Image without comment, from the Orly Taitz Super PAC



About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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17 Responses to Image without comment, from the Orly Taitz Super PAC

  1. Where’s the Stars & Bars?

  2. bgansel9 says:

    That image looks like it was created to appear as a car bumper with a bunch of stickers on it and the Orly sticker included, but, looking at the placement of those stickers on the “bumper”, they aren’t actually ON a car bumper. (the overlap on the left where the edge of the body piece of that car ends and the stickers do not bend or end there is a dead giveaway, for one)…

    So, why create the image and what does their choice of other stickers say? Hmmmm!

  3. It looks like a truck to me, rather than a car. Some of the stickers don’t look well pressed down, and this may have been a “temporary” display for a photograph, but I don’t think the image itself has been doctored. See:

    There must be OTSP bumper stickers SOMEWHERE because the link on the site to is a “reorder” link, meaning some had been ordered before.

    bgansel9: but, looking at the placement of those stickers on the “bumper”, they aren’t actually ON a car bumper. (the overlap on the left where the edge of the body piece of that car ends and the stickers do not bend or end there is a dead giveaway, for one)…

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Wonder if it’s Orly’s own bumper. 🙂

  5. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Wonder if it’s Orly’s own bumper.

    Is her car out of the shop yet?

  6. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Where’s the Stars & Bars?

    They’ll also have to do some reformatting to also fit in the pointy white hat. Then there will be room for the Stars and Bars.

  7. Surely that was totaled.

    CarlOrcas: Is her car out of the shop yet?

  8. BillTheCat says:

    So let’s see:

    -Thinks McCarthy was a patriot, contrary to the majority of civilized American opinion
    -Hates the planet Earth
    -White supremacist
    -Floride Truther (probably an Alex Jones adherent)
    -Christian extremist
    -Butt-hurt over losing the Civil War
    -Woman hater
    -Don’t forget I’m a racist, and btw I want slavery back
    -A black man in MY White House??
    -Ha-ha, extinction is HILARIOUS.

    What, no NRA sticker, Cleetus? That is, if the entire thing isn’t a photoshopped Tea Person’s wet dream.

  9. Dave says:

    Well, you may present that image without comments, but I have a comment: if I wasn’t convinced before that the Orly Taitz Super PAC is a parody, I am now.

  10. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Surely that was totaled.

    You are absolutely correct. I had forgotten how bad it was. Just took a look at the upside down picture on her website again. She’s lucky she didn’t get hurt.

  11. Benji Franklin says:

    bgansel9: So, why create the image and what does their choice of other stickers say? Hmmmm!

    “Honk if your last two first names are Cody Judy!”

    “Honk if Obama’s Ineligibility Made You Impotent!”

    “Honk Twice if THAT Saved Your Marriage!”

    “Dr.Taitz Fights Overbite, the Silent Crippler!”

    “Vote Taitz : Taking the Attorney OUT of Attorney General!”

    “Write-in Taitz for ANY OFFICE! For Taitz, EVERYTHING is like PULLING TEETH!”

    “Taitz Now Believes a Sitting Attorney General Should Not Seduce Charles Lincoln III While IN OFFICE and IF ELECTED will recline to do so.”

  12. bgansel9 says:

    Benji Franklin: “Honk if your last two first names are Cody Judy!”

    “Honk if Obama’s Ineligibility Made You Impotent!”

    “Honk Twice if THAT Saved Your Marriage!”

    “Dr.Taitz Fights Overbite, the Silent Crippler!”

    “Vote Taitz : Taking the Attorney OUT of Attorney General!”

    “Write-in Taitz for ANY OFFICE! For Taitz, EVERYTHING is like PULLING TEETH!”

    “Taitz Now Believes a Sitting Attorney General Should Not Seduce Charles Lincoln III While IN OFFICE and IF ELECTED will recline to do so.”

    That’s very witty. I like what you did on that last one especially. 😛

  13. Slartibartfast says:

    I’m sure this will increase donations to the super pac a hundredfold.

  14. Benji Franklin says:

    More Taitz Bumper Stickers:

    “Taitz For AG! Proven Incompetence – Now Empower The Screeching!”

    “Taitz For AG! Just for the Appalling Fun of it!”

    “Taitz For AG! You’ve Seen Enough of the Trainwreck – Let’s Unlock Hell!”

    “Taitz For AG! Because Howard Taft U. Must Not Get Away Unscathed!”

  15. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: It looks like a truck to me, rather than a car.

    I agree.

    However, one of them says that there is a ‘feminist in my trunk’. I guess they couldn’t find one that said ‘there’s a feminist in my bed’.

    Or maybe they actually couldn’t find a feminist that would climb into their bed, and they didn’t want to appear to be telling lies, being such upstanding right thinking folks and all so they had to go with trunk.

    Of course it is a well known fact that bumper sticker printers never make mistakes or refuse to print anything the customer wants, so that is obviously a forgery. That makes the whole thing a forgery. That makes anyone who publishes it an accessory to fraud. And frauds are traitors to the Constitution and the Country (background music: America the Beautiful). And traitors are according to the Constitution that we all carry around in our back pocket, hung by the neck until dead.

    So how does it feel to be in such danger just because some hick couldn’t get a feminist into bed? Huh? Whatcha gonna do now?

  16. BillTheCat says:

    Here’s an even better one:

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    “Tiller was not murdered, he was late term aborted”

    I need a shower after looking at those bumper stickers… whoever put those on his car is not a follower of any of the teaching of Jesus that I know of…

    Here’s an even better one:

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