Twittersphere explodes over faked photo

Can you find the floating finger?

Carney, Shipman and their children staged a mock press conference for Washingtonian MOM magazine, in front of a bookshelf that included a copy of 'Soviet Architecture' (next to the Gorbachev bobblehead, 4th shelf R)

I don’t know if the birthers think this is an impeachable offense, but they certainly think it’s part of a pattern of deception at the White House. The photo above was taken at White House Press Secretary Jay Carney’s home and appeared in Washingtonian MOM magazine in a profile of Carney’s wife. If you look on the right set of shelves, the second shelf from the top, you’ll see the phantom finger on a book spine, obviously from a book copied from the shelves on the left.

Apparently this is a conspiracy to make it seem that Carney reads more books than he actually does.  I think he’s giving the birthers the finger.

Personally I have lost count of how many boxes of books I’ve given away and my shelves are not double stacked the way they once were. I discovered e-books.

Read even more shocking disclosures at Business Insider, or check out Birther Report’s “Obama Caught Photoshopping Another Regime Propaganda Photo.”

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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50 Responses to Twittersphere explodes over faked photo

  1. Thinker says:

    Birther Report’s post on this piece has a photoshopped picture of Obama holding a hammer in one hand and a sickle in the other. Hypocrisy, thy name is birther. But seriously, the photos in that puff piece are obviously campy and not documentary. One of the photos has a dog balancing a bone on his nose. Another has a kid flipping a fried egg in the air as if it were a pancake. I’m guessing that Jay Carney and his wife don’t often hold press conferences with their children in attendance.

    Just more wingnut outrage over a cooked up controversy.

  2. Arthur says:

    “I discovered e-books.”

    Me too. I guess when I die, instead of passing on my library, I’ll just give the kids my Kindle.

    “In the year, 2525
    If man is still alive
    If woman can survive,
    They may find . . . ”

    Thumbs up, if you remember that one!

  3. CarlOrcas says:

    “I discovered e-books.”

    Me too. I guess when I die, instead of passing on my library, I’ll just give the kids my Kindle.

    “In the year, 2525
    If man is still alive
    If woman can survive,
    They may find . . . ”

    Thumbs up, if you remember that one!

    “Eve of Destruction”.

    Now….how about the singer? (I had to go look.)

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    Thinker: Just more wingnut outrage over a cooked up controversy.

    If I wasn’t banned I’d ask them:

    Do you really think the President, or anyone in the administration, has the time to diddle with photographs in a puff piece for a local magazine?

    And, if they do, why would they?

  5. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: Now….how about the singer?

    Zager and Evans! However, “Eve of Destruction” is by Barry McGuire. Zager and Evans’ song is “In the Year 2525.”

  6. alg says:

    more grasping for straws at Birther Report. They have run out of nothing worth printing.

  7. bgansel9 says:

    Arthur: Zager and Evans! However, “Eve of Destruction” is by Barry McGuire. Zager and Evans’ song is “In the Year 2525.”

    Thanks, I knew it wasn’t Eve of Destruction, and I do remember “In the Year 2525.”

  8. bgansel9 says:

    Okay, my big question – WHY are they getting all freaked about this? I don’t see anything to freak out about. Does every faked photo garner this much of their attention?

  9. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: Zager and Evans! However, “Eve of Destruction” is by Barry McGuire. Zager and Evans’ song is “In the Year 2525.”

    Bingo!! Thanks for the correction. 1965……wow.

  10. CarlOrcas says:

    Okay, my big question – WHY are they getting all freaked about this? I don’t see anything to freak out about. Does every faked photo garner this much of their attention?

    No, of course not. Only those involving people associated with the first black President of the United States. Other than that…………………….

  11. bgansel9 says:

    CarlOrcas: No, of course not. Only those involving people associated with the first black President of the United States. Other than that…………………….


  12. JRC says:

    Yeah, just looks like whoever did the story thought that a symmetrical photo was more pleasing to the eyes. See the reverse image on the edge going basically vertical to the point of the finger. So book learnin’ is now considered propaganda by birthers, I thought they all had a copy of Vattel in their massive library of books.

  13. bob says:

    Okay, my big question – WHY are they getting all freaked about this?

    Mara Zebest: “This isn’t the first time the regime has Photoshopped their propaganda photos. Then why is it so inconceivable that Obama’s birth certificate is fake.”

    See??!? Because a fluff mag ran a fluff piece with a faked image, it is conceivable that Obama’s birth certificate is a fake. QED.

  14. CarlOrcas says:

    bob: Mara Zebest: “This isn’t the first time the regime has Photoshopped their propaganda photos. Then why is it so inconceivable that Obama’s birth certificate is fake.”

    See??!?Because a fluff mag ran a fluff piece with a faked image, it is conceivable that Obama’s birth certificate is a fake.QED.

    Why in the world would she think the “regime” would have anything to do with the photographs?

    Is she really that stupid? Oh…….never mind.

  15. The Magic M says:

    JRC: looks like whoever did the story thought that a symmetrical photo was more pleasing to the eyes

    A couple more rows in the shelf have books on the right that were copied over from the left. I believe this was because the far right side either had a less “ordered” set of books or no books at all (but, say, a glass or a speaker).

    Of course, to birthers this is “proof” that they edited out some “revealing” choice of books, like Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”… *smh*

    Almost as funny as the faux outrage over the WH Twitter account that had “the eagle upside-down”. That one was the epitome of facepalming.

  16. freeper hunter says:

    They were also outraged over at Free Rethuglic over the fact that the Carneys have a soviet era poster on the wall in their kitchen. Considering that they met while on long term assignment in Moscow, I’d be surprised if they didn’t have any momentos of that time. I have a Soviet Tanker watch, does that make me a commie?

  17. Well, look at me.

    alg: more grasping for straws at Birther Report. They have run out of nothing worth printing.

  18. alg says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    “Well, look at me.”

    Well, Doc, I would agree that slowly but surely we are running out of things to say ourselves. That’s because the birther meme is about played out. Birther Report has devolved into dredging up and recycling old video clips and parsing one liners out of the more recent “interviews” in order to manufacture something to talk about. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs. I don’t know what I am going to do with my spare time once we’ve completely run out of things to make fun of. Of course, there will probably be some new nutty conspiracy to come along to take its place.

  19. The Magic M says:

    alg: Of course, there will probably be some new nutty conspiracy to come along to take its place.

    I don’t think any would interest me. I didn’t delve into trutherism nor any of the other anti-Bush conspiracy theories, nor Clinton’s “murders”, nor the general NWO/Illuminati crap.

  20. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, they have no new birther news, so they gotta keep their outrage stoked with anything they can get their hands on.

  21. American Mzungu says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Well, look at me.

    I appreciate your checking out some of the crazy birther sites for faux news and bringing a sampling of stuff to our attention. Some of us don’t have the time or installed protective measures to surf RWNJ sites.

  22. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Well, look at me.

    Yes, it is slowing down. What will you do when it’s all over? Are you going to go to Disneyland? Do you have plans to open up another site based on a similar (but active) topic? I will miss you.

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    The Magic M: Of course, to birthers this is “proof” that they edited out some “revealing” choice of books, like Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”… *smh*

    Probably a nice bust of Stalin.

  24. Arthur says:

    bgansel9: Yes, it is slowing down.

    Speaking of things slowing down, any thoughts on how Zullo will eventually slip away from the CCP investigation? Based on birthers’ willingness to trust in “any day now,” he could continue to prevaricate for a long time, but at some point he’ll have to explain why he’s never fulfilled his promises.

    Or will he?

  25. bgansel9 says:

    Arthur: Speaking of things slowing down, any thoughts on how Zullo will eventually slip away from the CCP investigation? Based on birthers’ willingness to trust in “any day now,” he could continue to prevaricate for a long time, but at some point he’ll have to explain why he’s never fulfilled his promises.

    Or will he?

    I fully expect him to slink away into obscurity.

  26. Someone told me that they might make some terrible mistake and end up in Hell. With that possibility looming, “why go to Disney World now?”

    I don’t think I’ll do another conspiracy theory blog. I may put more time into one of my other blogs that haven’t gotten much attention the past few years.

    I like blogging and the online community that has grown up here is very special, but it’s a phenomenon that I doubt that I can replicate.

    bgansel9: Yes, it is slowing down. What will you do when it’s all over? Are you going to go to Disneyland? Do you have plans to open up another site based on a similar (but active) topic? I will miss you.

  27. Crustacean says:

    I got a good laugh from a commenter at BR who referred to “the reporter’s” finger.

    I guess they were so busy looking for anomalies in the background with their magnifying glasses that they didn’t notice the children in the foreground.

    Birthers could find a tree, I’m sure, if only that forest would get out of the way.

    Thinker: I’m guessing that Jay Carney and his wife don’t often hold press conferences with their children in attendance.
    Just more wingnut outrage over a cooked up controversy.

  28. W. Kevin Vicklund says:

    The Magic M: A couple more rows in the shelf have books on the right that were copied over from the left. I believe this was because the far right side either had a less “ordered” set of books or no books at all (but, say, a glass or a speaker).

    My guess is family photos. There’s only one visible, on the bottom right, but you can’t make out anything because it’s turned about 60 degrees.

  29. CarlOrcas says:

    W. Kevin Vicklund: My guess is family photos.There’s only one visible, on the bottom right, but you can’t make out anything because it’s turned about 60 degrees.

    I wonder if it’s even their home. Who has a lectern at home?

    But it doesn’t matter…’s commie stuff, obviously. Isn’t that Gorbachev on the second shelf in the lower right hand corner?

  30. The lectern could have been a prop brought by the photographer. Yes, that’s a Gorbachev bobble head doll. Carney worked as a correspondent in Time’s Moscow Bureau for three years, covering the collapse of the U.S.S.R..

    CarlOrcas: I wonder if it’s even their home. Who has a lectern at home?

    But it doesn’t matter…’s commie stuff, obviously. Isn’t that Gorbachev on the second shelf in the lower right hand corner?

  31. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The lectern could have been a prop brought by the photographer. Yes, that’s a Gorbachev bobble head doll. Carney worked as a correspondent in Time’s Moscow Bureau for three years, covering the collapse of the U.S.S.R..

    It could also have been posed and then composed. Geez….now we’re sounding like birthers trying to explain the inconsequential!

    And, yes, they met while they were both working in Russia.

  32. bgansel9 says:

    Crustacean: I got a good laugh from a commenter at BR who referred to “the reporter’s” finger.

    Reporters aren’t usually found on the speaking side of the podium.

  33. Pete Williams says:

    The question remains, though: Who did photoshop that picture, and why? The ‘shopper clearly took a strip of bookshelf from the lefthand side and pasted it onto either side of the picture. Notice how the books on the left repeat themselves on the shelf.

    Was that seriously the best picture available, but someone had to photoshop it anyway?

  34. I’m sure you could figure it out if you wanted to.

    Pete Williams: Was that seriously the best picture available, but someone had to photoshop it anyway?

  35. CarlOrcas says:

    Pete Williams:
    The question remains, though: Who did photoshop that picture, and why? The ‘shopper clearly took a strip of bookshelf from the lefthand side and pasted it onto either side of the picture. Notice how the books on the left repeat themselves on the shelf.

    Just a guess here, Pete, but I bet the magazine Photoshopped the picture so that it looked better.

    Pete Williams: Was that seriously the best picture available, but someone had to photoshop it anyway?

    I don’t know, Pete, but again my guess would be that it didn’t work just right and that’s why they Photoshopped it.

    Either that or the NSA ordered it altered to cover up pictures of Jay and Claire riding tanks and missiles in Red Square during a May Day Parade.

  36. Bonsall Obot says:

    Pete Williams:

    The question remains, though: Who did photoshop that picture,

    Barack Hussein Obama did it.

    Pete Williams:

    and why?

    He was following the orders of Our Dark Lord Soros.

    Seriously, is this hard-hitting profile of Jay Carney’s wife in Washingtonian MOM Magazine keeping you up nights? Do you really believe some heinous secret is being covered up by the digital manipulation of this image?

    There’s a difference between photojournalism and photo illustration; this is an example of the latter. Pretending it’s an example of the former may fly with those who have another agenda (WHICH IS DEFINITELY NOT HATRED OF THE PRESIDENT FOR BEING A BLACKITY BLACK BLACK FELLA,) but it won’t work here.

  37. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Pete Williams: The question remains, though: Who did photoshop that picture, and why? The ‘shopper clearly took a strip of bookshelf from the lefthand side and pasted it onto either side of the picture. Notice how the books on the left repeat themselves on the shelf.

    I think the better question is: Who actually cares?

  38. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I think the better question is:Who actually cares?

    No one, but conspiracy theorists, are going to lose sleep over it.

  39. Suranis says:

    Well, let me think. No women’s magazine has ever in the history of the world ever photoshoped a picture of a model to make her look better. They have never airbrushed out ribs, removed tummy flab, buffed up the breasts and made the eyes bigger, put someone elses arms and legs on the body. At all.

    So magazines are totally inexperienced and clueless about photoshop and have never ever used it. So these are not obvious mistakes in photoshoping ordinary stories. Because if they were they would prove that mags photoshop pics from ordinary stories. So they can’t be. Good.

    Pete Williams:
    The question remains, though: Who did photoshop that picture, and why?

    Was that seriously the best picture available, but someone had to photoshop it anyway?

  40. Pete Williams says:

    Thanks for the replies. BTW I think birthers are morons and there is no nefarious conspiracy surrounding the photo. I guess the magazine’s photo editor should have done a better job.

  41. The European says:


    And, yes, they met while they were both working in Russia.

    Are they sleeping together ? They are SLEEPERS !!

  42. Thomas Brown says:

    Pete Williams:
    Thanks for the replies. BTW I think birthers are morons and there is no nefarious conspiracy surrounding the photo. I guess the magazine’s photo editor should have done a better job.

    Kidding aside, these days legal departments are very leery of including anyone in pictures or video who haven’t signed a permission document and waiver, or anything that might be copyrighted, and so on. Someone here postulated that such content may have appeared at one or both sides of the picture, and the extra books were photo-shopped in to avoid legal problems.

    Or it could be a vast conspiracy involving the Illuminati and the Lizard People. And Agenda 21. Or Benghazi.

    You never know with these things.

  43. I could buy that. I’m a fan of the TV series “Storage Wars” and they are all the time blurring images of stuff found in storage lockers, like the cover of a product package.

    Thomas Brown: Kidding aside, these days legal departments are very leery of including anyone in pictures or video who haven’t signed a permission document and waiver, or anything that might be copyrighted, and so on. Someone here postulated that such content may have appeared at one or both sides of the picture, and the extra books were photo-shopped in to avoid legal problems.

  44. Bernard Sussman says:

    Can someone magnify that photo enough so that the book on the shelf can be identified? Frankly, I am not sure that that is a finger left floating in front of the book. It looks like it might be some sort of vegetable and I vaguely recall seeing a book somewhere that had, on its dust jacket spine, part of a photo of something that resembles what we see – although I cannot remember any details at all. Having the name of that book might solve a mystery.

    In any case, if there was some editing of the photo then I am at a complete loss as to what nefarious purpose was accomplished thereby.

  45. Keith (not logged on) says:

    “I discovered e-books.”

    Me too. I guess when I die, instead of passing on my library, I’ll just give the kids my Kindle.

    “In the year, 2525
    If man is still alive
    If woman can survive,
    They may find . . . ”

    Thumbs up, if you remember that one!

    Jager and Evans. And I didn’t have to look it up

  46. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I could buy that. I’m a fan of the TV series “Storage Wars” and they are all the time blurring images of stuff found in storage lockers, like the cover of a product package.

    It’s not just one book that was copied. All of the books on the right edge are a mirror image of all of the books on the left edge, on every shelf. Clusters of books are repeated on the shelves.

    This is, fuhgodssake, a stage magazine photoshoot. Look at those poses. This is not a live Q&A session. The entire background could be fake. Lighting and shadows are all over the place.

    It’s more illustration than photo, and … so what?

  47. Crustacean says:

    Bernard Sussman: I am not sure that that is a finger left floating in front of the book. It looks like it might be some sort of vegetable

    The finger appears to be a mirror image of the young man’s left “pinky” finger.

    Thomas Brown: Or it could be a vast conspiracy involving the Illuminati and the Lizard People

    Hey, that’s no laughing matter. If the Illuminati and the Lizard People ever combined forces, we’d all be toast. Or whatever it is that Lizard People spread their marmalade on.

    The European: Are they sleeping together ? They are SLEEPERS !!

    LOL. Hey, it’s none of my business what you do when you “sleep with” someone, but if it involves sleep, you’re doing it wrong.

  48. Dave B. says:

    Lizard People marmalade is…PEOPLE! Like people people, you know.

    Crustacean: If the Illuminati and the Lizard People ever combined forces, we’d all be toast. Or whatever it is that Lizard People spread their marmalade on.

  49. Bonsall Obot says:

    Dave B.:

    Lizard People marmalade …

    Patti LaBelle needs to record this. I’m sure you lot could knock out the lyrics in an afternoon.

  50. Dave B. says:

    Well, maybe. That IS what I actually do, after all.

    Bonsall Obot: Patti LaBelle needs to record this. I’m sure you lot could knock out the lyrics in an afternoon.

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