I reported some time back that Orly Taitz has moved away from being a one-trick pony, and branched into generalized right-wing issues. Most recently, she is asking Tea Party members [link to Taitz web site] to contact her regarding the controversial key-word targeting of certain groups for extra scrutiny of their applications for tax exemption as charities. She is proposing a class action lawsuit.
From what I have read, there were unreasonable delays in processing some of the applications; however, I do not think that it is unreasonable to give extra scrutiny to a group with “tea party” in their name, when they are applying for a tax exemption not available to organizations that are primarily political.
If she pursues this, we know just how this is going to turn out. She’ll have a bunch of plaintiffs who she doesn’t know who she will treat as props whose role it is to give her “standing.” She’ll file an incompetent complaint in which she sues the wrong people under the wrong statute and in the wrong court. Her complaint will be premised on a fundamental misunderstanding of how the process of reviewing applications for tax-exempt status is supposed to work and a fundamental mischaracterization of what actually happened. She will include a whole bunch of birther crap that has nothing to do with the rest of her claims. She’ll spend a year screwing up service, having her documents stricken from the record for not properly redacting Social Security numbers, moving for sanctions against the defense attorneys for whatever made-up BS happens to be infecting her brain at the time. The case will be decided on the papers–no discovery, no trial–and she will screech about corrupt judges, blah, blah, blah.
Wow, she’s really Johnny-on-the-Spot, all over last year’s ambulance!
Is this a desperation money play? Thinking she could get some slow-moving dupes to pay her up front for making a filing? Going to be a tough sell in the “You only pay when we win” end of the legal cess pool.
She could simply Google “class action IRS targeting tea party” to get an idea of just how played out and pointless this business proposal is. There’s plenty of attempts many months old, and at least one has its own website: http://www.suetheirs.com/
Not to mention the problem of proving damages. It is difficult to see how a mere delay in getting a tax exemption would cause a “charity” to suffer any tangible damages. And be careful what you ask for – a lawsuit against the IRS would open up the records of the plaintiff Tea Party groups to discovery, which might reveal information which they would like to keep confidential.
Then there would be the utter insanity of taking Orly Taitz on as your attorney.
It gets worse (Yes, that’s possible.):
She’s sending her minions out to “
research” harass members of Obama’s high school basketball team.http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=445425
The woman is certifiable!
Maybe she thinks Trolinski is Jewish and in her logic more likely to be friendly to her? It would make no sense to a sane person but to her?
What’s unreasonable in all of this (and what I think will prove fatal to Orly’s case—assuming her incompetence doesn’t kill it first) is Issa’s investigation. Since he ordered the IRS to investigate the targeting of right-wing groups (and right-wing groups only), there is no evidence that right-wing groups were targeted any more than left-wing groups or, say, groups hanging out on the tail… Even if Taitz could get discovery on the information she would need to prove her case, the idea that she could handle that kind of investigation is laughable. Of course it would give her more opportunity for Sternsigging…
The silver lining is that if she actually hurts real plaintiffs through her usual incompetence, she may finally get disbarred?
Or the tort cases by her plaintiffs tie up her resources. Then again, Tea Party crazies might just let it be, “she’s on our side, after all”.
I think having her and the Tea Party tied in lock step going through the courts, going down in flames, would indeed be high comedy, but I don’t know as I see it happening. The Tea Party is too disorganized and too internally confused and too fragmented to ever get it together enough to do something like this, and I doubt if they could scare up enough money between them to satisfy her expensive habits. Also, dumb as they are, I think they would expect her to act like a lawyer and really file and prosecute cases, and we know that isn’t ever going to happen.
I am not surprised about Farah’s reaction to Cruz’s alleged presidential run. I knew all along that the birther movement has never been about protecting the constitution. It has everything to do with the man, Barack Obama.
As a payback, I want the left wing form a birther brigade and go after Cruz if he decides to run in 2016. Are there any mad, left wing looney woman out there who has a law degree from an online school, would file hundreds of frivolous law suits, fail to effect proper service and cut/paste arguments found on the internet in her pleadings?
I prefer for anti-birthers to stay consistent. There is no distinction in law between a “Citizen of the United States At Birth” and a “natural born citizen.” Due to the circumstances of their mothers’ births in Kansas and Delaware respectively, both Barack Obama and Ted Cruz are eligible.
Orly Taitz doesn’t have clients. She has plaintiffs. They are nothing but props. She puts their names on her cases, but if they expect her to act on their behalf or based on their wishes, she dumps them from the case. Since her “plaintiffs” don’t pay her, they are getting exactly what they paid for–nothing.
Ah, but if we decide to channel the Birfoons, it doesn’t matter that Cruz is actually eligible. We can file suits claiming he isn’t, stir up doubts, smear him as a Manchurian Candidate… and wouldn’t need a shred of proof. Who needs evidence to hold a political witch hunt?
I have always maintained Cruz is eligible but completely unqualified to be president.
Yes, props that she adds and drops on a whim.
From what I have seen the most humorous part is that no one ever responds to her crazy requests. She gets more misinformation that actual information. Its very clear, like a Palin, she has a sickness of having to see her name in the press regardless if its negative.