The Post & Email Will Not Air Michael Shrimpton Interview

Heavens to Zullo1, what is going on? There I was, all set for the new Michael Shrimpton interview with The Post & Email and Birther Report as the detonating introduction to March Universe Shattering™ month, and now they say it won’t happen?

Birther Report published a string of articles about an old Shrimpton talk from 2008, uploaded to YouTube in 2012, recently discovered, forwarded to Carl Gallups, and featured at BR. Then BR reported that they had contacted Shrimpton, interviewed him, and that the audio recording would be released shortly. Frankly, I was impressed that BR was finally going to get some original content, bless their black birther hearts.

I had published the introductory article, but it was not to be. Sharon Rondeau, editor of the Post & Email wrote today:

(Mar. 9, 2014) — The Post & Email has decided not to air any portions of the interview conducted with Barrister Michael Shrimpton on Friday evening as announced on Saturday morning.

We are also confirming that no “fundraising” has been done by The Post & Email as a result of speaking or communicating with Shrimpton, nor have we benefited financially in any way from those contacts. The original story announcing the interview has been removed so that there is no question that any financial gain has been realized by The Post & Email from having conducted the interview.

Reading between the lines, I’m thinking that Shrimpton wanted money. It wouldn’t be the first time.


If I recall correctly the interview was 50-something minutes (that detail seems to have evaporated at BR, or I just can’t find it now). Now, covered in copyright language, two bits have appeared, one just over 6 minutes:

and one just over 7 minutes:

So where’s the other 37 minutes?

1“Heavens to Zullo” seems an apt expression for something promised that doesn’t happen.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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25 Responses to The Post & Email Will Not Air Michael Shrimpton Interview

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:
  2. Jim says:

    Doc: “1“Heavens to Zullo” seems an apt expression for something promised that doesn’t happen.”

    I like it…

    “Heavens to Zullo…any day now.” Kinda rolls off the tongue. 😆

  3. Arthur says:

    BirtherReport is suggesting he will make the interview public. In the comments section, he wrote:

    “Are you going to release the tapes??????????”

    You betcha!

  4. Reading between the lines, I’m thinking that Shrimpton wanted money.

    Sounds like a really good excuse and enables one to keep everybody in the dark much like Arpaio/Zullo/Gallups, “We know super-secret things that you don’t and that makes us so superior,” game play.

    I never thought to ask this: Does Trump have a birther lawyer?

  5. jtmunkus says:

    Just what is Sharon Rondeau hiding?

  6. Suranis says:

    If BR airs the interview without paying Shrimpton his grifter dues, will he sue? now that would be fascinating and highly entertaining.

  7. Suranis:
    If BR airs the interview without paying Shrimpton his grifter dues, will he sue? now that would be fascinating and highly entertaining.

    Leave it to Rondeau to screw up BR and Shrimpy’s sweet little grift.

  8. Benji Franklin says:

    jtmunkus: Just what is Sharon Rondeau hiding ?

    Well she’s not hiding how worthless Shrimpy’s gossipy fantasies are in proving Obama has committed THE CRIME OF THE VAN IRION AGE!

    Evidently, Sharon budgets herself with a no scent limit on expenses associated with gathering rumors about any particular Usurper. She’s got ethics up the wazoo! A million dollars for ink to print lies about Obama, but not one cent for tribute to any of the loons in her own constellation of Birther gadflies!

  9. So I had a dream last night. I was in a concert band and couldn’t find my clarinet. I went round and round the very large cluttered room where the band rehearsed looking for the case, but it wasn’t there. Finally I realized it was in my hand, but not really. I was holding a flute.

    Sometimes a flute is just a flute, but I wonder if this is all symbolic about the Shrimpton audio recording.

  10. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    So I had a dream last night. I was in a concert band and couldn’t find my clarinet.

    Please tell me that the dream doesn’t involve a talking yellow sponge upstaging you! 😉

  11. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So I had a dream last night.

    Last night I dreamt my father was sitting on the floor next to his bed, claiming he had no idea how he got there. When I asked him why he didn’t get back into bed, he said he couldn’t as long as my mother was still talking to him.

    Somehow this has a connection to Shrimpton/Rondeau, I’m sure.

  12. Arthur says:

    I had a dream that the birthers finally shook off their delusions and realized that while they may not like Obama, he’s still eligible to be president.

    It was just a dream.

  13. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I had a dream that Mark Mothersbaugh asked me if I wanted a cookie.

  14. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I had a dream that Mark Mothersbaugh asked me if I wanted a cookie.

    Did he whip it?

  15. Arthur says:

    BirtherReport has a portion of the Shrimpton interview up, and we get to hear the man behind BR asking him questions. Unless I miss my mark, Mr. BR is old, white, and Southern. What a remarkable combination–I’d never have suspected that in a million fawking years.

  16. Looks like a little bit of the interview is up. Note the licensing language over at YouTube. Looks like they paid up.

    See updates in the main article.

  17. I notice that Shrimpton repeated what he read in an April Fools Day story that Obama was a Fulbright scholar. This guy is a grifter. I hope he hooked Bob Nelson for a few thousand for that interview.

  18. roxy7655 says:

    Reality Check: …repeated what he read in an April Fools Day story that Obama was a Fulbright scholar.

    There you go. Gullible, incurious sheep. Willing to accept and repeat stories with no effort to corroborate, stories that can be shown to be bogus with two lousy minutes’ research.

    Different actors, same play.

  19. Keith says:

    roxy7655: Willing to accept and repeat stories with no effort to corroborate,

    Not to be argumentative, Roxy, but isn’t that your exact purpose for existence?

  20. jayHG says:

    Need a transcript…..I can barely understand a word he’s saying….but I did hear him say you need at least one parent who’s American. That right there is going to send the birfers into a tizzy.

  21. RanTalbott says:

    [With apologies to Paul Mason Howard and Paul Weston]

    Shrimpton was a-comin’
    His tales are a fright.
    Shrimpton’s NOT a-comin’
    Tapdancin’ tonight.
    Why did he throw the birfs a bone?
    And say Obama’s got a Kenyan home?
    Shrimpton’s now a-comin’
    in pieces. Alright!

  22. Northland10 says:

    Keith: Not to be argumentative, Roxy, but isn’t that your exact purpose for existence?


  23. justlw says:

    RanTalbott: Shrimpton was a-comin’


  24. RanTalbott says:

    justlw: *applause*

    Thank you. It’s a little scary how clearly I remember the chorus (but none of the verses) after more than 50 years. If I ever get Alzheimer’s, I’ll probably be strangled by one of the nurses after the 1173rd time I’ve (badly) sung it 😉

  25. RanTalbott says:

    Interesting. Most media accompany guest appearances with a little blurb like “So-and-so is a software engineer who invented the Internet”, or “Admiral Whosis was a Navy fighter pilot who served in Vietnam, and commanded the Antarctic Fleet from 1997 until his retirement in 2004”.

    Birfer Report did something a little different: they included a copy of a court filing presenting his defense plan in his ongoing prosecution by the British government for making a hoax terrorist attack threat.

    Definitely an, umm … “unconventional” way to establish credibility.

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