One ticks off failed birther lawsuits, but as the losses mount (including just recently Orly Taitz’ appeal in the Colvin case), new ones fill in the void.
A writ of mandamus is an order issued by a court that a public official must do something that they are legally required to do. It is an extraordinary action, and not at all common. In this instance a birther named Richard David Hayes has filed what he calls a “Criminal Complaint and a Writ of Mandamus” with a parish court in New Iberia, Louisiana.
The lawsuit names state officials, including Governor Jindal, as well as Louisiana’s Congressional delegation. Of course state officials have no jurisdiction to take any action regarding Obama’s eligibility, and the members of Congress have no obligation to take any action (impeachment being the obvious one). A court is certainly not going to order a member of Congress to impeach anyone—it would be an egregious violation of the separation of powers.
As for the criminal complaint, that’s not possible from a private citizen.
The suit has been reported by Birther Report ™ with some details of the complaint, which I think is based on Cold Case Posse stuff and Lord Monckton stuff from 2012.
The suit will be thrown out sooner or later, having no basis in law. The only interest for me is what birthers think is important in proving their theory.
Richard David Hayes added to Birthers from A to Z.
Orly Taitz and the rest of them should be sued for malfeasance. I’ve called Orly twice and she refuses to investigate. She’s a con artist and I dare her to take me to court for saying so. Same thing for Volin, Arpaio, and ZulloMoore.
Note to self: “OMG, Nancy, you’re starting to sound just like AbelDanger!”
I like he gave them 10 days to respond.
Richard David Hayes is another angry old (age 69) white guy who belongs to Oathkeepers and runs a website called SOAR (Save Our American Republic) Project.
For some inexplicable reason he listed his business telephone number on his “Criminal Complaint and Writ of Mandamus.” The number is listed to Hayes Draperies & Interiors in New Iberia, LA.
He also sells Shaklee products. Shaklee is a multi-level marketing company which has been described by many as a pyramid scheme.
I heard of them, but only because their headquarters (with a prominent sign) used to be in San Francisco.
I had no idea what they did until one time I heard they had an MLM model.
And my memory may be fuzzy, but I could have sworn that in the late 70s they had a big sign on the top of a high-rise building in Emeryville, California right by the freeway. That building (I think) was their HQ before they moved to San Francisco.
Typo or intended?
Getting awfully close to “a food court in Burnt Scrotum, Iowa”. How the mighty have fallen when SCOTUS disappointed them…
ha ha writ of mandumbass!!! good one!
wait until the gerbil report hears about that! they’re heads will explode!!!
Typo, sigh.