Get your own Sheriff’s kit DVD

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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43 Responses to Get your own Sheriff’s kit DVD

  1. Joey says:

    They make great Christmas and Hanukkah presents.

  2. Curious George says:

    Step right up folks and get your free “Sheriff’s Skit.” You’ll learn all the deeper and darker moves in acting like you’re doing a real police investigation. Learn how to do rib tickling hearsay affidavits that only imbeciles would believe. Learn how to make deeper darker DVDs that will mesmerize important VIP’s (Very Ignorant People). Learn the proper way to use the expression, “any day now” with conviction. And finally, learn how to use the cursor in a way that quickly clicks on the PayPal button to show your financial support for their ruse. Idiots!

  3. john says:

    The Sheriff Kits are old and obsolete. The information in them has been hacked apart by Obots for 5 years. They need to make new Sheriff Kits with new information, preferely information that has never been seen like Reed Haye’s Report or maybe the Verna K Lee Recording. Then the Sheriff Kits need to sent to only a select number of birthers whom can then forward the Sheriff Kit’s on to certain VIPs, like Congressman. The information they receive would then be secret, classified information that has never been seen by anyone except by the CCP. The kits might then have more credibility instead of presenting material that be hacked to death on blogs for 5 years.

  4. Curious George says:

    You should be the first to receive the first copy of the new and improved “Sheriff’s Skit” with new and improved, exciting scripts to entertain the Birther faithful and to improve the grift. When you turn out for the casting call, you would be perfect as Commander Zoo-Low. You both have equal credibility, as in zero.

  5. Jim says:

    The Sheriff Kits are old and obsolete.The information in them has been hacked apart by Obots for 5 years.They need to make new Sheriff Kits with new information, preferely information that has never been seen like Reed Haye’s Report or maybe the Verna K Lee Recording.

    John, there has been nothing new in the last 5 years, and if you think Zullo would have held back the Hayes report if it had said anything worthwhile would be right up there with all the other dumb comments you’ve made. That report would have been and still be worth big $$$ for Zullo and Gallups because they could have then been using that as the basis for begging for more $$$ from the marks (like you!) in order to get more experts and politicians and VIPs on board. And you and the rest of the easy birther marks would have eaten it up and by now Zullo would own a boat!

    You really ought to read up on grifting john, you’d see yourself as the easy mark the crooks are always looking for. Or you’re part of the con and are trying out your material here before releasing it on the birthers.

  6. What leads you to think that new undisclosed material is better than the old debunked material? When do you realize that birthers are just wrong?

    The kits might then have more credibility instead of presenting material that be hacked to death on blogs for 5 years.

  7. Rickey says:

    The Sheriff Kits are old and obsolete.The information in them has been hacked apart by Obots for 5 years.They need to make new Sheriff Kits with new information, preferely information that has never been seen like Reed Haye’s Report or maybe the Verna K Lee Recording.

    Either the Verna K. Lee recording has never existed or it does not say what Zullo claims it says.

    Aren’t you curious about why Zullo has never released it?

  8. OllieOxenFree says:

    Rickey: Aren’t you curious about why Zullo has never released it?

    I am confused as to who actually conducted the interview of Verna K. Lee.

    There is an article at WND that claims that “while in Hawaii,” Zullo had “tracked down a local registrar that signed the document.” The article implies that he had interviewed her himself asking if she could have made an administrative error.

    But in September of 2012, WND reports that the interview of Verna K. Lee was conducted by Jerome Corsi over the phone in July.

    I think Corsi conducted the interviews and relayed the information he had taken from her to Zullo, and it is Corsi who is in actual possession of the recorded interview, and with the falling out they had, Zullo would not have access to it and it would be up to Corsi to release the recordings, which he has not done of course.

  9. RanTalbott says:

    john: The kits might then have more credibility instead of presenting material that be hacked to death on blogs for 5 years.

    Well, yes, they might, in some cases. But there’s a flaw in your plan: the only people with whom they would have more credibility would already be known as flaming nutbars and complete idiots, because anyone with any sense would spend a few minutes on Google checking out the source of this “secret new information”, and find out that Zullo is an incompetent buffoon who couldn’t successfully investigate a naptime teddy bear theft in a preschool classroom.

  10. RanTalbott says:

    Just a heads-up: yesterday’s GR™ posting of a Post&Efail article says that they intend to reveal the identities of ShurfSkit recipients.

    If it were mailed, I’d worry about the possibility of Volin’s sucker list getting sold/passed on to other groups that might result in a regular need to bleach my mailbox.

  11. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: The Sheriff Kits are old and obsolete. The information in them has been hacked apart by Obots for 5 years. They need to make new Sheriff Kits with new information, preferely information that has never been seen like Reed Haye’s Report or maybe the Verna K Lee Recording.

    Translation: The old pack of lies didn’t work. We need a new pack of lies! Lies those pesky Obots, and their damned facts, haven’t had a chance to disprove!

  12. Curious George says:


    “But in September of 2012, WND reports that the interview of Verna K. Lee was conducted by Jerome Corsi over the phone in July.”

    Was this phone conversation illegally recorded? That could be the reason it hasn’t been released, if it really exists.

  13. CarlOrcas says:

    john: The information they receive would then be secret, classified information that has never been seen by anyone except by the CCP.

    What “secret classified information”, john?

    And if it’s “secret” and “classified” how do you know it exists?

  14. Notorial Dissent says:

    I’m impressed, John sort of told the truth and even made a funny, sort of by accident. The Reed report is such a complete work of very bad fiction so bad that even Kommandant Zero knows better than to try and use it, the so called Lee interview didn’t happen the way it was claimed, so de got nada, and they certainly haven’t unearthed anything new since, so five wasted years of non-event. The thing is John, that if you want credibility, you have to come up with something more than lies, innuendo, and wishful thinking, something the cold putz possum has never yet managed, and unless whatever they come up with can withstand the light of day and scrutiny, then it isn’t real “evidence”, and we’ve already had five years of that.

    The Sheriff Kits are old and obsolete.The information in them has been hacked apart by Obots for 5 years.They need to make new Sheriff Kits with new information, preferely information that has never been seen like Reed Haye’s Report or maybe the Verna K Lee Recording.Then the Sheriff Kits need to sent to only a select number of birthers whom can then forward the Sheriff Kit’s on to certain VIPs, like Congressman.The information they receive would then be secret, classified information that has never been seen by anyone except by the CCP.The kits might then have more credibility instead of presenting material that be hacked to death on blogs for 5 years.

  15. Color Me Skeptical says:

    ha ha they’re spending so much time and money when nobody cares about their “evidence”!!!

    ha ha

  16. The Magic M says:

    john: The kits might then have more credibility

    Yup, just like in science where the material that has the most credibility is the non-peer-reviewed stuff because that is guaranteed impossible to have been shown to be a pile of garbage. Go ahead and claim your Nobel prize, john! *lol*

  17. Even if the recording exists and is legal, Zullo can’t release it because it would show that she didn’t actually say all the things Zullo allowed birthers to imagine that she said (e.g., the race codes). I also think she made some mistakes, like Hawaii coding federal data in 1961 (it was later).

    Curious George:

    “But in September of 2012, WND reports that the interview of Verna K. Lee was conducted by Jerome Corsi over the phone in July.”

    Was this phone conversation illegally recorded?That could be the reason it hasn’t been released, if it reallyexists.

  18. Just like we know the IPU is invisible because we cannot see her.

    CarlOrcas: What “secret classified information”, john?

    And if it’s “secret” and “classified” how do you know it exists?

  19. Sef says:

    john: Then the Sheriff Kits need to sent to only a select number of birthers whom can then forward the Sheriff Kit’s on to certain VIPs, like Congressman.

    Starting in January there will be a whole new bunch of numbnuts in D.C. that they can harass.

  20. alg says:

    “The Sheriff’s Kit:” A waste of bandwidth.

  21. Keith says:

    Just sayin…

    Why the online trolls troll

    Why do people think it’s okay to say racist, inflammatory, or otherwise socially inappropriate things online? Research in communication and psychology has investigated people’s perceptions, rationale, and behavior and identified several factors that determine the likelihood that a given individual may post offensive content.

    Psychology’s answer to trolling and online abuse

    If the ‘sleep of reason produces monsters’ then psychological science offers the tools to awaken it.

    Do we each harbour a dark passenger? A malevolent psychopath? A fragile narcissist? Contrary to popular belief, decades of psychological research shows that anyone is capable of aggression, cruelty and violence. The “self” is a murky mixture of light and shade.

    Lately the dark side seems to be winning. On Thursday, Downing Street called for a boycott on the website following the tragic death of Hannah Smith. Meanwhile, the barrage of threats directed at Caroline Criado-Perez and Stella Creasy has led to several arrests and forced Twitter to work on better ways of handling abuse. Beyond triggering action and debate, these cases have fuelled the growing realisation that online abuse is disturbingly common, especially for young girls and women with public profiles.

    Dark-psychology: internet trolls.html

    There’s an area of forensic (having to do with legal or criminal cases) psychology that is known as “Dark Psychology.” And it just might help us better understand Internet trolls — people who feel the need to use the Internet to victimize and bully others.

    Dark Psychology has to do with the study of people who prey on other people. These can be bullies, spouse beaters, thieves or any type of lawbreaker who seeks out victims. These are not people who park illegally, are sex workers, or cheat on their taxes. These people seek out victims for the thrill it gives them to act against them.

    Many people who prey on others manifest the Dark Tetrad. The Dark Tetrad is defined as psychopathy, sadism, Machiavellanism and narcissism. And those components are made up of others.

    What they break down to is a person who enjoys inflicting pain on others, who shows no remorse, who is callous, who is antisocial, enjoys manipulating others to his own ends, who feels quite self-important, has an over-inflated ego, and someone who derives pleasure from hurting someone else either directly or vicariously. He also shows disinhibited, bold behavior, often wanting to call attention to himself and his acts.

  22. Rickey says:


    I think Corsi conducted the interviews and relayed the information he had taken from her to Zullo, and it is Corsi who is in actual possession of the recorded interview, and with the falling out they had, Zullo would not have access to it and it would be up to Corsi to release the recordings, which he has not done of course.

    I believe that it was Corsi who interviewed Lee, but at the 7/17/12 press conference Zullo said that releasing the recording would be up to Arpaio.

    From Frank Arduini’s “The Annotated Zullo”:

    At that same press conference, Zullo was asked by an attending reporter if he would release the recording of the Verna K. Lee interview and he dissembled, saying “That’s gonna be up to the Sheriff.”

    The Lee interview is discussed on page 41.

  23. Rickey says:

    Curious George:

    “But in September of 2012, WND reports that the interview of Verna K. Lee was conducted by Jerome Corsi over the phone in July.”

    Was this phone conversation illegally recorded?That could be the reason it hasn’t been released, if it reallyexists.

    Eleven states require the consent of every party to a phone call or conversation in order to make the recording lawful. These “two-party consent” laws have been adopted in California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Washington. (Notes: (1) Illinois’ two-party consent statute was held unconstitutional in 2014; (2) Hawai’i is in general a one-party state, but requires two-party consent if the recording device is installed in a private place,

    I’m not sure what Hawai’i law means by “installed in a private place.”

    We don’t know any of the details about how the conversation was recorded. If Zullo was listening to the conversation and he made the recording, it probably was illegal unless Lee consented to having the conversation recorded. If Corsi made the recording, it may well have been legal. We’ll probably never find out.

  24. john says:

    I agree The Verna K Lee Recording is problematic but it might contain helpful information. In any event, the information that Zullo got from Lee was obviously incomplete as Zullo tried to go back and get more information but was intercepted by Hawaiin Forces that has since prevented Zullo from talking to Lee anymore.

  25. Rickey says:

    I agree The Verna K Lee Recording is problematic but it might contain helpful information.In any event, the information that Zullo got from Lee was obviously incomplete as Zullo tried to go back and get more information but was intercepted by Hawaiin Forces that has since prevented Zullo from talking to Lee anymore.

    That’s not how it happened.

    Zullo went to the nursing home and asked to speak with Verna Lee. He was told that she wasn’t there but that she was expected back in an hour. When asked for his identification, he refused to provide it. He then went out and sat in his car in the nursing home parking lot for a half hour, at which time he went back inside. The woman at the front desk once again asked for identification, and he again refused.

    At that point the woman, obviously concerned that Zullo was a stalker (and he certainly acted like a stalker), called the police.The police arrived, Zullo showed them his identification, and the police decided that he was not a threat.

    Zullo claims that after he was cleared by the police Verna Lee agreed to meet with him but shortly thereafter changed her mind. However, we only have Zullo’s word for that and Zullo is a lying sack of horse manure, so I don’t believe that she ever agreed to meet with him. Regardless, the Honolulu Police didn’t do anything to prevent Zullo from meeting with her.

  26. Rickey says:

    More clarification on the recording of the phone call. Zullo said this at the 7/17/12 press conference:

    What we did learn in Hawaii is, the locals don’t like the police. They don’t trust the police. Theydon’t like to talk to the police, so what I did is I asked Mr Corsi to contact Miss Lee, while I monitored the call, and recorded it, and it was her.

    If Verna Lee didn’t know that the call was being recorded it was an illegal recording because Zullo made it even though he wasn’t a party to the call.

    More from the press conference:

    Male Reporter: The conversation with her was on the phone?

    Zullo: It was on the phone, and what I did, is I asked Mr. Corsi to call as a reporter, because you wouldn’t get information calling as the police or as an investigator. You just wouldn’t get it. I’ve had so many doors shut on us over there that this one I wasn’t gonna risk. This was her.

    Male Reporter: Why not release that conversation?

    Zullo: That’s gonna be up to the Sheriff.

  27. john says:

    Here is the link –

    Yes, it seems Verna K Lee did agree to meet and then changed her mind. According to Zullo, the message she conveyed sounded very scripted – To the effect, i’m no longer a employee of the Hawaii DOH, if you have questions go ask them. I think after finding out Zullo was in Hawaii again, a representative of the Hawaii DOH or the Hawaii AG convinced Verna K Lee not to accept the interview and instead read the message to him.

  28. Bob says:

    At least John no longer thinks the birth certificate was signed “ukulele” as a clue left by the forger. He’s making progress.

  29. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    What bothers me, is that john is perfectly fine with harassing the elderly.

  30. CarlOrcas says:

    Rickey: Zullo: That’s gonna be up to the Sheriff.

    So…..the sheriff’s part of the coverup?????? Who knew.

  31. jdkinpa says:

    we’ve got ‘The Joe Show’ on TV, ‘The john show’ on line, and San Francisco vs. Seattle playing too. Man oh man, best Sunday ever for multitasking. But DVR is set so I’ll be fine. 🙂

  32. Pete says:

    Then the Sheriff Kits need to sent to only a select number of birthers whom can then forward the Sheriff Kit’s on to certain VIPs, like Congressman. The information they receive would then be secret, classified information that has never been seen by anyone except by the CCP. The kits might then have more credibility instead of presenting material that be hacked to death on blogs for 5 years.

    Let me translate what john just said.

    “Every single word of information that has ever been released by Zullo and company has been conclusively proven to be bullsh*t or outright lies. In spite of the fact that they have a perfect record of 100% bullsh*t and lies stretching for years now, I am both so gullible and so desperate to believe that I’m very confident that Zullo has some sekrit information that’s actually good.”

  33. OllieOxenFree says:

    Rickey: I believe that it was Corsi who interviewed Lee, but at the 7/17/12 press conference Zullo said that releasing the recording would be up to Arpaio.

    Correct, but at the time Corsi was still working with the CCP.

    In the second article that I linked to it states…

    “In July, WND in Hawaii conducted a telephone interview with Verna K. Lee, the local registrar who signed Obama’s birth certificate.

    Lee told WND all the birth certificates received in a particular month were put in order according to date and time of birth and numbered sequentially at the end of the month.”

    It may no longer be up to Arpaio if the recording was done by Corsi and WND is still in possession of it. The Reed Hayes report was copyrighted by Zullo. It would be safe to assume that WND would want to hold on to the recordings for future publications of their own.

    I am not sure when the falling out between Corsi and Zullo occurred, but Brian Reilly indicated that it was a pretty nasty break up, with Zullo screaming at Corsi over something, if my memory serves me.

  34. RanTalbott says:

    OllieOxenFree: with Zullo screaming at Corsi over something

    It was Corsi who fed Zullo the bogus coding info that turned out to be so embarrassing.

  35. If Lee actually said that, she was wrong, since pretty much every known certificate from August of 1961 violates that rule.

    OllieOxenFree: Lee told WND all the birth certificates received in a particular month were put in order according to date and time of birth and numbered sequentially at the end of the month.”

  36. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If Lee actually said that, she was wrong, since pretty much every known certificate from August of 1961 violates that rule.

    The irony of this is that whatever field(s) were used to sort the BCs are probably important enough to be in the abstract file they use to generate short forms. So, even if they never find a copy of the 50-year-old procedure, someone with access to that file could figure out the sort order in less than .01% of the time that’s been spent beating this dead horse. And the results of the analysis could be released without compromising anyone’s privacy.

    If I were running HDOH, I’d order it done, and pay the $100 or so it would cost out of my own pocket if anyone complained about “wasting taxpayer money”, just to screw all the birfoons who’d caused my staff so much grief.

  37. Rickey says:


    It may no longer be up to Arpaio if the recording was done by Corsi and WND is still in possession of it.

    Except that at the press conference Zullo said that he was monitoring the call and it was he (Zullo) who recorded it.

    I don’t know that Corsi and/or WND ever had possession of it, if it even exists.

  38. Rickey says:


    I think after finding out Zullo was in Hawaii again, a representative of the Hawaii DOH or the Hawaii AG convinced Verna K Lee not to accept the interview and instead read the message to him.

    Of course, you have no evidence to support what you think.

    What may have happened is that Verna Lee called someone at DOH and asked if she should speak to Zullo. If so, she probably was told that she didn’t have to speak to Zullo and that Zullo could speak to DOH if he had any questions. But I don’t “think” that is what happened. I am just speculating.

  39. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think if john were to think in one hand and crap in the other, he’d mistaken his poo for thoughts.

  40. Steve says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I think if john were to think in one hand and crap in the other, he’d mistaken his poo for thoughts.

    He’d also say “Look at what I almost stepped in!”

  41. jtmunkus says:

    I’m pretty sure that the good Ms. Lee – or her handlers (are we sure she’s not infirm?) – refused to speak to Zullo the Klown, and that they likely ran into the same roadblock(s) when and if they tried to call. It’s part of the same Corsifabulation within which the fake race codes were falsely presented.

  42. jtmunkus says:

    “Hey, Mr. Congressman! You are a Very Important VIP Person!! Please take this Sheriff’s Kit, and arrest and execute the president!!”

    “What’s a ‘Sheriff’s Kit’? What sheriff?!”

    “Well, it used to be Sheriff Joe, but he personally called our truck driver leader, Mike Volin, and told him to take his name off of it. But the whole kit is still all about Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Cream Posse I promise I promise! And Lord Monckeyfaceton – (he’s English!) – said he’s making the Kit even better!”

  43. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, too bad he couldn’t just TORTURE her, huh John?

    I agree The Verna K Lee Recording is problematic but it might contain helpful information.In any event, the information that Zullo got from Lee was obviously incomplete as Zullo tried to go back and get more information but was intercepted by Hawaiin Forces that has since prevented Zullo from talking to Lee anymore.

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