Grab your screen shots at BR quick

Some rapid scrubbing is going on at Gerbil Report™ on the thread where Falcon claims I don’t know who he is.

First there is the fake “Joe Mannix.” Look closely at these two Intense Debate profiles (in particular the URL):



The second one posted 6 comments, the first 15 weeks ago and, it would appear, the last 3 weeks ago; however, there are some deleted comments in the last 24 hours that link to this second profile if you click on the Icon. (There are actually four accounts who comment as Joe Mannix at Gerbil Report™.) I didn’t get there in time to see what they were. Here’s one. The image following  links to the Intense Debate Profile.


Then there is a gone comment from the esteemed Gerbil★FALCON★. I have a guess as to who this commenter is, but it is only a guess.


However as of this moment, there is another comment by Sluffy1, someone that Falcon has attacked in the past. This comment has a big reveal about Falcon’s identity. To get to this part of the page, locate the second message containing “Reilly” and then expand the comments and scroll down. This one is too hot for me to publish. The reveal is the image. This is the accompanying text:

He may or may not have any of your information but I’d bet he does.
I do. I’ve had it ever since you threatened me.
31 weeks ago @ Birther Report: Obama … – O’Reilly Busted: Lice… · 0 replies · 1 points

★FALCON★139p · 19 hours ago
I already have your information, pictures, address, and ramblings of the insane that you blithered all over the net.

It wasn’t that hard to find, your innate hubris made it rather simple. I knew you were “Fibbing” (since you never lie) about having my information since I’ve posted on only 2 sites, this being one of them, post it, you have my permission.

Falcon did indeed threaten Sluffy1 as you see above. I saw the quote when it was first made. I guess that Sluffy1 saved the comment for pasting later (labeled 19 hours ago), because the comment actually dates from around July 18 of last year. Falcon made another empty threat in that same comment:

I revealed a ton and have tons more to go. Tell Reilly that his day is on the horizon too and that will make the turds at Faggy’s House of Shame look even more pathetic.

The following is NOT the image posted by Sluffy1:

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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52 Responses to Grab your screen shots at BR quick

  1. Arthur says:

    What should be preserved and why?

  2. nbc says:

    Oh my, the BR people are still as frustrated and impotent as ever. Fascinating, one would think that after 8 years of failures, they would have learned but their hatred and ignorance has forced them to continue in their misery.


  3. “Notorious RBG”? Interesting. 😉

  4. mimi says:

    uh oh!


  5. Lupin says:

    I do not understand most of this.

    If knowing who “FALCON” is is relevant, why being coy about it? He certainly doesn’t seem to object.

    Myself I don’t particularly care; the one I’d like to see outed, shamed and harassed in “BSE”

  6. It is not relevant.

    The only reason to play the game is that Falcon boasts and threatens about having information on people, but won’t give me permission to post his. And he does object, as evidenced by another comment where he says I should be banned.

    Lupin: If knowing who “FALCON” is is relevant, why being coy about it? He certainly doesn’t seem to object.

  7. BSE, unlike Falcon, shares almost no personal information; however, I don’t see him as any worse than Falcon. They are two peas in a pod.

    Lupin: Myself I don’t particularly care; the one I’d like to see outed, shamed and harassed in “BSE”

  8. Roy Biv G?

    Reality Check: “Notorious RBG”? Interesting.

  9. Sluffy1’s comment.

    What should be preserved and why?

  10. Mark McDaniel says:

    I’m pretty sure BSE ia s retired intelligence operative, probably suffering from bipolar disorder. Some of his information is accurate, but on “bad” days when his illness kicks up he mysteriously goes off the deep end. There is a monetary reward for any info on him. The amount of the reward depends on exactly what kind of info you have. I specifically need a full name and at least one headshot photo. The reward is substantial.

  11. Wasn’t RBG and old video interface?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Roy Biv G?

  12. AGROD says:

    Falcon is Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Wow this is news. Check on Twitter Ginsburg that is her handle “Notorious RBG” and will write her memoirs with that name…

  13. Rat Bird Gerbil?

  14. Suranis says:

    I;’ve occasionally trolled *Duckface* by calling him *Rob* on BR. We have known thats His first name for a while I think.

    I really couldnt care less what his real name is, but he has been so stupidly arrogant about it and ties it so much into his built up fantasy about how brilliant he is and how the obots will never find out who he is that I would laugh my head off if his name was released.

    Mind you he will probably say that proves we are DARPA as only they could have cut through his brilliance shield.

  15. *grabs the popcorn* Hmm……

  16. “Retired Intelligence Officer” is someone who commented here (105 comments to be exact).

    I don’t know who he is, and at present have no reason to think he is BSE.

    Mark McDaniel: I’m pretty sure BSE ia s retired intelligence operative, probably suffering from bipolar disorder.

  17. Curious George says:

    Oh, RBG …….. Reveal Birdbrain’s Geneology. That would be “earth shattering.”

  18. Benji Franklin says:

    Oh My!!!! Falcon has finally turned on Sheriff Joe! Check out BR article on Sheriff Joe’s appearance today on Fox News. In the comments, Bird-boy opens the window to his sole (sic).

    Falcon: Here’s where I’m at – I don’t care about Carl Gallups and his boring Freedom Fridays. No one else cares, at all. We want action. If you and Gallups are going to dick around – fuck you.

    “I’m not living in a Totalitarian Society. You’re making that possible because you are sitting on that “Universe Shattering” information under your own ridiculous guidelines and are unwilling to tell America you’re as evil as those oppressing everyone else.

    Yeah Joe, I mean you.”


  19. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Knowing who Falcon is won’t change the fact that he’s a colossal asshole in the least.

  20. Lupin says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    BSE, unlike Falcon, shares almost no personal information; however, I don’t see him as any worse than Falcon. They are two peas in a pod.

    I beg to differ. I think BSE is much worse than Falcon. His Sandy Hook delusions are vile beyond words.

    Falcon is a bully and an idiot; BSE (if he is not trolling) is evil.

  21. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    My girlfriend’s nickname is “Notorious BG” but I can vouch for her not being Falcon. 😉

  22. Bovril says:


    BirdBrain was plainly on somethjing last night. drrnk. medicayed, or high, not too sure but an epic dribble, drivel and rant to put it mildly…


    ★FALCON★141p · 8 hours ago

    Who read yesterdays’ Matrix Report? That’s the report on each and everyone of us. Oh yeah, there’s a score card of everyone that denotes your threat level to the NWO. Thanks again Cloud. You bastard. All I wanted was my nude pictures posted and you do this and that. I swear, that’s the last time I trust Bill Gates with my banking information and my nude selfies.

    I sleep like an angel knowing I’m behind Arpaio, Zullo and Joe Mannix for a drone attack and extinguishing everyone in the house. Mannix’s mutton chops are obviously a target of the NWO. Obviously. Whose laughing now Mannix.

    And Western Signal – you suck. But you knew that. I’m just making the point for everyone else that hates your guts and your crap drives.

    I booby trapped the front door, the back door and the dog door, and I don’t even have a dog. Try coming through that door and see what happens. Harry Reid looks like a Beauty Queen compared to what’s gonna happen if you show up at my house.

    Joe Mannix 91p · 7 hours ago

    Of whom is laughing now?

    ★FALCON★141p · 7 hours ago

    Maybe you should focus and not be the aim of ridicule.

    ★FALCON★141p · 7 hours ago

    I like how you appeared after months of no regard to comment on my comment. You’re proving your detractors right.

    Want more?

    ★FALCON★141p · 7 hours ago

    Let’s go Mannix – I’ll stay up all night and bang you for all your ‘dithering’.

    Let’s go Bro. You want to fuck around for years on end – let’s go. Let everyone know why you’re dicking around while we’re waiting.

    ★FALCON★141p · 7 hours ago

    Twice in two days Mannix commented my posts. He didn’t post for months. And he wants special dispensation for lack of commenting while failing us all.

    Mannix – move your ass for a change. Make things happen and not be a huge pussy for once in your life.

    Immorality awaits.

    ★FALCON★141p · 7 hours ago

    I’m not feeling real confidant that anything will happen with that pussified reply from ‘you know who’. Some posters are better relegated to internet circle jerks.

    I’m starting to be embarrassed that I defended you.

    ★FALCON★141p · 6 hours ago

    Here’s where I’m at – I don’t care about Carl Gallups and his boring Freedom Fridays. No one else cares, at all. We want action. If you and Gallups are going to dick around – fuck you.

    I’m not living in a Totalitarian Society. You’re making that possible because you are sitting on that “Universe Shattering” information under your own ridiculous guidelines and are unwilling to tell America you’re as evil as those oppressing everyone else.

    Yeah Joe, I mean you.

    ★FALCON★141p · 6 hours ago

    Now you know. Stop fucking around and do your civic duty. There’s two choices for you Joe –

    Monumental Dildo


    Saved America.

    I’ll be here to record either. My record is clear – I’ll write your history.

    Stop fucking around and get this done.

    When I was at UVA there no cowards. Seems you’re ducking your responsibilities.

  23. In case you missed ★FALCON★’s drunken ranting on BR last night Foggy screen grabbed it to post at the Fogbow this morning.He goes off on “Joe Mannix” (whom he thinks to be Zullo) and even Joe Arpaio.

  24. Bovril says:

    I posted it RC, still in moderation as Dirty Bird used dirty words in his tirade….

  25. Arthur says:

    Birdboy declaimed, “I booby trapped the front door, the back door and the dog door, and I don’t even have a dog. Try coming through that door and see what happens.”

    Who does he think he is? The “Home Alone” kid?

  26. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Reality Check:
    In case you missed ★FALCON★’s drunken ranting on BR last night Foggy screen grabbed it to post at the Fogbow this morning.He goes off on “Joe Mannix” (whom he thinks to be Zullo) and even Joe Arpaio.

    Falcon going off his trolley turned out to be just as entertaining as I hoped it would!

  27. Jim says:

    It’s as I always suspected, bird-brain is more a danger to himself than anyone else. Hope he doesn’t forget he booby-trapped the toilet too! 😆

  28. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    It’s as I always suspected, bird-brain is more a danger to himself than anyone else.Hope he doesn’t forget he booby-trapped the toilet too!

    I doubt he could booby trap something if his life depended on it. I’m curious to see just how much he’s damaged his reputation, in the eyes of his Gerbil Report fan base. If his supporters turn their backs on him, It’ll completely alter the social dynamic there. A bully’s only as powerful as his entourage.

  29. bgansel9 says:

    Apparently “Any Day Now” doesn’t work anymore. Birthers are losing hope. I wonder, will this speed up the grieving process so they can finally accept reality or will people like Falcon take the psycho route instead? Sounds like Falcon’s already headed towards the latter.

  30. Lupin says:

    Arthur: Birdboy declaimed, “I booby trapped the front door, the back door and the dog door, and I don’t even have a dog. Try coming through that door and see what happens.”

    Placing a smoking turd on your welcome mat does not constitute a booby trap, I think.

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m honestly surprised Gerbil Report’s admin hasn’t scrubbed Falcon’s outbursts from the site. He’s all about preserving the illusion of a strong united front. Can’t let the truth out that all is not well in the house of GR.

  32. Slartibartfast says:

    Bovril: [quoting birdbrain]: Oh yeah, there’s a score card of everyone that denotes your threat level to the NWO.

    So there’s a file somewhere with an entry on each and every birther saying that they are no threat whatsoever?

  33. Jim says:

    Slartibartfast: So there’s a file somewhere with an entry on each and every birther saying that they are no threat whatsoever?

    Yep…filed under “Nutjobs”

  34. truxton spangler says:

    This could be a sea change, indeed.

    Usually when someone laments the lack of “universe shattering” information released or demands immediate action by the CCP they are slapped down by the regulars with with comments about “ongoing criminal investigations” and “sorry that Zullo doesn’t work on your timetable.”

    Of course, no one over there would dare say such things to Falcon.

    Maybe step one is getting impatient with the CCP and step two is realizing that the CCP has got nothing and is never going release anything.

    Who knows where they’ll finally end up, they could join the rest of us in reality, and look back in embarrassment at their birtherism.

  35. Arthur says:

    Lupin: Placing a smoking turd on your welcome mat does not constitute a booby trap, I think.

    For goodness sake, Lupin, don’t give him any ideas. Think of the UPS man!

  36. Arthur says:

    truxton spangler: Maybe step one is getting impatient with the CCP and step two is realizing that the CCP has got nothing and is never going release anything.

    Step three must be getting drunk on malt liquor and Robitussin and spilling your heart out on Gerbil Report.

  37. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    truxton spangler: Who knows where they’ll finally end up, they could join the rest of us in reality, and look back in embarrassment at their birtherism.

    I think ending up as like john is the most likely destination for birthers like Falcon.
    Broken and defeated, but despite admitting Zullo has nothing, continue arguing what they’ll admit is a “purely academic” debate, in the hopes of somehow salvaging some sliver of vindication, all the while continuing to proclaim their hate for the US Constitution with their words and actions.
    Without his bluster, Falcon is less than nothing.

    As for rejoining us in reality, I would never welcome those turds back to sanity. I would constantly be reminding them of their vitriolic mocking of Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing victims. I would never let them live it down. They up and realize they wasted almost a decade of their life on a quixotic quest? Good for them. That doesn’t excuse their behavior in the least.

  38. Where’s the Like button?

    Arthur: Step three must be getting drunk on malt liquor and Robitussin and spilling your heart out on Gerbil Report.

  39. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Where’s the Like button?

    You should get on the Webmaster’s case about adding one. 😉

    Arthur: Step three must be getting drunk on malt liquor and Robitussin and spilling your heart out on Gerbil Report.

    That was definitely quote of the day material!

  40. If it weren’t Lent, I would reply to Falcon over at Birther Report:

    Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo are not the problem for stalling and not producing anything.

    You are the problem, and by “you” I mean the commenters at Birther Report, the birther litigants, the birther “image experts,” the birther attorneys, the birther dentists, the birther bloggers, WorldNetDaily, the birther detectives, the birther armchair Constitutional scholars, and all the rest of you. None of you have done anything or come up with anything.

    You’re all a big zero and equally to blame for your collective 7 years of failure.

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    If it weren’t Lent, I would reply to Falcon over at Birther Report:

    Sheriff Arpaio and Mike Zullo are not the problem for stalling and not producing anything.

    You are the problem, and by “you” I mean the commenters at Birther Report, the birther litigants, the birther “image experts,” the birther attorneys, the birther dentists, the birther bloggers, WorldNetDaily, the birther detectives, the birther armchair Constitutional scholars, and all the rest of you. None of you have done anything or come up with anything.

    You’re all a big zero and equally to blame for your collective 7 years of failure.

    Good one. Birthers are their own worst enemies. Speaking of lent, I’ve been pondering giving up Rifftrax, as that’ll be a tough one to follow through on.

  42. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: You’re all a big zero and equally to blame for your collective 7 years of failure.

    Not a complete failure. They did contribute quite a bit of money. Isn’t that what the entire game was about?

  43. Jim says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: If it weren’t Lent, I would reply to Falcon over at Birther Report:

    When the lightbulb (dim as it may be) finally goes off on the BR hate-mongers on Jan 20, 2017 I will have a single comment to be left there…


  44. We had up down buttons a long time ago. My guess is that they conflicted with some other plug in.

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: You should get on the Webmaster’s case about adding one

  45. Slartibartfast says:

    As I recall, you removed them when you redecorated your website and changed from your original theme because they were becoming a performance issue.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    We had up down buttons a long time ago. My guess is that they conflicted with some other plug in.

  46. roadburner says:

    Jim: When the lightbulb (dim as it may be) finally goes off on the BR hate-mongers on Jan 20, 2017 I will have a single comment to be left there…


    on that day, expect BR to be down for `maintainence and upgrades’

    if it isn’t, i’ll be right there beside you with an economy sized bag of gloat


  47. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Jim: When the lightbulb (dim as it may be) finally goes off on the BR hate-mongers on Jan 20, 2017 I will have a single comment to be left there…


    If there is a lightbulb that goes off it would explode because of bad filaments and the site would cease to exist.

  48. UpGradedd says:

    Google images has a feature that lets you search for images that are on the web. Just click the camera icon in Google Images.

    Search by image
    Paste image URL
    Upload an image

    Sluffy1 photoshopped this one.

  49. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    Jim: When the lightbulb (dim as it may be) finally goes off on the BR hate-mongers on Jan 20, 2017 I will have a single comment to be left there…


    I think it will all end with the most stubborn birthers, the ones who will stay in it until the very end aka Inauguration Day 2017, will limp off into the distance after declaring some nonsense about how the end is coming and they’ll be proven right all along, right before fading away into the internet, never to be heard from again.

    I also predict that Zullo will be labelled an Obot disinformation agent, who was put there to discredit and sabotage the birther movement at every turn.

  50. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    roadburner: on that day, expect BR to be down for `maintainence and upgrades’

    BIRTHER will be retconned to be an acronym for Barack’s Ineligibility Resounds Through Hillary’s Evil Reign and continue in some variation of “no President can legally follow an ineligible President until the latter has been indicted”.

  51. Benji Franklin says:

    Jim: When the lightbulb (dim as it may be) finally goes off on the BR hate-mongers on Jan 20, 2017…

    Wrong, sadly. There has never been a Birther lightbulb shedding light on any part of the Constitution or our legal system, apart from insidiously demonstrating the nation’s tolerance for eccentrics and political malcontents continuously abusing many of the legal rights we all have under the Constitution.

    Indeed, figuratively,the Birther phenomenon is more like a kind of legal light-ABSORBING diode projecting darkness in all directions past the stark reality of Obama’s eligibility, but paradoxically unable to create for Obots OR Birthers, a shadow of doubt.

    They will be at the Obama Presidential Library, hopefully for several generations, so attendees there will perpetually understand the naming of the single exhibit devoted to this unseemly cult, the “Birther Pay Toilet”.

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