Yes friends, the inmates are running the asylum in Maricopa County, Arizona!
or not!
Here’s the story as it stood at 3:40 PM this afternoon, Phoenix time:
The Arizona’s Politics blog reported statements direct from the Sheriff’s Office saying that Arpaio has assigned two full-time detectives to the Obama investigation. They are investigating issues “surrounding” Obama’s birth certificate.
Arpaio spokesperson Lt. Brandon Jones confirmed to Arizona’s Politics that the detectives are working on the related investigation. After first referring the matter to Zullo for comment, Jones stated: "We have two Sheriff’s detectives assigned to look into other issues surrounding the birth certificate, however they are not investigating the birth certificate issue itself."
It will be interesting to see what the citizens of Maricopa County and the Board of Supervisors think about that!
but not so fast!
Arizona’s Politics now reports a change in the story:
MCSO Lt. Brandon Jones states that he "was misinformed" when he had confirmed the information earlier. He now states that "The detectives are not working on anything regarding the birth certificate. Not even surrounding. Mr Zullo was incorrect, they are working on other sensitive cases not even related."
Not related to what? Did the MCSO throw Zullo under the bus? What’s a fellow to think? Here’s the dialog on the Gallups show, starting about the 2:50 minute mark.
Gallups: You continue to work, because it’s my understanding, and I’m going to be very general here, you can be more detailed if you want, but it’s my understanding even recently you guys have uncovered even more stuff, so I mean… you’re shooting for March, but it might even be a little delayed if you guys keep finding more of this heavy-duty stuff. Am I anywhere near right on all that?
Zullo: You’re correct, Carl. I don’t know how this is all gonna play out. I know that the criminal investigation that we’re working on now, Sheriff Arpaio has dedicated resources in two full-time Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office detectives. These are seasoned pros that are working this. These are the guys that go hunt down the really bad guys …
I suspect there will be more to come!
Looks like Arizona Politics blew it or the MCSO woke up. In either case Zullo is now under the bus:
BREAKING UPDATE: Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office DENIES Detectives Are Working On Criminal Ancillary Investigation Related To Obama Birth Certificate Probe
Hey! This Sounds Just Mike Evans.
Remember Mike Evans said that Governor Abercrombie said there was no birth certificate and then the very next day Mike Evans said he never talked to Governor Abercrombie.
Thanks, Carl. This makes the story even better!
I don’t know how they could have been confused in the first place. What are those two detectives working on?
Maybe they opened an Internal Affairs investigation because Roxie filed a complaint about them repeatedly calling her a “forger”. 😉
But I’m still hoping that some disgruntled donor called “fraud” on the CCP for their many misrepresentations.
Notice how in the quote from Lt. Jones he refers to Mike Zullo as “Mr. Zullo”
The MCSO spokesman first told the reporter to talk to Zullo. Maybe the spokesman himself talked to Zullo, who gave him the two detective story but then the spokesman talked to the real detectives who just laughed out loud.
Yep. Another couple days like this and it’ll be “Who?”
This sounds like a Mike Evans moment. Governor Abercrombie told the press that he couldn’t find Obama’s birth certificate after an investigation but instead found a state notation that Obama’s birth was written down. Then Mike Evans came on a dozen radio shows and said empathically that Governor Abercrombie told him directly that no birth certificate existed. After 10,000 people started calling the governor’s office, the next day Mike Evans changed his story and said that he really didn’t talk to Governor Abercrombie.
My pleasure… so many ways.
There is no joy in Birtherstan tonight!
Doc, you can quote me on this one…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I confessed to messing with the LFBC image so the Conspiracy-Hallucinating Anomaly Squad would make fools of themselves, but I still maintain no forgery occurred because I didn’t alter any of the information.
I guess they’ll just have to investigate.
Good luck serving me,boys. Hee hee!
Evans showed up on one show not a dozen and retracted within a few days. He never actually said he spoke with Abercrombie but called his office. He didn’t “emphatically” say that Abercrombie told him anything. He didn’t say that Abercrombie said there was no birth certificate. If you’re going to repeat birther memes at least get the details correct.
Why did you run away again tonight in the Mike Volin chat “John”
Be sure to look both ways before you step off the curb, john……those buses can hurt.
He had to catch a bus.
Actually, john it smells like Zullo got caught. Given your close relationship tell us what his explanation is. You can…..can’t you?
I suspect Lt. Jones talked to Zulllo first who of course lied because that is what he does. Then Jones checked it out with the folks in the office and they gave him the real poop after laughing their asses off for five minutes.
Now you’re lying again. Abercrombie never, ever said that he couldn’t find Obama’s birth certificate. Weren’t you ever taught about bearing false witness?
I don’t think Zullo got caught, i think the sheriff’s office got caught and now they trying to backpedal. It’s just like the Mike Evans/Governor Abrcrombie backpedal.
Do you ever stop lying?
Joe Mannix has figured it out at BR……
Hold on a minute fella’s. I just noticed ‘’ is posting over at Fogbow and noticed he has 21 posts to date there. This could be a deception by Obots to attempt to make Zullo out to be liar. We need confirmation from another trustworthy source. I don’t think a spokes person from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office would be on the phone this time of night talking to a blogger about what is going on with these detectives.
As the stories on clearly indicate they talked to the MCSO mid-afternoon….during normal business hours.
It’s going to be a long, ugly night in the Birtherstan Spin Room.
Awesome! I am somebody!
Hi, my name is Mitch Martinson, and I am an Obot.
Guess I’ll have to mosey over there and post a pic of the e-mail for Joe Mannix. (I wonder if he’s related – I loved that show.)
I had replied here before (about 20 mins ago), but must’ve done something wrong.
Carl (Orcas), I tried to carefully report Lt. Jones’ comments, but can see where it might’ve become confusing. I included the gist of his “I’m misinformed” statement; the full quote was “Mitch, I was misinformed. The detectives are not working on anything regarding the birth certificate. Not even surrounding. Mr Zullo was incorrect, they are working on other sensitive cases not even related.”
He then thanked me for promptly running his new information.
Hope that clarifies.
Maybe Mr. Zullo pulled out his pretend Cracker Jack badge one too many times and finally got caught? He’s gone from Commander to Mr. Zullo. I see bus tire treads all over his torso. Sometimes life is really unfair.
You will need to make a YouTube video to establish chain of custody.
You mean the Mike Evans/Abercrombie story you got totally wrong? How can we trust you when you can’t even get your own birther memes correct upon retelling? Also John you didn’t tell us why you ran away in Mike Volin’s chatroom tonight.
I’m sure you will find that birthers are more than willing to consider your evidence before they call you a marxist and a communist and accuse you of committing treason.
And, this is a surprise?
Kudos to Arizona Politics for following up on the rumor. Mr. Zullo will have lots of ‘splainin’ to do on this week’s Fellatio Friday.
Mitch M:
“Awesome! I am somebody!
Hi, my name is Mitch Martinson, and I am an Obot.
Guess I’ll have to mosey over there and post a pic of the e-mail for Joe Mannix.(I wonder if he’s related – I loved that show.)”
Some have suggested they may be related.
Joe Mannix
“This could be a deception by Obots to attempt to make Zullo out to be liar. ”
Hasn’t he done this all on his own? This is a Kodak comedy moment. I can’t wait for the fallout in March.
Someone needs to correct those guys at the MCSO. It’s CHIEF INSPECTOR Zullo.
How did the SO get caught? The SO didn’t say last Friday on an internet radio program that two paid detectives had been assigned to the birth certificate investigation. Zullo did.
It does and you handled it just right.
Have you gotten a response/explanation from Mr. Zullo yet?
Maybe when he talks to Zullo he can ask what his official rank is and why he allows Carl Gallups to continue to call him a Lt. without correcting him
I’m told KPHO 5 Phoenix reported that Sheriff Arpaio denied that two MCSO detectives have been assigned to investigate issues related to the Obama birth certificate. I’m searching for a link. This doesn’t look good for Mr. Z.
Well, of course, Zullo is probably in deep yogurt for spilling the beans about his universe shattering investigation in Arizona to a penny ante talk radio show from Florida. He’s let the cat out of the bag and disclosed the Sheriff’s work on a sooper secret investigation. Disciplinary procedures are probably in the making. Count on His Excellency Commander Zullo being demoted to Cracker Jacks Detective kit deputy Zullo. 🙂
There have been questions about whether county taxes are paying for birther investigation activity or not. That’s my only concern. This report seems to be trying to throw county taxpayers off the scent. I think if Zullo is doing any birther investigation, it’s all being funded through donations of the Surprise Tea Party. –
So now you’re saying that Sheriff Arpaio and the MCSO are liars? Works for me.
Just for the record: Zullo has no official rank. At best his title is Commander of the Cold Case Posse, a non-profit charitable corporation. Commander is not a rank in the MCSO and, of course the posse isn’t part of the MCSO according to Sheriff Arpaio. Other than that……
Very much enjoyed BR fast and furious spinning on this one! The capper for me was the comment left below (Set your Denialyzers to “Alternate Universe” before reading)
Overall, I’m stunned that they aren’t asserting this is all a natural result of the top sekrit / need-to-know nature of such a sensitive endeavor ( 😛 ) … instead they’re exhorting each other to patiently await the explanation for this confusion.
They don’t seem to be, as ‘M.B.’ would say, “staying strong” 😉
Yes, stay strong … the birf is strong in that one …
I see the birthers at Birther Report have welcomed Mitch M. just as I suspected they would–with hostility and accusations. LOL.
I checked the KPHO site and nothing so far. Sometimes their 10 o’clock news stories don’t show up on line until the next day.
As far as Zullo is concerned I can’t wait to see how he explains it.
Nasty bunch. “Joe Mannix” is trying to track him down and says he found someone with the same name who lives “6.3 miles from Orly Taitz office”.
Wow!! What a detective. The real Joe Mannix is spinning in his grave.
“There have been questions about whether county taxes are paying for birther investigation activity or not. That’s my only concern. This report seems to be trying to throw county taxpayers off the scent. I think if Zullo is doing any birther investigation, it’s all being funded through donations of the Surprise Tea Party. –”
County tax dollars ($9,000+ ) were used on at least one of Zullo’s hops to Hawaii with a deputy sheriff.
I think he is still alive.
This will kill him.
Report updated 6:28 pm, Arizona Politics.
Well Zullo has really worked himself into a corner.
It doesn’t get any more clear than this.
You are absolutely correct. 88 and still kicking according to Wikipedia.
John, You better have a char with tracies dad. He seems to be exibiting a severe ack of conficence. Moving the goalpasts 2 months ahead of time is a new record!
By the end of this year??? I’M SHAKING
Here’s what Zullo has accomplished with his Freedom Friday revelation. He has apparently falsely indicated that paid MCSO detectives are working on a criminal investigation that is an offshoot of his birth certificate “investigation.” When he did that he branded Arpaio as a liar. Arpaio said he would not use tax payer dollars for the birth certificate investigation. Zullo statement really puts the Sheriff’s credibility in a bind with the taxpayers. Smooth move Private Zullo.
Well, no, not necessarily.
Try this scenario: a friend tells Zullo at a party that he’s heard about someone forging AZ driver’s licenses, and he’s read somewhee that Zullo is “investigating identity fraud for the Sheriff”. Or an audience member at one of his dog-and-pony shows tells him about a meth lab out in the county, and hopes he’ll get his friend Shurf Joe to look into it.
Zullo passes along the tip to the real police and, eager to show that he’s not on the Biggest Snipe Hunt of the Century, claims (dishonestly, but not entirely falsely) it’s “an offshoot” of his work. When queried, the MCSO says “No, nothing to do with Obama or those silly birfers”.
No “branding”: just Zullo engaging in some foolish bragging.
Maybe Zullo officially changed his first name to match the infamous Lieutenant Quarles Harris (sp?). “My name is Zullo. Lieutenant Zullo.”
This is the same Joe Mannix who claimed a few months ago that Zullo was going to use the sheriff’s office to investigate obots.
You really have to stop making stuff up Jim. Abercrombie has never said (and never “told the press”) that he couldn’t find the President’s birth certificate. And there aren’t 10,000 people who actually care about this issue at all, let alone called the governor’s office.
Mike Evans got caught in a lie. Deal with it.
He was named “Leiutenant Quarles Harris Jr.”
His story is another classic case of bigoted birthers running with misinformation and then ignoring the truth with “LALALALALALALA! I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”
There was smoke because of the birthers’ smoke machines.
Thanks for posting the email from Lt. Jones. As you may or may not know I am one of the individuals whom Zullo had said previously was a “person of interest” in some sort of investigation. I called the MCSO and talked to a Sgt. Crosby there. He laughed it off.
This helps confirm my suspicion that Mike Zullo is a FOJ (Friend of Joe) but is viewed as a buffoon by the professional LEO’s inside the MCSO.
You mean, except for that one time, in Hawaii, in 2012? When a $9600 tab was run up on a sideshow, after which Arpaio offered to make it good with a $5,000 “donation” from the CCCP? Privatization of public law enforcement resources aside, $5000 is [ greater than / less than / equal to ] $9600 …. hmmm, so early for such difficult objectivities ….
Ha! We made Wonkette!
“Joe Arpaio’s Birther Investigation So Secret Not Even Joe Arpaio Knows What’s Going On”
They said the same about me, and I’m just office equipment!
Say… wouldn’t that make me an “object of interest?” How humiliating!
“These are the guys that go hunt down the really bad guys …”
Then what the hell would they be doing assigned to a non-issue/non-investigation of non-entities. Kind of a waste of manpower while the “really bad guys” (who they also don’t seem to bother investigating/arresting go about their merry way.
And here’s Joe’s latest spin on the Zullo scandal:
“No Zullo hasn’t been busted in any lie! The detectives are working on something that the birth certificate indirectly led the investigation to but is considered separate from the birth certificate.”
Interesting, R.C., and thanks.
Sounds like the birthers are engaged in serious damage control mode!
That’s some linguistic judo there. I’m still waiting for the day that Zullo gets busted on the truth.
our nation’s throne
he did usurp
treason argle
bargle derp
burma shave
Sounds like the hypothetical I posted a little earlier: Zullo got a tip about a real crime, and is trying to tie it to the CCP’s snipe hunt to make it seem like it’s not an unalloyed waste. Sorta like a drunk driver who crashes into a convenience store while it’s being robbed, accidentally hits the robber, and knocks him unconscious.
“The ‘Civilian Cromestopper of the Month award ceremony has been postponed due to the incarceration of the recipient”…
Is that Korean Elvis?
Yeah, that’s when the questioning started.
Arpaio has about 70 different posse units. These CCP posse members aren’t the guys that go after the really bad guys. LOL
Maybe Grand Commander Zullo has just now discovered his own fraud and he is furiously investigating himself.
Where is that from?
That was a quote from Doc’s story and does not refer to any of the CCP members, rather to Zullo (or Gallups) remark re the two SOs supposedly investigating on behalf of MCSO.
Who stated that? Arpaio? Gallups? FALCON? LOL Where is that from and is there a link, please?
That’s from Joe Mannix. Here’s the link:
His comment appears about 3/4 down the comment section.
But I wa-a-a-ant my universe-shattering information! W-will Zullo still release the universe-shattering evidence?
No source is given. I think it is wishful thinking or referring to Zullo’s original claim.
Here it is…..
Joe Mannix · 3 hours ago
No Zullo hasn’t been busted in any lie! The detectives are working on something that the birth certificate indirectly led the investigation to but is considered separate from the birth certificate.
My guess is they’re after one of the overnight cleaning people who parked in the Sheriff’s reserved parking place at the new headquarters building.
There’s a shock. Next thing you’re going to tell me Shirley Temple died!!
Got it – that was Joe Mannix’s opinion.
Last ditch drive by Joe Montanix, throwing wildly in a desperate effort to distract attention away from the view behind the birfer curtain … wait, what’s that? “Mannix” you say?
Well, how dull.
Back to siesta time.
Joe Arpaio’s Birther Investigation So Secret Not Even Joe Arpaio Knows What’s Going On
Karl GallOops!: “Okay, Listeners, we’ve got my good Obama-hating friend and serial liar, Mike Zoo Low, on the phone with us, and remember Listeners that tapes of our Free Dumb Friday Programs also err the following day as the 25 Cent Stupid Saturday Program! Now Mike, the investigation of Obama document fraud continues to broaden and deepen, already shattering the universe, with its irrelevance. And speaking of fraud, am I anywhere near sane, Mike? Because the Obots are GOING WILD!”
Parade Grand Marshall and Mia Copa County Jail Charwoman Trainer Mike ZooLow: “No, Karl. As I said previously, I don’t know how this is all gonna play out. I know that for the Obama-related criminal investigation that we’re working on now, Sheriff Our Pie Hole dedicated resources in two full-time Mia Copa County Sheriff’s Office detectives, over 450 part-timers sporting their cardboard badge from the Sheriff’s Kit , and 250 armed magnifying glass toting senior citizens acting as Mia Copa Irregulars, but now on a high-fiber diet.”
Karl GallOops!: “Forgive, me for interrupting Mike, but Sheriff Our Pie Hole just called on another line and said that none of that is true, he says he wants you gone and all of this over within 90 days straight up, or lose the Hitler mustache.”
Mike ZooLow: “Well, Karl, NOT A PROBLEM and that’s a possibility but with another dozen or so Usurper investigations, we may be past that March target date, but certainly no later than the year 2076, unless the Tricentenial festivities create press conference scheduling problems.”
Karl GallOops!: “Well, generous Listeners, we’re 62 years out from a date certain on those announcements, but golly, air-time during the Tricentenial – that won’t come cheap, am I right about that Mike?”
I believe it’s “Head Duck-weigher-in-charge.”