning and Email Feature Enablement Kit has been installed. See your Xerox Sales Representative for details.
5. Ensure SMTP is enabled on the printer and verify the SMTP IP address or host name is correct. See SMTP on page 36.
6. Verify the mail server is configured to accept SMTP mail.
7. Verify the printer’s TCP/IP Domain Name, host name, and DNS settings are properly configured. See Configuring SMTP Server Settings on page 36.
8. Verify the printer is not on a restricted host list on the SMTP server.
9. Verify the printer’s account name and password are correct.
and John is also waiting for that check from the Nigerian bank he was promised. any day now!
Wait, you’re serious?
[time passes]
[more time passes]
Seriously, I can’t believe he posted this. It’s not exactly a “You can trust me; I’m a technical genius” moment.
Birthers are slaves to their own bigotry and stupidity.
Constantly seeing imaginary boogeymen in the shadows. What a way to live. Well, if one can call that living.
I like comedy.
Maybe this would help him.
And his access has been for a month. Why has the CCP remained quiet?…
Remember: birthers are typical conspiracy nuts who believe they belong to an enlightened elite of people who “see through the conspiracy” while the vast majority of us are “brainwashed” and “blind”.
Therefore it makes sense that they build themselves a private society with “secret” information only they are privy to.
“Yes, we have uncovered the secret to eternal life, but we can’t tell you, you’re an outsider.” Children do this and cranks do this as well.
The really funny thing is that Lord Protector Zullo has stated on Freedom Fridays that it wasn’t until Corsi showed him the movable date stamp that he started thinking that the PDF was a fraud. A truly reflective individual might realize that such a lapse in judgement might call into question other assumptions that they have made. Lucky for Mr. Zullo, birthers have never wanted anything other than a partisan witch hunt, so he probably won’t have to invest much time coming up with poor excuses as to why his “investigation” needs to “proceed.”
Has anyone sent them a link to the user’s manual? 😛
The SysAdmin manual will clue them in on how to turn MRC off/on 😉
Riiiiiiight. And why would only the date stamp bother him, and not the other “anomalies”?
Well, he argued that because you can move it around and place it anywhere on the document that it was extremely suspicious. As a WAG, I would submit it is something that you can easily demo in a YouTube video and claim it is a clear sign of forgery. I think it comes from watching too much CSI.
Sure, and you can do the same with any object in the PDF, (in any PDF!), including the background, or the clipping path, once opened in illustrator. The existence of multiple objects may appear suspicious to those not familiar with document processing/handling. If the fact that an object can be moved got him going, he’s easily bamboozled, and again confirming that he’s completely technically illiterate.
I agree absolutely. If the CCCP “investigation” was a legitimate one (and if for some reason the PDF needed investigation even though the information on it has been verified by the state of Hawaii) the starting place to analyze the PDF would be to identify the process it was allegedly made. It’s clear that Mr. Zullo has never attempted this (and looking through hex data doesn’t look as visually impressive in a YouTube as moving a layer around. Unfortunately for Mr. Zullo, what is visually impressive and what makes good evidence are two entirely different things).
Mike: Wool over his eyes man!
Crow: Easily bamboozled man!
Tom Servo: Three steps behind man!
Wow. Someone told you that someone else has a secret decoder ring that will prove you right when they’re finally allowed to divulge their secret decoding to the world?
What grown adult with reasoning capabilities beyond those of a five-year-old could fail to be convinced by that?
Interesting… Can’t wait… So they finally got the Xerox to work? As to the ever failing promissory notes by Gallup and others… We will have to wait and see…
yea……. that’s the ticket!
The Seven Headed Lydra of the upcoming Zullo/Gallups/CCP Resoponse
Head Number One: Source Eradicator
Point out that NBC and those involved in the Xerox WorkCentre “excuse” are known contributors to the Fogbow and their analysis should therefore be immediately questioned based on this website’s “history,” of spreading disinformation.
Head Number Two: The Denialist
Argue that nothing in the analysis actually refutes any of the CCP original findings and in fact it was found in some cases that it actually supports it.
Head Number Three: The Co-Conspirator
The CCP is looking into any possible connections with NBC and the creation of the original document. His intimate knowledge of the office equipment used by this administration and its inner workings suggests that he may be the actual forger. His analysis will be seen as something of a confession.
Head Number Four: The Invisible Reporter
Announce that the CCP has compiled an extensive analysis and filed a X-hundred page report that will be submitted to future court cases and will be referenced to existing affidavits, but will never be released to the general public as this is an “on-going” investigation.
Head Number Five: The Avoider
Announce to all that as lead investigator, Zullo is prepared to accept and review any new evidence introduced by outside sources and debate his own findings with those who oppose him… while never actually doing so.
Head Number Six: The Egotist
Appear many many times on the ego stroking program “Freedom Friday,” and allow Carl Gallups to repeatedly claim that the Xerox WorkCentre excuse has been “thoroughly debunked,” by members of the CCP and the “excellent and tireless efforts,” of Mike Zullo. This head must be protected at all costs by heads number two and five.
Head Number Seven: The Lauder
The unseen and yet repeatedly mentioned many page “report” shall be lauded extensively by CCP supporters and will be spread widely and quickly amongst the birther websites with many links to references of the reports and carefully quoted yet unsourced phrasing said to be contained within the report. Typical phrasing will be something along the lines of, “deeply flawed and easily debunked analysis from a questionable source.”
Just what I thought. My guess is also that they will blow this off with a general short statement like the Woodman claims, la “we have looked into it and found it unconvincing”.
A sibling of the famed Hydra, The Lydra is a multi-headed monster whose main weapon against the rational public is the LIE. It is prominently featured on Mike Zullo’s family crest.
I’m starting to think that YouTube is, unwittingly, playing a huge role in birtherism, and what seems to be the accellerating spread of conspiracy theories in general.
Ever since reading Neil Postman’s “Amusing Ourselves to Death”, I’ve been very worried about the extent to which Americans get our “news” from TV. The key point he makes that’s relevant to this discussion is that there’s a qualitative difference in mental processes between “readers” and “watchers”. Because of the nature of TV, people watching a story on TV don’t have the opportunity to pause and evaluate the information being pushed at them (this was pre-Tivo, but I suspect viewing habits haven’t changed that much). This tends to make them more uncritical in general when presented with new (mis)information, and better marks for the con artists and conspiracy mongers.
Video clips are often a good way to illustrate points in a written debate about a complex subject, but a horrible way to actually conduct debates. They make it easier to inject bullshit without getting caught, and harder to dispute when it is caught.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that pretty much all the “evidence” the CCP has presented to the public consists of videos and interviews. It makes it easier to con their victims, many of whom have been conditioned by being raised on TV to be force-fed that way. I’ve actually encountered one birther who’s livid that I refuse to give him a YouTube link, and insist that he _read_ NBC’s analysis.
If I’m right, the battle against loonh conspiracy theories will continue to get harder, despite the _potential_ of the net to make people _more_ informed.
Starting? No need to start, you’re dead on. YouTube combined with widespread availability of webcams and smartphones has practically eliminated the bar n regards to entry-level video production, and on the flipside, the nature of YouTube and the internet itself enables compulsive, impulsive, chain consumption. Practically no effort required on the part of the content creator and the consumer. Video engages more senses than does reading, and forms a more personal experience if involves a talking head.
Spreads of mind viruses like conspiracy theories follows an epidemic model. The above puts the epidemic on steroids, in terms of spread, rate of transmission, and infection rate.